An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 113

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BRENT, _adj._ High, straight, upright, S.

_Maitland Poems._

It most frequently occurs in one peculiar application, in connexion with _brow_, as denoting a high forehead, as contra-distinguished from one that is flat.


A. Bor. _brant_, or _brunt_, steep. A brant hill, Northumb. It is also used in Westmorel. _Brent-brow_, a steep hill; Su. G. _bryn_, vertex montis; Isl. _brun-a_, to lift one's self on high. Meo judicio _bryn_ notat id, quod ceteris superstat, aut prae aliis eminet; Ihre. Isl.

_brun_, Germ. _aug-braunen_, Alem. _braane_, the eyebrow. Sw. _brant_, steep; _en brant klippa_, a steep rock.

BRENT-NEW, quite new.

V. ~Brand-new~.

BRERD, _s._ The whole substance on the face of the earth.

_Gawan and Gol._

A. S. _brerd_, summum.

_To_ BRERE, _v. n._ To germinate.

V. ~Breer~.

BRESCHE, _s._ An attack.


Su. G. _brask-a_, sonitum edere, tumultum excitare denotat, a simplici _brask_, sonitus; Ihre. It may, however, be originally the same with _Brash_, q. v.

BRESS, _pl._ Bristles.


BRESSIE, _s._ A fish, supposed to be the, or Old Wife, Labrus Tinca, Linn.


Perhaps radically the same with E. _wra.s.se_.

BREST, _part. pa._ Forcibly removed; or as denoting the act of breaking away with violence; for _burst_.


_Breste_, to burst. Chaucer.

BRETH, _s._ Apparently, rage, wrath.


Su. G. Isl. _braede_, praeceps ira, furor. This is probably allied to _braad-a_, accelerare.

BRETHIR, BRETHER, _s. pl._ Brethren.


Isl. and Sw. _broeder_, brethren.

BRETS, _s. pl._ The name given to the Welch or ancient _Britons_, in general; also, to those of Strat-clyde, as distinguished from the Scots and Picts.

_Lord Hailes_.

Wyntown uses _Brettys_ as the pl.

A. S. _Brettas_, Britones; _Bryt_, Brito, Britannus.

BRETTYS, _s._ A fortification.


L. B. _breteschia_, _briteschia_. It properly denotes wooden towers or castles: _Bretachiae_, castella lignea, quibus castra et oppida muniebantur, Gallis _Bretesque_, _breteches_; Du Cange. Perhaps radically allied to Su. G, _bryt-a_, to contend, to make war.

_To_ BREVE, _v. a._ To write.

V. ~Breif~.

BREW, _s._ Broth, soup.

V. ~Bree~.

BREW-CREESH, _s._ A term expressive of a duty paid to a landholder or superior, which occurs in old law-deeds. It is still used, Aberd.

Sometimes it is called _Brew-tallow_.

BRIBOUR, BRYBOUR, _s._ A low beggarly fellow.

An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 113

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