Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 15

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If we compare these subterranean basins with the summits of montains that have hitherto been considered as the most elevated portions of the raised crust of the Earth, we obtain a distance of 37,000 feet (about seven miles), that is, about the 1/524th of the Earth's radius. These, therefore, would be the limits of vertical depth and of the superposition of mineral strata to which geognostical inquiry could penetrate, even if the general elevation of the upper surface of the earth were equal to the height of the Dhawalagigi in the Himalaya, or of the Sorata in Bolivia. All that lies at a greater depth below the level of the sea than the shafts or the basins of which I have spoken, the limits to which man's labors have penetrated, or than the depths to which the sea has in some few instances been sounded (Sir James Ross was unable to find bottom with 27,600 feet of line), is as much unknown to us as the interior of the other planets of our solar system. We only know the ma.s.s of the whole Earth and its mean density by comparing it with the open strata, which alone are accessible to us. In the interior of the Earth, where all knowledge of its chemical and mineralogical character fails, we are again limited to as pure conjecture, as in the remotest bodies that revolve round the Sun. We can determine nothing with certainty regarding the depth at which the geological strata must be supposed to be in state of softening or of liquid fusion, of the cavities occupied by elastic vapor, of the condition of fluids when heated under an enormous pressure, or of the law of the increase p 161 of density from the upper surface to the center of the Earth.

The consideration of the increase of heat with the increase of depth toward the interior of our planet, and of the reaction of the interior on the external crust, leads us to the long series of volcanic phenomena. These elastic forces are manifested in earthquakes, eruptions of gas, hot wells, mud volcanoes and lava currents from craters of eruption and even in producing alterations in the level of the sea.*

[footnote] * [See Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', 2d edit., 3848, p. 539, etc., on the so called 'mud volcanoes', and the reasons advanced in favor of adopting the term "salses" to designate these phenomena.] -- Tr.

Large plains and variously indented continents are raised or sunk, lands are separated from seas, and the ocean itself, which is permeated by hot and cold currents, coagulates at both poles, converting water into dense of rock, which are either stratified and fixed, or broken up into floating banks. The boundaries of sea and land, of fluids and solids, are thus variously and frequently changed. Plains have undergone oscillatory movements, being alternately elevated and depressed. After the elevation of continents, mountain chains were raised upon long fissures, mostly parallel, and in that case, probably cotemporaneous; and salt lakes and inland seas, long inhabited by the same creatures, were forcibly separated, the fossil remains of and zoophytes still giving evidence of their original connection. Thus, in following phenomena in their mutual dependence, we are led from the consideration of the forces acting in the interior of the Earth to those which cause eruptions on its surface, and by the pressure of elastic vapors give rise to burning streams of lava that flow from open fissures.

The same powers that raised the chains of the Andes and the Hiimalaya to the regions of perpetual snow, have occasioned new compositions and new textures in the rocky, and have altered the strata which had been previously deposited from fluids impregnated with organic substances. We here trace the series of formations, divided and superposed according to their age, and depending upon the changes of configuration of the surface, the dynamic relations of upheaving forces, and the chemical action of vapors issuing from the fissures.

The form and distribution of continents, that is to say, of that solid portion of the Earth's surface which is suited to the luxurious development of vegetable life, are a.s.sociated by intimate connection and reciprocal action with the encircling p 162 sea in which organic life is almost entirely limited to the animal world.

The liquid element is again covered by the atmosphere, an a?rial ocean in which the mountain chains and high plains of the dry land rise like shoals, occasioning a variety of currents and changes of temperature, collecting vapor from the region of clouds, and distributing life and motion by the action of the streams of water which flow from their declivities.

While the geography of plants and animals depends on these intricate relations of the distribution of sea and land, the configuration of the surface, and the direction of isothermal lines (or zones of equal mean annual heat), we find that the case is totally different when we consider the human race -- the last and n.o.blest subject in a physical description of the globe. The characteristic differences in races, and their relative numerical distribution over the Earth's surface, are conditions affected not by natural relations alone, but at the same time and specially, by the progress of civilization, and by moral and intellectual cultivation on which depends the political superiority that distinguishes national progress.

Some few races, clinging, as it were, to the soil, are supplanted and ruined by the dangerous vicinity of others more civilized than themselves, until scarce a trace of their existence remains. Other races, again, not the strongest in numbers, traverse the liquid element, and thus become the first to acquire, although late, a geographical knowledge of at least the maritime lands of the whole surface of our globe, from pole to pole.

I have thus, before we enter on the individual characters of that portion of the delineation of nature which includes the sphere of telluric phenomena, shown generally in what manner the consideration of the form of the Earth and the incessant action of electro-magnetism and subterranean heat may enable us to embrace in one view the relations of horizontal expansion and elevation on the Earth's surface, the geognostic type of formations, the domain of the ocean (of the liquid portions of the Earth), the atmosphere with its meteorological processes, the geographical distribution of plants and animals, and, finally, the physical gradations of the human race, which is, exclusively and every where, susceptible of intellectual culture. This unity of contemplation presupposes a connection of phenomena according to their internal combination. A mere tabular arrangement of these facts would not fulfill the object I have proposed to myself, and would not satisfy that requirement for cosmical presentation awakened in me by the p 163 aspect of nature in my journeyings by sea and land, by the careful study of forms and forces, and by a vivid impression of the unity of nature in the midst of the most varied portions of the Earth. In the rapid advance of all branches of physical science, much that is deficient in this attempt will, perhaps, at no remote period, be corrected and rendered more perfect, for it belongs to the history of the development of knowledge that portions which have long stood isolated become gradually connected, and subject to higher laws. I only indicate the empirical path in which I and many others of similar pursuits with myself are advancing, full of expectation that, as Plato tells us Socrates once desired, "Nature may be interpreted by reason alone."*

[footnote] *Plato, 'Phaedo', p. 97. (Arist., 'Metaph.', p. 985.) compare Hegel, 'Philosophie der Geschichte', 1840, s. 16.

The delineation of the characteristics of telluric phenomena must begin with the form of our planet and its relations in s.p.a.ce. Here too, we may say that it is not only the mineralogical character of rocks, whether they are crystalline, granular, or densely fossiliferous, but the geometrical form of the Earth itself, which indicates the mode of its origin, and is, in fact, its history. An elliptical spheroid of revolution gives evidence of having once been a soft or fluid ma.s.s. Thus the Earth's compression const.i.tutes one of the most ancient geognostic events, as every attentive reader of the book of nature can easily discern; and an a.n.a.logous fact is presented in the case of the Moon, the perpetual direction of whose axes toward the Earth, that is to say, the increased acc.u.mulation of matter on that half of the Moon which is turned toward us, determines the relations of the periods of rotation and revolution, and is probably contemporaneous with the earliest epoch in the formative history of this satellite. The mathematical figure of the Earth is that which it would have were its surface covered entirely by water in a state of rest; and it is this a.s.sumed form to which all geodesical measurements of degrees refer. This mathematical surface is different from that true physical surface which is affected by all the accidents and inequalities of the solid parts.*

[footnote] *Bessel, 'Allgemeine Betrachtungen uber Gradmessungen nach astronomisch-geod?tischen Arbeiten', at the conclusion of Bessel and Baeyer, 'Gradmessung in Ostpreussen', s. 427. Regarding the acc.u.mulation of matter on the side of the Moon turned toward us (a subject noticed in an earlier part of the text), see Laplace, 'Expos. du Syst. du Monde', p. 308.

The whole figure of the Earth is determined when we know the amount of the p 164 compression at the poles and the equatorial diameter; in order, however, to obtain a perfect representation of its form it is necessary to have measurements in two directions, perpendicular to one another.

Eleven measurements of degrees (or determinations of the curvature of the Earth's surface in different parts), of which nine only belong to the present century, have made us acquainted with the size of our globe, which Pliny names "a point in the immeasurable universe."*

[footnote] *Plin., ii., 68. Seneca, 'Nat. Quaest., Praef., c. ii. "El mundo espoco" (the Earth is small and narrow), writes Columbus from Jamaica to Queen Isabella on the 7th of July, 1503: not because he entertained the philosophic views of the aforesaid Romans, but because it appeared advantageous to him to maintain that the journey from Spain was not long, if, as he observes, "we seek the east from the west." Compare my 'Examen Crit. de l'Hist. de la Geogr. du 15 me Siecle', t.i., p. 83, and t. ii., p.

327, where I have shown that the opinion maintained by Delisle, Freret, and Gosselin, that the excessive differences in the statements regarding the Earth's circ.u.mference, found in the writings of the Greeks, are only apparent, and dependent on different values being attached to the stadia, was put forward as early as 1495 by Jaime Ferrer, in a proposition regarding the determination of the line of demarkation of the papal dominions.

If these measurements do not always accord in the curvatures of different meridians under the same degree of lat.i.tude, this very circ.u.mstance speaks in favor of the exactness of the instruments and the methods employed, and of the accuracy and the fidelity to nature of these partial results. The conclusion to be drawn from the increase of forces of attraction (in the direction from the equator to the poles) with respect to the figure of a planet is dependent on the distribution of density in its interior. Newton, from theoretical principles, and perhaps likewise prompted by Ca.s.sini's discovery, previously to 1666, of the compression of Jupiter,* determined, in his immortal work, 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia', that the compression of the Earth, as a h.o.m.ogeneous ma.s.s, was 1/230th.

[footnote] *Brewster, 'Life of Sir Isaac Newton', 1831, p. 162. "The discovery of the spheroidal form of Jupiter by Ca.s.sini had probably directed the attention of Newton to the determination of its cause, and consequently, to the investigation of the true figure of the Earth." Although Ca.s.sini did not announce the amount of the compression of Jupiter (1/15th) till 1691 ('Anciens Memoires de l'Acad. des Sciences', t. ii., p. 108), yet we know from Lalande ('Astron.', 3me ed., t. iii., p. 335) that Moraldi possessed some printed sheets of a Latin work, "On the Spots of the Planets,"

commenced by Ca.s.sini, from which it was obvious that he was aware of the compression of Jupiter before the year 1666, and therefore at least twenty-one years before the publication of Newton's 'Principia'.

Actual mesurements, p 165 made by the aid of new and more perfect a.n.a.lysis, have, however, shown that the compression of the poles of the terrestrial spheroid, when the density of the strata is regarded as increasing toward the center, is very nearly 1/300th.

Three methods have been employed to investigate the curvature of the Earth's surface, viz., measurements of degrees, oscillations of the pendulum, and observations of the inequalities in the Moon's...o...b..t. The first is a direct geometrical and astronomical method, while in the other two we determine from accurately observed movements the amount of the forces which occasion those movements, and from these forces we arrive at the cause from whence they have originated, viz., the compression of our terrestrial spheroid. In this part of my delineation of nature, contrary to my usual practice, I have instanced methods because their accuracy affords a striking ill.u.s.tration of the intimate connection existing among the forms and forces of natural phenomena, and also because their application has given occasion to improvements in the exactness of instruments (as those employed in the measurements of s.p.a.ce) in optical and chronological observations; to greater perfection in the fundamental branches of astronomy and mechanics in respect to lunar motion and to the resistance experienced by the oscillations of the pendulum; and to the discovery of new and hitherto untrodden paths of a.n.a.lysis. With the exception of the investigations of the parallax of stars, which led to the discovery of aberration and nutation, the history of science presents no problem in which the object attained -- the knowledge of the compression and of the irregular form of our planet -- is so far exceeded in importance by the incidental gain which has accrued, through a long and weary course of investigation, in the general furtherance and improvement of the mathematical and astronomical sciences. The comparison of eleven measurements of degrees (in which are included three extra-European, namely, the old Peruvian and two East Indian) gives, according to the most strictly theoretical requirements allowed for by Bessel,* a compression p 166 of 1/299th.

[footnote] *According to Bessel's examination of ten measurements of degrees, in which the error discovered by Poissant in the calculation of the French measurements is taken into consideration (Schumacher, 'Astron.

Nachr.', 1841, No. 438, s. 116), the semi-axis major of the elliptical spheroid of revolution to which the irregular figure of the Earth most closely approximates is 3,272,077.14 toises, or 20,924,774 feet; the semi-axis minor, 3,261,159,83 toises, or 20,854,821 feet; and the amount of compression or eccentricity 1/299.152d; the length of a mean degree of the meridian, 57,013.109 toises, or 364,596 feet, with an error of + 2.8403 toises, or 18.16 feet, whence the length of a geographical mile is 3807.23 toises, or 6086.7 feet. Previous combinations of measurements of degrees varied between 1/302d and 1/297th; thus Walbeck ('De Forma of Magnitudine telluris in demensis arcubus Meridiani definiendis', 1819) gives 1/30278th: Ed. Schmidt ('Lehrbuch der Mathem. und Phys. Geographie', 1829, s. 5) gives 1/20742d, as the mean of seven measures. Respecting the influence of great differences of longitude on the polar compression, see 'Bibliotheque Universelle', t. x.x.xiii., p. 181, and t. x.x.xv., p. 50: likewise 'Connaissance des Tems', 1829, p. 290. From the lunar inequalities alone, Laplace ('Exposition du Syst. du Monde', p. 229) found it, by the older tables of Burg, to be 1/3245th; and subsequently, from the lunar observations of Burckhardt and Bouvard, he fixed it at 1/299.1th ('Mecanique Celeste', t. v., p. 13 and 43).

In accordance with this, the polar radius is 10,938 toises (69,944 feet), or about 11 1/2 miles, shorter than the equatorial radius of our terrestrial spheroid. The excess at the equator in consequence of the curvature of the upper surface of the globe amounts, consequently, in the direction of gravitation, to somewhat more than 4 3/7th times the height of Mont Blanc, or only 2 1/2 times the probable height of the summit of the Chawalagiri, in the Himalaya chain. The lunar inequalities (perturbation in the moon's lat.i.tude and longitude) give according to the last investigations of Laplace, almost the same result for the ellipticity as the measurements of degrees, viz., 1/299th. The results yielded by the oscillation of the pendulum give, on the whole, a much greater amount of compression, viz., 1/288th.*

[footnote] *The oscillations of the pendulum give 1/288.7th as the general result of Sabine's great expedition (1822 and 1823, from the equator to 80 degrees north lat.i.tude); according to Freycinet, 1/286.2d, exclusive of the experiments inst.i.tuted at the Isle of France, Guam, and Mowi (Mawi); according to Forster, 1/289.5th; according to Duperrey, 1/266.4th; and according to Lutke ('Partie Nautique', 1836, p. 232), 1/270th, calculated from eleven stations. On the other hand, Mathieu ('Connais. des Temps', 1816, p. 330) fixed the amount at 1/298.2d, from observations made between Formentera and Dunkirk; and Biot, at 1/304th, from observations between Formentera and the island of Ust. Compare Baily, 'Report on Pendulum Experiments', in the 'Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society', vol. vii., p. 96; also Borenius, in the 'Bulletin de l'Acad. de St. Petersbourg', 1843, t. i., p. 25. The first proposal to apply the length of the pendulum as a standard of measure, and to establish the third part of the seconds pendulum (then supposed to be every where of equal length) as a 'pes horarius', or general measure, that might be recovered at any age and by all nations, is to be found in Huygens's 'Horologium Oscillatorium', 1673, Prop. 25. A similar wish was afterward publicly expressed, in 1742, on a monument erected at the equator by Bouguer, La Condamine, and G.o.din. On the beautiful marble tablet which exists, as yet uninjured, in the old Jesuits'

College at Quito, I have myself read the inscription, 'Penduli simplicis aequinoctialis unius minuti secundi archetypus, mensurae naturalis exemplar, utinam universalis!' From an observation made by La Condamine, in his 'Journal du Voyage a l'Equateur', 1751, p. 163, regarding parts of the inscription that were not filled up, and a slight difference between Bonguer and himself respecting the numbers, I was led to expect that I should find considerable discrepancies between the marble tablet and the inscription as it had been described in Paris; but, after a careful comparison, I merely found two "ex arca graduum plusquam trium," and the date of 1745 instead of 1742. The latter circ.u.mstance is singular, because La Condamine returned to Europe in November, 1744, Bouguer in June of the same year, and G.o.din had left South America in July, 1744. The most necessary and useful amendment to the numbers on this inscription would have been the astronomical longitude of Quito. (Humboldt, 'Recueil d'Observ. Astron.', t. ii., p.

319-354.) Nouet's lat.i.tudes, engraved on Egyptian monuments, offer a more recent example of the danger presented by the grave perpetuation of false or careless results.

Galileo, who first observed when a boy (having, probably, suffered his thoughts to wander from the service) that the height of the vaulted roof of a church might be measured by the time of the vibration of the chandeliers suspended at different alt.i.tudes, could hardly have antic.i.p.ated that the pendulum would one day be carried from pole to pole, in order to determine the form of the Earth, or, rather, that the unequal density of the strata of the Earth affects the length of the seconds pendulum by means of intricate forces of local attraction, which are, however, almost regular in large tracts of land. These geognostic relations of an instrument intended for the measurement of time -- this property of the pendulum, by which, like a sounding line, it searches unknown depths, and reveals in volcanic islands,*

or in the declivity of elevated continental mountain chains,** dense of basalt and melaphyre instead of cavities, render it difficult, notwithstanding the admirable simplicity of the method, to arrive at any great result regarding the figure of the Earth from observation of the oscillations of the pendulum.

[footnote] *Respecting the augmented intensity of the attraction of gravitation in volcanic islands (St. Helena, Ualan, Fernando de Noronha, Isle of France, Guam, Mowe, and Galapagos), Rawak (Lutke, p. 240) being an exception, probably in consequence of its proximity to the highland of New Guinea, see Mathieu, in Delambre, 'Hist. de l'Astronomie, au 18me Siecle', p. 701.

[footnote] **Numerous observations also show great irregularities in the length of the pendulum in the midst of continents, and which are ascribed to local attractions. (Delambre, 'Mesure de la Meridienne', t. iii., p. 548; Biot, in the 'Mem. de l'Academie des Sciences', t. viii., 1829, p. 18 and 23.) In pa.s.sing over the South of France and Lombardy from west to east, we find the minimum intensity of gravitation at Bordeaux; from thence it increases rapidly as we advance eastward, through Figeac, Clermont-Ferrand, Milan, and Padua; and in the last town we find that the intensity has attained its maximum. The influence of the southern declivities of the Alps is not merely t on the general size of their ma.s.s, but (much more), in the opinion of Elie de Beaumont ('Rech. sur les Revol. de la Surface du Globe', 1830, p. 729), on the rocks of melaphyre and serpentine, which have elevated the chain. On the declivity of Ararat, which with Caucasus may be said to lie in the center of gravity of the old continent formed by Europe, Asia, and Africa, the very exact pendulum experiments of Fedorow give indications, not of subterranean cavities, but of dense volcanic (Parrot, 'Reise zum Ararat', bd. ii., s. 143.) In the geodesic operations of Carlini and Plana, in Lombardy, differences ranging from 20" to 47".8 have been found between direct observations of lat.i.tude and the results of these operations.

(See the instances of Andrate and Mondovi, and those of Milan and Padua, in the 'Operations Geodes. et Astron. pour la Mesure d'un Arc du Parallele Moyen', t. ii., p. 347; 'Effemeridi Astron. di Milano', 1842, p. 57.) The lat.i.tude of Milan, deduced from that of Berne, according to the , is 45degrees 27' 52", while, according to direct astronomical observations, it is 45 degrees 27' 35". As the perturbations extend in the plain of Lombardy to Parma, which is far south of the Po (Plana, 'Operat. Geod.', t.

ii., p. 847), it is probable that there are deflecting causes 'concealed beneath the soil of the plain itself'. Struve has made similar experiments [with corresponding results] in the most level parts of eastern Europe.

(Schumacher, 'Astron. Nachrichten', 1830, No. 164, s. 399.) Regarding the influence of dense supposed to lie at a small depth, equal to the mean height of the Alps, see the a.n.a.lytical expressions given by Hossard and Rozet, in the 'Comptes Rendus', t. xviii., 1844, p. 292, and compare them with Poisson, 'Traite de Mecanique' (2me ed., t. i., p. 482. The earliest observations on the influence which different kinds of rocks exercise on the vibration of the pendulum are those of Thomas Young, in the 'Philos.

Transactions' for 1819, p. 70-96. In drawing conclusions regarding the Earth's curvature from the length of the pendulum, we ought not to overlook the possibility that its crust may have undergone a process of hardening previously to metallic and dense basaltic having penetrated from great depths, through open clefts, and approached near the surface.

In the astronomical part of the determination of degrees of lat.i.tude, mountain chains, or the denser strata of the Earth, likewise exercise, although in a less degree, an unfavorable influence on the measurement.

As the form of the Earth exerts a powerful influence on the motions of other cosmical bodies, and especially on that of its own neighboring satellite, a more perfect knowledge of the motion of the latter will enable us reciprocally to draw an inference regarding the figure of the Earth. Thus, as Laplace ably remarks,* "An astronomer, without leaving his observatory, may, by a comparison of lunar theory with true observations, not only be enabled to determine the form and size of the Earth, but also its distance from the Sun and Moon -- results that otherwise could only be arrived at by long and arduous expeditions to the most remote parts of both hemispheres."

[footnote] *Laplace, 'Expos. du Syst. du Monde', p. 231.

p 169 The compression which may be inferred from lunar inequalities affords an advantage not yielded by individual measurements of degrees or experiments with the pendulum, since it gives a mean amount which is referable to the whole planet. The comparison of the Earth's compression with the velocity of rotation shows, further, the increase of density from the strata from the surface toward the center -- an increase which a comparison of the ratios of the axes of Jupiter and Saturn with their times of rotation likewise shows to exist in these two large planets. Thus the knowledge of the external form of planetary bodies leads us to draw conclusions regarding their internal character.

The northern and southern hemispheres appear to present nearly the same curvature under equal degrees of lat.i.tude, but, as has already been observed, pendulum experiments and measurements of degrees yield such different results for individual portions of the Earth's surface that no regular figure can be given which would reconcile all the results. .h.i.therto obtained by this method. the true figure of the Earth is to a regular figure as the uneven surfaces of water in motion are on the even surface of water at rest.

When the Earth had been measured, it still had to be weighed. The oscillations of the pendulum* and the plummet have here likewise served to determine the mean density of the Earth, either in connection with astronomical and geodetic operations, with the view of finding the deflection of the plummet from a vertical line in the vicinity of a mountain, or by a comparison of the length of the pendulum in a plain and on the summit of an elevation, or, finally, by the employment of a torsion balance, which may be considered as a horizontally vibrating pendulum for the measurement of the relative density of neighbouring strata.

[footnote] *La Caille's pendulum measurements at the Cape of Good Hope, which have been calculated with much care by Mathieu (Delambre, 'Hist. de l'Astron. au 18me Siecle', p. 479), give a compression of 1/284.4th; but, from several comparisons of observations made in equal lat.i.tudes in the two hemispheres (New Holland and the Malouines (Falkland Islands), compared with Barcelona, New York, and Dunkirk), there is as yet no reason for supposing that the mean compression of the southern hemisphere is greater than that of the northern. (Biot, in the 'Mem. de l'Acad. des Sciences', t. viii., 1829, p. 39-41.)

Of these three methods* the p 170 last is the most certain, since it is independent of the difficult determination of the density of the mineral of which the spherical segment of the mountain consists near which the observations are made.

[footnote] *The three methods of observation give the following results: (1.) by the deflection of the plumb-line in the proximity of the Shehallien Mountain (Gaelic, Thichallin) in Perths.h.i.+re, r.713, as determined by Maskelyne, Hutton, and Playfair (1774-1776 and 1810), according to a method that had been proposed by Newton; (2.) by pendulum vibrations on mountains, 4.837 (Carlini's observations on Mount Cenis compared with Biot's observations at Bordeaux, 'Effemer. Astron. di Milano', 1824, p. 184); (3.) by the torsion balance used by Cavendish, with an apparatus originally devised by Mitch.e.l.l, 5.48 (according to Hutton's revision of the calculation, 5.32, and according to that of Eduard Schmidt, 5.52; 'Lehrbuch der Math. Geographie', bd. i., s. 487); by the torsion balance, according to Reich, 5.44. In the calculation of these experiments of Professor Reich, which have been made with masterly accuracy, the original mean result was 5.43 (with a probable error of only 0.0233), a result which, being increased by the quant.i.ty by which the Earth's centrifugal force diminishes the force of gravity for the lat.i.tude of Freiberg (50 degrees 55'), becomes changed to 5.44. The employment of cast iron instead of lead has not presented any sensible difference, or none exceeding the limits of errors of observation, hence disclosing no traces of magnetic influences. (Reich, 'Vrsuche uber die mittlere Dichtigheit der Erde', 1838, s. 60, 62, and 66.) By the a.s.sumption of too slight a degree of ellipticity of the Earth, and by the uncertainty of the estimations regarding the density of rocks on its surface, the mean density of the Earth, as deduced from experiments on and near mountains, was found about one sixth smaller than it really is, namely, 4.761 (Laplace, 'Mecan. Celeste', t. v., p. 46), or 4.785. (Eduard Schmidt, 'Lehrb. der Math. Geogr.', bd. i., 387 und 418.) On Halley's hypothesis of the Earth being a hollow sphere (noticed in page 171), which was the germ of Franklin's ideas concerning earthquakes, see 'Philos. Trans.' for the year 1693, vol. xvii., p. 563 ('On the Structure of the Internal Parts of the Earth, and the concave habited 'Arch of the Sh.e.l.l'). Halley regarded it as more worthy of the Creator "that the Earth, like a house of several stories, should be inhabited both without and within. For light in the hollow sphere (p. 576) provision might in some manner be contrived."

Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 15

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