In the Andamans and Nicobars Part 36
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MELIACEae-- Chisocheton grandiflorus, _Kz._ Amoora Rohituka, _W. & A._ A. cucullata, _R._ Walsura hypoleuca, _Kz._ W. villosa, _Wall._ W. robusta, _R._ Carapa moluccensis, _Lamk._ Cedrela Toona, _R._
CELASTRINEae-- Salacia prinoides, _D. C._
RHAMNEae-- Zizyphus Jujuba, _Lamk._ Z. [OE]noplia, _Mill._ Z. rugosa, _Lamk._
SAPINDACEae-- Erioglossum edule, _Bl._ Cupania Lessertiana, _Camb._ Pometia tomentosa, _Kz._ Harpullia cupanoides, _R._
ANACARDIACEae-- Mangifera sylvatica, _R._ Bouea burmanica, _Griff._ Odina Wodier, _R._ Paris.h.i.+a insignis, _Hk. f._ Semecarpus heterophylla, _Bl._ Spondias mangifera, _Willd._ Dracontomelum mangiferum, _Bl._
LEGUMINOSae-- Erythrina indica, _Lamk._ Dalbergia latifolia, _R._ Pterocarpus indicus, _Willd._ Pongamia glabra, _Vent._ Peltophorum ferrugineum, _Bth._ Ca.s.sia Fistula, _L._ C. renigera, _Wall._ Cynometra ramiflora, _L._ Afzelia retusa, _Kz._ A. bijuga, _A. Gray._ A. palembanica, _Baker._ Adenanthera pavonina, _L._ Albizzia Lebbek, _Bth._ A. stipulata, _Boiv._
ROSACEae-- Prunus martabanica, _Wall._
SAXIFRAGAGEae-- Polyosma integrifolia, _Bl._
RHIZOPh.o.r.eae-- Rhizophora mucronata, _Lamk._ R. conjugata, _L._ Ceriops Candolleana, _Arn._ Bruguiera gymnorhiza, _Lamk._ B. parviflora, _W. & A._
COMBRETACEae-- Terminalia procera, _R._ T. Catappa, _L._ T. bialata, _Kz._ Lumnitzera racemosa, _Willd._ Gyrocarpus Jacquini, _R._
MYRTACEae-- Eugenia javanica, _Lamk._ E. claviflora, _R._ E. leptantha, _Wgt._ E. jambolana, _Lamk._ Barringtonia speciosa, _Forst_ B. racemosa, _Bl._ Careya arborea, _R._ Planchonia littoralis, _Vau._
MELASTOMACEae-- Memecylon pauciflorum, _Bl._
LYTHRACEae-- Pemphis acidula, _Forst._ Lagerstroemia calyculata, _Kz._ L. hypoleuca, _Kz._ Duabanga sonneratioides, _Ham._ Sonneratia acida, _L. f._ S. alba, _Sm._
DATISCACEae-- Tetrameles nudiflora, _R. Br._
RUBIACEae-- Mussaenda macrophylla, _Wall._ M. frondosa, _L._ Randia densiflora, _Bth._ R. exaltata, _Griff._ Gardenia turgida, _R._ Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, _Goertn._ Guettarda speciosa, _L._ Timonius Jambosella, _Thw._ Morinda citrifolia, _L._
GOODENOVIREae-- Scaevola Koenigii, _Vhl._
PLUMBAGINEae-- aegialitis rotundifolia, _R._
MYRSINEae-- Maesa andamanica, _Kz._ M. ramentacea, _D. C._ aegiceras majus, _Goertn._
SAPOTACEae-- Ba.s.sia caloneura, _Kz._ Mimusops Elengi, _L._ M. littoralis, _Kz._ M. hexandra, _R._
EBENACEae-- Diospyros pilulosa, _Wall._ D. Kurzii, _Hiern._ D. oleifolia, _Wall._
APOCYNACEae-- Ochrosia borbonica, _Gmel._ Cerbera Odollam, _Goertn._ Alstonia Kurzii, _H. kf._
LOGANIACEae-- f.a.graea racemosa, _Jack._ F. fragrans, _R._
BORAGINEae-- Ehretia laevis, _R._
BIGNONIACEae-- Oroxylum indic.u.m, _Vent._ Dolichandrone Rheedii, _Seem._ Heterophragma adenophyllum, _Seem._ Pajanelia Rheedii, _D. C._
VERBENACEae-- Premna integrifolia, _L._ Gmelina arborea, _L._ Avicennia officinalis, _L._
NYCTAGINEae-- Pisonia alba, _Span._ P. excelsa, _Bl._
MYRISTICEae-- Myristica andamanica, _Hk. f._ M. Irya, _Goertn._ M. glaucescens, _Hk. f._ M. laurina, _Bl._
LAURINEae-- Cryptocarya andamanica, _Hk. f._ Dehaasia Kurzii, _King._ D. elongata, _Bl._ Cinnamomum obtusifolium, _Nees._ Litsaea sebifera, _Pers._ Hernandia peltata, _Meis._
EUPHORBIACEae-- Briedelia tomentosa, _Bl._ Cleistanthus myrianthus, _Kz._ Glochidion calocarpum, _Kz._ G. andamanic.u.m, _Kz._ Hemicyclia andamanica, _Kz._ Cyclostemon macrophyllum, _Bl._ Aporosa villosula, _Kz._ A. Roxburghii, _Biall._ A. martabanic.u.m, _Presh._ Baccaurea sapida, _M. Arg._ Mallotus Kurzii, _Hk. f._ M. ac.u.minatus, _M. Arg._ M. andamanicus, _Hk. f._ M. philippinensis, _M. Arg._ Cleidion javanic.u.m, _Bl._ C. nitidum, _Thw._ Macaranga indica, _Wgt._ M. Tanarius, _M. Arg._ h.o.m.onoia riparia,_ Lour._ Excoecaria Agallocha, _L._
URTICACEae-- Celtis Wightii, _Pl._ Trema amboinensis, _Bl._ Gironniera subaequalis, _Pl._ G. lucida, _Kz._ Ficus gibbosa, _Bl._ F. altissima, _Bl._ F. glaberrima, _Bl._ F. indica, _L._ F. Benjamina, _L._ F. retusa, _L._ F. Tjakela, _Borm._ F. callosa, _Willd._ Artocarpus Chaplasha, _R._ A. Lakoocha, _R._
SALICINEae-- Salix tetrasperma, _R._
CONIFERae-- Podocarpus neriifolia, _Don._
CYCADACEae-- Cycas Rumphii, _Miq._
PALMEae-- Arec triandra, _R._ Pinanga Manii, _Becc._ P. Kuhlii, _Bl._ Caryota mitis, _Lour._ Nipa fruticans, _Wurmb._ Phoenix paludosa, _R._ Corypha macropoda, _Kz._ Licuala peltata, _R._ L. spinosa, _Wurmb._ Calamus longisetus, _Griff._ C. andamanicus, _Kz._ C. pal.u.s.tris, _Griff._
PANDANEae-- Panda.n.u.s andamanensium, _Kz._ P. fascicularis, _Lam._ P. Leram, _Jones._
GRAMINEae-- Bambusa schizostachyoides, _Kz._ Oxytenanthera nigrociliata, _Munro._ Dinachloa Tjankorreh, _Buse._
--Supp., _And. and Nic. Gazette_, April 1900.
The following is a list of some of the more useful and valuable woods:--
Padouk } Pterocarpus Indicus } Koko } Albizzia Lebbek } For furniture.
Chuglam, Black } Myristica Irya } Marble wood } Diospyros Kurzii }
Padouk } Pterocarpus Indicus } Gangaw } Mesua ferrea } Toung-peingne } Artocarpus Chaplasha } Pyimma } Lagerstroemia hypoleuca } Thingan } Hopea odorata } For building.
Lakuch } Artocarpus Lakucha } Thitmin } Podocarpus bracteata } Gurjan } Dipterocarpus sp. } Mohwa } Mimusops littoralis }
Bombway } Careya arborea } Gangaw } Mesua ferrea } Mohwa } Mimusops littoralis } Probably useful for Pyimma } Lagerstroemia hypoleuca } paving-blocks.
Lakuch } Artocarpus Lakucha } Gurjan } Dipterocarpus sp. } Thingan } Hopea odorata }
Gurjan } Dipterocarpus sp. } Didu } Bombax insigne } For tea-boxes, Toung-peingne } Artocarpus Chaplasha } indigo boxes, and Thitmin } Podocarpus bracteata } packing-cases.
And numerous } Barringtonia sp. } other woods
Padouk } Pterocarpus Indicus } For gun-carriages and Pyimma } Lagerstroemia hypoleuca } carriage work.
Thingan } Hopea odorata }
In the Andamans and Nicobars Part 36
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