The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft Part 87

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The _Payas_ 'on the river of that name.' _Selfridge's Darien Surveys_, p. 86.


[960] The Lacandones are of one stock with the Manches, and very numerous. They were highly civilized only one hundred and fifty years ago. _Boyle's Ride_, vol. i., preface, pp. 14-17. 'The old Chontals were certainly in a condition more civilised.' _Id._, pp. 286-95, 265-70.

'Die Chontales werden auch Caraiben genannt.' _Wappaus_, _Geog. u.

Stat._, pp. 243-8, 265, 283-90, 311, 321, 326, 330, 335. It seems there existed in Nicaragua: Chorotegans, comprising Dirians, Nagrandans, and Orotinans; Cholutecans and Niquirans, Mexican colonies; and Chondals.

_Squier's Nicaragua_, vol. ii., pp. 309-12. Examine further: _Muller_, _Amerikanische Urreligionen_, p. 454; _Froebel_, _Aus Amerika_, tom. i., pp. 285-92; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, p. 69; _Benzoni_, _Hist. del Mondo Nuovo_, fol. 104; _Malte-Brun_, in _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1858, tom. clviii., p. 200; _Berendt_, in _Smithsonian Rept._, 1867, p. 425; _Crowe's Cent. Amer._, p. 40; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, pp. 357-8, 370; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy.

Geologique_, pp. 18-19; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. i., pp. 202, 208, 272, tom. ii., pp. 49, 125, 313; _Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_, _Hist. Nat. Civ._, tom. ii., pp. 79, 110-11; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 288, 299-300; _Escobar_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. xi., pp. 89-97.

[961] _Crowe's Cent. Amer._, pp. 40-1; _Squier's Nicaragua_, pp. 268, 278-9; _Froebel's Cent. Amer._, pp. 33-4; _Dunn's Guatemala_, pp. 277-8; _Reichardt_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 106-7; _Monta.n.u.s_, _Nieuwe Weereld_, p.

272; _Lafond_, _Voyages_, tom. i., p. 338; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. i., p. 260, tom. ii., pp. 126, 197; _Andagoya_, in _Navarrete_, _Col. de Viages_, tom. iii., p. 414; _Belly_, _Nicaragua_, tom. i., pp. 200-1; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp. 52-3; _Foote's Cent. Amer._, p. 104.

Round Leon 'hay mas indios tuertos ... y es la causa el continuo polvo.'

_Oviedo_, _Hist. Gen._, tom. iv., p. 64. In Guatemala, 'los hombres muy gruessos.' _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iii., lib. v., caps. xi., xii., dec. iv., lib. x., cap. xiv. 'Ceux de la tierra fria sont pet.i.ts, trapus, bien membres, susceptibles de grandes fatigues ... ceux de la tierra caliente sont grands, maigres, paresseux.' _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 47, 21. 'Kurze Schenkel, langen Oberleib, kurze Stirne und langes struppiges Haar.' _Bulow_, _Nicaragua_, p. 78. 'The disproportionate size of the head, the coa.r.s.e harsh hair, and the dwarfish stature,' of the Masayas. _Boyle's Ride_, vol. ii., pp. 8-9.

[962] _Andagoya_, in _Navarrete_, _Col. de Viages_, tom. iii., pp. 407, 414. In Salvador, the women's 'only garment being a long straight piece of cotton cloth without a seam.' _Foote's Cent. Amer._, pp. 103-4. The Nicaraguans 'se rasent la barbe, les cheueux, et tout le poil du corps, et ne laissent que quelques cheueux sur le sommet de la teste.... Ils portent des gabans, et des chemises sans manches.' _D'Avity_, _L'Amerique_, tom. ii., p. 93. 'The custom of tattooing, it seems, was practiced to a certain extent, at least so far as to designate, by peculiarities in the marks, the several tribes or caziques ... they flattened their heads.' _Squier's Nicaragua_, vol. ii., pp. 341, 345; _Id._, _Nicaragua_, pp. 273-4; _Valenzuela_, in _Id._, _Cent. Amer._, p.

566; _Tempsky's Mitla_, pp. 363-5, 368; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy.

Geologique_, pp. 19-20, 46-9, 56-60; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 193-5; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, pp. 302-5; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 278-9; _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 316-8; _Montgomery's Guatemala_, pp. 98-9; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iii., lib. iv., cap. vii.; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 102, 126, 145, 171, 227, 245, 253; _Galindo_, in _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1834, tom. lxiii., p. 149; _Orozco y Berra_, _Geografia_, p. 166; _Gomara_, _Hist. Ind._, fol. 263.

[963] The Lacandones have 'floating gardens which can navigate the lagoons like bolsas,' and are often inhabited. They have stone sepulchres highly sculptured. _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov. 7, 1862_. 'In these ancient Chontales villages the houses were in the centre, and the tombs, placed in a circle around.... The Indians who before the Spanish conquest inhabited Nicaragua did not construct any large temples or other stone buildings.' _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 126-7. They live like their forefathers 'in buildings precisely similar ... some huts of a single room will monopolise an acre of land.'

_Boyle's Ride_, vol. ii., pp. 6-8; _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 318-19; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp. 75, 430, 496; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, pp. 69-70; _Valois_, _Mexique_, p. 278; _Benzoni_, _Hist. Mondo Nuovo_., fol. 86, 102; _Froebel's Cent. Amer._, pp. 89, 96; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 19, 55; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iii., lib. iv., cap. vii.; _Berendt_, in _Smithsonian Rept._, 1867, p. 425; _West und Ost Indischer l.u.s.tgart_, pt. ii., pp.

380, 390; _Valenzuela_, in _Squier's Cent. Amer._, p. 566.

[964] They 'vivent le plus souvent de fruits et de racines.' _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 47, 20-2, 69. 'Tout en faisant maigre chere, ils mangent et boivent continuellement, comme les animaux.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 104, 92, 102, 132, 134, 145, 240, tom. i., pp. 205-6. Nicaraguans 'essen auch Menschenfleisch ... alle Tag machet nur ein Nachbar ein Fewer an, dabei sie alle kochen, vnd dann ein anderer.' _West und Ost Indischer l.u.s.tgart_, pt. i., p. 390. 'Perritos pequenos que tambien los comian, y muchos venados y pesquerias.' _Andagoya_, in _Navarrete_, _Col. de Viages_, tom. iii., pp. 413-14, 407. Hunting alligators: a man dives under, and fastens a noose round the leg of the sleeping monster; his companions then haul it on sh.o.r.e and kill it. _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, pp. 139, 130. Compare further: _Findlay's Directory_, vol. i., p. 253; _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 319-23; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp. 412-13, 494; _Benzoni_, _Hist. Mondo Nuovo_, fol. 103-4; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 196-7; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iv., lib. viii., cap. vii.-ix., lib. x., cap. xiv.; _Escobar_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. xi., p. 91; _Laet_, _Novus...o...b..s_, p. 320; _Waldeck_, _Voy. Pitt._, pp. 42-3.

[965] _Dunlop's Cent. Amer._, p. 337; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, p. 173.

[966] The Lacandones 'emploient des fleches de canne ayant des tetes de cailloux.' _Galindo_, in _Antiq. Mex._, tom. i., div. ii., p. 67. See also, _Bulow_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 79-80; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, p. 305; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 195, 278; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp.

413, 430; _Froebel_, _Aus Amerika_, tom. i., p. 358.

[967] _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., p. 31; _Pontelli_, in _Cal.

Farmer_, _Nov. 7, 14, 1862_.

[968] _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 278, 287; _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, p.

130; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, p. 430; _Monta.n.u.s_, _Nieuwe Weereld_, p.

279; _Squier's Nicaragua_, pp. 272-3; _Valenzuela_, in _Id._, _Cent.

Amer._, p. 567. The Lacandon hut contained 'des metiers a tisser, des sarbacanes, des haches et d'autres outils en silex.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 79, 104, 197, 211. 'Duermen en vna red, que se les entra por las costillas, o en vn canizo, y por cabecera vn madero: ya se alumbran con teas.' _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iv., lib. x., cap. xiv., dec. ii., lib. iii., cap. vi. At Masaya, 'Leur mobilier se compose de nattes par terre, de hamacs suspendus, d'un lit de cuir et d'une caisse en cedre, quelquefois ornee d'incrustations de cuivre.'

_Belly_, _Nicaragua_, tom. i., pp. 197-8.

[969] 'Le principe colorant est fixe an moyen d'une substance que l'on obtient par l'ebullition d'un insecte nomme age.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 130, 197. Consult further, _Squier's Nicaragua_, pp. 269-73; _Baily's Cent. Amer._, pp. 124-5; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iv., lib. viii., cap. vii., ix., lib. x., cap. xiv.; _Crowe's Cent.

Amer._, pp. 44; _Squier_, in _Hist. Mag._, vol. v., p. 215; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, p. 47; _Dunlop's Cent. Amer._, p. 338; _Monta.n.u.s_, _Nieuwe Weereld_, p. 274.

[970] _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 241-2; _Lafond_, _Voyages_, tom.

i., p. 317; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., p. 31; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 47-8. In their trade, the Lacandones 'are said to have employed not less than 424 canoes.'

_Juarros' Hist. Guat._, p. 271.

[971] The Quiches 'portent jusqu'au Nicaragua des hamacs en fil d'agave.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 145, 92, 130-1, 198, tom.

i., pp. 260, 318, 320; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp.

18, 60; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iii., lib. v., cap. xii.; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 68, 271, 475; _Wappaus_, _Geog. u. Stat._, pp. 248, 345; _Laet_, _Novus...o...b..s_, p. 319; _Hardcastle_, in _Hist.

Mag._, vol. vi., p. 153; _Gage's New Survey_, p. 319.

[972] Among the Nahuatls 'mechanical arts are little understood, and, of course, the fine arts still less practiced.' _Squier's Cent. Amer._, p.

320; _Id._, _Nicaragua_, pp. 270-3. The Masayans have 'une caisse en cedre, quelquefois ornee d'incrustations de cuivre.' _Belly_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 197-8. See also, _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., p. 130; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, p. 134; _Gage's New Survey_, p. 329; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 287, 420-6; _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, pp. 127, 295; _Funnell's Voy._, p. 113; _Dunn's Guatemala_, p. 281; _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov. 7, 1862_.

[973] _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 20, 49-51; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, p. 134; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex.

Guat._, p. 398; _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 318-9, 417; _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov. 7, 1862_. 'Chacun d'eux vint ensuite baiser la main du chef, hommage qu'il recut avec une dignite imperturbable.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 245-6, 134.

[974] 'Leur dernier-ne suspendu a leurs flancs.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 198, 126, tom. i., pp. 204-5, 318. In Salvador, the 'bridegroom makes his wife's trousseau himself, the women, strange to say, being entirely ignorant of needlework.' _Foote's Cent. Amer._, p.

103. Further reference in _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 280, 288; _Belly_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 200-1, 253; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, pp. 303-4; _Revue Brit._, 1825, in _Amerique Centrale_, p. 23; _Bulow_, _Nicaragua_, p.

80; _Monta.n.u.s_, _Nieuwe Weereld_, p. 272; _Gage's New Survey_, p. 319; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 195-6; _Tempsky's Mitla_, p. 365; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 20, 47; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, p. 66; _Id._, _Die Indianer von Istlavacan_, p. 11.

[975] _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 323, 347-50; _Andagoya_, in _Navarrete_, _Col. de Viages_, tom. iii., p. 415; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 279-80, 420-6; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, p. 48; _Froebel's Cent. Amer._, pp. 78-81; _Dapper_, _Neue Welt_, pp. 306, 312; _Valenzuela_, in _Squier's Cent. Amer._, p. 567; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 447-9; _Coreal_, _Voyages_, tom. i., pp. 88-9; _Arricivita_, _Cronica Serafica_, p. 34; _Laet_, _Novus...o...b..s_, p. 320-2; _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov. 14, 1862_. 'Les Indiens ne fument pas.' _Belly_, _Nicaragua_, p. 164. 'Ihr gewohnliches Getranke ist Wa.s.ser.' _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, p. 304. 'Je n'ai entendu qu'a Flores, pendant le cours de mon voyage, des choeurs executes avec justesse.' _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 42-4, 325, tom. i., p. 196.

[976] The Lacandon chief received me with 'the emblem of friends.h.i.+p (which is a leaf of the fan-palm).' _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov.

14, 1862_. See _Tempsky's Mitla_, pp. 364-5; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp.

407-8; _Escobar_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. xi., p. 91; _Thummel_, _Mexiko_, p. 394; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, p. 197; _Foote's Cent. Amer._, p. 122; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp.

48-9; _Scherzer_, _Die Indianer von Istlavacan_, pp. 7-15; _Reichardt_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 106, 234; _Valenzuela_, in _Squier's Cent. Amer._, pp.

566-7; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. i., p. 206, tom. ii., pp. 58, 101-2, 104, 197; _Boyle's Ride_, vol. i., pp. 293-4, vol. ii., pp. 11-12, 48.

[977] At Masaya, 'The death-rate among children is said to be excessive.' _Boyle's Ride_, vol. ii., p. 10. 'Alle Glieder der Familie hatten ein ausserst ungesundes Aussehen und namentlich die Kinder, im Gesicht bleich und mager, hatten, aufgeschwollene Bauche,' caused by yucca-roots. _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp. 494, 173-4; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., pp. 109-10, 152; _Gage's New Survey_, p. 318; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, p. 49; _Froebel_, _Aus Amerika_, tom. i., pp. 345-6; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, pp. 302, 398; _Escobar_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. xi., p. 91; _Scherzer_, _Die Indianer von Istlavacan_, pp. 10-11.

[978] _Scherzer_, _Die Indianer von Istlavacan_, pp. 11-12; _Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. ii., p. 63; _Valois_, _Mexique_, p. 408.

[979] 'La somme des peines est donc limitee comme celle des jouissances; ils ne ressentent ni les unes ni les autres avec beaucoup de vivacite.'

_Morelet_, _Voyage_, tom. i., pp. 205-7, 196, tom. ii., pp. 104, 132, 198, 200, 253. 'When aroused, however, they are fierce, cruel, and implacable ... shrewd ... cringing servility and low cunning ... extreme teachableness.' _Crowe's Cent. Amer._, pp. 42-3. 'Melancholy ... silent ... pusillanimous ... timid.' _Dunn's Guatemala_, p. 278.

'Imperturbability of the North American Indian, but are a gentler and less warlike race.' _Foote's Cent. Amer._, pp. 104-5. Nicaraguans 'are singularly docile and industrious ... not warlike but brave.' _Squier's Nicaragua_, p. 268. For further reference concerning these people see _Squier's Cent. Amer._, p. 555; _Bulow_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 79-81; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, pp. 197-8; _Belly_, _Nicaragua_, pp. 109, 160; _Puydt_, _Rapport_, in _Amerique Centrale_, pp. 70, 135-6; _T' Kint_, in _Id._, pp. 157-8; _Fossey_, _Mexique_, p. 471; _Boyle's Ride_, vol. i., pref., p. xiv., and p. 75; _Gage's New Survey_, pp. 311-12, 333; _Valois_, _Mexique_, pp. 238-9, 277, 288, 299, 430; _Dollfus and Mont-Serrat_, _Voy. Geologique_, pp. 47-9, 69; _Oviedo_, _Hist. Gen._, tom. iv., p. 35; _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iii., lib. iv., cap.

vii.; _Scherzer_, _Wanderungen_, pp. 53, 61, 455, 464-5; _Dunlop's Cent.

Amer._, pp. 211, 337-8. The Lacandones are very laconic, sober, temperate and strict. _Pontelli_, in _Cal. Farmer_, _Nov. 7, 1862_.

[980] The name Mosquito is generally supposed to have arisen from the numerous mosquito insects to be found in the country; others think that the small islands off the coast, "which lie as thick as mosquitoes,"

may have caused the appellation; while a third opinion is that the name is a corruption of an aboriginal term, and to substantiate this opinion it is said that the natives call themselves distinctly Misskitos.

_Mosquitoland_, _Bericht_, pp. 134, 19-23. The Carib name is p.r.o.nounced "Kharibees" on the coast. _Macgregor's Progress of America_, vol. i., pp. 770, 775. 'Il existe chez eux des langues tres differentes, et nous avons remarque qu'a cent lieues de distance ils ne se comprennent plus les uns les autres.' _Varnhagen_, _Prem. Voy. de Amerigo Vespucci_, p.

40. See further: _Stout's Nicaragua_, p. 113; _Squier's Nicaragua_, vol.

ii., p. 308; _Id._, _Cent. Amer._, pp. 241, 244-7; 252-3; _Bulow_, _Nicaragua_, p. 77; _Juarros' Hist. Guat._, p. 346; _Galindo_, in _Lond.

Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. iii., p. 290; _Bell_, in _Id._, vol. x.x.xii., pp. 258-9; _Bard's Waikna_, pp. 123, 201-2, 243; _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 395-6; _Young's Narrative_, pp. 36, 86; _Wappaus_, _Geog.

u. Stat._, pp. 243-7, 303, 347-50; _Henderson's Honduras_, p. 216; _Boyle's Ride_, vol. i., pp. xii-xiii., 269, 287; _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, pp. 179-80, 287-8.

[981] 'Die Backenknochen treten nicht, wie bei andern amerikanischen Stammen, auffallend hervor ... starke Oberlippe.' _Mosquitoland_, _Bericht_, pp. 134-6, 59, 70, 151. Consult also: _Squier's Cent. Amer._, pp. 230, 251, 597-8; _Ha.s.sel_, _Mex. Guat._, pp. 388-9; _Froebel_, _Aus Amerika_, tom. i., pp. 397-8; _Varnhagen_, _Prem. Voy. de Amerigo Vespucci_, pp. 40-1. The pure type has 'schlichte, grobere, schwarze Haare und feinere Lippen.' _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, pp. 74, 177, 180, 287-8; _Young's Narrative_, pp. 26, 28-9, 72, 75, 79, 82, 87, 123; _Uring's Hist. Voy._, p. 226; _Bell_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol.

x.x.xii., pp. 256-9; _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 248, 305, 403; _Colon_, _Hist. Almirante_, in _Barcia_, _Historiadores_, tom. i., p.

104; _Bard's Waikna_, pp. 127, 298, 317; _Strangeways' Mosquito Sh.o.r.e_, p. 329. The natives of Corn island are 'of a dark copper-colour, black Hair, full round Faces, small black Eyes, their Eye-brows hanging over their Eyes, low Foreheads, short thick Noses, not high, but flattish; full Lips, and short Chins.' _Dampier's Voyages_, vol. i., pp. 31-2, 7-8.

[982] _Herrera_, _Hist. Gen._, dec. iv., lib. i., cap. vi., lib. viii., cap. iii., v.; _Esquemelin_, _Zee-Roovers_, pp. 150-1; _Squier_, in _Harper's Mag._, vol. xix., p. 614; _Id._, in _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1858, tom. clx., p. 134; _Martin's Brit. Col._, vol. ii., p. 412; _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 248-50, 280, 308, 403, 415; _Macgregor's Progress of Amer._, vol. i., p. 772; _Dampier's Voyages_, vol. i., pp. 11, 32; _Bard's Waikna_, pp. 127, 253-6, 298; _Mosquitoland_, _Bericht_, pp. 116-17, 136-7; _Bell_, in _Lond. Geog.

Soc., Jour._, vol. x.x.xii., pp. 256-60; _Young's Narrative_, pp. 12, 26, 29, 32, 72, 77, 83, 122, 133. 'Alcuni vsano certe camiciuole com'quelle, che vsiamo noi, lunghe sino al belico, e senza manche. Portano le braccia, e il corpo lauorati di lauori moreschi, fatti col fuoco.'

_Colombo_, _Hist. del Ammiraglio_, pp. 403-5.

[983] _Strangeways' Mosquito Sh.o.r.e_, p. 334; _Froebel's Cent. Amer._, p.

185; _Squier's Cent. Amer._, p. 660; _Id._, in _Harper's Mag._, vol.

xix., p. 613; _Id._, in _Nouvelles Annales des Voy._, 1858, tom. clx., p. 134; _Young's Narrative_, pp. 13, 77, 98-9, 125; _Pim and Seemann's Dottings_, pp. 279, 295, 415-6; _Bell_, in _Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour._, vol. x.x.xii., pp. 258-9; _Bard's Waikna_, pp. 293-4, 318-9; _Mosquitoland_, _Bericht_, pp. 20, 137-9; _Sivers_, _Mittelamerika_, pp.

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