International Law. A Treatise Volume Ii Part 108
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Article 2.
Dans le cas de recours exerce devant la Cour Internationale des prises sous la forme d'une action en indemnite, l'article 8 de la convention est sans application; la Cour n'a pas a p.r.o.noncer la validite ou la nullite de la capture, non plus qu'a infirmer ou confirmer la decision des tribunaux nationaux.
Article 3.
Les conditions auxquelles est subordonne par la convention l'exercice du recours devant la Cour Internationale des prises sont applicables a l'exercice de l'action en indemnite.
Article 4.
Sous reserve des dispositions ci-apres, les regles de procedure etablies par la convention pour le recours devant la Cour Internationale des prises seront observees pour l'action en indemnite.
Article 5.
Par derogation a l'article 28, -- 1, de la convention, l'instance en indemnite ne peut etre introduite devant la Cour Internationale des prises qu'au moyen d'une declaration ecrite, adressee au Bureau International de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage. Le Bureau peut etre saisi meme par telegramme.
Article 6.
Par derogation a l'article 29 de la convention, le Bureau International notifie directement et par telegramme, s'il est possible, au Gouvernement du belligerant capteur la declaration d'instance dont il est saisi. Le Gouvernement du belligerant capteur, sans examiner si les delais prescrits ont ete observes, fait, dans les sept jours de la reception de la notification, transmettre au Bureau International le dossier de l'affaire en y joignant, le cas echeant, une copie certifiee conforme de la decision rendue par le tribunal national.
Article 7.
Par derogation a l'article 45, -- 2, de la convention, la Cour, apres le p.r.o.nonce et la notification de son arret aux parties en cause, fait parvenir directement au Gouvernement du belligerant capteur le dossier de l'affaire qui lui a ete soumise, en y joignant l'expedition des diverses decisions intervenues ainsi que la copie des proces-verbaux de l'instruction.
Article 8.
Le present protocole additionnel sera considere comme faisant partie integrante de la convention et sera ratifie en meme temps que celle-ci.
Si la declaration prevue a l'article 1 ci-dessus est faite dans l'acte de ratification, une copie certifiee conforme en sera inseree dans le proces-verbal de depot des ratifications vise a l'article 52, -- 3, de la convention.
Article 9.
L'adhesion a la convention est subordonnee a l'adhesion au present protocole additionnel.
En foi de quoi les Plenipotentiaires ont signe le present protocole additionnel.
Fait a La Haye le 19 septembre 1910, en un seul exemplaire qui sera depose dans les archives du Gouvernement des Pays-Bas et dont des copies, certifiees conformes, seront remises, par la voie diplomatique, aux Puissances designees dans l'article 15 de la convention relative a l'etabliss.e.m.e.nt d'une Cour Internationale des prises du 18 octobre 1907 et dans son Annexe.
FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT, 1870 33 & 34 VICT., CHAPTER 90 An Act to regulate the conduct of Her Majesty's Subjects during the existence of hostilities between foreign states with which Her Majesty is at peace.
[9 August 1870.]
Whereas it is expedient to make provision for the regulation of the conduct of Her Majesty's subjects during the existence of hostilities between foreign states with which Her Majesty is at peace:
Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament a.s.sembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
[Sidenote: Short t.i.tle of Act.]
1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as "The Foreign Enlistment Act, 1870."
[Sidenote: Application of Act.]
2. This Act shall extend to all the dominions of Her Majesty, including the adjacent territorial waters.
[Sidenote: Commencement of Act.]
3. This Act shall come into operation in the United Kingdom immediately on the pa.s.sing thereof, and shall be proclaimed in every British possession by the governor thereof as soon as may be after he receives notice of this Act, and shall come into operation in that British possession on the day of such proclamation, and the time at which this Act comes into operation in any place is, as respects such place, in this Act referred to as the commencement of this Act.
_Illegal Enlistment._
[Sidenote: Penalty on enlistment in service of foreign state.]
4. If any person, without the license of Her Majesty, being a British subject, within or without Her Majesty's dominions, accepts or agrees to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with any foreign state at peace with Her Majesty, and in this Act referred to as a friendly state, or whether a British subject or not within Her Majesty's dominions, induces any other person to accept or agree to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any such foreign state as aforesaid,--
He shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment, or either of such punishments at the discretion of the court before which the offender is convicted; and imprisonment, if awarded, may be either with or without hard labour.
[Sidenote: Penalty on leaving Her Majesty's Dominions with intent to serve a Foreign State.]
5. If any person, without the license of Her Majesty, being a British subject, quits or goes on board any s.h.i.+p with a view of quitting Her Majesty's dominions, with intent to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with a friendly state, or, whether a British subject or not, within Her Majesty's dominions, induces any other person to quit or to go on board any s.h.i.+p with a view of quitting Her Majesty's dominions with the like intent,--
He shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment, or either of such punishments, at the discretion of the court before which the offender is convicted; and imprisonment, if awarded, may be either with or without hard labour.
[Sidenote: Penalty on embarking Persons under False Representations as to Service.]
6. If any person induces any other person to quit Her Majesty's dominions or to embark on any s.h.i.+p within Her Majesty's dominions under a misrepresentation or false representation of the service in which such person is to be engaged, with the intent or in order that such person may accept or agree to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with a friendly state,--
He shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment or either of such punishments, at the discretion of the court before which the offender is convicted; and imprisonment, if awarded, may be either with or without hard labour.
[Sidenote: Penalty on taking illegally enlisted Persons on board s.h.i.+p.]
7. If the master or owner of any s.h.i.+p, without the license of Her Majesty, knowingly either takes on board, or engages to take on board, or has on board such s.h.i.+p within Her Majesty's dominions any of the following persons, in this Act referred to as illegally enlisted persons; that is to say,--
(1) Any person who, being a British subject within or without the dominions of Her Majesty, has, without the license of Her Majesty, accepted or agreed to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with any friendly state:
(2) Any person, being a British subject, who, without the license of Her Majesty, is about to quit Her Majesty's dominions with the intent to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with a friendly state:
(3) Any person who has been induced to embark under a misrepresentation or false representation of the service in which such person is to be engaged, with the intent or in order that such person may accept or agree to accept any commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state at war with a friendly state:
Such master or owner shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and the following consequences shall ensue; that is to say,--
(1) The offender shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment, or either of such punishments, at the discretion of the court before which the offender is convicted; and imprisonment, if awarded, may be either with or without hard labour: and
International Law. A Treatise Volume Ii Part 108
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