• Endless Journey: Infinite Realms
  • Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

  • Author(s) : Kcgrabin
  • Genres : Action - Fantasy - Mystery
  • Status : Ongoing
  • View : 442,008
  • Read First Chapter : Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 1 It's a Cold, Snowy Night.
  • Read Latest Chapter : Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 793 - The Heavens always dictates
  • Rating :

    NovelZec.com Rate : 0.26/ 5 - 118 Votes

  • Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Summary:

    After all the things that he had done in his life, Alex realized that it was already his time to die.
    But a sudden encounter with a weird person will turn his whole life around.
    And his life just became weirder after that.
    "You are an Esper? Then come and taste my saber!"
    "You are a Daoist? Then come and taste my fist!"
    "You are a Genie? Well, can you grant me infinite wishes?"
    Everyone shall witness Alex's rise on his endless journey!

Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapters