The Bishop of Cottontown Part 97

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"My child, I must go out of your life--go--and stay. I see--I see--and I only make you wretched. And I have no right to. It is ign.o.ble. It is I who should bear this burden of sorrow--not you. You who have never sinned, who are so young and so beautiful. In time you will love a n.o.bler man--Clay--"

She looked at him, but said nothing. She knew for the first time the solution of her love's problem. She was silent, holding his hand.

"Child," he said again. "Helen, you must do as I say. There is happiness for you yet when I am gone--when I am out of your life and the memory and the pain of it cease. Then you will marry Clay--"

"Do you really think so? Oh, and he has loved me so and is so splendid and true."

Travis was silent, waiting.

"Now let me go," she said--"let me forget all my madness and folly in learning to love one whose love was made for mine. In time I shall love him as he deserves. Good-bye."

Then she broke impulsively away, and he watched her walk back through the shadows and under the clouds.

At the turning of the path across the meadow, he saw another shadow join her. It was Clay, and the two went through the twilight together.

Travis turned. "It is right--it is the solution--he alone deserves her. I must reap my past, reap it and see my harvest blighted and bound with rotten twine. But, oh, to know it when it is too late--to know that I might love her and could be happy--then to have to give it up--now--now--when I need it most. The Deed," he said--"we are the deed of all we think and feel."



The discovery of coal and iron made both the old Bishop and Westmoreland rich. Captain Tom sent James Travis to West Point and Archie B. to Annapolis, and their records were worthy of their names.

And now, five years after the great fire, there might be seen in Cottontown, besides two furnaces, whose blazing turrets lighted the valley with Prosperity's torch--another cotton mill, erected by the old Bishop.

Long and earnestly he thought on the subject before building the mill. Indeed, he first prayed over it and then preached on the subject, and this is the sermon he preached to his people the Sunday before he began the erection of The Model Cotton Mill:

"Now, it's this way, my brethren: G.o.d made cotton for a mill. You can't get aroun' that; and the mill is to give people wuck an' this wuck is to clothe the worl'. That's all plain an' all good, because it's from G.o.d. Man made the bad of it--child labor, and overwuck and poor pay and the terrible everlastin' grind and foul air an' dirt an'

squaller an' death.

"The trouble with the worl' to-day is that it don't carry G.o.d into business. Why should we not be kinder an' mo' liberal with each other in business matters? We are unselfish in everything but business.

All social life is based on unselfishness. To charity we give of our tears an' our money. For the welfare of mankind an' the advancement of humanity you can always count us on the right side. Even to those whose characters are rotten an' whose very shadows leave dark places in life, we pa.s.s the courtesies of the hour or the palaverin'

compliments of the day. But let the struggler for the bread of life come along and ask us to share our profits with him, let the dollar be the thing involved an' business shrewdness the principle at stake, an' then all charity is forgotten, every man for himse'f, an' the chief aim of man seems to be to get mo' out of the trade than his brother.

"Now the soul of trade is Selfishness, an' Charity never is invited over her doorway.

"I have known men with tears in their eyes to give to the poor one day an' rob them the nex' in usurious interest an' rent, as cheerful as they gave the day befo'. I have known men to open their purses as wide as the gates of hades for some church charity, an' then close them the nex' day, in a business transaction, as they called it--with some helpless debtor or unexperienced widder. The graveyard is full of unselfish, devoted fathers an' husbands who worked themselves to death for the comfort an' support of their own families, yet spendin'

their days on earth tryin' to beat their neighbors in the same game.

"It's funny how we're livin'. It's amusin', it is--our ethics of Christianity. We've baptised everything but business. We give to the church an' rob the poor. We weep over misfortune an' steal from the unfortunate. We give a robe to Charity one day and filch it the nex'. We lay gifts at the altar of the Temple of Kindness for the Virgin therein, but if we caught her out on the highways of trade an'

commerce we'd steal her an' sell her into slavery. An' after she was dead we'd go deep into our pockets to put up a monument over her!

"We weep an' rob, an' smile an' steal, an' laugh an' knife, an' wring the hand of friends.h.i.+p while we step on her toes with our brogans of business. Can't we be hones' without bein' selfish, fair without graspin', make a profit without wantin' it all? Is it possible that Christ's religion has gone into every nook an' corner of the worl'

an' yet missed the great highway of business, the everyday road of dollars an' cents, profit an' loss!

"So I am goin' to build the mill an' run it like G.o.d intended it should be run, an' I am goin' to put, for once, the plan of salvation into business, if it busts me an' the plan too! For if it can't stand a business test it ought to bust!"

He planned it all himself, and, aided by Captain Tom, and Alice, the beautiful structure went up. Strong and airy and with every comfort for the workers. "For it strikes me," said the old man, "that the people who wuck need mo' comforts than them that don't--at least the comforts of bein' clean. The fust thing I learned in geography was that G.o.d made three times as much water on the surface of the earth as he did dirt. But you wouldn't think so to look at the human race.

It takes us a long time to take a hint."

The big mountain spring settled the point, and when the mill was finished there were hot and cold baths in it for the tired workers.

"For there's nothin' so good," said the old man, "for a hot man or a hot hoss as a warm body-wash. It relaxes the muscles an' makes them come ag'in. An' the man that comes ag'in is the man the worl' wants."

In the homes of the workers, too, he had baths placed, until it grew to be a saying of the good old man "that it was easier to take a bath in Cottontown than to take a drink."

The main building was lofty between floor and ceiling, letting in all the light and air possible, and the floors were of hard-wood and clean. As the greatest curse of the cotton lint was dust, atomizers for spraying the air were invented by Captain Tom. These were attached to the machinery and could be turned off or on as the operators desired. It was most comfortable now to work in the mill, and tired and hot employees, instead of lounging through their noon, bathed in the cool spring water which came down from the mountain side and flowed into the baths, not only in the mill, but through every cottage owned by the mill. And as the bath is the greatest civilizer known to man, a marked difference was soon noticed in every inhabitant of Cottontown. They were cleanly, and cleanliness begets a long list of other virtues, beginning with cleaner and better clothes and ending with ambition and G.o.dliness.

But it was the old Bishop's policy for the wage-earners, which put the ambition there--a system never heard of before in the ranks of capital, and first tested and proved in his Model Cotton Mill.

"There are two things in the worl'," said the Bishop, "that is as plain as G.o.d could write them without tellin' it Himself from the clouds. The first is that the money of the worl' was intended for all the worl' that reaches out a hand an' works for it.

"The other is that every man who works is ent.i.tled to a home.

"It was never intended for one man, or one corporation or one trust or one king or one anything else, to own more than his share of the money of the worl', no matter how they get it. Every man who piles up mo' money than he needs--actually needs--in life, robs every other man or woman or child in the worl' that pinches and slaves and starves for it in vain. Every man who makes a big fortune leaves just that many wrecked homes in his path."

In carrying out this idea the old bishop had the mill incorporated at one hundred thousand dollars, which included all his fortune, except enough to live on and educate his grandchildren; for he never changed his home, and the only luxury he indulged in was a stable for Ben Butler.

The stock was divided into shares of ten dollars each, which could be acquired only by those who worked in the mill, to be held only during life-time, and earned only in part payment for labor, given according to proficiency and work done, and credited on wages. In this way every employee of the mill became a stockholder--a partner in the mill, receiving dividends on his stock in addition to his regular wages, and every year he worked in the mill added both to his stock and dividends. At death it reverted again to The Model Cotton Mill Company, to be obtained again, in turn, by other mill workers coming on up the line. This made every mill worker a partner in the mill and spurred them on to do their best.

But the home idea of the bishop was the more original one, and a far greater boon to the people. Instead of paying rent to the mill for their homes, as they had before, every married mill worker was deeded a home in the beginning, a certain per cent of his wages being appropriated each month in part payment; in addition, ten per cent of the stock acquired, as above, by each individual home owner, went to the payment of the home, and the whole was so worked out and adjusted that by the time a faithful worker had arrived at middle age, the home, as paid for, was absolutely his and his children's, and when he arrived at old age the dividends of the stock acquired were sufficient to support him the balance of his life.

In this way the mill was virtually resolved into a corporation or community of interests, running perpetually for the maintenance and support of those who worked in it. The only property actually acquired by the individual was a home, his savings in wages, and the dividends on his stock acquired by long service and work.

Some wanted the old man to run a general store on the same plan of community of interest, the goods and necessities of life to be bought at first cost and only the actual expenses of keeping the store added. But he wisely shook his head, saying: "No, that will not do; that's forming a trust ag'in the tillers of the earth an' the workers in every other occupation. That's cuttin' in on hones' compet.i.tion, an' if carried out everywhere would shut off the rest of the worl'

from a livin'. We're makin' our livin'--let them make theirs."

The old bishop was proud of the men he selected to carry out his plans. Captain Tom was manager of the Model Mill.

"Now," said the old man, after the mill had run two years and declared a semi-annual dividend, both years, of eight per cent each, "now you all see what it means to run even business by the Golden Rule. Here is this big fortune that I accidentally stumbled on, as everybody does who makes one--put out like G.o.d intended it sh'ud, belonging to n.o.body and standing there, year after year, makin' a livin' an' a home an' life an' happiness for over fo' hundred people, year in an' year out, an' let us pray G.o.d, forever. It was not mine to begin with--it belonged to the worl'. G.o.d put the coal and iron in the ground, not for me, but for everybody. An' so I've given it to everybody. Because I happened to own the lan' didn't make the treasure G.o.d put there mine, any mo' than the same land will be mine after I've pa.s.sed away. We're only trustees for humanity for all we make mo' than we need, jus' as we're only tenants of G.o.d while we live on the earth."

As for children, the bishop settled that quickly and effectively. His rule was that no boy or girl under sixteen should be permitted to work in the mill, and to save any parents, weakly inclined, from the temptation, he established a physical standard in weight, height and health.

He found afterwards there was really small need of his stringent rule, for under this system of management the temptations of child labor were removed.

Among the good features of the mill, established by Alice Travis, was a library, a pretty little building in the heart of Cottontown. It was maintained yearly by the mill, together with donations, and proved to be the greatest educational and refining influence of the mill. It was kept, for one week at a time, by each girl in the mill over twenty, the privilege always being given by the mill's physician to the girl who seemed most in need of a week's rest. It came to be a great social feature also, and any pretty afternoon, and all afternoon,--for the mill never ran then--could be seen there the young girls and boys of Cottontown.

To this was afterwards added a Cottontown school for the younger children, who before had been slaves to the spinner and doffer carts.

And so it ran on several years, but still the Bishop could see that something was lacking--that there was too much sickness, that in spite of only eight hours his people, year in and year out, grew tired and weak and disheartened, and with his great good sense he put his finger on it.

"Now, it's this away," he said to his directors, "G.o.d never intended for any people to work all the time between walls an' floors. Tilling the soil is the natural work of man, an' there is somethin' in the very touch of the ground to our feet that puts new life in our bodies.

"The farmin' instinct is so natural in us that you can't stop it by flood or drought or failure. Year in an' year out the farmer will plant an' work his crop in spite of failure, hopin' every year to hit it the nex' time. Would a merchant or manufacturer or anybody else do that? No, they'd make an a.s.signment the second year of failure. But not so with the farmer, and it shows G.o.d intended he shu'd keep at it.

The Bishop of Cottontown Part 97

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