The Voyage Of The Vega Round Asia And Europe Part 44

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Pedicularis sudetica WILLD.

,, Langsdorffii FISCH.

,, lanata WILLD. f. leiantha TRAUTV.

,, capitata ADAMS.

* Polemonium coeruleum L.

* Diapensia lapponica L.

* Armeria sibirica TURCZ.

Primula nivalis PALL. f. pygmaea LEDEB.

,, borealis DUBY.

* Loiseleuria proc.u.mbens (L.) DESV.

* Ledum pal.u.s.tre L. f. dec.u.mbens AIT.

* Vaccinium vitis idaea L.

* Arctostaphylos alpina (L.) SPRENG.

* Ca.s.siope tetragona (L.) DON.

Hedysarum obscurum L.

Oxytropis nigrescens (PALL.) FISCH. f. pygmaea CHAM.

,, species?

* Rubus Chamaemorus L.

* Comarum pal.u.s.tre L.

Potentilla fragiformis L. f. parviflora TRAUTV. f. villosa (PALL.) * Sibbaldia proc.u.mbens L.

* Dryas octopetala L.

Spiraea betulaefolia PALL. f. typica MAXIM.

* Hippuris vulgaris L.

* Saxifraga stellaris L f. comosa POIR.

,, punctata L.

* ,, cernua L.

* ,, rivularis L.

* Rhodiola rosea L.

* Empetrum nigrum L.

* Cardamine bellidifolia L.

Cochlearia fenestrata R. BR. f. typica MALMGR. f. prostrata MALMGR.

Ranunculus Pallasii SEHLECHT.

* ,, nivalis L.

* ,, pygmaeus WG.

* ,, hyperboreus ROTTB.

* Aconitum Napellus L. f. delphinifolia REICHENB.

Claytonia acutifolia WILLD.

* Wahlbergella apetala (L.) FR.

* Stellaria longipes GOLDIE. f. humilis FENZL.

* ,, humifusa ROTTB.

Cerastium maximum L.

* ,, alpinum L. f. hirsuta KOCH.

* Halianthus peploides (STEV.) FENZL.

Alsine artica (STEV.) FENZL.

* Sagina nivalis (LINDBL.) FR.

* Polygonum Bistorta L.

* ,, viviparum L.

* polymorphum L. f. frigida CHAM.

Rumex arcticus TRAUTV.

* Oxyria digyna (L.) HILL.

Salix boganidensis TRAUTV. f. latifolia.

Salix Chamissonis ANDERS.

,, arctica PALL.

,, euneata TURCZ.

* ,, reticulata L.

,, species?

Betula glandulosa MICHX. f. rotundifolia REGEL.

Elymus mollis TRIN.

* Festuca rubra L. f. arenaria OSB.

* Poa flexuosa WG.

Arctophila effusa J. LGE.

Glyceria vilfoidea (ANDS.) TH. FR.

,, v.a.g.i.n.ata J. LGE. f. contracta J. LGE.

* Catabrosa algida (SOL.) FR.

* Colpodium latifolium R. BR.

Dupontia Fischeri R. BR.

* Trisetum subspicatum (L.) P.B.

* Aira caespitosa L. f. borealis TRAUTV.

Alopecurus alpinus SM.

* Hierochloa alpina (LILJEBL.) ROEM. and SCH.

* Carex rariflora (WG.) SM.

* ,, aqvatilis f. epijegos LAEST.

* ,, glareosa WG.

* ,, lagopina WG.

* Eriophorum angustifolium ROTH.

* ,, v.a.g.i.n.atum L.

* ,, russeolum FR.

* Luzula parviflora (EHRH.) DESV.

* ,, Wahlenbergii RUPR.

* ,, arcuata (WG.) SW. f. confusa LINDEB.

* Juncus biglumis L.

Lloydia serotina (L.) REICHENB.

[Footnote 266: _Redogorelse for den svenska polarexpeditionen r_ 1872-73. Bihang till Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 2, No. 18, p. 52. ]

[Footnote 267: _Journal d'un Voyage aux Mers Polaires._ Paris, 1854.

Pp. 177 and 223. ]

[Footnote 268: Heckel and Kner, _Die Susswa.s.serfische Oesterreichs_, p. 295. ]

[Footnote 269: Even pretty far south, in Scandinavia, there occur places with frozen earth which seldom thaws. Thus in Egyptinkorpi mosses in Nurmi and Pjeli parishes in Finland pinewoods are found growing over layers or "tufts" of frozen sand, but also, in other places in Eastern Finland, we find layers containing stumps, roots, &c., of different generations of trees, alternating with layers of frozen mould, according to a communication from the agronomic Axel Asplund. A contribution to the knowledge of the way, or one of the ways, in which such formations arise, we obtain from the known fact that mines with an opening to the air, so far south as the middle of Sweden, are filled in a few years with a coherent ma.s.s of ice if the opening is allowed to remain open. If it is shut the ice melts again, but for this decades are required. ]

[Footnote 270: Middendorff already states that the bottom of the sea of Okotsk is frozen (_Sibirische Reise_, Bd. 4, 1, p. 502). ]


The Voyage Of The Vega Round Asia And Europe Part 44

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The Voyage Of The Vega Round Asia And Europe Part 44 summary

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