• Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes
  • Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes

  • Author(s) : Dǎ Gǒu De Xiǎo Baozi - 打狗的小包子
  • Genres : Action - Fantasy - Horror - Martial Arts - Sci-Fi - Shounen Ai
  • Status : ongoing
  • View : 41,137
  • Read First Chapter : Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes Prologue
  • Read Latest Chapter : Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes Chapter 8
  • Rating :

    NovelZec.com Rate : 0.26/ 5 - 117 Votes

  • Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes Summary:

    As the mad researcher in a tattered white coat activated the self-destruction device, Qin Luo knew that this time, there was no escape. He was well aware of the destructive power of the self-destruction device. Even if he is genetically inborn with an independent s.p.a.ce, it is impossible to use the power of his s.p.a.ce to resolve against such a terrible explosion. His only end would be a torn s.p.a.ce and the crushed bones. On an unrecognizable earth rampant with zombies and mutant creatures, this end is good. Death is far better than living… With a skull splitting headache he opened his eyes to find himself reborn in the year before the apocalypse happened. Is this a joke!!! Is this a chance for him to be prepared to combat the apocalypse? Is G.o.d not satisfied with all the bitterness he had went through and would enjoy watching him suffer once more?

Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth's Vast Changes Chapters