The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 33

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14. King _Mithridates_ his _Oneirocritica_.

Aristotle de _Precationibus_.

Democritus _de his quae fiunt apud Orc.u.m, et Oceani circ.u.mnavigatio_.

Epicurus _de Pietate_.

A Tragedy of _Thyestes_, and another of _Medea_, writ by _Diogenes_ the Cynick.

King _Alfred_ upon _Aristotle de Plantis_.

_Seneca's_ Epistles to S. _Paul_.

King _Solomon de Umbris Idaearum_, which _Chicus Asculaenus_, in his Comment upon _Johannes de Sacrobosco_, would make us believe he saw in the Library of the Duke of _Bavaria_.

15. Artemidori _Oneirocritici Geographia_.

Pythagoras _de Mari Rubro_.

The Works of _Confutius_ the famous Philosopher of _China_, translated into Spanish.

16. _Josephus_ in Hebrew, written by himself.

17. The Commentaries of _Sylla_ the Dictatour.

18. A Commentary of _Galen_ upon the Plague of _Athens_ described by _Thucydides_.

19. _Duo Caesaris Anti-Catones_, or the two notable Books writ by _Julius Caesar_ against _Cato_; mentioned by _Livy_, _Sal.u.s.tius_ and _Juvenal_; which the Cardinal of _Liege_ told _Ludovicus Vives_ were in an old Library of that City.

_Mazhapha Einok_, or, the Prophecy of _Enoch_, which _aegidius Lochiensis_, a learned Eastern Traveller, told _Peireschius_ that he had found in an old Library at _Alexandria_ containing eight thousand Volumes.

20. A Collection of Hebrew Epistles, which pa.s.sed between the two learned Women of our age _Maria Molinea_ of _Sedan_, and _Maria Schurman_ of _Utrecht_.

A wondrous Collection of some Writings of _Ludovica Saracenica_, Daughter of _Philibertus Saracenicus_ a Physician of _Lyons_, who at eight years of age had made a good progress in the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Tongues.

2. Rarities in Pictures.

1. A picture of the three remarkable Steeples or Towers in _Europe_ built purposely awry and so as they seem falling. _Torre Pisana_ at _Pisa_, _Torre Garisenda_ in _Bononia_, and that other in the City of _Colein_.

2. A Draught of all sorts of Sistrums, Crotaloes, Cymbals, Tympans, _etc._ in use among the Ancients.

3. Large _Submarine_ Pieces, well delineating the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the Prerie or large Sea-meadow upon the Coast of _Provence_, the Coral Fis.h.i.+ng, the gathering of Sponges, the Mountains, Valleys and Desarts, the Subterraneous Vents and Pa.s.sages at the bottom of that Sea. Together with a lively Draught of _Cola Pesce_, or the famous Sicilian Swimmer, diving into the _Voragos_ and broken Rocks by _Charybdis_, to fetch up the Golden Cup, which _Frederick_, King of _Sicily_, had purposely thrown into that Sea.

4. A Moon Piece, describing that notable Battel between _Axalla_, General of _Tamerlane_, and _Camares_ the Persian, fought by the light of the Moon.

5. Another remarkable Fight of _Inghimmi_ the Florentine with the Turkish Galleys by Moon-light, who being for three hours grappled with the _Basha_ Galley, concluded with a signal Victory.

6. A delineation of the great Fair of _Almachara_ in _Arabia_, which, to avoid the great heat of the Sun, is kept in the Night, and by the light of the Moon.

7. A Snow Piece, of Land and Trees covered with Snow and Ice, and Mountains of Ice floating in the Sea, with Bears, Seals, Foxes, and variety of rare Fowls upon them.

8. An Ice Piece describing the notable Battel between the Jaziges and the Romans, fought upon the frozen _Danubius_, the Romans settling one foot upon their Targets to hinder them from slipping, their fighting with the Jaziges when they were fallen, and their advantages therein by their art in volutation and rolling contention or wrastling, according to the description of _Dion_.

9. _Socia_, or a Draught of three persons notably resembling each other.

Of King _Henry_ the Fourth of _France_, and a Miller of _Languedock_; of _Sforza_ Duke of _Milain_ and a Souldier; of _Malatesta_ Duke of _Rimini_ and _Marchesinus_ the Jester.

10. A Picture of the great Fire which happened at _Constantinople_ in the Reign of _Sultan Achmet_. The Janizaries in the mean time plundring the best Houses, Ba.s.sa_ the Vizier riding about with a Cimetre in one hand and a Janizary's Head in the other to deter them; and the Priests attempting to quench the Fire, by Pieces of _Mahomet's_ s.h.i.+rt dipped in holy Water and thrown into it.

11. A Night Piece of the dismal Supper and strange Entertain of the Senatours by _Domitian_, according to the description of _Dion_.

12. A Vestal Sinner in the Cave with a Table and a Candle.

13. An Elephant dancing upon the Ropes with a _Negro_ Dwarf upon his Back.

14. Another describing the mighty Stone falling from the Clouds into _aegospotamos_ or the Goats River in _Greece_, which Antiquity could believe that _Anaxagoras_ was able to foretell half a year before.

15. Three n.o.ble Pieces; of _Vercingetorix_ the Gaul submitting his person unto _Julius Caesar_; of _Tigranes_ King of _Armenia_ humbly presenting himself unto _Pompey_; and of _Tamerlane_ ascending his Horse from the Neck of _Bajazet_.

16. Draughts of three pa.s.sionate Looks; of _Thyestes_ when he was told at the Table that he had eaten a piece of his own Son; of _Bajazet_ when he went into the Iron Cage; of _Oedipus_ when he first came to know that he had killed his Father, and married his own Mother.

17. Of the Cymbrian Mother in _Plutarch_ who, after the overthrow by _Marius_, hanged her self and her two Children at her feet.

18. Some Pieces delineating singular inhumanities in Tortures. The _Scaphismus_ of the Persians. The living truncation of the Turks. The hanging Sport at the Feasts of the Thracians. The exact method of flaying men alive, beginning between the Shoulders, according to the description of _Thomas Minadoi_, in his Persian War. Together with the studied tortures of the French Traitours at _Pappa_ in _Hungaria_: as also the wild and enormous torment invented by _Tiberius_, designed according unto the description of _Suetonius_. _Excogitaverunt inter genera cruciats, ut larga meri potione per fallaciam oneratos repente veretris deligatis fidicularum simul urinaeque tormento distenderet._

The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 33

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