An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 128

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This name is also given, S. to the Polygonum convolvulus, which in Sw. is called _Binda_.

BUR, _s._ The cone of the fir, S. B.

Su. G. _barr_ denotes the leaves or needles of the pine.

BUR-THRISSIL, _s._ The spear-thistle, S. Carduus lanceolatus.

_Bur-thistle_, id. A. Bor.

_To_ BURBLE, _v. n._ To purl.


Teut. _borbel-en_, scaturire.

BURCH, BWRCH, BUROWE, _s._ Borough, town.


Moes. G. _baurgs_; A. S. _burg_, _burh_, _buruh_, id.

BURD, _s._ A lady, a damsel.

V. ~Bird~.

BURD, BURDE, _s._ Board, table.


Moes. G. _baurd_, a.s.ser, tabula, A. S. _bord_, id.

~Burdclaith~, _s._ A tablecloth, S. Westmorel., id.


From _burd_, and _claith_, cloth.

BURDALANE, _s._ A term used to denote one who is the only child left in a family; q. _bird alone_, or, solitary; _burd_ being the p.r.o.n. of _bird_.

_Maitland MSS._

BURDE, _s._ Ground, foundation.

Su. G. _bord_, a footstool.


BURDE, _s._ A strip, properly an ornamental salvedge; as a "_burde_ of silk," a salvedge of silk.


Su. G. _borda_, limbus vel praetexta; unde _silkesborda_, cingulum seric.u.m vel limbus; _gullbord_, limbus aureus; Teut. _boord_, limbus.

BURDYN, _adj._ Wooden, of or belonging to _boards_.


A. S. _bord_, S. _burd, buird_, a board, a plank.

BURDING, _s._ Burden.

V. ~Birth, Byrth~.



V. ~Berthinsek~.

BURDIT, _part. pa._ Stones are said to be _burdit_, when they split into lamina, S. perhaps from _burd_, a board; q. like wood divided into thin planks.

BURDLY, BUIRDLY, _adj._ Large and well-made, S. The E. word _stately_ is used as synon.


Isl. _burdur_, the habit of body, strength, propriae vires; _afburdur menn_, excellent men.


1. A big staff, such as pilgrims were wont to carry.


Fr. _bourdon_, a pilgrim's staff; O. Fr. _bourde_, a baton; Isl.

An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 128

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