The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 7

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In the deep discovery of the Subterranean world, a shallow part would satisfie some enquirers; who, if two or three yards were open about the surface, would not care to wrack the bowels of _Potosi_,[1] regions towards the Centre. Nature hath furnished one part of the Earth, and man another. The treasures of time lie high, in Urnes, Coynes, and Monuments, scarce below the roots of some vegetables. Time hath endlesse rarities, and shows of all varieties; which reveals old things in heaven, makes new discoveries in earth, and even earth it self a discovery. That great antiquity _America_ lay buried for thousands of years; and a large part of the earth is still in the Urne unto us.

[1] _The rich mountain of Peru._

Though if _Adam_ were made out of an extract of the Earth, all parts might challenge a rest.i.tution, yet few have returned their bones far lower then they might receive them; not affecting the graves of Giants under hilly and heavy coverings, but content with lesse then their own depth, have wished their bones might lie soft, and the earth be light upon them; Even such as hope to rise again, would not be content with central interrment, or so desperately to place their reliques as to lie beyond discovery, and in no way to be seen again; which happy contrivance hath made communication with our forefathers, and left unto our view some parts, which they never beheld themselves.

Though earth hath engrossed the name yet water hath proved the smartest grave; which in fourty dayes swallowed almost mankinde, and the living creation; Fishes not wholly escaping, except the salt Ocean were handsomly contempered by a mixture of the fresh Element.

Many have taken voluminous pains to determine the state of the soul upon disunion; but men have been most phantastical in the singular contrivances of their corporall dissolution: whilest the soberest Nations have rested in two wayes, of simple inhumation and burning.

That carnal interrment or burying, was of the elder date, the old examples of _Abraham_ and the Patriarches are sufficient to ill.u.s.trate; And were without compet.i.tion, if it could be made out, that _Adam_ was buried near _Damascus_, or Mount _Calvary_, according to some Tradition.

G.o.d himself that buried but one, was pleased to make choice of this way, collectible from Scripture-expression, and the hot contest between Satan and the Arch-Angel, about discovering the body of _Moses_. But the practice of Burning was also of great Antiquity, and of no slender extent. For (not to derive the same from _Hercules_) n.o.ble descriptions there are hereof in the Grecian Funerale of _Homer_, in the formal Obsequies of _Patroclus_, and _Achilles_; and somewhat elder in the _Theban_ war, and solemn combustion of _Meneceus_, and _Archemorus_, contemporary unto _Jair_ the Eighth Judge of _Israel_. Confirmable also among the _Trojans_, from the Funeral Pyre of _Hector_, burnt before the gates of _Troy_, and the burning[2] of _Penthisilea_ the _Amazonian Queen_: and long continuance of that practice in the inward Countries of _Asia_; while as low as the Reign of _Julian_, we finde that the King of _Chionia_[3] burnt the body of his Son, and interred the ashes in a silver Urne.

[2] _Q. Calaber lib._ 1.

[3] _Ammia.n.u.s Marcellinus, Gumbrates King of_ Chionia _a Countrey near_ Persia.

The same practice extended also far West,[4] and besides _Herulians_, _Getes_, and _Thracians_, was in use with most of the _Celtae_, _Sarmatians_, _Germans_, _Gauls_, _Danes_, _Swedes_, _Norwegians_; not to omit some use thereof among _Carthaginians_ and _Americans_: Of greater antiquity among the _Romans_ then most opinion, or _Pliny_ seems to allow. For (beside the old Table Laws of burning[5] or burying within the City, of making the Funeral fire with plained wood, or quenching the fire with wine) _Manlius_ the Consul burnt the body of his son: _Numa_ by special clause of his will, was not burnt but buried; And _Remus_ was solemnly buried, according to the description of _Ovid_.[6]

[4] _Arnoldis Montanis not in_ Caes. _Commentar. L. L. Gyraldus.


[5] _12 Tabul. part. 1 de jure sacro. Hominem mortuum in urbe ne sepelito, neve urito. tom. 2. Rogum ascia ne polito. to. 4 Item vigeneri Annottat in Livium, et Alex. ab Alex. c.u.m Tiraquello Roscinus c.u.m dempstero._

[6] _Ultima prolato subditu flamma rogo. De Fast. lib. 4. c.u.m Car.

Neapol. anaptyxi._

_Cornelius Sylla_ was not the first whose body was burned in _Rome_, but of the _Cornelian_ Family, which being indifferently, not frequently used before; from that time spread and became the prevalent practice.

Not totally pursued in the highest run of Cremation; For when even Crows were funerally burnt, _Poppaea_ the wife of _Nero_ found a peculiar grave enterment. Now as all customs were founded upon some bottom of Reason, so there wanted not grounds for this; according to several apprehensions of the most rational dissolution. Some being of the opinion of _Thales_, that water was the original of all things, thought it most equal to submit unto the principle of putrifaction, and conclude in a moist relentment. Others conceived it most natural to end in fire, as due unto the master principle in the composition, according to the doctrine of _Herac.l.i.tus_.

And therefore heaped up large piles, more actively to waft them toward that Element, whereby they also declined a visible degeneration into worms, and left a lasting parcel of their composition.

Some apprehended a purifying virtue in fire, refining the grosser commixture, and firing out the aethereal particles so deeply immersed in it. And such as by tradition or rational conjecture held any hint of the final pyre of all things; or that this Element at last must be too hard for all the rest; might conceive most naturally of the fiery dissolution. Others pretending no natural grounds, politickly declined the malice of enemies upon their buried bodies. Which consideration led _Sylla_ unto this practice; who having thus served the body of _Marius_, could not but fear a retaliation upon his own; entertained after in the Civil wars, and revengeful contentions of _Rome_.

But as many Nations embraced, and many left it indifferent, so others too much affected, or strictly declined this practice. The _Indian Brachmans_ seemed too great friends unto fire, who burnt themselves alive, and thought it the n.o.blest way to end their dayes in fire; according to the expression of the Indian, burning himself at _Athens_,[7] in his last words upon the pyre unto the amazed spectators, _Thus I make my self immortal_.

[7] _And therefore the Inscription of his Tomb was made accordingly._ Nic. Damasc.

But the _Chaldeans_ the great Idolaters of fire, abhorred the burning of their, as a polution of that Deity. The _Persian Magi_ declined it upon the like scruple, and being only solicitous about their bones, exposed their flesh to the prey of Birds and Dogs. And the _Persees_ now in _India_, which expose their bodies unto Vultures, and endure not so much as _feretra_ or Beers of Wood; the proper Fuell of fire, are led on with such nicities. But whether the ancient _Germans_ who burned their dead, held any such fear to pollute their Deity of _Herthus_, or the earth, we have no Authentick conjecture.

The aegyptians were afraid of fire, not as a Deity, but a devouring Element, mercilesly consuming their bodies, and leaving too little of them; and therefore by precious Embalments, depositure in dry earths, or handsome inclosure in, contrived the notablest wayes of integrall conservation. And from such aegyptian scruples imbibed by _Pythagoras_, it may be conjectured that _Numa_ and the Pythagorical Sect first waved the fiery solution.

The _Scythians_ who swore by winde and sword, that is, by life and death, were so far from burning their bodies, that they declined all interrment, and made their grave in the ayr: And the _Ichthyophagi_ or fish-eating Nations about aegypt, affected the Sea for their grave: Thereby declining visible corruption, and restoring the debt of their bodies. Whereas the old Heroes in _Homer_, dreaded nothing more than water or drowning; probably upon the old opinion of the fiery substance of the soul, onely extinguishable by that Element; And therfore the Poet emphatically implieth the total destruction in this kinde of death, which happened to _Ajax Oileus_.[8]

[8] _Which_ Magius _reads_ ??ap????e.

The old _Balearians_[9] had a peculiar mode, for they used great Urnes and much wood, but no fire in their burials; while they bruised the flesh and bones of the dead, crowded them into Urnes, and laid heaps of wood upon them. And the _Chinois_[10] without cremation or urnal interrment of their bodies, make use of trees and much burning, while they plant a Pine-tree by their grave, and burn great numbers of printed draughts of slaves and horses over it, civilly content with their companies in effigie, which barbarous Nations exact unto reality.

[9] Diodorus Siculus.

[10] Ramusius _in_ Navigat.

Christians abhorred this way of obsequies, and though they stickt not to give their bodies to be burnt in their lives, detested that mode after death; affecting rather a depositure than absumption, and properly submitting unto the sentence of G.o.d, to return not unto ashes but unto dust again, conformable unto the practice of the Patriarches, the interrment of our Saviour, of _Peter_, _Paul_, and the ancient Martyrs.

And so far at last declining promiscuous enterrment with Pagans, that some[11] have suffered Ecclesiastical censures, for making no scruple thereof.

[11] _Martialis the Bishop._ Cyprian.

The _Musselman_ beleevers will never admit this fiery resolution. For they hold a present trial from their black and white Angels in the grave; which they must have made so hollow, that they may rise upon their knees.

The Jewish Nation, though they entertained the old way of inhumation, yet sometimes admitted this practice. For the men of _Jabesh_ burnt the body of _Saul_. And by no prohibited practice to avoid contagion or pollution, in time of pestilence, burnt the bodies of their friends.[12]

And when they burnt not their dead bodies, yet sometimes used great burnings near and about them, deducible from the expressions concerning _Jehoram_, _Sedechias_, and the sumptuous pyre of Asa; And were so little averse from Pagan[13] burning, that the Jews lamenting the death of _Caesar_ their friend, and revenger on _Pompey_, frequented the place where his body was burnt for many nights together. And as they raised n.o.ble Monuments and _Mausolaeums_ for their own Nation,[14] so they were not scrupulous in erecting some for others, according to the practice of _Daniel_, who left that lasting sepulchral pyle in _Echbatana_, for the _Median_ and _Persian_ Kings.[15]

[12] _Amos_ 6. 10.

[13] _Sueton. in vita._ Jul. Caes.

[14] _As that magnificent sepulchral Monument erected by Simon.

Mach. 1. 13._

[15] ?atas???asa ?a?as??? pep???????, _whereof a Jewish Priest had alwayes the custody unto _Josephus _his dayes._ Jos. _Lib.

10. Antiq._

But even in times of subjection and hottest use, they conformed not unto the _Romane_ practice of burning; whereby the Prophecy was secured concerning the body of Christ, that it should not see corruption, or a bone should not be broken; which we beleeve was also providentially prevented, from the Souldiers spear and nailes that past by the little bones both in his hands and feet: Nor of ordinary contrivance, that it should not corrupt on the crosse, according to the Law of _Romane_ Crucifixion, or an hair of his head perish, though observable in Jewish customes, to cut the haires of Malefactors.

Nor in their long co-habitation with the aegyptians, crept into a custome of their exact embalming, wherein deeply slas.h.i.+ng the muscles, and taking out the braines and entrailes, they had broken the subject of so entire a Resurrection, nor fully answered the tipes of _Enoch_, _Eliah_, or _Jonah_, which yet to prevent or restore, was of equall facility unto that rising power, able to break the fasciations and bands of death, to get clear out of the Cere-cloth, and an hundred pounds of oyntment, and out of the Sepulchre before the stone was rolled from it.

But though they embraced not this practice of burning, yet entertained they many ceremonies agreeable unto _Greek_ and _Romane_ obsequies, And he that observeth their funeral Feasts, their Lamentations at the grave, their musick, and weeping mourners; how they closed the eyes of their friends, how they washed, anointed, and kissed the dead; may easily conclude these were not meer Pagan Civilities. But whether that mournful burthen, and treble calling out after _Absalom_, had any reference unto the last conclamation, and triple valediction, used by other nations, we hold but a wavering conjecture.

_Civilians_ make sepulture but of the Law of nations, others do naturally found it and discover it also in animals. They that are so thick skinned as still to credit the story of the _Phnix_, may say something for animal burning: More serious conjectures finde some examples of sepulture in Elephants, Cranes, the Sepulchral Cells of Pismires and practice of Bees; which civil society carrieth out their dead, and hath exequies, if not interrments.


The Solemnities, Ceremonies, Rites of their Cremation or enterrment, so solemnly delivered by Authours, we shall not disparage our Reader to repeat. Only the last and lasting part in their Urns, collected bones and Ashes, we cannot wholly omit, or decline that Subject, which occasion lately presented, in some discovered among us.

In a Field of old _Walsingham_, not many months past, were digged up between fourty and fifty Urnes, deposited in a dry and sandy soile, not a yard deep, nor far from one another: Not all strictly of one figure, but most answering these described; Some containing two pounds of bones, distinguishable in skulls, ribs, jawes, thigh-bones, and teeth, with fresh impressions of their combustion. Besides the extraneous substances, like peeces of small boxes, or combs handsomely wrought, handles of small instruments, brazen nippers, and in one some kinde of _Opale_.[16]

[16] _In one sent me by my worthy friend Dr._ Thomas Witherley _of_ Walsingham.

Near the same plot of ground, for about six yards were digged up coals and incinerated substances, which begat conjecture that this was the _Ustrina_ or place of burning their bodies, or some sacrificing place unto the _Manes_, which was properly below the surface of the ground, as the _Arae_ and _Altars_ unto the G.o.ds and _Heroes_ above it.

That these were the Urnes of _Romanes_ from the common custome and place where they were found, is no obscure conjecture, not far from a _Romane_ Garrison, and but five mile from _Brancaster_, set down by ancient Record under the name of _Brannodunum_. And where the adjoyning Town, containing seven Parishes, in no very different sound, but Saxon termination, still retaines the Name of _Burnham_, which being an early station, it is not improbable the neighbour parts were filled with habitations, either of _Romanes_ themselves, or _Brittains Romanised_, which observed the _Romane_ customes.

Nor is it improbable that the _Romanes_ early possessed this Countrey; for though we meet not with such strict particulars of these parts, before the new Inst.i.tution of _Constantine_, and military charge of the Count of the _Saxon_ sh.o.r.e, and that about the _Saxon_ Invasions, the _Dalmatian_ Hors.e.m.e.n were in the Garrison of _Brancaster_: Yet in the time of _Claudius Vespasian_, and _Severus_, we finde no lesse then three Legions dispersed through the Province of _Brittain_. And as high as the Reign of _Claudius_ a great overthrow was given unto the _Iceni_, by the _Romane_ Lieutenant _Ostorius_. Not long after the Countrey was so molested, that in hope of a better state _Prasatagus_ bequeathed his Kingdom unto _Nero_ and his Daughters; and _Boadicea_ his Queen fought the last decisive Battle with _Paulinus_. After which time and Conquest of _Agricola_ the Lieutenant of _Vespasian_, probable it is they wholly possessed this Countrey, ordering it into Garrisons or Habitations, best suitable with their securities. And so some _Romane_ habitations, not improbable in these parts, as high as the time of _Vespasian_, where the _Saxons_ after seated, in whose thin-fill'd Mappes we yet finde the Name of _Walsingham_. Now if the _Iceni_ were but _Gammadims_, _Anconians_, or men that lived in an Angle wedge or Elbow of _Brittain_, according to the Original Etymologie, this countrey will challenge the Emphatical appellation, as most properly making the Elbow or Iken of _Icenia_.

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