Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan Volume 1 Chapter 18

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As mentioned in the last post, translations for Villain Rehab Plan will stop after I finish vol. 1, and here’s the poll to gauge future interest. If you could reply, that’d be great. Alternatively, if there aren’t replies, then that’s also a reply in its own sense.

To clarify a bit, detailed summaries would be my paraphrasing plus the occasional direct translation of scenes I feel are very important/personally liked a lot.

Chapter 18:

As if afraid Ling Xia wasn’t shocked enough, the disciple who led him here stood nearby and compa.s.sionlessly added, “Evening Mist Herbs must be watered with the spiritually abundant water from the Radiant Healing Spring at the top of the mountain, and ordinary water will not do. Remember that a single stalk of Evening Mist Herb needs one ladle of water, no more, no less.”

Ling Xia looked at the discontent face of the supervising disciple nearby, hurriedly bent over, and attentively started watering. One of the hobbies of his stay-at-home life was raising plants and flowers, and there were at least ten different potted plants sitting on his balcony at home. One could smell a natural fragrance coming from this Evening Mist Herb, green, lush, and extremely pleasing. Ling Xia gradually became more interested, however, by the time both buckets were empty, he hadn’t even finished watering a single row.

Ling Xia straightened his back and wiped his sweat. The other disciples were also bustling around the medicinal field, some weeding and some planting seeds. In contrast, that overseeing manager Guang XuZi was quite carefree, sitting in a pavilion far away, drinking tea and eating refreshments, looking entirely like a stereotypical, extremely evil chief foreman, and Ling Xia inwardly raised his middle finger at him.

Helwent back andlforth a few times like this, and before long, it was noon. LinglXia’s clothes were completely drenched and his strength was entirely spent, but that patch of herbs was only watered one tenth of the way.

The lunch bell rangiand the other disciples all went to wash their handslas Ling Xia rubbedlhisiempty stomach withiajbitter look. A supervising disciple pa.s.sed by, saw himjstandingjstill, and immediately frownediasihe bellowed, “Hurry it up! Unless youjfinish,ldon’t evenjthinklabout eating for the rest of!the day!”

Ling Xia could only swallow his anger in silence and carry the empty buckets back up the mountain. In any case, those people all left to eat and there was a small river near the spring, so he planned to secretly catch some fish to roast and feed himself.

Next to that river,jLingiXia rolled up!his!pants!andijumpedldown. This body’slreflexeslwere pretty good, and verylquickly,jhelcaught.i.twojfoot-long gra.s.s carps.!It’sjjust,!the!taskjof!roasting thejfis.h.i.+waslusually doneiby!SongiXiaoHu, andlLing Xiaiwasn‘tjevenlfamiliariwithihow!tolstart a fire.jOnlyiafterigreatjdifficulty didihe!get!a fireigoing,lbutlthen!he keptjcoughingifrom chokingionlthe!smoke, andlin the end,lboth fishjwerelburnt.!

Ling Xia ate one without registering the taste, unable to hold back the occasional groan. He had thought that he generally looked after of those two kids quite well, but in hindsight, the one being taken care of was actually himself… …

Right at this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded from behind. Startled, Ling Xia turned around and saw that some distance below, Yuan Hui and another disciple called Yuan Ming were currently walking towards him, and he frantically stood up in a rush. A flash of white light appeared before his eyes, the fish in his hand vanished, and that strange, small animal then speedily jumped into the bushes and disappeared.

Ling Xia paused a beat, then poured water to douse out the fire in haste. Nevertheless, it was already too late, and Yuan Ming’s sharp eyes had spotted the remnant ashes on the ground. Without a moment’s delay, he yelled from afar, “How insolent! Daring to even steal and secretly eat food!”

By the timejLing!Xia followed thoseitwo and descendedithelmountain, Guang XuZijhad already satjinifrontjof the!mainihall’s front doors foriquitejsomeltime,iwearing!a grim expressionlwith!crossed legs.lThe few dozen Immortal WelcomingjPavilionjdisciples were!also all standing insidelthejcourtyard,!as!if!they already knew about Ling Xia’s “secretlylstealing food”iincident. Perhaps!YuanlHui!hadiused!a communicationitalismanjtojinform!them ofjthe matterjwhilelonlthelwaylhere.j

Seeing the three of them return, Guang XuZi heavily slammed his tea cup on the table and sneered, “Wonderful, just wonderful! My Immortal Welcoming Pavilion has never had such a daring and presumptuous disciple before! Do you know what this Immortal Welcoming Pavilion’s thirteenth sect rule is?”

Ling!Xia wasjforced to kneel on the ground, his heartjawfully sullen, and!hearing this, he raisedihis head,llookedldirectlyjat Guang XuZi, and answered,j“This disciple only arrivediyesterday and does not yetlknowlthe sect rules, nor did anylof the seniorjbrothers offer their guidance, and thus can only trouble Martialluncleltolplease enlighten me.”

Guang XuZi gave ajsharp laugh aslhe huffed, “Ohh, so you feel wronged, though I suppose that I, as your martial uncle, is partially to blame here.jYuan Xin, why don’t youirecite theithirteenthisect rule forlyourjJunior brotheriLing, so as to let himiengrave it into his heart.”

A younglman around twenty years old stepped forward, and as expected, he had a loud and clear voice. Precisely enunciating each and everyiword, he quoted, “Those disrespecting the elders are to be conferred thirty!strokes.”

LingiXiajgave!a!start,jhis facelimmediately!paling. Originally,jhe thought!this!wouldibejresolvediby beingjforcedjtolcopyithe!sectirules. The protagonistjhad been punished herejbefore,jand eachitime,jit was somejfromjoflexcessive manual labor whilelonce, itiwasjto transcribe theisectirules. BecauseiSonglXiaoHu wasiilliterate, his inexperiencedlandiblind copying didn’t.i.turn outlwell,iso Ling Xiairemembered this!section oflthejnoveljveryiclearly.i
The more this translation gets reposted, the less motivation I have to translate.
f.u.c.k, why was it that when it came to his turn, the punishment changed to getting one’s b.u.t.t walloped! This accursed fate of mob characters!

Ling Xialwaslfull!oflmisery,iandjin the present circ.u.mstances,jtoughing itjoutiwouldijustjleadjto morejsuffering.jAfterjall, whatjfell under!theiumbrellaiof ‘disrespectingithe elders’ variedigreatlyjdepending on interpretation…iHelswiftly loweredjhis headiand implored!inialmeekerltone, “This discipleiislunintelligent, and will never dareitojagain! I willjdefinitelyikeepiMartialiuncle’s teachings in mindjand asklfor guidance fromithe seniorjbrothers more often,!never tolforget!the sect rules, never tolmakelanother mistake!”j

Guang XuZi let out a pleased chuckle. In any case, this weak young boy will probably be dead, if not crippled, after receiving thirty strokes, and all in all, this was only his second day, so he would be hard pressed to explain that to his superiors when the time came. But, he had privately accepted 2000 energy coins from Xu Yan, so he couldn’t simply drop this matter either… …

Putting on an act, he coughed once, then declared in a benevolent tone, “Considering your immaturity and on account of this being your first offense, I will reduce your punishment by half. Yuan Ming, Yuan Hui, what are you still dawdling around for?”

A wooden bench had already been pulled out and placed behind Ling Xia. Glancing at the two thick, wooden clubs leaning next to it, he took in a deep breath, and then slowly lied down on his stomach on top of the bench. f.u.c.k! Sooner or later, he will have his revenge!

Yuan Hui stuffed a small, round wooden stick inside Ling Xia’s mouth and whispered, “Junior brother Ling, pardon me.” He knew that Guang XuZi was bribed and was deliberately making things difficult for Ling Xia, but this didn’t concern himself, and it was also inconvenient to be loose tongued. On top of that, the bribe-giver was this sect’s famous sword cultivating elder Mo YuanZi’s disciple, someone he couldn’t afford to offend even more than Guang XuZi. He could only lament that this youngster was too unlucky, provoking such a malicious and troublesome guy as soon as he arrived…

Ling!Xialhad watched a lot of dramas andjmovies, and knew that this stickiwasito prevent onelfrom biting one’s tongue when lost in thelthroes ofjexcruciating pain. He smiledlat!Yuan Huijas his heartiwildly pounded up and down,jand wordlesslyibit down.jf.u.c.k! Why wasn’t he ajjMC?!

When thejfirst strokelfell,jLing Xia’s entire back jerked upwards. Tears involuntarily gushed out, and a wordless,lblood-curdling scream cloggediin his throat as his!bodylstarted to trembleiuncontrollably!

f.u.c.k, this hurtsilike h.e.l.l!lWhenihelwas naughty asja kid,ihe hadlbeenispanked!by his old man, butjcompared tojthis,lthat wasjakin!to being gently caressedifml!

Before he could finish reeling from the initial pain, the second, and then the third stroke heavily fell one after another!

LinglXia subconsciously!archedihislback, wanting to evade, butlsomeone firmly!securedlhimlin place aslthosejwooden clubsjcontinuedjtolfall again and again,jstrikingjhis b.u.t.t,jhisjlegs,iand very!soon,lthejclothes onjhisibackiwerejstainedjred withlblood.!

By the time the fifteenth stroke fell, Ling Xia’s face wasjwhitelasla sheet!and his entirejbody was soaking wet, looking as if heiwas just fished up from underwater,leyes blurryiand unfocused while injso much agonylthat he couldionlyisilentlylgasp for air. Despite this, he still hadjto struggle and getiup, prostrate with difficulty towards Guang!XuZi, and pay!his respects. “Many thanks for Martial!uncle’s guidance!”

Just watch,jI‘llj“thank”!allleighteenjgenerations ofjyour family!l

Guang XuZi nodded in satisfaction, waving his hand as he ordered, “Yes, as long as you remember. Properly recuperate in the firewood shed these next few days, and once your wounds have healed, you can chop firewood for the time being.”

Luckily, twolpeopleiheldjhim up!by his armsjandisent himjback.jThese!two were alsoinewjdisciples!that hadjentered with Ling Xia,!andiseeing hisjwreckedjstate, inevitably felt!sympathetic duejtoltheirlsimilarjstatuses,iandieven pouredjhim a!bowl!ofiwarm water.l

Ling Xia only felt lightheaded, his whole body in unbearable torment. Sprawled on his bed, he licked his dry, cracked lips, drank the water in one gulp, and expressed his thanks towards those two in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

By the time only Ling Xia remained in the firewood shed, he couldn’t resist gnawing his lips and letting out a few painful wheezes of breath.

He didn’t need to inspect the extent of his injuries, since his dark blue clothes had been dyed closer to a puce red. He was also afraid of the bloodstained cloth drying and clinging to his wounds, making it harder to deal with later, and in any case, Immortal Welcoming Pavilion only had guys. He wasn’t afraid of losing face, so he stripped off his ruined clothes and threw them aside at once, exposing his brutally beaten and grisly backside.

Fortunately, aibit oflthe!medicine FengiLuolhadlbestowed fromibefore was stilljleft,iandjenduringlthe agony,ihe laboriously applied itjonihimself,land somehow,lbetween theldizziness andjpain,iheifell asleep.!

Except, he couldn’tjescapelevenjinihisisleeplaslnightmares!plaguedjhimibylturns. His whole!body burned as iflhejwasiset ablaze,jandjeverylpant seemed to scaldlhis!throat.j

During this period, Guang XuZi was also afraid of Ling Xia dying for real, so he dispatched people to deliver some medicine. Ling Xia drank everything without saying a word, muddle-headedly flopping back down as soon as he finished. These medicine were far inferior to what Feng Luo gave, their effectiveness merely so-so.

Not knowing how manyidays had pa.s.sed in a blur of haziness and vertigo, Ling Xialopenedihis blurry eyes and habitually reachedjforltheibowl ofjwater next to his head. After groping around a fewltimes, someone quickly placed!the bowl into his hands.j

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Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan Volume 1 Chapter 18 summary

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