Thackeray Part 12

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"The new series opens well with Mr. Leslie Stephen's sketch of Dr.

Johnson. It could hardly have been done better; and it will convey to the readers for whom it is intended a juster estimate of Johnson than either of the two essays of Lord Macaulay."--_Pall Mall Gazette._

"We have come across few writers who have had a clearer insight into Johnson's character, or who have brought to the study of it a better knowledge of the time in which Johnson lived and the men whom he knew." Review._

"We could not wish for a more suggestive introduction to Scott and his poems and novels."--_Examiner._

"The tone of the volume is excellent throughout."--_Athenaeum_ Review of "Scott."

"As a clear, thoughtful, and attractive record of the life and works of the greatest among the world's historians, it deserves the highest praise."--_Examiner_ Review of "Gibbon."

"The lovers of this great poet (Sh.e.l.ley) are to be congratulated at having at their command so fresh, clear, and intelligent a presentment of the subject, written by a man of adequate and wide culture."--_Athenaeum._

"It may fairly be said that no one now living could have expounded Hume with more sympathy or with equal perspicuity."--_Athenaeum._

"The story of Defoe's adventurous life may be followed with keen interest in Mr. Minto's attractive book."--_Academy._

Thackeray Part 12

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