Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East Part 38

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=Brandt=, Max August Scipio von. Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost-Asien.

Erinnerungen eines deutschen Diplomaten.

_Leipzig: G. Wigand, 1901. 3 vols. Portraits. 8^o._

CONTENTS: Bd. 1. Die preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien.

j.a.pan, China, Siam. 1860-1862. Zuruck nach j.a.pan. 1862.--Bd.

2. j.a.pan. 1863-1875. 1866. In und durch Amerika. 1871.

1872.--Bd. 3. China. 1875 bis 1893.

---- Die Zukunft Ostasiens; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zum Verstandnis der ostasiatischen Frage. 3., umgearb. und verm. Auflage.

_Stuttgart: Strecker & Schroder, 1903. iv, 118 pp. 8^o._

=Busley=, C. Der Kampf um den ostasiatischen Handel.

_Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1897. 195-244 pp. Folded map.

Tables. 8^o. (Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, 1896-97.

Heft 6.)_

=Chirol=, Valentine. The Far Eastern question.

_London: Macmillan and co., 1896. viii, (4), 196 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8^o._

=Curzon=, George Nathaniel, _1st baron_. Problems of the Far East; j.a.pan-Korea-China. New and revised edition. [4th ed.]

_Westminster: A. Constable & co., 1896. xxiv, 444 pp. Ill.u.s.trations.

Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8^o._

CONTENTS: The Far East: j.a.pan; The evolution of modern j.a.pan; j.a.pan and the powers; 1. Treaty between Great Britain and j.a.pan (July, 1894); 2. Protocol. Korea: Life and travel in Korea; The capital and court of Korea; Political and commercial symptoms in Korea; The political future of Korea.

China: The country and capital of China; China and the powers; The so-called awakening of China; Monasticism in China. The prospect: After the war; The destinies of the Far East; Great Britain in the Far East. Appendix: 1. Treaty ...

between j.a.pan and China. 2. Imperial rescript (May, 1895).

=Dennys=, Nicholas B., _ed._ The treaty ports of China and j.a.pan. A complete guide to the open ports of those countries.

_London: Trubner, 1867. viii, (2), 668, (2), xxvi pp. Maps. Plans.


=Krausse=, Alexis. The Far East: its history and its question.

_London: Richards, 1900. xiv, (2), 372 pp. Maps. Plans. 8^o._

"The Far East" is, as far as some three or four hundred pages permit, a complete account of the history of the Oriental Asiatic world in its relations with Western civilization, with an examination of the existing factors in the Far Eastern question, and a statement of the evidence bearing upon the subject.

The appendices to the book are particularly useful for reference, as they include a chronology of the history of the Far East, the text of the more important treaties and conventions, and furnish a bibliography of authorities on the Far East.

=La Barre de Nanteuil=, Amaury de, _baron_. L'Orient et l'Europe depuis le XVII^e siecle jusqu'aujourd'hui. Ouvrage contenant des cartes de l'Orient aux princ.i.p.ales epoques de son histoire.

_Firmin-Didot et cie, Paris, [1898]. xx, 251 pp. Folded maps. 8^o._

=Leroy-Beaulieu=, Pierre. La renovation de l'Asie (Siberie, Chine, j.a.pon).

_Paris: Armand Colin et c^{ie}, 1900. xxvii, (1), 482 pp. 12^o._

"L'ouvrage de M. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu, 'La renovation de l'Asie (Siberie, Chine, j.a.pon),' a eu un grand succes. Les pages ou le jeune voyageur a juge avec tant de clairvoyance les pays d'Extreme-Orient, qu'il a etudies sur place, ont fait, uon seulement en France, mais a l'etranger, la plus vive impression. En trois mois la premiere edition de cet ouvrage a ete epuisee; la deuxieme vient de paraitre, avec une nouvelle preface, chez l'editeur Colin.... En meme temps, l'on en prepare une traduction anglaise et une traduction allemande."--_L'Economiste francais._

"M. Leroy-Beaulieu, in his interesting work, 'La renovation de l'Asie,' deals with the j.a.panese question at some length.

His book is doubly interesting because it is the first serious contribution to the discussion of the Far Eastern question by a French writer, and because, like Mr.

Colquhoun's book, it regards the Chinese problem not as an isolated fact, but as part of a vast evolution."

---- _Same._

_Paris: A. Colin, 1901. xxix, 482 pp. 12^o._

"La plus grande partie du present ouvrage a paru durant les deux dernieres annees sous forme d'articles publies dans la Revue des deux mondes, et de correspondances adressees a l'economiste francais."

---- The awakening of the East: Siberia, j.a.pan, China. [Translated by Richard Davey.] With a preface by Henry Norman.

_New York: McClure, 1900. xxvii, (1), 298, (1) pp. 12^o._

---- _Same._

_London: W. Heinemann, 1900. xxvii, (1), 299 pp. 12^o._

=Mahan=, Alfred T. The problem of Asia and its effect upon international policies.

_Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1900. xxvi, 233 pp. Folded map.


=Norman=, Henry. Asia. The peoples and politics of the Far East. Travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, j.a.pan, Korea, Siam and Malaya. [Fifth impression.]

_London: T. F. Unwin, 1900. xvi, 608 pp. Frontispiece (colored).

Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. 8^o._

China, pp. 195-322; Korea, pp. 323-374; j.a.pan, pp. 375-406; Siam, pp. 407-522; Malaya, pp. 523-588.

Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East Part 38

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