The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics Part 63

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"The great feature of the volume is undoubtedly the series of actual patterns of dyed papers, 157 in all--twelve of which, made in England, have been added to the original German series. Detailed formulae are given for the preparation of the pulp for each, and the tints of the samples practically form a key, by means of which the accuracy of the student's or pract.i.tioner's experiments can be tested.... On the whole the publication is one of distinct importance to the trade, and will no doubt speedily become a standard work of reference amongst papermakers, both in the 'lab.'

and the office, as well as being an excellent text-book for the use of students in the increasing number of technical inst.i.tutes in which papermaking is taught."--_World's Paper Trade Review._

=Enamelling on Metal.=

=ENAMELS AND ENAMELLING.= An Introduction to the Preparation and Application of all Kinds of Enamels for Technical and Artistic Purposes.

For Enamel Makers, Workers in Gold and Silver, and Manufacturers of Objects of Art. By PAUL RANDAU. Translated from the German. With Sixteen Ill.u.s.trations. 180 pp. 1900. Price 10s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 11s.; Other Countries, 12s.; strictly net.


I., Introduction.--II., Composition and Properties of Gla.s.s.--III., Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Enamel.--IV., Substances Added to Produce Opacity.--V., Fluxes.--VI., Pigments.--VII., Decolorising Agents.--VIII., Testing the Raw Materials with the Blow-pipe Flame.--IX., Subsidiary Materials.--X., Preparing the Materials for Enamel Making.--XI., Mixing the Materials.--XII., The Preparation of Technical Enamels, The Enamel Ma.s.s.--XIII., Appliances for Smelting the Enamel Ma.s.s.--XIV., Smelting the Charge.--XV., Composition of Enamel, Composition of for Ground Enamels.--XVII., Composition of Cover Enamels.--XVIII., Preparing the Articles for Enamelling.--XIX., Applying the Enamel.--XX., Firing the Ground Enamel.--XXI., Applying and Firing the Cover Enamel or Glaze.--XXII., Repairing Defects in Enamelled Ware.--XXIII., Enamelling Articles of Sheet Metal.--XXIV., Decorating Enamelled Ware.--XXV., Specialities in Enamelling.--XXVI., Dial-plate Enamelling.--XXVII., Enamels for Artistic Purposes, Recipes for Enamels of Various Colours.--Index.

=Press Opinions.=

"Should prove of great service to all who are either engaged in or interested in the art of enamelling."--_Jewellers and Watchmakers'

Trade Advertiser._

"I must inform you that this is the best book ever I have come across on enamels, and it is worth double its cost."--J. MINCHIN, Jr., Porto, Portugal, _22nd July, 1900_.

"This is a very useful and thoroughly practical treatise, and deals with every branch of the enameller's art. The manufacture of enamels of various colours and the methods of their application are described in detail. Besides the commoner enamelling processes, some of the more important special branches of the business, such as cloisonne work are dealt with. The work is well got up, and the ill.u.s.trations of apparatus are well executed. The translator is evidently a man well acquainted both with the German language and the subject-matter of the book."--_Invention._

"This is a most welcome volume, and one for which we have long waited in this country. For years we have been teaching design applied to enamelling as well as to several other crafts, but we have not risen to the scientific side of the question. Here is a handbook dealing with the composition and making of enamels for application to metals for the most part, but also for other allied purposes. It is written in a thoroughly practical way [Transcribers Note: Text source unreadable], and its author--Paul Randau--has made its subject a very particular study. The [Transcribers Note: Text source unreadable] almost all things which come from the German chemical expert, is a model of good workmans.h.i.+p [Transcribers Note: Text source unreadable] and arrangement, and no one who is in search of a handbook to enamelling, [Transcribers Note: Text source unreadable] whether he is a craftsman producing his beautiful translucent colours on gold, silver and copper, or the hollow-ware manufacturer making enamelled saucepans and kettles, can wish for a more useful practical manual."--_Birmingham Gazette._

=THE ART OF ENAMELLING ON METAL.= By W. NORMAN BROWN. Twenty-eight Ill.u.s.trations. Crown 8vo. 60 pp. 1900. Price 2s. 6d.; Abroad, 3s.; strictly net.


Chapters I., History--Cloisonne--Champs Leve--Translucent Enamel--Surface Painted Enamels.--II., Cloisonne--Champs Leves--Translucent--Painted.--III., Painted Enamel--Apparatus--Furnaces and m.u.f.fles for Firing.--IV., The Copper Base or Plate--Planis.h.i.+ng--Cloisons--Champ Leve Plates.--V., Enamels--Trituration--Was.h.i.+ng--Coating a Plate with Enamel--Firing Ordinary Plaques for Painting--Designing--Squaring off.--VI., Designs for Cloisonne--Designs for Painted Enamels--Technical Processes--Brushes, etc.,--Colours--Grisaille--Full-coloured Designs.

=Press Opinion.=

"The information conveyed in _The Art of Enamelling on Metal_ is as complete as can be expected in a manual of ordinary length, and is quite ample in all respects to start students in a most interesting branch of decorative art. All necessary requisites are fully described and ill.u.s.trated, and the work is one, indeed, which any one may pursue with interest, for those who are interested artistically in enamels are a numerous body."--_Hardware Metals and Machinery._

=Books on Textile and Dyeing Subjects.=

=THE TECHNICAL TESTING OF YARNS AND TEXTILE FABRICS.= With Reference to Official Specifications. Translated from the German of Dr. J. HERZFELD.

Second Edition. Sixty-nine Ill.u.s.trations. 200 pp. Demy 8vo. 1901. Price 10s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 11s.; Other Countries, 12s.; strictly net.


Yarn Testing:. III., Determining the Yarn Number.--IV., Testing the Length of Yarns.--V., Examination of the External Appearance of Yarn.--VI., Determining the Twist of Yarn and Twist.--VII., Determination of Tensile Strength and Elasticity.--VIII., Estimating the Percentage of Fat in Yarn.--IX., Determination of Moisture (Conditioning).--Appendix.

=Press Opinions.=

"It would be well if our English manufacturers would avail themselves of this important addition to the extensive list of German publications which, by the spread of technical information, contribute in no small degree to the success, and sometimes to the supremacy, of Germany in almost every branch of textile manufacture."--_Manchester Courier._

"This is probably the most exhaustive book published in English on the subject dealt with.... We have great confidence in recommending the purchase of this book by all manufacturers of textile goods of whatever kind, and are convinced that the concise and direct way in which it is written, which has been admirably conserved by the translator, renders it peculiarly adapted for the use of English readers."--_Textile Recorder._

"A careful study of this book enables one to say with certainty that it is a standard work on the subject. Its importance is enhanced greatly by the probability that we have here, for the first time in our own language, in one volume, a full, accurate, and detailed account, by a practical expert, of the best technical methods for the testing of textile materials, whether in the raw state or in the more or less finished product."--_Glasgow Herald._

"The author has endeavoured to collect and arrange in systematic form for the first time all the data relating to both physical and chemical tests as used throughout the whole of the textile industry, so that not only the commercial and textile chemist, who has frequently to reply to questions on these matters, but also the practical manufacturer of textiles and his subordinates, whether in spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finis.h.i.+ng, are catered for.... The book is profusely ill.u.s.trated, and the subjects of these ill.u.s.trations are clearly described."--_Textile Manufacturer._


With Designs and Ill.u.s.trations. By R.T. LORD. A Valuable Book for Manufacturers and Designers of Carpets, Damask, Dress and all Textile Fabrics. 200 pp. 1898. Demy 8vo. 132 Designs and Ill.u.s.trations. Price 7s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 8s.; Other Countries, 8s. 6d.; strictly net.


Chapters I., A Few Hints on Designing Ornamental Textile Fabrics.--II., A Few Hints on Designing Ornamental Textile Fabrics (continued).--III., A Few Hints on Designing Ornamental Textile Fabrics (continued).--IV., A Few Hints on Designing Ornamental Textile Fabrics (continued).--V., Hints for Ruled-paper Draughtsmen.--VI., The Jacquard Machine.--VII., Brussels and Wilton Carpets.--VIII., Tapestry Carpets.--IX., Ingrain Carpets.--X., Axminster Carpets.--XI., Damask and Tapestry Fabrics.--XII., Scarf Silks and Ribbons.--XIII., Silk Handkerchiefs.--XIV., Dress Fabrics.--XV., Mantle Cloths.--XVI., Figured Plush.--XVII., Bed Quilts.--XVIII., Calico Printing.

=Press Opinions.=

"The book can be strongly recommended to students and practical men."--_Textile Colourist._

"Those engaged in the designing of dress, mantle tapestry, carpet and other ornamental textiles will find this volume a useful work of reference."--_Leeds Mercury._

"The book is to be commended as a model manual, appearing at an opportune time, since every day is making known a growing desire for development in British industrial art."--_Dundee Advertiser._

"Designers especially, who desire to make progress in their calling, will do well to take the hints thrown out in the first four chapters on 'Designing Ornamental Textile Fabrics'."--_Nottingham Daily Guardian._

=POWER-LOOM WEAVING AND YARN NUMBERING.= According to Various Systems, with Conversion Tables. An Auxiliary and Text-book for Pupils of Weaving Schools, as well as for Self-Instruction and for General Use by those engaged in the Weaving Industry. Translated from the German of ANTHON GRUNER. =With Twenty-six Diagrams in Colours.= 150 pp. 1900. Crown 8vo.

Price 7s. 6d.; India and Colonies, 8s.; Other Countries, 8s. 6d.; strictly net.


I., =Power-Loom Weaving in General.= Various Systems of Looms.--II., =Mounting and Starting the Power-Loom.= English Looms.--Tappet or Treadle Looms.--Dobbies.--III., =General Remarks on the Numbering, Reeling and Packing-of Yarn.=--=Appendix.=--=Useful Hints.= Calculating Warps.--Weft Calculations.--Calculations of Cost Price in Hanks.

=Press Opinions.=

"A long-felt want in the weaving industry has been supplied by the issue of a cheap volume dealing with the subject."--_Belfast Evening Telegraph._

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