• Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation
  • Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation

  • Author(s) : Yu-Ri
  • Genres : Updating
  • Status : ongoing
  • View : 39,241
  • Read First Chapter : Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation Chapter 1 Part1
  • Read Latest Chapter : Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation Chapter 4 Part9
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    NovelZec.com Rate : 0.27/ 5 - 116 Votes

  • Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation Summary:

    I, Ookami Yukine.A girl who has been hospitalized for a long time since a child due to severe pain from unknown cause.When I realized, I was already dead.I learned this after I died, but the cause of the sever pain was enormous magical power generated in my body! No one in the hospital would know this.With that, even if I was reborn on earth, the same thing will repeat itself, so the G.o.d of earth asked the other world’s G.o.d to take my soul.Then, when I asked the other world’s G.o.d, the other world is full of monster!? She’s cruel, right!? Because a weakling like me is going to live there, I made a wish to the G.o.d! So, what I wished was granted but, my race was changed to demon…Well, I’m grateful for this body, right? Thanks to G.o.d that I will not die in another world! Eh? The tone is different with the beginning of the story? I think that I lose my temper midway, but this kind of tone is right, don’t you think? Sometimes, I go back using the tone.For the time being. my goal is not to die in another world! My dream is to travel everywhere richly and enjoying beautiful scenery of the other world!

Yukine-chan's Other World Reincarnation Chapters