History Of Modern India Part 5
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The British manufacturers looked upon the East India Company, its monopoly of Eastern trade, and its methods of exploitation of India through control of India.s revenues and export trade, to be the chief obstacles in the fulfilment of their dreams. Between 1793 and 1813, they launched a powerful campaign against the Company and its commercial privileges and, finally succeeded in 1813 in abolis.h.i.+ng its monopoly of Indian trade.With this event, a new phase in Britain.s economic relations with India began. Agricultural India was to be made an economic colony of industrial England.The Government of India now followed a policy of free trade or unrestricted entry of British goods. Indian handicrafts were exposed to the fierce and unequal compet.i.tion of the machine-made products of Britain and faced extinction. India had to admit British goods free or at nominal tariff rates. The Government of India also tried to increase the number of purchasers of British goods by following a policy of fresh conquests and direct occupation of protected states tike Avadh. Many British officials, political leaders, and businessmen advocated reduction in land revenue so that the Indian peasant mignt be in a better position to buy foreign manufactures They also advocated the modernisation of India so that more and more Indians might develop a taste for Western goods.Indian hand-made goods were unable to compete against the much cheaper products of British mills which had been rapidly improving their productive capacity by using inventions and a wider use of steam power. Any government wedded to Indian interests alone would have protected Indian industry through high tariff walls and used the time thus gained to import the new techniques of the West Britain had done this in relation to its own industries in the 18th century; France, Germany, and the U S.A. weie also doing no at the time; j.a.pan and the Soviet Union were to do it many decades ater; and free India is doing it today. However, not only were Tndia'i industries not protected by the foreign rulers but foreign goods were g ven free entry. Foreign imports rose rapidly. Imports of British cotton goods alone increased from 110,000 in 1813 to 6,300,000 in 1856.While tbe doors of India were thus thrown wide open to foreign goods, Indian handicraft products continued to pay heavy duties on entry into Britain. The British would not take in Indian goods on fair and equal terms even at this stage when their industries had achieved technological superiority over Indian handicrafts. Duties in Britain on several categories of Indian goods continued to be high till their export to Britain virtually ceased. For example, in 1824, a duty of 67 per cent was levied on Indian calicos and a duty of 37$ per cent on Indian muslins. Indian sugar had to pay on entry into Britain a duty that was over three times its cost pi ice. In some cases duties in F.ngland went up as high as 400 per cent. As a result of such prohibitive import duties and development .of machine industries, Indian exports to foreign countries fell rapidly. The unfairness of British commercial policy has been summed up by the British historian, H.H. Wilson, in the following words: : . ) It was staled in evidence, that (he cotton and silk goods of India up (o this period could be sold for a profit in the British market, at a price from 50 to 60 per cent lower (ban those fabricated in England. It consequently became necessary to protect the latter by duties of 70 to 80 per cent on tbeir value, or by positive prohibition. Had this not been the case, had not such prohibitory duties and decrees existed, the mills of Paisley and of Manchester would have been stopped in their outset and could scarcely have been again set m motion, even by the power of Meam. They were created by the sacrifice of the Indian manufacture. Had India been independent, she would have retaliated, would have imposed preventive duties upon British goods, and would thus have preserved her own productive industry from annihilation. This act of self-defence was not permitted her; she was at the mercy of the stranger. British goods were forced upon her without paying any duty; and the foreign manufacturer employed the arm of political injustice to keep down and ultimately strangle a compet.i.tor with whom he could not have contended on equal terms.Instead of exporting manufactures, India was now forced to export raw materials like raw cotton and raw silk which British industries needed urgently, or plantation products like indigo and tea, or foodgrains which were in short supply in Britain. In 1856, India exported 4,300,000 worth of raw cotton, only 810,000 worth of cotton manufactures, 2,900,000 worth of foodgrains, 1,730,000 worth of indigo, and 770,000 , worth of raw silk. The British also promoted the sale of Indian opium in China even though the Chinese put a ban on it because of its poisonous and other harmful qualities. But the trade yielded large profits to British merchants and fat revenues to the Company-controlled administration of India. Interestingly enough, the import of opium into Britain was strictly banned.Thus, the commercial policy of the East Tndia Company after 1813 was guided by the needs of British industry. Its main aim was to transform India into a consumer of British manufactures and a supplier of raw materials.The Drain of Wealth: The British exported to Britain part of India.s wealth and resources for which India got no adequate economic or material return- This Economic Drain. was peculiar to British rule- Even the worst of previous Indian governments had spent the revenue they extracted from the people inside the country. Whether they spent it on irrigation ca.n.a.ls and trunk roads, or on palaces, temples and mosques, or on wars and conquests, or even oa personal luxury, it ultimately encouraged Indian trade and industry or gave employment to Indians. This was so because even foreign conquerors, for example the Mughals, soon settled in India and -made it their home. But the British remained perpetual foreigners, Englishmen working an^L trading id India nearly always planed to go back to Brjtain, and the,Indian Qovemment was controlled by a. foreign company of merchants and the Government of Bri^ai^. The British, consequently, spent.a large part of the, taxes .and income they derived from Indian people not in India but in Britain, tfyeifrhofnecpuotry.The drain of wealth from Bengal began in 1757 when th< company.s="" servants="" began="" to="" carry="" home="" immense="" fortunes="" extorted="" from="" indian="" rulers,="" zamindars,="" merchants="" and="" the="" common="" people.="" they="" sent="" home="" nearly="" 6="" million="" between="" 1758="" and="" 1765.="" this="" amount="" was="" more="" than="" four="" times="" the="" total="" land="" revenue="" collection="" of="" the="" nawab="" of="" bengal="" in="" 1765.="" this="" amount="" of="" drain="" did="" not="" include="" the="" trading="" profits="" of="" the="" company="" which="" were="" often="" no="" less="" illegally="" derived.="" in="" 1765="" the="" company="" acquired="" the="" dewani="" of="" bengal="" and="" thus="" gained="" control="" over="" its="" revenues.="" the="" company,="" even="" more="" than="" its="" servants,="" soon="" directly="" organised="" the="" drain.="" it="" began="" to="" purchase="" indian="" goods="" out="" of="" the="" revenue="" of="" bengal="" and="" to="" export="" them.="" these="" purchases="" were="" known="" as="" investments.="" thus,="" through="" investments',="" bengal.s="" revenue="" was="" sent="" to="" england.="" for="" example,="" from="" 1765="" to="" 1770,="" the="" company="" sent="" out="" in="" the="" form="" of="" goods="" nearly="" four="" million="" pounds="" or="" about="" 33="" per="" cent="" of="" the="" net="" revenue="" of="" bengal.="" the="" actual="" drain="" was="" even="" more,="" as="" a="" large="" part="" of="" the="" salaries="" and="" other="" incomes="" of="" english="" officials="" and="" the="" trading="" fortunes="" of="" english="" merchants="" also="" found="" their="" way="" into="">While the exact amount of the annual dram has not been calculated so far and historians differ on its quantum, the fact of the drain, at least from 1757 to 1857, was widely accepted by British officials. Thus, for example, Lord Ellenborough, Chairman of the Select Committee of the House of Lords, and later Governor-General of India, admitted in 1840 lhat India was "required to transmit annually to this country (Britain), without any return except in the small value of military stores, a sum amounting to between two and three million sterling". And John Sullivan, President of the Board of Revenue, Madras, remarked: "Our system acts very much like a sponge, drawing up all the good things from the banks jf the Ganges, and squeezing them down on the banks of the Thames."Development of Means of Transport and Communication: Up to the middle of the 19th century, the means of transport in India were backward. They were confined to bullock-cart, camel, and packhorse. The British rulers soon realised that a cheap and easy system of transport was a necessity if British manufactures were to flow into Indi? on a large scale and her raw materials secured for British industries. They introduced steams.h.i.+ps on the rivers and set abo,ut improving the. roads, Wqrk on the Grand Trunk Road from Calcutta; to Q^lhj < was="" begun="" in="" 1839="" and="" completed="" in="" the="" 1850*s.="" eftoj;ts="" were="" also="" mad#-="" to="" link="" by="" road="" the="" major="" cities,="" ports,="" and="" markets="" of=""><> But real improvement in transport came only, with tfte, c.opiijiifi oj^ (.fog, railways.The first,railway engine designed by Q?org? Stephwi$0n th* rails in England in 1814. Railways developed rapidfyviw during the 1830.s and 1840's. Pressure soon mounted for their speedy construction in India. The British manufacturers hoped thereby to open the vast and hitherto untapped market in the interior of the country and to facilitate the export of Indian raw materials and food-stuffs to feed their hungry machines and operatives. The British bankers and investors looked upon railway development in India as a channel for safe investment of their surplus capital. The British steel manufacturers regarded it as an outlet for their products like rails, engines, wagons, and other machinery and plant. The Government of India soon fell in step with these views and found additional merit in the railways; they would enable it to administer the country more effectively and efficiently and to protect their regime from internal rebellion or external aggression by enabling more rapid mobilization and movement of troops.The earliest suggestion to build a railway in India was made in Madras in 1831. flui the wagons of this railway were to be drawn by horses. Construction of steam-driven railways in India was first proposed in 1834 in England. It was given strong political support by England's railway promoters, financiers, mercantile houses trading with India, and textile manufacturers. It was decided that the Indian railways were .to be constructed and operated by private companies who were guaranteed a minimum of five per cent return on their capital by the Government of India, The first railway line running from Bombay to Thana was opened to traffic in 1853.Lord Dalhousie, who became Governor-General of India in 1849, was an ardent advocate of rapid railway construction. In a famous note, written in 1853, he laid down an extensive programme of railway development, He proposed a network of four main trunk lines which would link the interior of the country with the big ports and inter-connect the different parts of the country.By the end of 1869 more than 4,000 miles of railways had been built by the guaranteed companies; but this system proved very cosily and slow, and so in 1869 the Government of India decided to build new railways as stale enterprises. But the speed of railway extension still did not satisfy officials in India and businessmen in Britain. After 1880, railways were built through private enterprise as welt as state agency. By 1905, nearly 28,0 miles of railways had been built. Three important aspects of the development of Indian railways should be kept in view. Firstly, nearly the entire amount of over 350 crores of rupees invested in them was provided by British investors, Indian capital contributing only a negligible share of it. Secondly, they were for the first 50 years financially losing concerns which were not able to pay interest on the capital invested in them. Thirdly, in their planning, construction and management, ItKe economic and political development of India and her people was not kept in ihc forefront. On the contrary, the primary consideration was lo serve the economic, political, and military interests of British imperialism in India. The railway lines were laid primarily with a view to link India.s raw material producing a reps in the interior with the ports of export. The needs of Indian industries regarding their markets and thejr sourccs of raw materials were neglected. Moreover, the railway rates were fixed in a manner so as to favour imports and exports and to discrimin&e against internal movement of goods. Several railway lines in Burma and North-Western India were built at high cost to serve British imperial interests.The British also established an efficient and modern postal system and introduced the telegraph. The first telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra was opened in 1853. Lord Dalhousie introduced postage stamps. Previously cash payment had to be made when a letter was posted. He also cut down postal rates and charged a uniform rate of half an anna for a letter all over the land. Before his reforms, the postage on a letter depended on the distance it was to travel: in some cases the postage on a letter was the equivalent of as much as four days wages of a skilled Indian worker!H iirc# rrah (A Messenger) Courtesy; National Archives t>f India, Ntw Delhi Land Revenue Policy The main burden of providing money for the trade and profits of the Company, the cost of administration, and the wars of British expansion in India had to be borne by the Indian peasant or ryot. In fact the British could not have conquered such a vast country as India if they had not taxed him heavilyi The Indian state had since times immemorial taken a part of the agri cultural produce u land revenue. It had done so either directly through its servants or indirectly through intermediaries, such as zamindars, revenuefarmers, etc., who collected the land revenue from the cultivator and kept a part of it as their commission. These intermediaries were primarily collectors of land revenue, although they did sometimes own some land in the area from which they collected revenue.The Permanent Settlement: We have seen that in 1765, the East India Company acquired the Dewani, or control over the revenues, of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. Initially, it made an attempt to continue the old system of revenue collection though it increased the amount to be collected from Rs. 14,290,000 in 1722 and Rs. 8,110,000 in 1764 to Rs. 23,400,000 in 1771. In 1773, it decided to manage the land revenues directly. Warren Hastings auctioned the right to collect revenue to the highest bidders. But his experiment did not succeed. Though the amount of land revenue was pushed high by zamindars and other speculators bidding against each other, the actual collection varied from year to year and seldom came up to official expectations. This introduced instability in the Company's revenues at a time when the Company was hard pressed for money. Moreover, neither the ryot nor the zamindar would do anything to improve cultivation when they did not know what the next year.s a.s.sessment would be or who would be the next year.s revenue collector.It was at this stage that the idea first emerged of fixing the land revenue at a permanent amount. Finally, after prolonged discussion and debate, the Permanent Settlement was introduced in Bengal and Bihar in 1793 by Lord Cornwallis. It had two special features. Firstly, the zamindars and revenue collectors were converted into so many landlords. They were not only to act as agents of the Government in collecting land revenue from the ryot hut also to become the owners of the entire land ia their zamindaris. Their right of owners.h.i.+p was made hereditary and transferable. On the other hand the cultivators were reduced to the low status of mere tenants and were deprived of long-standing rights to the soil and other customary rights. The use of the pasture and forest lands, irrigation ca.n.a.ls, fisheries, and homestead plots and protection against enhancement of rent were some of their rights which were sacrificed. In fact the tenantry of Bengal was left entirely at the mercy of the zamindars. This was done so that the zamindars might be able to pay in time the exorbitant land revenue demand of the Company. Secondly, the zamindars were to give, 10/11th of the rental they derived from the peasantry to the state, keeping only 1/11th for themselves. But the sums to be paid by them as land revenue were fixed in perpetuity. If the rental of a zamindar.s estate increased due to extension of cultivation and improvement in agriculture, or his capacity to extract more from hla tenants, or any other reason, he would keep the entire amount of the increase. The slate would not make any further demand upon him. At the same time, the zamindar had to pay his revenue rigidly on the due date even if the crop had failed for some reason; otherwise his lands were to be sold.The initial fixation of revenue was made arbitrarily and without any consultation with the zamindars. The attempt of the officials was to secure the maximum amount. As a result, the rates of levenue were fixed very high. John Sh.o.r.e, the man who planned the Permanent Settlement and later succeeded Cornwallis as Governor-General, calculated that if the gross produce of Bengal be taken as 100, the Government claimed 45, zamindars and other intermediaries below them received 15, and only 40 remained with the actual cultivator.It was later generally admitted by officials and non-officials alike that before 1793 the zamindars of Bengal and Bihar did not enjoy proprietary rights over most of the land. The question then arises; why did the British recognise them as such? One explanation is that this was in part the result of a misunderstanding. In England, the central figure in agriculture at the time was the landlord and the British officials made the mistake of thinking that the zamindar was his Indian counterpart. It is, however, to be noted that in one crucial respect the British officials clearly differentiated between the positions of the two. The landlord in Britain was the owner of land not only in relation to the tenant but also m relation to the state. But in Bengal while the zamindar was landlord over the tenant, he was further subordinated to the state. In fact he was reduced virtually to the status of a tenant of the East India Company, In contrast to the British landlord, who paid a small share of his income as land tax, he had to pay as 1ax 10/11th of his income from the land of which he was supposed to be the owner; and he could be turned out of the land unceremoniously and his estate sold if he failed to pay the revenue in time.Other historians think that the decision to recognise the zamindars as the proprietors of land was basically determined by political, financial, and administrative expediency. Here the guiding factors were three. The first arose out of clever statecraft: the need to create political allies. The British officials realised that as they were foreigners in India, their rule would be unstable unless they acquired local supporters who would act as a buffer between them and the people of India. This argument had immediate importance as there were a large number of popular revolts in Bengal during the last quarter of the 18th century. So they brought into existence a wealthy aiid privileged cla.s.s of zamindars which owed its existence to British rule and which would, therefore, be Compelled by its own basic interests to support it. This expectation was, in fact, fully justified later when the zamindars as a cla.s.s supported the foreign government in opposition to the rising movement for freedom, Second, and perhaps the predominant motive, was that of financial security. Before 1793 the Company was troubled by fluctuations in its chief source of income, the land revenue. The Permanent Settlement guaranteed the stability of income. The newly created property of the zamindars acted as a secuiily of this. Moreover, the Permanent Settlement enabled the Company to maximise its income as land revenue was now fixed higher than it had ever been in the past. Collection of revenue through a small number of zammdars seemed to be much simpler and cheaper than the process of dealing with lakhs of cultivators. Thirdly, the Permanent Settlement was expected to increase agricultural production. Since the land revenue would not be increased in future even if the zamindar.s income went up, the latter would be inspired to extend cultivation and improve agricultural productivity.The Permanent Zamindari Settlement was later extended to Orissa, the Northern Districts of Madras, and the District of Varanasi.In parts of Central India and Avadh the British introduced a temporary zamindari settlement under which the zamindars were made owners of land but the revenue they had to pay was revised periodically. Another group of landlords was created all over India when the Government started the practice of giving land to persons who had rendered faithful service to the foreign rulers.Ryotwari Settlement: The establishment of British rule in South and South-Western India brought new problems of land settlement. The officials believed that in these regions there were no zamindars with large estates with whom settlement of land revenue could be made and that the introduction of zamindari system would upset the existing state of affairs. Many Madras officials led by Reed and Munro recommended that settlement should therefore be made directly with the actual cultivators. They also pointed out that under the Permanent Settlement the Company was a financial loser as it had to share the revenues with the zamindars and could not claim a share of the growing income from land. Moreover, the cultivator was left at the mercy of the zamindar who could oppress him at will. Under the system they proposed, which is known as the Ryotwari Settlement, the cultivator was to be recognised as the owner of his plot of land subject to the payment of land revenue. The supporters of the Ryotwari system claimed that it was a continuation of the state of affairs that had existed in the past. Munro said: "It is the system which has always prevailed in India1The Ryotwari Settlement was in the end introduced in parts of the Madras and Bombay Presidencies in the beginning of the 19th century. The settlement under the Ryotwari system tvas not made permanent. It was revised periodically after 20 to 30 years when the revenue demand was usually raised.The Ryotwari Settlement did not bring into existence a system of peasant owners.h.i.+p. The peasant soon discovered that the large number of zamindars had been replaced by one giant zamindar-the state In fact, thfe Government later openly claimed that land revenue was rent and not a tax. The ryot.s rights of owners.h.i.+p of his land were also negated by three other factors: (1) In most areas the land revenue fixed was exorbitant; the ryot was hardly left with bare maintenance even in the best of seasons. For instance, in Madras the Government claim was Axed as high as 45 to 55 per cent of gross production in the earlier settlement. The situation was nearly as bad in Bombay. (2) The Government retained the right to enhance land revenue at will. (3) The ryot had to pay revenue even when his produce was partially or wholly destroyed by drought or floods.Mahalwari System: A modified version of the zamindari settlement, introduced in the Gangetic valley, the North-West Provinces, parts of Central India, and the Punjab, was known as the Mahalwari System. The revenue settlement was to be made village by village or estate (mahal) by estate with landlords or heads of families who collectively claimed to be the landlords of the village or the estate. In the Punjab a modified Mahalwari System known as the village system was introduced. In Mahalwari areas also, the land revenue was periodically revised.Both the Zamindari and the Ryotwari systems departed fundamentally from the traditional land systems of the country. The British created a new form of private property in land in such a way that the benefit of the innovation did not go to the cultivators. All over the country land was now made salable, mortgagable, and alienable. This was done primarily to protect the Government's revenue. If land had not been made transferable or salable, the Government would find it very difficult to realise revenue from a cultivator who had no savings or possessions out of which to pay it. Now he could borrow money on the security of his land or even >11 part of it and pay his land revenue. If he refused to do so, the Government could and often did auction his land and realise the amount. Another reason for introducing private owners.h.i.+p in land was provided by the belief that only right of owners.h.i.+p would make the landlord or the ryot exert himself in making improvements.The British by making land a commodity which could be freely bought and sold introduced a fundamental change in the existing land systems of the country. The stability and the continuity of the Indian villages were shaken. In fact, the entire structure of rural society began to break up.EXERCISES.Trace the evolution of the East India Company's relations with the British state, from 1765 to 1833. Bring out the major factors which influenced these relations.2. Examine critically the commercial policy pursued by Britain in India from 1757 to 1857.3. In what way did the British land revenue policy transform agrarian relations in India?4. Write short notes oft: (a) The Regulating Act of 1773 and the powers of the Governor-Gsr'eval; (b) The Industrial Revolution; (c) The drain of wealth from (d) Development of the Railways.CHAPTER VI.Administrative Organisation and Social and Cultural Policy W.E have seen in the previous chapter that by 1784 the East India Company.s administration of India had been brought under its control by the British Government and that its economic policies were being determined by the needs of British economy. We v/ill now discuss the organisation through which the Company administered its recently acquired dominion.In the beginning the Company left the administration of its possessions in India in Indian hands, confining its activities to supervision. But it soon found 'that British aims were not adequately served by following old methods of administration. Consequently, tbe Company took all aspects of administration in its own hand, Under Warren Hastings and Cornwallis, the administration of Bengal was completely overhauled and the foundations of a new system based on the English pattern laid. The spread of British power to new areas, new problems, new needs, new experiences and new ideas led to changes in the system of administration. But the overall objectives of imperialism were never forgotten.The British administration in India was based on three pillars: the Civil Service, the Army, and the Police. This was so for two reasons. For one, the chief aim of British-Indian administration was the maintenance of law and order and the perpetuation of British rule. Without law and order British merchants and British manufacturers could not hope to sell their goods in every nook and corner of India. Again, the British, being foreigners, could not hope to win the affections of the Indian people; they, therefore, relied on superior force rather than on public support for the maintenance 0f their control over India. 'Hie Duke of Wellington, who had served in India tfnder his brother, Lord Wellesley, remarked after his return to Europe; Tbe system of Government in India, ,the foundation of authority, and the modes of supporting it and of carrying On the operation* of government arc entirely different from the systems and modes adopted in Europefor the tame purpose.... The foundation tad the Instrument of all power there Is the sword.Civil Service The Civil Service was brought into existence by Lord Cornwallis. As we have seen in an earlier chapter, the East India Company had from the beginning carried on its trade in the East through servants who were paid low wages but who were permitted to trade privately. Later, when the Company became a territorial power, the same servants a.s.sumed administrative functions. They now became extremely corrupt, By oppressing local weavers and artisans, merchants, and zamindars, by extorting bribes and 'gifts. from rajas and nawabs, and by indulging in illegal private trade, they ama.s.sed uotold wealth with which they retired to England. Clive and Warren Hastings made attempts to put an end to their corruption, but were only partially successful.Cornwallis, who came to India as Governor-General in 1786, was determined to purify the administration, but he realised that the Company.s servants would not give honest and efficient service so long as they were not given adequate salaries. He therefore enforced the rules against private trade and acceptance of presents and bribes by officials with strictness. At the same time, he raised the salaries of the Company.s servants. For example, the Collector of a district was to be paid Rs. 1500 a month and one per cent commission on the revenue collection of his district. In fact the Company's Civil Service became the highest paid service in the world. Cornwallis also laid down that promotion in the Civil Service would be by seniority so that its members would remain independent of outside influence.In 1800, Lord Wellesley pointed out that even though civil servants often ruled over vast areas, they came to India at the immature age of 18 or so and were given no regular training before starting on their jobs. They generally lacked knowledge of Indian languages. Wellesley therefore established the College of Fort William at Calcutta for the education of young recruits to the Civil Service. The Directors of the Company disapproved of his action and in 1806 replaced it by their own East Indian College at Haileybury in England.Till 1853 all appointments to the Civil Service were made by the Directors of the East India Company who placated the members of the Board of Control by letting them make some of the nominations, The Directors fought hard to retain this lucrative and prized privilege and refused to surrender it even when their other economic and political privileges were taken away by Parliament. They lost it finally in 18S3 when the Charter Act decreed that all recruits to the Civil Service were to be selected through a compet.i.tive examination.A special feature of the Indian Civil Service since the days of Cornwallis was the rigid and complete exclusion of Indians from it, It was laid down officially in 1793 that all higher posts in administration worth more than 500 a year in salary were to be held by Englishmen. This policy was also applied to other branches of Government, such as the army, police, judiciary, engineering. In the words of John Sh.o.r.e, who succeeded Cornwallis: The fundamental principle of the English had been to make the whole Indian nation subservient, in every possible way, to the interests and benefits of ourselves. The Indians have been excluded From every honour, dignity, or office, which the lowest Englishmen could be prevailed to accept.Why did the British follow such a policy? Many factors combined to produce it. For one, they were convinced that an administration based on British ideas, inst.i.tutions, and practices could be firmly established only by English personnel. And, then, they did not trust the ability and integrity of the Indians. For example, Charles Grant, Chairman of the Court of Directors, condemned the people of India as "a race of men lamentably degenerate and base; retaining but a feeble sense of moral obligation;... and sunk in misery by their vices." Similarly, Cornwallis believed that "Every native of Hindustan is corrupt". It may be noted that this criticism did apply to some extent to a small cla.s.s of Indian officials and zamind&rs of the time. But, then, it was equally if not more true of British officials in India, In fact, Cornwallis had proposed to give them high salaries in order to help them resist temptations and to become honest and obedient. But he never thought of applying the same remedy of adequate salaries to eradicate corruption among Indian officials, In reality, the exclusion of Indians from higher grades of services was a deliberate policy. These services were required at the time to establish and consolidate British rule in India. Obviously the task could not be left to Indians who did not possess the same instinctive sympathy for, and understanding of, British interests as Englishmen. Moreover, the influential cla.s.ses of British society were keen to preserve the monopoly of lucrative appointments in the Indian Civil Service and other services for their sons. In fact they fought tooth and nail among themselves over these appointments. The right to make them was a perpetual bone of contention between the Directors of the Company and the members of the British Cabinet. How could the English then agree to let Indians occupy these posts? Indians were, however, recruited in large numbers to fill subordinate posts as they were cheaper and much more readily available than Englishmen.The Indian Civil Service gradually developed into one of the most efficient and powerful civil services in the world. Its members exercised vast power and often partic.i.p.ated ,in the making of policy. They developed certain traditions of independence, integrity, and hard work, though these qualities obviously served British and not Indian interests, At the same time they gradually came to form a rigid and exclusive and proud caste with an extremely conservative and narrow outlook. They came (o believe that they had an almost Divine right to rule India. The Indian Civil Service has often been called the steel frame1 which reared and sustained British rule in India. In course of time it became the chief opponent of all that was progressive and advanced in Indian life and one of the main targets of attack by the rising Indian national movement.Army The second important pillar of the British regime in India was the army. It fulfilled three important functions. Jt was the instrument through which the Indian powers were conquered; it defended the British Empire in India from foreign rivals; and it safeguarded British supremacy from the ever-present threat of internal revolt.The bulk of the Company.s army consisted of Indian soldiers, recruited chiefly from the area at present included in U.P. and Bihar. For instance, in 1857, the strength of the army in India was 311,400 of whom 265,900 were Indians. Its officers were, however, exclusively British, at least since the days of Cornwallis. In 1856, only three Indians in the army recieved a salary of Rs. 300 per month and the highest Indian officer was a subedar. A large number of Indian troops had to be employed as British troops were far too expensive. Moreover, the population of Britain was perhaps too small to provide the large soldiery needed for the conquest of India. As a counterweight, the army was officered entirely by British officials and a certain number of British troops were maintained to keep the Indian soldiers under control. Even so, it appears surprising today that a handful of foreigners coul d conquer and control India with a predominantly Indian army. This was possible because of two factors. On the one hand, there was absence of modem nationalism in the country at the time. A soldier from Bihar or Avadh did not think, and could not have thought, that in helping the Company defeat the Marathas or the Punjabis he was being anti-Indian- On the other, the Indian soldier had a long tradition of loyally serving those who paid his salary. This was popularly known as loyalty to the salt. In other words, the Indian soldier was a good mercenary, and the Company on its part was a good paymaster. It paid its soldiers regularly and well, something that the Indian rulers and chieftains were no longer dping.Police The third pillar of British rule was the police whose creator was once again Cornwallis. He relieved (He zamindars of' their police.functions and, established a regular police force to maintain law and* order. In this respect, he went, back to, and modernized, the old Indian system <5f thaws.="" interestingly,="" this="" put="" india="" ahead="" of="" britain="" where="" a="" system="" of="" police="" had="" not="" developed="" yet.="" cornwallis="" established="" a="" system="" of="" circles="" or="" thanas="" headed="" "by="" a="" daroga,="" who="" was="" an="" indian.="" later,="" the="" post="" of="" the="" district="" superintendent="" of="" police="" was="" created="" to="" head="" the="" police="" organisation="" in="" a="" district.="" once="" again,="" indians="" were="" excluded="" from="" all="" superior="" posts.="" in="" the="" villages="" the="" duties="" of="" the="" police="" continued="" to="" be="" performed="" by="" village-watchmen="" who="" were="" maintained="" by="" the="" villagers.="" the="" police="" gradually="" succeeded="" in="" reducing="" major="" crimes="" such="" as="" dacoity.="" one="" of="" its="" major="" achievements="" was="" the="" suppression="" of="" thugs="" who="" robbed="" and="" killed="" travellers="" on="" the="" highways,="" particularly="" in="" central="" india.="" the="" police="" also="" prevented="" the="" organisation="" of="" a="" large-="" scale="" conspiracy="" against="" foreign="" control,="" and="" when="" the="" national="" movement="" arose,="" the="" police="" was="" used="" to="" suppress="" it.="" in="" its="" dealings="" with="" the="" people,="" the="" indian="" police="" adopted="" an="" unsympathetic="" att.i.tude.="" a="" committee="" of="" parliament="" reported="" in="" 1813="" that="" the="" police="" committed="" '"depradations="" on="" the="" peaceable="" inhabitants,="" of="" the="" same="" nature="" as="" those="" practised="" by="" the="" dacoits="" whom="" they="" were="" employed="" to="" suppress..="" .="" and="" william="" bentinck,="" the="" governor-general,="" wrote="" in="" 1832:="" as="" for="" the="" police="" 50="" far="" from="" being="" a="" protection="" to="" the="" people,="" i="" cannot="" letter="" ill.u.s.trate="" the="" public="" feeling="" regarding="" it,="" than="" by="" the="" following="" tact,="" that="" nothing="" can="" exceed="" the="" popularity="" of="" a="" recent="" regulation="" by="" which,="" if="" &="" robbery="" has="" been="" committed,="" the="" police="" are="" prevented="" [rom="" making="" any="" enquiry="" into="" it,="" eiccpt="" upon="" the="" requisition="" of="" the="" persons="" robbed:="" that="" is="" to="" say,="" the="" shepherd="" is="" a="" more="" rave-="" nous="" beast="" of="" prey="" than="" the="">5f>Judicial Organisation The British laid the foundations of a new system of dispensing justice through a hierarchy of civil and criminal courts. Though given a start by Warren Hastings, the system was stabilised by Cornwallis in 1793. In each district was established a Diwani Adafat, or civil court, presided over by the District Judge who belonged to the Civil Service. Cornwallis thus separated the posts of the Civil Judge and the Collector. Appeal from thei District Court lay first to four Provincial Courts of Civil Appeal and then, finally, to the Sadar Diwani Adalat. Below the District Court were Registrars. Courts, headed by Europeans, and a number of subordinate courts headed by Indian judges known as Munsifs and Amins. To deal with criminal cases, Cornwallis divided the Presidency of Bengal into four Divisions, in each of which a Court of Circuit presided over by the civil servants was established. Below these courts came a large number of; Indian, magistrates to try petty oases. Appeals from th Courts of Circuit lay. witft the Sadftr Nlzamat Adalat. The, criminal coorls applied Muslim Criminal j Law in. a. modified and less harsh form so that the teariflg apact of limbs and . such olherpumshmentswercprohibited, The eml ce>uc!s^0pyed ih ,
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