The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft Part 77
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Slavery existed among the tribes of Goazacoalco and Tabasco. Dona Marina was one of twenty female slaves who were presented to Cortes by the cacique of the latter place; and when her mother, who lived in the province of Goazacoalco, gave her away to some traveling merchants, she, to conceal the act, pretended that the corpse of one of her slaves who died at that time was that of her own daughter.[950]
Among the Zapotecs and other nations who inhabit the isthmus of Tehuantepec, marriages are contracted at a very early age; it happens not unfrequently that a youth of fourteen marries a girl of eleven or twelve. Polygamy is not permissible, and gentleness, affection, and frugality characterize the marital relations. Certain superst.i.tious ceremonies formerly attended the birth of children, which, to a modified extent, exist at the present day. When a woman was about to be confined, the relatives a.s.sembled in the hut, and commenced to draw on the floor figures of different animals, rubbing each one out as soon as it was completed. This operation continued till the moment of birth, and the figure that then remained sketched upon the ground was called the child's _tona_ or second self. When the child grew old enough, he procured the animal that represented him and took care of it, as it was believed that health and existence were bound up with that of the animals, in fact, that the death of both would occur simultaneously.
Soon after the child was born, the parents, accompanied by friends and relatives, carried it to the nearest water, where it was immersed, while at the same time they invoked the inhabitants of the water to extend their protection to the child; in like manner they afterwards prayed for the favor of the animals of the land. It is a noticeable trait, much to the credit of the parents, that their children render to them as well as to all aged people the greatest respect and obedience. That the women are strictly moral cannot be a.s.serted. Voluptuous, with minds untrained, and their number being greatly in excess of the men, it is not surprising that travelers have noted an absence of chast.i.ty among these women; yet few cases of conjugal infidelity occur, and chast.i.ty is highly esteemed. Illegitimate children are not common, partly the result, perhaps, of early marriages.[951] Among the Quelenes, when a contract of marriage was made, the friends and relatives collected at the a.s.sembly-house common to every village. The bride and bridegroom were then introduced by the parents, and in the presence of the cacique and priest confessed all the sins of which they were guilty. The bridegroom was obliged to state whether he had had connection with the bride or with other women, and she, on her part, made a full confession of all her shortcomings; this ended, the parents produced the presents, which consisted of wearing-apparel and jewelry, in which they proceeded to array them; they were then lifted up and placed upon the shoulders of two old men and women, who carried them to their future home, where they laid them on a bed, locked them in, and there left them securely married.[952] Among the Mayas early marriage was a duty imposed by the Spanish Fathers, and if a boy or girl at the age of twelve or fourteen had not chosen a mate, the priest selected one of equal rank or fortune and obliged them to marry. The usual presents were dresses; and a banquet was prepared, of which all present partook. During the feast the parents of the parties addressed them in speeches applicable to the occasion, and afterwards the house was perfumed by the priest, who then blessed the company and the ceremony ended. Previous to the wedding-day the parents fasted during three days. The young man built a house in front of that of his father-in-law, in which he lived with his wife during the first years of his servitude, for he was obliged to work for his father-in-law four or five years. If he failed to perform faithful service, his father-in-law dismissed him, and gave his daughter to another. Widowers were exempt from this servitude, and could choose whom they pleased for a wife without the interference of relatives. It was forbidden a man to marry a woman of the same name as his father. They married but one wife, though the lords were permitted to make concubines of their slaves. Mr Stephens, in his description of the inhabitants of the village of Schawill, says: "Every member must marry within the rancho, and no such thing as a marriage out of it had ever occurred.
They said it was impossible; it could not happen. They were in the habit of going to the villages to attend the festivals; and when we suggested a supposable case of a young man or woman falling in love with some village Indian, they said it might happen; there was no law against it; but none could marry out of the rancho. This was a thing so little apprehended, that the punishment for it was not defined in their penal code; but being questioned, after some consultations, they said that the offender, whether man or woman would be expelled. We remarked that in their small community constant intermarriages must make them all relatives, which they said was the case since the reduction of their numbers by the cholera. They were in fact all kinsfolk, but it was allowable for kinsfolk to marry, except in the relations.h.i.+p of brothers and sisters."
In divisions of property women could not inherit; in default of direct male heirs the estate went to the brothers or nearest male relatives.
When the heir was a minor, one of his male relatives was appointed guardian, until the days of his minority should have pa.s.sed, when the property was delivered up to him. The Southern Mexicans were particular to keep a strict chronology of their lineage. Young children underwent a kind of baptismal ceremony. The Mayas believed that ablution washed away all evil; and previous to the ceremony the parents fasted three days, and they were particular to select for it what they considered a lucky day. The age at which the rite was performed was between three and twelve years, and no one could marry until he had been baptized. Habits of industry as well as respect for parents and aged people was strongly impressed upon the minds of the children.[953]
The Southern Mexicans are fond of singing and dancing, though there is not much variety either in their melancholy music or monotonous dances.
Their favorite instrument is the _marimba_, composed of pieces of hard wood of different lengths stretched across a hollowed-out canoe-shaped case. The pieces of wood or keys are played upon with two short sticks, one held in each hand. The sound produced is soft and pleasing, and not unlike that of a piano. Another instrument is the _tunkul_ or drum, made of a hollow log with sheep-skin stretched over the end; it is struck with the fingers of the right hand, the performer holding it under his left arm. Their movements during their dances are slow and graceful. The men are addicted to intoxication at their feasts, the liquor in common use among them being mescal and aguardiente, a colorless spirit made from the sugar-cane. Many of the natives have a small still in their houses.[954]
The Zapotecs are exceedingly polite to one another in their common salutations, calling each other brother, and to the descendants of their ancient caciques or lords the utmost reverence is paid. It is related by a Mexican writer that in a village not distant from the city of Oajaca, whenever an aged man, the son of one of their ancient lords was seen by the natives out walking, with a majesty that well became his fine form, position, and age, they uncovered their heads, kissed his hands, which he held out to them, with much tenderness, calling him _daade_ (father), and remained uncovered until he was lost to sight. They are a theocratic people, much addicted to their ancient religious belief and customs.
Those who live in the vicinity of Mitla entertain a peculiar superst.i.tion; they will run to the farthest villages and pick up even the smallest stones that formed a part of the mosaic work of that famous ruin, believing that such stones will in their hands turn into gold.
Some of them hold the belief that anyone who discovers a buried or hidden treasure has no right to appropriate to his own use any portion of it, and that if he does, death will strike him down within the year, in punishment of the sacrilege committed against the spirit of the person who hid or buried the treasure. One of the first priests that lived among the Zapotecs says that after they had entered the pale of the church, they still clung to their old religious practices, and made offerings of aromatic gums, and living animals; and that when the occasion demanded a greater solemnity, the officiating priest drew blood from the under part of his tongue, and from the back part of his ears, with which he sprinkled some thick coa.r.s.e straw, held as sacred and used at the sacrifices. To warm themselves, the Chochos, or Chuchones, of Oajaca used, in cold weather, towards the evening, to burn logs and dry leaves close to the entrance of their caves, and blow the smoke into their dwellings, which being quite full, all the family, old and young, males and females, rushed in naked and closed the entrance. The natives of Goazacoalco and other places practiced some of the Jewish rites, including a kind of circ.u.mcision, which custom they claimed to have derived from their forefathers; hence have arisen innumerable a.n.a.logies to prove the Jewish origin of these peoples. The Huaves still preserve ancient customs at their feasts. It is a remarkable fact that although nearly all these people are fishermen, very few of them can swim. The Mijes have a habit of speaking in very loud tones; this is attributed by some to their haughty spirit, and by others to their manner of life in the most rugged portion of the mountains. When bound upon a journey, if they have no other load to carry, they fill their _tonates_, or nets, with stones. This is generally done by them on the return home from the market-place of Tehuantepec. These loads rest upon their backs, and hang by a band from their foreheads. In ancient times, when they were in search of a new country to settle in, they subjected the places they had devastated to the fire proof. This was done by putting a firebrand over night into a hole, and if it was found extinguished in the morning, they considered that the Sun desired his children (that is themselves) to continue their journey. They are much given, even at the present time, to idolatrous practices, and will make sacrifices in their churches, if permitted, of birds as offerings to the false G.o.ds they wors.h.i.+ped before their partial conversion to Christianity. The natives attribute eclipses of the moon to an attempt by the sun to destroy their satellite, and to prevent the catastrophe make a frightful uproar, employing therefor everything they can get hold of.[955]
The diseases most prevalent among the Southern Mexicans are fevers, measles, and severe colds. All these people possess an excellent knowledge of medicinal herbs, and make use of them in cases of pains and sickness. They still practice some of their mysterious ceremonies, and are inclined to attribute all complaints to the evil influence of bewitchments. Father Baeza, in the _Registro Yucateco_, says they consulted a crystal or transparent stone called _zalzun_, by which they pretended to divine the origin and cause of any sickness. When suffering with fever or other disorders, the disease is often much aggravated and death caused by injudicious bathing in the rivers. In ancient times tobacco was much used as a specific against pains arising from colds, rheumatism, and asthma; the natives found that it soothed the nerves and acted as a narcotic. They also practiced bleeding with a sharp flint or fish-bone. The Zapotecs attempted cures by means of a blow-pipe, at the same time invoking the a.s.sistance of the G.o.ds.[956]
When a death occurs the body is wrapped in a cotton cloth, leaving the head and face uncovered, and in this condition is placed in a grave.
Very few of the ancient funeral usages remain at the present day, though some traces of superst.i.tious ceremonies may still be observed among them; such as placing food in the grave, or at different spots in its immediate vicinity. Sometimes a funeral is conducted with a certain degree of pomp, and the corpse carried to its last resting-place followed by horn-blowers, and tunkul-drummers. As in the case of the central Mexicans, a memorial day is observed, when much respect is shown for the memory of the dead, at which times fruits, bread, and cakes are placed upon the graves.[957]
The character of the inhabitants of the Tehuantepec isthmus and Yucatan is at the present day one of docility and mildness. With a few exceptions they are kind-hearted, confiding, and generous, and some few of them evince a high degree of intelligence, although the majority are ignorant, superst.i.tious, of loose morality as we esteem it, yet apparently unconscious of wrong. Cayetano Moro says they are far superior to the average American Indian. The Zapotecs are a bold and independent people, exhibit many intellectual qualities, and are of an impatient disposition, though cheerful, gentle, and inoffensive; they make good soldiers; they are fanatical and superst.i.tious like their neighbors. The women are full of vivacity, of temperate and industrious habits, their manners are characterized by shyness rather than modesty, and they are full of intrigue. To this nation the Mijes present a complete contrast; of all the tribes who inhabit the isthmus, they are the most brutal, degraded, and idolatrous; they are grossly stupid, yet stubborn and ferocious. The Chontales and Choles are barbarous, fierce, and quarrelsome, and greatly addicted to witchcraft. The Cajonos and Nexitzas, of Oajaca, are of a covetous and malicious nature, dishonest in their dealings, and much inclined to thieving. The Zoques are more rational in their behavior; although they are ignorant and intemperate in their habits, they are naturally kind and obliging, as well as patient and enduring. The Huaves are deficient in intelligence, arrogant and inhospitable to strangers, and of a reticent and perverse disposition. The Miztecs are grave and steady; they exhibit many traits of ingenuity, are industrious, hospitable, and affable in their manners, and retain an ardent love for liberty.[958] The Mayas exhibit many distinguished characteristics. Although of limited intelligence, and more governed by their senses than their reason, their good qualities predominate. Formerly they were fierce and warlike, but these characteristics have given place to timidity, and they now appear patient, generous, and humane; they are frugal and satisfied with little, being remarkably free from avarice. Herrera describes them as fierce and warlike, much given to drunkenness and other sins, but generous and hospitable. Doctor Young, in his History of Mexico, says: "They are not so intelligent or energetic, though far more virtuous and humane than their brethren of the north." The women are industrious, have pleasing manners, and are inclined to shyness. To sum it all up, I may say that the besetting vice of these nations is intemperance, but the habit of drinking to excess is found to be much more common among the mountain tribes than among the inhabitants of the lowlands. Quarrels among themselves seldom occur, and there is abundant evidence to show that many of them possess excellent natural qualifications both for common labor, and artistic industry; and that there is no cause to prevent their becoming, under favorable circ.u.mstances, useful citizens.[959]
Under the name WILD TRIBES OF MEXICO, I include all the people inhabiting the Mexican Territory from ocean to ocean, between lat.i.tude 23 north and the Central American boundary line south, including Yucatan and Tehuantepec. The southernmost point of this division touches the fifteenth degree of north lat.i.tude. A subdivision of this group is made and the parts are called the _Central Mexicans_, and the _Southern Mexicans_, respectively. In the former I include the nations north of an imaginary line, drawn from the port of Acapulco, on the Pacific coast, to Vera Cruz, on the Gulf of Mexico, and in the latter all those south of this line.
Going to the fountain-head of Mexican history, I find mentioned certain names, of which it is now impossible to determine whether they are different names applied to the same people or different peoples, or whether they are mythical and apply to no really existing nations. Still less is it possible to give these strange names any definite location; instance the Toltecs and the Chichimecs, and indeed almost all early designations, very common names used to denote very uncommon people.
Sahagun is the only one of the oldest writers who mentions the name of Toltecs, which in later years was used by Ixtlilxochitl and Boturini, and after them bandied about more freely by modern writers. After the conquest, the name Chichimecs was applied to all uncivilized and unsettled people north of the valley of Mexico, extending to the farthest discovered region. Of still other nations nothing further can be said than that they occupied the cities to which their name was applied; such were the Mexicans, or Aztecs, the Tlascaltecs, the Cholultecs, and many others. Some general remarks respecting the location of the civilized nations, will be found in vol. ii., chap. ii., of this work; and all obtainable details concerning the many tribes that cannot be definitely located here are given in volume v.
The _Quinames_ or Giants are mentioned as the first inhabitants of Mexico. 'Los Quinametin, gigantes que vivian en esta rinconada, que se dice ahora Nueva Espana.' _Ixtlilxochitl_, _Relaciones_, in _Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq._, vol. ix., p. 322; _Id._, _Hist.
Chichimeca_, in _Id._, p. 205. 'Los que hasta ahora se sabe, aver morado estas Estendidas, y Ampliadisimas Tierras, y Regiones, de la Nueva Espana, fueron vnas Gentes mui crecidas de Cuerpo, que llamaron despues otros, Qainametin.' _Torquemada_, _Monarq. Ind._, tom. i., p. 34. 'Les Quinames, la plus ancienne des races connues de ces contrees, etaient encore en possession de quelques localites de peu d'importance pres des villes de Huitzilapan, de Cuetlaxcohuapan et de Totomihuacan.' _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Hist. Nat. Civ._, tom. i., p. 196. 'Sa domination s'etendait sur les provinces interieures du Mexique et du Guatemala, et, a l'epoque du debarquement des Olmeques et des Xicalancas, les histoires nous la montrent encore en possession du plateau azteque et des contrees voisines du fleuve Tabasco.' _Id._, in _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1858, tom. clviii., p. 258. 'Vivian hacia las riberas del rio Atoyac, entre la ciudad de Tlaxcala y la de la Puebla de los Angeles.'
_Veytia_, _Hist. Ant. Mej._, tom. i., pp. 28, 143-4.
The _Olmecs_ and _Xicalancas_ were 'los que poseian este Nuevo Mundo, en esta tercera edad.' _Ixtlilxochitl_, _Hist. Chichimeca_, in _Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq._, vol. ix., p. 205. 'Olmecas, Vixtoti, y Mixtecas. Estos tales asi llamados, estan acia el nacimiento del sol, y llamanles tambien _tenime_, porque hablan lengua barbara, y dicen que son Tultecas.' _Sahagun_, _Hist. Gen._, tom. iii., lib. x., p. 136.
'Estos poblaron, donde aora esta Edificada, y Poblada la Ciudad de los Angeles, y en Totomihuacan.... Los Xicalancas, fueron tambien Poblando, acia Cuathazualco (que es acia la Costa del Norte) y adelante en la misma Costa, esta oi dia vn Pueblo, que se dice Xicalanco.... Otro Pueblo ai del mismo Nombre, en la Provincia de Maxcaltzinco, cerca del Puerto de la Vera-Cruz, que parece averlo tambien Poblado los Xicalancas.' _Torquemada_, _Monarq. Ind._, tom. i., p. 32. 'Atravesando los Puertos del Bolcan, y Sierra-Nevada, y otros rodeandolos por la parte de el Mediodia, hasta que venieron a salir a vn Lugar, que de presente se llama Tochmilco. De alli, pasaron a Atlixco, Calpan, y Huexotzinco, hasta llegar al parage, y Tierras de la Provincia de Tlaxcallan; y haciendo asiento en el principio, y entrada de la dicha Tierra, hicieron su Fundacion en el Pueblo, que aora se llama Nuestra Senora de la Natividad (y en Lengua Mexicana Yancuictlalpan.) De alli, pasaron a otro Poblado, el referido, llamado Huapalcalco, junto a vna Hermita, que llaman de Santa Cruz, al qual llaman los Naturales, Texoloc, Mizco, y Xiloxuchitla, donde aora es la Hermita de San Vicente, y el Cerro de la Xochitecatl, y Tenayacac, donde estan otras dos Hermitas, a poco trecho vna de otra, que las llaman de San Miguel, y de San Francisco, enmedio de las quales, pasa el Rio, que viene de la Sierra Nevada de Huexotzinco. Y aqui en este Sitio, hicieron los Hulmecas, su asiento, y Poblacon.' _Id._, p. 257; _Mendieta_, _Hist. Ecles._, pp. 145-6; _Motolinia_, _Hist. Indios_, in _Icazbalceta_, _Col. de Doc._, tom. i., p. 7. 'Vlmecatlh poblo tambien muchos lugares en aquella parte, a do agora esta la ciudad de los Angeles. Y nombro los Totomiuacan, Vicilapan, Cuetlaxcoapan, y otros Xicalancatlh anduuo mas tierra, llego a la mar del norte, y en la costa hizo muchos pueblos. Pero a los dos mas princ.i.p.ales llamo de su mesmo nombre. El vn Xicalanco esta en la prouincia de Maxcalcinco, que es cerca de la Vera Cruz, y el otro Xicalanco esta cerca de Tauasco.'
_Gomara_, _Conq. Mex._, fol. 299. 'Hacia Atlisco y Itzucan los xicalancas: y en el territorio de la Puebla, Chollolan y Tlaxcallan los ulmecas, cuya primitiva y poblacion dicen haber sido la ciudad de Chollolan.' _Veytia_, _Hist. Ant. Mej._, tom. i., p. 153; _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Hist. Nat. Civ._, tom. i., pp. 110-11, 196; _Id._, _Popol Vuh_, introd., p. x.x.x.; _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 119; _Alcedo_, _Diccionario_, tom. iii., p. 374.
The _Coras_ const.i.tute the north-westernmost nation of the CENTRAL MEXICANS, inhabiting the district of 'Nayarit o reino de Nuevo Toledo.... Al Oeste tiene los pueblos de la antigua provincia de Acaponeta; al Este los de Colotlan, y al Sur quieren algunos que se extienda hasta las orillas del rio Grande o Tololotlan ... el Nayarit se extiende entre los 21 20' y 23 de lat., y entre los 5 y 6 de long.
occidental de Mexico.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 279. 'En la Sierra del Nayarit.' _Pimentel_, _Cuadro_, tom. ii., p. 71. 'Los indios que viven en el centro de la sierra, llamados muutzizti.... Los llamados teakuaeitzizti viven en las faldas de la sierra que mira al Poniente ...
los coras que viven a la orilla del rio Nayarit o de Jesus Maria, conocidos por Ateakari.' _Id._, p. 83.
The _Tec.o.xines_ 'tenian su asiento en el valle de Cactlan ...
y se extendian a la Magdalena, a.n.a.lco, Hoxtotipaquillo y barrancas de Mochitiltic.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 279.
The _Cocotlanes_ were at the missions of 'Apozolco y en Comatlan.'
_Id._, p. 280.
The _Maraveres_ reside in Tlajomulco. _Alcedo_, _Diccionario_, tom. ii., p. 242.
The _Thorames_ and _Tzayaquecas_ dwell near the town of Zentipac. 'Dos leguas apartado del mar, la nacion Thorama ... diez leguas de Zentipac habia otros Indios de Nacion Tzayaqueca.' _Padilla_, _Conq. N. Galicia, MS._, p. 62. 'La gran poblacion y Valle de Tzenticpac, cuyo pueblo esta situado punto a la mar del Sur, dos leguas antes a orillas del rio grande, y que la gente de esta provincia era de la nacion Totorame.' _Beaumont_, _Cron. de Mechoacan, MS._, p. 197.
The _Corarus_ 'habitaban ... hacia la parte del Norte, diez leguas del dicho pueblo de Tzenticpac.' _Ib._
The _Guicholas_ 'are settled in the village of San Sebastian, which lies eighteen leagues to the westward of Bolanos.' _Lyon's Journal_, vol. i., p. 322; _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1828, tom. xl., p. 239. 'En Santa Catarina, S. Sebastian, S. Andres Coamiat, Soledad y Tezompan, pertenecientes a Colotlan.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 282.
The _Coronados_ 'son los del pueblo de Tuito al Sur del valle de Banderas.' _Id._, p. 278.
The _Tiaxomultecs_ 'habitaban en Tlajomulco.' 'Estos tecuexes ... llaman a los indios cocas de toda la provincia de Tonalan, que no eran de su lengua, tlaxomultecas.' _Id._, p. 278.
The _Cocas_ and _Tecuexes_ 'eran los de la provincia de Tonalan.... Los tecuexes pasaban del otro lado de Tololotlan hasta ocupar parte de Zacatecas, derramandose por los pueblos de Tecpat.i.tlan, Teocaltiche, Mitic, Jalostot.i.tlan, Mesticatan, Yagualica, Tlacotlan, Teocalt.i.tlan, Ixtlahuacan, Cuautla, Ocotic y Acatic.' _Id._, pp. 278-9.
The _Mazapiles_ are 'al N. E. de la zacateca.' _Hervas_, in _Id._, p.
The _Cazcanes_ 'habitan hasta la comarca de Zacatecas.' _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iv., lib. ix., cap. xiii.; _Laet_, _Novus...o...b..s_, p.
281. 'Ocupaba el terreno desde el rio Grande, confinando con los tecuexes y los tepecanos.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, pp. 284, 49.
The _Mecos_ live in the pueblo Soledad de las Canoas, in the State of Queretaro. _Alcedo_, _Dicc._, tom. iv., p. 567.
The _Pames_ inhabit the state of Queretaro, 'treinta leguas distante de la expresada Ciudad de Queretaro, y se estiende a cien leguas de largo, y treinta de ancho, en cuyas brenas vivian los Indios de la Nacion Pame.' _Paiou_, _Vida de Junipero Serra_, p. 23. 'En la mision de Cerro Prieto del Estado de Mexico, se extiende princ.i.p.almente por los pueblos de San Luis Potosi, y tambien se le encuentra en Queretaro y en Guanajuato.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, pp. 48, 256, 262, 264. 'En San Luis de la Paz, territorio de la Sierra Gorda ... en la ciudad del Maiz, Departamento de San Luis Potosi ... en la Purisima Concepcion de Arnedo, en la Sierra Gorda.' _Pimentel_, _Cuadro_, tom. ii., p. 265.
[Sidenote: THE OTOMiS.]
The _Otomis_ are one of the most widely dispersed nations of Mexico.
'Todo lo alto de las montanas, o la mayor parte, a la redonda de Mexico, estan llenas de ellos. La cabeza de su senorio creo que es Xilotepec, que es una gran provincia, y las provincias de Tollan y Otompa casi todas son de ellos, sin contar que en lo bueno de la Nueva Espana hay muchas poblaciones de estos Otomies, de los quales proceden los Chichimecas.' _Motolinia_, _Hist. Indios_, in _Icazbalceta_, _Col. de Doc._, tom. i., p. 9. The above is copied by Torquemada, in his _Monarq.
Ind._, tom. i., p. 32. 'Estos Teochichimecas son los que aora se llaman Otomies.... Tlaixpan, es de los que hablan esta Lengua Otomi.' _Id._, p.
261. 'La grandisima Provincia, Reino de los Otomies, que coge a Tepexic, Tula, Xilotepec, Cabeca de este Reyno, Chiapa, Xiquipilco, Atocpan, y Queretaro, en cuio medio de estos Pueblos referidos, ai otro inumerables, porque lo eran sus Gentes.' _Id._, p. 287. 'Xilotepeque provincia Otomiis habitata.' _Laet_, _Novus...o...b..s_, p. 234. 'La Provincia degli Otomiti cominciava nella parte settentrionale della Valle Messicana, e si continuava per quelle montagne verso tramontana sino a novanta miglia dalla Capitale. Sopra tutti i luoghi abitati, che v'erano ben molti, s'innalzava l'antica e celebre Citta di Tollan [oggid Tula] e quella di Xilotepec.' _Clavigero_, _Storia Ant. del Messico_, tom. i., p. 31. In ancient times they 'occuparono un tratto di terra di piu di trecento miglia dalle montagne d'Izmiquilpan verso Maestro, confinando verso Levante, e verso Ponente con altre n.a.z.ioni parimente selvaggie.' Later: 'fondarono nel paese d'Anahuac, ed anche nella stessa Valle di Messico infiniti luoghi; la maggior parte d'essi, e spezialmente i piu grandi, come quelli di Xilotopec e di Huitzapan nelle vicinanze del paese, che innanzi occupavano: altri sparsi fra i Matlatzinchi, ed i Tlascallesi, ed in altre Provincie del Regno.' _Id._, p. 148. 'Los indios de este pais (Queretaro) eran por la mayor parte otomites.' _Alegre_, _Hist. Comp. de Jesus_, tom. ii., p. 163; _Humboldt_, _Essai Pol._, tom. i., p. 77. 'Sous le nom d'Othomis, on comprenait generalement les restes des nations primitives, repandus dans les hautes vallees qui bornent l'Anahuac a l'occident.' _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Hist. Nat. Civ._, tom. iii., p. 56. 'Les traditions les plus anciennes du Mexique nous montrent les Othomis en possession des montagnes et de la vallee d'Anahuac, ainsi que des vastes contrees qui s'etendent au dela, dans le Michoacan, jusqu'aux frontieres de Xalizco et de Tonalan; ils etaient egalement les maitres du plateau de Tlaxcallan.' _Id._, tom. i., p. 160. 'Ils occupaient la plus grande partie de la vallee d'Anahuac, avec ses contours jusqu'aux environs de Cholullan, ainsi que les provinces que s'etendent au nord entre la Michoacan et Tuilantzinco.' _Id._, p. 196. 'Otompan, aujourd'hui Otumba, fut leur capitale.' _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Popol Vuh_, introd., pp.
x.x.x., cx. Queretaro 'fue siempre domicilio de los esforzados Othomites.... Tienen poblado todo lo alto de las Montanas, que circundan a Mexico, siendo cabecera de toda la Provincia Othomi Xilotepec, que la hacen numerosa los Pueblos de Tepexic, Tula, Huichiapan, Xiquilpo, Atocpan, el Mexquital, S. Juan del Rio, y Queretaro.' _Espinosa_, _Chron. Apostolica_, pp. 1-2. The Otomi language 'se le encuentra derramado por el Estado de Mexico, entra en San Luis Potosi, abraza todo Queretaro y la mayor parte de Guanajuato, limitandose al O. por los pueblos de los tarascos; reaparece confundido con el tepehua cerca del totonaco, y salpicado aqui y alla se tropieza con el en Puebla y en Veracruz.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, pp. 17, 216-7, 240, 255-6, 261-4, 272. 'En todo el Estado de Queretaro y en una parte de los de San Luis, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz y Tlaxcala.' _Pimentel_, _Cuadro_, tom. i., p. 117. Concurrent authorities: _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, p. 138; _Delaporte_, _Reisen_, tom.
x., p. 323; _Ward's Mexico_, vol. ii., p. 345; _Muhlenpfordt_, _Mejico_, tom. ii., pt. ii., p. 477; _Wappaus_, _Geog. u. Stat._, pp. 36, 188, 196-7; _Klemm_, _Cultur-Geschichte_, tom. v., p. 193; _Gallatin_, in _Amer. Ethno. Soc., Transact._, vol. i., p. 2; _Gemelli Careri_, in _Churchill's Col. Voyages_, tom. iv., p. 513. 'Habitait les bords du golfe du Mexique, depuis la province de Panuco jusqu'au Nueces.'
_Domenech_, _Jour._, p. 16.
The _Mazahuas_ 'furono tempo fa parte della n.a.z.ione Otomita.... I princ.i.p.ali luoghi da loro abitati erano sulle montagne occidentali della Valle Messicana, e componevano la Provincia di Mazahuacan, appartenente alla Corona di Tacuba.' _Clavigero_, _Storia Ant. del Messico_, tom. i., pp. 149-50; copied in _Heredia y Sarmiento_, _Sermon de Guadalupe_, p.
83. 'Mazahua, Mazahui, Matzahua, Matlazahua Mozahui, en Mexico y en Michoacan. En tiempos del imperio azteca esta tribu pertenecia al reino de Tlacopan; sus pueblos marcaban los limites entre su senorio y Michoacan.' _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 256. 'Parece que solo quedan algunos restos de la nacion mazahua en el distrito Ixtlahuaca, perteneciente al Departamento de Mexico.' _Pimentel_, _Cuadro_, tom.
ii., p. 193. 'Au nord ils etendaient leurs villages jusqu'a peu de distance de l'ancien Tollan.' _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Hist. Nat.
Civ._, tom. iii., p. 56.
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