The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft Part 8

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Elias-berge).' _Holmberg_, _Ethn. Skiz._, p. 4. 'The Kalosh Indians seen at Sitka inhabit the coast between the Stekine and Chilcat Rivers.'

_Whymper's Alaska_, p. 100. 'Kaloches et Kiganis. Cotes et iles de l'Amerique Russe.' _Mofras_, _Explor._, tom. ii., p. 335. The 'Kolos.h.i.+ans live upon the islands and coast from the lat.i.tude 50 40' to the mouth of the Atna or Copper River.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, p. 562.

'From about 60 to 45 N. Lat., reaching therefore across the Russian frontier as far as the Columbia River.' _Muller's Chips_, vol. i., p.

334. 'At Sitka Bay and Norfolk Sound.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 96.

'Between Jacootat or Behring's Bay, to the 57th degree of north lat.i.tude.' _Lisiansky's Voy._, p. 242. 'Die Volker eines grossen Theils der Nordwest-Kuste von America.' _Vater_, _Mithridates_, vol. iii., pt.

iii., p. 218. 'Les Koliugi habitent le pays montueux du Nouveau-Norfolk, et la partie septentrionale du Nouveau-Cornouaille.' _Humboldt_, _Pol._, tom. i., p. 349.

The _Ugalenzes_ or Ugalukmutes, the northernmost Thlinkeet tribe, inhabit the coast from both banks of the mouth of Copper River, nearly to Mount St Elias. 'About Mount Elias.' _Latham's Nat. Races_, p. 292.

Adjacent to Behring Bay. _Prichard's Researches_, vol. v., p. 370. 'Die Ugalenzen, die im Winter eine Bucht des Festlandes, der kleinen Insel Kajak gegenuber, bewohnen, zum Sommer aber ihre Wohnungsplatze an dem rechten Ufer des Kupferflusses bei dessen Mundung aufschlagen.'

_Holmberg_, _Ethn. Skiz._, p. 4. 'Das Vorgebirge St. Elias, kann als die Granzscheide der Wohnsitze der See-Koloschen gegen Nordwest angesehen werden.' _Baer_, _Stat. u. Ethn._, p. 96. 'Les Ugalachmiuti s'etendent depuis le golfe du Prince Guillaume, jusqu'a la baie de Jakutat.'

_Humboldt_, _Pol._, tom. i., p. 348. 'Ugalenzen oder Ugaljachmjuten. An der russ. Kuste ndwstl. vom St. Elias Berg.' _Buschmann_, _Spuren der Aztek. Sprache_, p. 807. 'West of Cape St. Elias and near the island of Kadjak.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 194.

The _Yakutats_ 'occupy the coast from Mount Fairweather to Mount St.

Elias.' _Dall's Alaska_, p. 428. At 'Behring Bay.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, p. 575.

The _Chilkat_ come next, and live on Lynn Ca.n.a.l and the Chilkat River.

'At Chilkaht Inlet.' 'At the head of Chatham Straits.' _Ind. Aff.

Rept._, 1869, pp. 535, 575. 'Am Lynn's-Ca.n.a.l, in russ. Nordamerika.'

_Buschmann_, _Spuren der Aztek. Sprache_, p. 736. 'On Lynn's Ca.n.a.l.'

_Schoolcraft's Archives_, vol. v., p. 489. A little to the northward of the Stakine-Koan. _Dunn's Oregon_, p. 288.

The _Hoonids_ inhabit the eastern banks of Cross Sound. 'For a distance of sixty miles.' 'At Cross Sound reside the Whinegas.' 'The Hunnas or Hooneaks, who are scattered along the main land from Lynn Ca.n.a.l to Cape Spencer.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, pp. 535, 562, 575. The Huna Cow tribe is situated on Cross Sound. _Schoolcraft's Archives_, vol. v., p. 489.

The _Hoodsinoos_ 'live near the head of Chatham Strait.' 'On Admiralty Island.' 'Rat tribes on Kyro and Kespriano Islands.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, pp. 335, 562, 575. 'Hootsinoo at Hoodsinoo or Hood Bay.'

_Schoolcraft's Archives_, vol. v., p. 489. 'Hoodsunhoo at Hood Bay.'

_Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 302.

'Hoodsunhoo at Hood Bay.' 'Eclikimo in Chatham's Strait.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 175.

The _Takoos_ dwell 'at the head of Takoo Inlet on the Takoo River. The Sundowns and Takos who live on the mainland from Port Houghton to the Tako River.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, pp. 536, 562. Tako and Samdan, Tako River. _Schoolcraft's Arch._, vol. v., p. 489.

The _Auks Indians_ are at the mouth of the Takoo River and on Admiralty Island. 'North of entrance Tako River.' _Schoolcraft's Arch._, p. 489.

'The Ark and Kake on Prince Frederick's Sound.' _Am. Antiq. Soc.

Transact._, vol. ii., p. 302.

The _Kakas_ inhabit the of Frederick Sound and Kuprianoff Island.

'The Kakus, or Kakes, who live on Kuprinoff Island, having their settlement near the northwestern side.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, p. 562. 'The Ark and Kake on Prince Frederick's Sound.' _Am.

Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 302.

The _Sitkas_ occupy Baranoff Island. 'They are divided into tribes or clans, of which one is called Coquontans.' _Buschmann_, _Pima Spr. u. d.

Spr. der Koloschen_, p. 377. 'The tribe of the Wolf are called Coquontans.' _Lisiansky's Voy._, p. 242. 'The Sitka-Koan,' or the people of Sitka. 'This includes the inhabitants of Sitka Bay, near New Archangel, and the neighboring islands.' _Dall's Alaska_, p. 412.

Simpson calls the people of Sitka 'Sitkaguouays.' _Overland Jour._, vol.

i., p. 226. 'The Sitkas or Indians on Baronoff Island.' _Ind. Aff.

Rept._, 1869, pp. 535, 562.

The _Stikeen Indians_ inhabit the country drained by the Stikeen River.

'Do not penetrate far into the interior.' _Dall's Alaska_, p. 411. The Stikein tribe 'live at the top of Clarence's Straits, which run upwards of a hundred miles inland.' _Dunn's Oregon_, p. 288. 'At Stephens Pa.s.sage.' 'The Stikeens who live on the Stackine River and the islands near its mouth.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, p. 562. 'Stikeen Indians, Stikeen River, Sicknaahutty, Taeeteetan, Kaaskquatee, Kookatee, Naaneeaaghee, Talquatee, Kicksatee, Kaadgettee.' _Schoolcraft's Arch._, vol. v., p. 489. The Secatquonays occupy the main land about the mouths of the Stikeen River, and also the neighboring islands. _Simpson's Overland Jour._, vol. i., p. 210.

The _Tunga.s.s_, 'live on Tongas Island, and on the north side of Portland Channel.' _Ind. Aff. Rept._, 1869, p. 562. Southern entrance Clarence Strait. _Schoolcraft's Arch._, vol. v., p. 489. The or Tun Ghaase 'are a small tribe, inhabiting the S.E. corner of Prince of Wales's Archipelago.' _Scouler_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. xi., p. 218. 'Tunga.s.s, an der sdlst. russ. Kuste.' _Buschmann_, _Spuren der Aztek. Sprache_, p. 806. 'Tunghase Indians of the south-eastern part of Prince of Wales's Archipelago.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 192. Tongas Indians, lat. 54 46' N. and long. 130 35' W. _Dall's Alaska_, p. 251.

[Sidenote: THE TINNEH.]

THE TINNEH occupy the vast interior north of the fifty-fifth parallel, and west from Hudson Bay, approaching the Arctic and Pacific Coasts to within from fifty to one hundred and fifty miles: at Prince William Sound, they even touch the seash.o.r.e. Mackenzie, _Voy._, p. cxvii., gives boundaries upon the basis of which Gallatin, _Am. Antiq. Soc.

Transact._, vol. ii., p. 9, draws a line from the Mississippi to within one hundred miles of the Pacific at 52 30', and allots them the northern interior to Eskimos lands. 'Extend across the continent.'

_Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 2. 'Von der nordlichen Hudsonsbai aus fast die ganze Breite des Continents durchlauft--im Norden und Nordwesten den 65ten Grad u. beinahe die Gestade des Polarmeers erreicht.' _Buschmann_, _Athapask. Sprachst._, p. 313. The Athabascan area touches Hudson's Bay on the one side, the Pacific on the other.'

_Latham's Comp. Phil._, p. 388. 'Occupies the whole of the northern limits of North America, together with the Eskimos.' _Ludewig_, _Ab.

Lang._, p. 14.

The _Chipewyans_, or Athabascas proper, Mackenzie, _Voy._, p. cxvi., places between N. lat.i.tude 60 and 65, and W. longitude 100 and 110.

'Between the Athabasca and Great Slave Lakes and Churchill River.'

_Franklin's Nar._, vol. i., p. 241. 'Frequent the Elk and Slave Rivers, and the country westward to Hay River.' _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 5. The Northern Indians occupy the territory immediately north of Fort Churchill, on the Western sh.o.r.e of Hudson Bay. 'From the fifty-ninth to the sixty-eighth degree of North lat.i.tude, and from East to West is upward of five hundred miles wide.' _Hearne's Jour._, p. 326; _Martin's Brit. Col._, vol. iii., p. 524.

The _Copper Indians_ occupy the territory on both sides of the Coppermine River south of the Eskimo lands, which border on the ocean at the mouth of the river. They are called by the Athabascas _Tantsawhot-Dinneh_. _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., 76; _Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19.

The _Horn Mountain Indians_ 'inhabit the country betwixt Great Bear Lake and the west end of Great Slave Lake.' _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p.


The _Beaver Indians_ 'inhabit the lower part of Peace River.' _Harmon's Jour._, p. 309. On Mackenzie's map they are situated between Slave and Martin Lakes. 'Between the Peace River and the West branch of the Mackenzie.' _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 6. Edchawtawhoot-dinneh, Strong-bow, Beaver or Thick-wood Indians, who frequent the Riviere aux Liards, or south branch of the Mackenzie River, _Franklin's Nar._, vol.

ii., p. 85.

The _Thlingcha-dinneh_, or Dog-ribs, 'inhabit the country to the westward of the Copper Indians, as far as Mackenzie's River.'

_Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p. 80. _Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc.

Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19. 'East from Martin Lake to the Coppermine River.' _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 3. 'At Fort Confidence, north of Great Bear Lake.' _Simpson's Nar._, p. 200. 'Between Martin's Lake and the Coppermine River.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 66.

The _Kawcho-dinneh_, or Hare Indians, are 'immediately to the northward of the Dog-ribs on the north side of Bear Lake River.' _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p. 83. They 'inhabit the banks of the Mackenzie, from Slave Lake downwards.' _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 3. Between Bear Lake and Fort Good Hope, _Simpson's Nar._, p. 98. On Mackenzie River, below Great Slave Lake, extending towards the Great Bear Lake.

_Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19.

'To the eastward of the Dog-ribs are the Red-knives, named by their southern neighbors, the _Tantsaut-'dtinne_ (Birch-rind people). They inhabit a stripe of country running northwards from Great Slave Lake, and in breadth from the Great Fish River to the Coppermine.'

_Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 4.

The _Ambawtawhoot Tinneh_, or Sheep Indians, 'inhabit the Rocky Mountains near the sources of the Dawhoot-dinneh River which flows into Mackenzie's.' _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p. 84. Further down the Mackenzie, near the 65 parallel. _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 7.

The _Sarsis_, _Circees_, _Ciries_, _Sarsi_, _Sorsi_, _Sussees_, _Sursees_, or _Surcis_, 'live near the Rocky Mountains between the sources of the Athabasca and Saskatchewan Rivers; are said to be likewise of the Tinne stock.' _Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 6.

'Near the sources of one of the branches of the Saskachawan.' _Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19.

The _Tsillawdawhoot Tinneh_, or Brush-wood Indians, inhabit the upper branches of the Riviere aux Liards. _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p. 87.

On the River aux Liards (Poplar River), _Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc.

Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19.

The _Nagailer_, or Chin Indians, on Mackenzie's map, lat.i.tude 52 30'

longitude 122 to 125, 'inhabit the country about 52 30' N. L. to the southward of the Takalli, and thence extend south along Fraser's River towards the Straits of Fuca.' _Prichard's Researches_, vol. v., p. 427.

The _Slouacuss Tinneh_ on Mackenzie's are next north-west from the Nagailer. Vater places them at 52 4'. 'Noch naher der Kuste um den 52 4' wohnten die Slua-cuss-dinais d. i. Rothfisch-Manner.' _Vater_, _Mithridates_, vol. iii., pt. iii., p. 421. On the upper part of Frazers River. _c.o.x's Adven._, p. 323.

The _Rocky Mountain Indians_ are a small tribe situated to the south-west of the Sheep Indians. _Franklin's Nar._, vol. ii., p. 85. 'On the Unjigah or Peace River.' _Gallatin_, in _Am. Antiq. Soc. Transact._, vol. ii., p. 19. On the upper tributaries of Peace River. _Mackenzie's Voy._, p. 163.

The _Tacullies_, or Carriers, inhabit New Caledonia from lat.i.tude 52 30' to lat.i.tude 56. 'A general name given to the native tribes of New-Caledonia.' _Morse's Report_, p. 371. 'All the natives of the Upper Fraser are called by the Hudson Bay Company, and indeed generally, "Porteurs," or Carriers.' _Mayne's B. C._, p. 298. 'Tokalis, Le Nord de la Nouvelle Caledonie.' _Mofras, Explor._, tom. ii., p. 335. 'Northern part of New Caledonia.' _Pickering's Races_, in _U. S. Ex. Ex._, vol.

ix., p. 33. 'On the sources of Fraser's River.' _Ludewig_, _Ab. Lang._, p. 178. 'Unter den Volkern des Tinne-Stammes, welche das Land westlich von den Rocky Mountains bewohnen, nehmen die Takuli (Wa.s.servolk) oder Carriers den grossten Theil von Neu-Caledonien ein.' _Buschmann_, _Athapask. Sprachst._, p. 152. 'Greater part of New Caledonia.'

_Richardson's Jour._, vol. ii., p. 31. 'Lat.i.tude of Queen Charlotte's Island.' _Prichard's Researches_, vol. v., p. 427. 'From lat.i.tude 52 30', where it borders on the country of the Shoushaps, to lat.i.tude 56, including Simpson's River.' _Hale's Ethnog._, in _U. S. Ex. Ex._, vol.

vi., p. 202. 'South of the Sicannis and Straits Lake.' _Harmon's Jour._, p. 196. They 'are divided into eleven clans, or minor tribes, whose names are--beginning at the south--as follows: the Tautin, or Talkotin; the Tsilkotin or Chilcotin; the Naskotin; the Thetliotin; the Tsatsnotin; the Nulaautin; the Ntshaautin; the Natliautin; the Nikozliautin; the Tats.h.i.+autin; and the Babine Indians.' _Hale's Ethnog._, in _U. S. Ex. Ex._, vol. vi., p. 202. 'The tribes in the country north of the Columbia regions, are the Chilcotins and the Talcotins.' _Greenhow's Hist. Ogn._, p. 30. The Talcotins 'occupy the territory above Fort Alexandria on Frazer River.' _Hazlitt's B. C._, p.

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