Darkworld - Hot Water Part 3

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Another glimpse of his watch told him that PR boy was due to wind up. He tuned back in to the young man's words. Sure enough, the pitch ended and the PR guys looked at Colin expectantly. Clearing his throat and straightening his tie, Colin smiled at them coolly. He stood up and picked up the packet of presentation materials they'd provided him.

"Thank you for your time, gentlemen," he said smoothly. "I will share this information with my brother Marius, the CEO. Once we've made a decision, we'll let you know. I appreciate the work you've put into this proposal."

They gave him more blah blah blah business chitchat as they walked him to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, Colin growled and yanked his tie loose. He was done with this c.r.a.p. Every meeting Marius set up had been the same. He took out his phone and hit the speed dial for his a.s.sistant Corey.

"Bossman! How's the Big Apple?" An engaging young man, Corey was beyond efficient if a little irreverent in his demeanor.

"These meetings suck, Corey. They're all the same. Get me out of the rest of them," Colin growled.

Corey chortled with amus.e.m.e.nt. "You met someone. You just wanna spend the next three days f.u.c.king!"

Colin rolled his eyes. "Corey, what man doesn't wanna spend his days and nights f.u.c.king?"

"I don't," Corey said loftily.

"That's because you don't have a boyfriend right now," Colin laughed.

"Just because I'm unattached doesn't mean I couldn't f.u.c.k for three days and nights if I wanted to. I'm just not a s.l.u.tty boy," his a.s.sistant sniffed.

Colin grinned. Corey might be gay, but his masculinity never came into question. He liked to amuse others by putting on an over the top, gay man act, and he did it really well. "Fine. Your moral self needs to pick up the phone and cancel the rest of the appointments Marius made for me. I'm off to be a s.l.u.tty boy," he said cheerfully.

"Who did you meet?' Corey's voice lowered to a conspiratorial tone. "I won't tell the Big Fang that you're spending the rest of your time in New York f.u.c.king some woman. It is a woman, isn't it?"

Colin shook his head, stifling his laughter as the elevator door opened and he stepped out. "Corey, when have you ever known me to f.u.c.k a man?"

His a.s.sistant's laugh was rich with amus.e.m.e.nt. "Never. But there's always a first time!"

"No first times for me. It's a woman. A beautiful strong willed black dragon woman," he confided as he headed for the taxi stand.

"Ooooh!" Colin could just see Corey's eyes opening wide. "What is it with you Granvilles lately? First your sister goes all googly eyed for a dragon and now you."

Colin got in a waiting cab and gave the driver the name of his hotel. "I'm not googly eyed, Corey. I'm just h.o.r.n.y." "You say to-may-toe and I say to-mah-toe."

Colin grinned at his a.s.sistant's cheekiness. "We'll see. So far, she hasn't called me back and that is not a good sign."

"She'll call," Corey said confidently.

"You sound like you're ready to take bets on this."

Corey made a rude sound that Colin took for a raspberry. "Bossman, you have a big d.i.c.k. All the girlies want to call you back. And all the s.l.u.tty boys wish you'd call."

As Colin burst out laughing, Corey told him, "You just have a good time burning your candle at both ends. Corey will relieve you of the boring meetings. See you in three days, Bossman!"

The call ended and Colin stared at his phone. Ring, d.a.m.n you! As if prompted by his thoughts, the phone dinged.

His eyebrows flicked up at the text message notice. He clicked on it.

I'm wet. How fast can you get here?

Colin sucked in his breath sharply. He tapped on the divider between him and the driver and gave him the name of Eden's hotel. As the cab sped him toward Park Avenue, Colin's groin tightened. Already he could mentally smell the scent of her blood. His muscles twitched. His c.o.c.k protested being confined within his boxer briefs, behind the zipper of his suit pants. He had the primal urge to rip his clothes off and take his woman and he hadn't even arrived yet!

Biting the inside of his cheek, he tried to calm himself. d.a.m.n. He was more excited than a virgin on prom night. He couldn't remember ever being this turned on by a woman. When the cab pulled up at Eden's hotel, Colin tossed some money at the driver. He knew it was probably way too much, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get to Eden. He fidgeted in the elevator and when the doors opened, he bolted for her room. He lifted a hand to knock, but his fist met the air as she jerked the door open.

Their eyes met. Colin leaned forward. Eden tilted her head up. Their mouths met in a hard mash of lips and tongue. They kissed each other urgently. Colin maneuvered his way inside and kicked the door shut, fumbling behind him for the security lock. Eden's hands pulled his suit jacket off, tugging at his already loosened tie, and unb.u.t.toning his expensive designer s.h.i.+rt. She tossed all three items toward a chair and ran her hands over his bare chest.

"OhmyG.o.ds, Colin," she groaned against his mouth. "I thought I could hold out until five..."

Colin ripped open the hotel robe she wore and pushed it off. His hands spanned her waist, his fingers finding her clan mark. She s.h.i.+vered when he touched it, her skin rippling. For a moment, he thought he could see the outline of dark glittery scales beneath her skin, but then the illusion disappeared. He took her mouth in another deep kiss, his tongue parting the seam of her lips. A groan escaped her.

Eden's hands went to his belt, unbuckling it with the swift skill of a woman who handled straps on a regular basis.

Vaguely he recalled that she'd mentioned being into all kinds of kinky stuff. He didn't care. Right now, he just wanted to be inside her. He could smell her arousal and it fueled his.

She freed his c.o.c.k and pushed his pants and briefs down. She knelt, tugging off his shoes and socks. As she stood, her fingers trailed along the length of his erection. His c.o.c.k ached and Colin thought his head would explode.

f.u.c.k it, he thought as he caught her fingers in his. He spun her around, pressing her front against the wall. His hips rubbed against her a.s.s, his c.o.c.k gliding along the crease between her b.u.t.tocks. She moaned and he leaned over her shoulder catching her mouth with his.

They both panted roughly, the sound loud in the big room. Eden placed her palms flat on the wall, arching her back and pus.h.i.+ng her a.s.s against him. Colin's hands slipped between her thighs, pressing them apart. His long fingers dipped into her p.u.s.s.y, rubbing the wetness all over her swollen lips. She jerked a little then leaned back against him, her long black hair spilling over his shoulder. Colin lifted one hand to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, twisting and pulling her tight nipples.

For long minutes, they stood in that position, Colin's c.o.c.k cradled between Eden's b.u.t.tocks, one of his hands teasing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while the other played with her p.u.s.s.y. Her head leaned on his shoulder, her amber eyes glazed with desire, the pupils elongated. Little puffs of smoke came from her nostrils and a pale pink flush began to creep over her torso.

Seeing the s.e.xual flush, Colin pressed her forward again, his hands bending her at the waist a little. Eden rested her cheek on the wallpaper as his thighs pushed hers apart. He nudged her wet flesh with the thick head of his c.o.c.k, and once again, he saw her skin ripple in that odd way, showing the vague tracing of her scales. Then he thrust into her, his c.o.c.k filling her from behind.

He couldn't tell if the loud moan belonged to him or her. He'd become mindless. His d.i.c.k throbbed so hard he thought it would burst and it was encased in the hottest, wettest, tightest female flesh he had ever f.u.c.ked. He thrust without thinking, his instincts in the driver's seat of his body. He licked the side of her neck, making little growling noises as he thrust heavily into her. Vaguely, in the back of his mind, he wondered if he hurt her. After all, she was tight and he was big. And he'd shown her no consideration whatsoever.

Colin held her tightly around the waist as his hips slapped noisily against her a.s.s. His fangs unsheathed, sc.r.a.ping their way along her neck. She seemed to like the feel of them on her skin because she s.h.i.+vered every time the sharp points poked her. The smell of her blood filled him, a red haze of blood thirst coming over him...

His arm held her firmly, like an iron bar around her waist. His other hand slipped between her thighs, rubbing her c.l.i.t. If he wanted to bite her, she would be unable to resist. She was helpless in this position.

The bloodl.u.s.t rose to an unbearable level within him. He knew that if he didn't come soon, he would commit a grave sin against her by biting her. He'd never had such a strong urge to drink from a woman before. The sensation was seductive and dangerous at the same time.

Fighting back the urge to sink his fangs into her throat, Colin flicked his fingers over her c.l.i.t as he thrust inside her.

With a keening cry, she came, her fingernails leaving half moon bruises on his arms. He pumped into her with short strokes, feeling his b.a.l.l.s pull tight to his body. Her wet depths clung to him and every stroke made a loud squishy sound that sent s.h.i.+vers through him. The erotic sound of her ragged breathing, the wet sound of her swollen flesh pulling at him, the sigh that caught in her throat as he flicked his fingers over her c.l.i.t again... everything led him to the brink...

He sucked at her neck a little and she jerked, a second o.r.g.a.s.m hitting her. Unable to withstand any more, Colin crashed over the edge of sensation into the heated bliss of a powerful o.r.g.a.s.m. His c.o.c.k throbbed, swelling within her tight pa.s.sage as his c.u.m filled her. Instinctively, Colin opened his mouth and the points of his fangs started to pierce her skin. With a jerk, he pulled his mouth away, just shy of breaking her skin. He shuddered, from the force of his o.r.g.a.s.m and from a sliver of fear at what he had almost done.

Eden hung limply from the arm he had around her waist. She s.h.i.+vered a little, her p.u.s.s.y still clutching his now deflating c.o.c.k. Colin pulled out of her and she moaned. Bending, he slipped an arm beneath her knees and carried her to the bed. He laid her on the fresh sheets, her raven hair spread across the white pillows. Her golden eyes gleamed up at him as he pressed one knee into the mattress, leaning over to kiss her.

Her arms came up and wound around his neck, pulling him down to her. "I don't know why. I don't know how. I just... don't know... but... I missed you today," she said softly, her eyes holding his.

Colin could see the serious, puzzled expression in her eyes. She had been on his mind all day too. When he'd gotten her text message, he hadn't even thought about what to do. He'd acted on pure gut instinct... to be with her. The enormity of what that might mean hit him, and he collapsed at her side, pulling her into his arms. She curled into his chest, her palms rubbing over his pierced nipples.

Eden was a strong woman. Colin knew this with every fiber of his being. Her confession about missing him was no small thing. For people like them, Alphas, letting people in, letting them get close to you, could be problematic. It had taken a lot for her to admit he'd been on her mind all day. Not wanting her to think that her trust in him was misplaced, Colin rubbed his cheek on her hair.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. All day I watched the clock and kept checking my phone, thinking I'd missed your call," he admitted.

She tilted her head back and their eyes met. "What does it mean?"

Colin let his breath out on a sigh. "Do you really want to hear the answer to that?"

"Well, I think we both know what the only answer could be," Eden said wryly.

He quirked a brow at her. "You're sure there's only one reason we're this drawn to each other?"

For a long moment she remained silent, then she said, "Look. Can we just spend a couple of days together and then ask the questions?"

He cupped the side of her face and kissed her hard, his emotions in turmoil. "Absolutely. So what are we gonna do for two days?"

A wicked grin curved her lips and her hand snaked down to curl around his semi-erect p.e.n.i.s. "You have to ask?

Maybe this isn't what I thought it was between us after all. I mean, I could never mate with a man less intelligent than me."

Colin blinked. s.h.i.+t. She'd said the word out loud. Mate. He'd tried to hedge around it, partly because he didn't want to scare her. Also, saying the actual word made the possibility of it being true seem much higher. Eden went very still and her eyes widened. She looked like she would bolt at any second. He reached up and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip, his chest aching with the need to comfort her and make that expression in her eyes go away.

"You're a lot braver than I am, Eden," he said quietly, hoping she saw the sincerity in his eyes. "I avoided the words because I didn't want to spoil the moment."

"Words don't spoil the moment, Colin. People do." Her cool eyes held his in the most direct gaze he'd ever received from a woman. At least, the most direct gaze that wasn't a blatant come on.

"I don't want to do anything you don't want me to do, Eden. I don't want to make any mistakes. Yeah, I walked out of Carpe Noctem with you because you're hot and I was h.o.r.n.y, but somewhere last night being h.o.r.n.y became the least of what went on inside me," he admitted. "If this is what is seems it might be... I can't ignore it. I've always been taught that as immortals we get one shot at love and a mate in this life. If you're it for me, I'm not going to let you go without a fight."

He watched her face carefully, waiting to see if he had said too much. He'd only spoken the truth, what he felt right now about her and the situation, but he didn't know enough about her to know how she would react to his words.

Eden looked at him thoughtfully, her fingers still playing with his nipple rings. "I'm an aberration," she said finally.

"Dragons are usually all about home and family. I've been a wanderer for a long time. I don't fit in at home with my family. I've never fit in anywhere."

Colin hung on her words, needing to know everything about her. The wistfulness in her voice when she said she never fit in brought out his protectiveness. His chest ached as he fought back the urge to tell her she fit in his arms, and in his heart... All the emotions rising inside him were new and startling. His intense reaction to her seemed to grow by leaps and bounds the more time he spent with her.

"Just because you don't fit with them doesn't mean you won't fit with me."

Her golden gaze flickered. "That's true." She reached up and touched his cheek, her fingertips lightly brus.h.i.+ng his cheekbone. "If you are my mate, I would not let you go without a fight either."

He felt as if he'd been on death row and been granted a reprieve. His emotions were in triumphant chaos. They were on the same page. For now, he would take that and run with it. "So tell me how you want to play this, Eden, because at the moment, all I want to do is bite you. The urge is getting stronger and stronger and my ability to control myself is getting weaker and weaker."

She kissed him sweetly, her fingers cupping the side of his face. He rubbed against her hand, loving her touch. "Just awhile longer, Colin. Until we know more about this thing between us...and about each other."

"You've got it," he said, his voice low and growly. "What next then?"

Eden smiled and her hand cupped his b.a.l.l.s. His c.o.c.k rose instantly. "Make love to me. Dinner and dancing. Show me the romantic Colin."

"I didn't know I had a romantic side, but I'll give you whatever you want... whatever you need..."

Her hands stroked him to full erection and he pressed her back against the pillow, settling between her thighs as he kissed her. Having taken the edge off their hunger with their earlier fast and furious coupling, now they spent long minutes stroking and teasing each other. Colin knew in his heart that until this hot, sweet moment, he hadn't ever made love to a woman before. Every s.e.xual moment that had come before this had been f.u.c.king. The sweetness of their union seared itself into his heart. By the time her legs wrapped around his hips and he slid his c.o.c.k deep inside her, they were both nearly mindless with need.

Colin thrust into her slowly, letting things build between them deliberately. He rotated his hips making his c.o.c.k press up into her in a way that made her moan and squirm beneath him. Her hands roamed his body, stroking and teasing every inch of his flesh that she could reach. Her touch turned him to flame and he wondered briefly if her dragonfire gave her as much trouble as his bite urge gave him. And oh, how he wanted to bite her! The scent of her blood was spicy, redolent with oranges and cloves, like a true hot Sangria.

When his fangs dragged along the skin of her throat she jerked, her body convulsing in o.r.g.a.s.m. Her p.u.s.s.y clamped down on his pistoning c.o.c.k and heat flared in his groin. As he came, he had but a single thought, I want to feel like this forever...

Eden's arms tightened around him, her fingers digging into his triceps.

I do too... His body consumed with the pleasure of his o.r.g.a.s.m, her thought entered his mind easily, so that at first he didn't even realize what had happened. As he collapsed onto her, his face pressed to her neck and shoulder, his conscious mind came roaring to life.

f.u.c.k. Me. I heard her.

I hear you too.

His eyes popped open and he rose up on his elbows. She stared back at him, her golden eyes glowing a little still from her o.r.g.a.s.m. The elongated pupils blinked and he shuddered.

I thought this only happened after bonding.

Apparently, that's not necessarily true. Maybe we just have a more metaphysical connection.

He shook his head trying to clear away his s.e.xual haze. I just came. I can't think, he protested.

Eden smiled at him and brushed her fingertips over his cheeks. You don't have to. This just is.

Is this too fast for you, sweetheart? Cause it feels really fast to me.

She bent her head and licked one of his nipples, keeping her face averted from his. It's fast, but I know what I'm feeling strangely enough. I don't feel like I have any questions inside me. I just feel... content, I think.

Out loud she said, "I don't have much experience with contentment so I'm not sure that's truly what I feel, but I have no urge to question this. It feels too f.u.c.king right to question."

She had nailed it, of course, Colin realized. It did feel right. It felt better than anything he'd ever done before. He kissed her, tasting the sweetness of her lips and how she gave the kiss back to him without hesitation.

He broke the kiss, his eyes holding hers. "Eden, I know we just agreed not to talk about it for a couple of days, but I don't think there's any question about this any longer," he said in a low voice. A s.h.i.+ver went through him, his emotions pus.h.i.+ng their way right from his heart to edge of his lips. "You're my bloodmate."

Chapter Five.

Eden hadn't expected to sleep after Colin had left the night before. Yet, she had and it had been a deep soothing sleep. Before she awakened, she'd been dreaming of Colin. The simple dream had rocked her to her core.

She'd been lying in his arms on a chaise, her back cradled against his chest, his breath warm in her ear. A beautiful sunset spread before them, gilding the ocean and beach that stretched beyond the railing of the porch where they sat.

Colin's sugary vanilla scent filled the air and made her feel warm and content.

He kissed her ear.

You're mine. I am your family now...

His words echoed in her head as he kissed her.

Her eyes opened then and she realized it had been a dream. A short, sweet, awesome dream. Unsure how or when it had happened, she realized that at some point over the past few years, she had become disillusioned and hardened to life. She had given up hope that happiness would ever be hers. She seemed so different from the rest of her family that she'd begun to feel that she had no mate, and no real future. She'd lived for the moment, for the day, forgetting to dream, and giving up on the idea of finding a man who could accept her and be her mate.

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