• Tokinori Rinne!
  • Tokinori Rinne!

  • Author(s) : Seino Sei
  • Genres : Action - Adventure - Slice Of Life - Supernatural
  • Status : ongoing
  • View : 7,451
  • Rating :

    NovelZec.com Rate : 0.27/ 5 - 116 Votes

  • Tokinori Rinne! Summary:

    Timeriders can freeze time for one second for every 200,000 words they read. Neat trick, wouldn’t you say? But what happens when they stop reading? Pretty much what happens when a normal human being stops eating.
    Tokinori Rinne follows the spon­taneous summer adventures of a chipper group of kids, led by Rinne Mitsukuri Meyerhold, a human / timerider hybrid, and Kodaka Kusumoto, her next-door neighbor. Nothing can go wrong there, right? Right…?
    Well… for starters, Rinne really hates reading.