• The Hunter Under The Tree Of Origin
  • The Hunter Under The Tree Of Origin

  • Author(s) : Mu Guan - 牧官
  • Genres : Action - Adventure - Fantasy - Mystery - Sci-Fi - Supernatural
  • Status : ongoing
  • View : 40,529
  • Rating :

    NovelZec.com Rate : 0.27/ 5 - 116 Votes

  • The Hunter Under The Tree Of Origin Summary:

    w.a.n.g Ji was revived in the summer of 2017. After waking up, he realized that his brain has a part missing. An unknown short message warned him that a Destroyer, which could destroy human civilization easily, had taken root and sprouted. This civilized world was coming to an end. He was the only person who could stop it, and he had only less than 18 hours. The Item Support from other worlds were the keys to save this world. They were being disguised as clues and were dropped into the city w.a.n.g Ji lived. Ninjutsu artifacts, a.s.sa.s.sin features, and magical items from the black market had been dropped into w.a.n.g Ji’s world, to help him fight against the disasters from unknown s.p.a.ce. After reviving into this world, w.a.n.g Ji wasn’t an ordinary person anymore. He would become an unprecedented hunter in the history of the whole world!