History of the Great Reformation Part 69
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Yielding under this last blow, the reformer gave up the ghost: he was doomed to perish by the sword of a mercenary. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." The soldiers ran to other victims. All did not show the same barbarity. The night was cold; a thick h.o.a.r-frost covered the fields and the bodies of the dying. The Protestant historian, Bullinger, informs us that some Waldstettes gently raised the wounded in their arms, bound up their wounds, and carried them to the fires lighted on the field of battle. "Ah!" cried they, "why have the Swiss thus slaughtered one another!"
[1230] Und sach uber sich in Hymel. (Bull. iii. p. 136.)
[1231] Veyn Fuwr besach. (Tschudi, Helv. ii. p. 194.)
The main body of the army had remained on the field of battle near the standards. The soldiers conversed around the fires, interrupted from time to time by the cries of the dying. During this time the chiefs a.s.sembled in the convent sent messengers to carry the news of their signal victory to the confederate cantons, and to the Roman-catholic powers of Germany.
At length the day appeared. The Waldstettes spread over the field of battle, running here and there, stopping, contemplating, struck with surprise at the sight of their most formidable enemies stretched lifeless on the plain; but sometimes also shedding tears as they gazed on corpses which reminded them of old and sacred ties of friends.h.i.+p.
At length they reached the pear-tree under which Zwingle lay dead, and an immense crowd collected around it. His countenance still beamed with expression and with life. "He has the look," said Bartholomew Stocker of Zug, who had loved him, "he has the look of a living rather than of a dead man.[1232] Such he was when he kindled the people by the fire of his eloquence." All eyes were fixed upon the corpse. John Schonbrunner, formerly canon of Zurich, who had retired to Zug at the epoch of the Reformation, could not restrain his tears; "Whatever may have been thy creed," said he, "I know, Zwingle, that thou hast been a loyal confederate! May thy soul rest with G.o.d!"
[1232] Nicht einem Todten sondern einem Lebenden gleich. (Zwingli fur da.s.s Volk von J. J. Hottinger.)
But the pensioners of the foreigner, on whom Zwingle had never ceased to make war, required that the body of the heretic should be dismembered, and a portion sent to each of the Five Cantons. "Peace be to the dead! and G.o.d alone be their Judge!" exclaimed the avoyer Golder and the landamman Thoss of Zug. Cries of fury answered their appeal, and compelled them to retire. Immediately the drums beat to muster; the dead body was tried, and it was decreed that it should be quartered for treason against the Confederation, and then burnt for heresy. The executioner of Lucerne carried out the sentence. Flames consumed Zwingle's disjointed members; the ashes of swine were mingled with his: and a lawless mult.i.tude rus.h.i.+ng upon his remains, flung them to the four winds of heaven.[1233]
[1233] Tschudi Helvet. ii. p. 195. "Cadaver Zwinglii......in quatuor partes secatur, in ignem conjicitur, in cinerem resolvitur." (Myc. de Vit. Zw.)
Zwingle was dead. A great light had been extinguished in the Church of G.o.d. Mighty by the Word as were the other reformers, he had been more so than they in action; but this very power had been his weakness, and he had fallen under the weight of his own strength. Zwingle was not forty-eight years old when he died. If the might of G.o.d always accompanied the might of man, what would he not have done for the Reformation in Switzerland, and even in the Empire! But he had wielded an arm that G.o.d had forbidden; the helmet had covered his head, and he had grasped the halberd. His more devoted friends were themselves astonished, and exclaimed: "we know not what to say!......a bishop in arms!"[1234] The bolt had furrowed the cloud, the blow had reached the reformer, and his body was no more than a handful of dust in the palm of a soldier.
[1234] Ego nihil certe apud me possum statuere, maxime de Episcopo in armis. (Zuickius Ecolampadio, 8th November 1531, Zurich MS.)
IX. Frightful darkness hung over Zurich during the night that followed the afflicting day of Cappel. It was seven in the evening when the first news of the disaster arrived......Vague but alarming reports spread at first with the rapidity of lightning. It was known that a terrible blow had been inflicted, but not of what kind; but soon a few wounded men, who arrived from the field of battle, cleared up the frightful mystery. "Then," said Bullinger, whom we shall allow to speak, "there arose suddenly a loud and horrible cry of lamentation and tears, bewailing and groaning." The consternation was so much the greater that no one had expected this disaster. "There is not enough for a breakfast," had said some haughty worldly men; "With one blow we shall be masters of the _Five Chalets_," had said another; and an old soldier added with disdainful sneer, "We shall soon have scattered these five dunghills." The christian portion, convinced that Zurich was fighting in a good cause, had not doubted that victory would be on the side of truth......Thus their first stupefaction was succeeded by a violent outburst of rage. With blind fury the mob accused all their chiefs, and loaded with insults even those who had defended their country at the price of their blood. An immense crowd--agitated, pale, and bewildered, filled all the streets of the city. They meet, they question and reply; they question again, and the answer cannot be heard, for the shouts of the people interrupted or drowned the voice of the speakers. The councillors who had remained in Zurich, repaired in haste to the town-hall. The people, who had already a.s.sembled there in crowds, looked on with threatening eyes. Accusations of treason burst from every mouth, and the patricians were pointed out to the general indignation. They must have victims. "Before going to fight against the enemy on the frontiers," said the mob, "we should defend ourselves against those who are within our walls." Sorrow and fear excited the minds of all. That savage instinct of the populace, which in great calamities leads them, like a wild beast, to thirst for blood, was violently aroused.
A hand from the midst of the crowd points out the council-hall, and a harsh and piercing voice exclaims: "Let us chop off the heads of some of the men who sit in these halls, and let their blood ascend to heaven, to beg for mercy in behalf of those whom they have slain."
But this fury is nothing in comparison with that which breaks out against the ministers, against Zwingle, and all those Christians who were the cause (say they) of the ruin of the country. Fortunately the sword of the Waldstettes had withdrawn them from the rage of their fellow-citizens; nevertheless, there still remained some who could pay for the others. Leo Juda, whom Zwingle's death was about to raise to the head of religious affairs, had scarcely recovered from a serious illness; it is on him they rush. They threaten, they pursue him; a few worthy citizens carry him off and hide him in their houses. The rage of these madmen is not appeased: they continue shouting that atonement must be made for the slaughter at Cappel, by a still more frightful slaughter within the very walls of the city. But G.o.d placed a curb in the mouths of these infuriate beasts of prey, and subdued them.
On a sudden, grief succeeded to rage, and sobs choked the utterance of the most furious. All those whose relatives had marched to Cappel, imagine that they are among the number of the victims. Old men, women, and children, go forth in the darkness by the glimmering light of torches, with haggard eyes and hurried steps; and as soon as some wounded man arrives, they question him with trembling voice about those whom they are seeking. To some they reply: "I saw him fall close by my side.--He was surrounded by so many enemies," they say to others, "that there was no chance of safety for him."[1235] At these words the distracted family drop their torches, and fill the air with shrieks and groans.
[1235] Derma.s.sen umbgaben mit Tygenden, da.s.s kein Hoffnung der rettung uberig. (Bull. iv. p. 163).
[Sidenote: ZWINGLE IS DEAD.]
Anna Zwingle had heard from her house the repeated discharges of artillery. As wife and mother, she had pa.s.sed in expectation many long hours of anguish, offering fervent prayers to heaven. At length the most terrible accounts, one after another, burst upon her.
In the midst of those whose cries of despair re-echoed along the road to Cappel, was Oswald Myconius, who inquired with anxiety what had become of his friend. Soon he hears one of the unfortunates who had escaped from the ma.s.sacre, relating to those around him that Zwingle had fallen![1236].....Zwingle is no more! Zwingle is dead! The cry is repeated: it runs through Zurich with the rapidity of lightning, and at length reaches the unhappy widow. Anna falls on her knees. But the loss of her husband is not enough: G.o.d has inflicted other blows.
Messengers following each other at short intervals announce to her the death of her son Gerold of Knonau, of her brother the bailiff of Reinhardt, of her son-in-law Antony Wirz, of John l.u.s.tchi the husband of her dear sister, as well as of all her most intimate friends. This woman remains alone--alone with her G.o.d; alone with her young children, who, as they see her tears, weep also, and throw themselves disconsolate into their mother's arms.
[1236] Ut igitur mane videram exeuntem, ita sub noctem audio nuntium, pugnatum quidem acriter, tamen infeliciter, et Zwinglium n.o.bis periisse. (Myc. Vit. Zw.)
On a sudden the alarm-bell rings. The council, distracted by the most contrary opinions, has at last resolved to summon all the citizens towards the Albis. But the sound of the tocsin re-echoing through the darkness, the lamentable stories of the wounded, and the distressful groans of bereaved families, still further increased the tumult. A numerous and disorderly troop of citizens rushed along the road to Cappel. Among them is the Valaisan, Thomas Plater. Here he meets with a man that has but one hand,[1237]--there with others who supported their wounded and bleeding heads with both hands;--further still is a soldier whose bowels protrude from his body. In front of these unhappy creatures peasants are walking with lighted torches, for the night is very dark. Plater wishes to return; but he cannot, for sentinels placed on the bridge over the Sihl allow persons to quit Zurich, but permit no one to reenter.
[1237] Ettlich kamen, hatten nur eine hand. (Libensbeschreibung Plateri, p. 297.)
On the morrow the news of the disgraceful treatment of Zwingle's corpse aroused all the anger of Zurich; and his friends, uplifting their tear-bedimmed eyes, exclaimed, "These men may fall upon his body; they may kindle their piles, and brand his innocent life......but he lives--this invincible hero lives in eternity, and leaves behind him an immortal monument of glory that no flames can destroy.[1238] G.o.d, for whose honour he has labored, even at the price of his blood, will make his memory eternal." "And I," adds Leo Juda, "I, upon whom he has heaped so many blessings, will endeavour, after so many others, to defend his renown and to extol his virtues." Thus Zurich consecrated to Zwingle a funeral oration of tears and sighs, of grat.i.tude and cries of anguish. Never was there a funeral speech more eloquent!
[1238] Vivit adhunc, et aeternum vivit fortissimus heros. (Leonis Judae exhort. ad Chr. Sect. Enchiridio Psalm. Zwinglii praemissa.)
[Sidenote: ARMY OF ZURICH.]
Zurich rallied her forces. John Steiner had collected on the Albis some scattered fragments of the army for the defence of the pa.s.s: they bivouacked around their fires on the summit of the mountain, and all were in disorder. Plater, benumbed with cold (it is himself who gives us the account), had drawn off his boots to warm his feet at the watch-fire. On a sudden an alarm is given, the troop is hastily drawn up, and, while Plater is getting ready, a trumpeter, who had escaped from the battle, seizes his halberd. Plater takes it back, and stations himself in the ranks; before him stands the trumpeter, without hat or shoes, and armed with a long pole. Such is the army of Zurich.
The chief captain Lavater rejoined the army at daybreak. Gradually the allies came up; 1200 Grisons, under the orders of the captain-general Frey of Zurich, 1500 Thurgovians, 600 Tockenburgers, and other auxiliaries besides, soon formed an army of 12,000 men. All, even children, ran to arms. The council gave orders that these young folks[1239] should be sent back to share in the domestic duties with the women.
[1239] Jungen fasels, young brood. (Bull. Chr. iii. p. 176.)
Another reverse erelong augmented the desolation of the Reformed party. While the troops of Berne, Zurich, Basle, and Bienne, amounting to 24,000 men, were a.s.sembling at Bremgarten, the Five Cantons intrenched themselves at Baar, near Zug. But Zwingle was wanting to the Reformed army, and he would have been the only man capable of inspiring them with courage. A gust of wind having thrown down a few fir-trees in the forest where the Zurichers were encamped, and caused the death of some of their soldiers, they failed not to see in this the signal for fresh reverses.
Nevertheless, Frey called loudly for battle; but the Bernese commandant Diesbach refused. Upon this the Zurich captain set off in the night of the 23d October at the head of 4000 men of Zurich, Schaffhausen, Basle, and St. Gall; and, while the Bernese were sleeping quietly, he turned the Waldstettes, drove their outposts beyond the Sihl, and took his station on the heights that overlook the Goubel. His imprudent soldiers, believing victory to be certain, proudly waved their banners, and then sunk into a heavy sleep. The Waldstettes had observed all. On the 24th October, at two in the morning, by a bright moonlight, they quitted their camp in profound silence, leaving their fires burning, and wearing their white s.h.i.+rts over their dresses that they might recognise one another in the obscurity. Their watch-word was "Mary, the mother of G.o.d." They glided stealthily into a pine forest, near which the Reformed troops were encamped. The men stationed at the advanced guard of the Zurichers having perceived the enemy, ran up to the fires to arouse their friends, but they had scarcely reached the third fire before the Waldstettes appeared, uttering a frightful shout.[1240]
"Har......Har......Har......Har!......Where are these impious heretics?......Har......Har......Har......Har?" The army of the cities at first made a vigorous resistance, and many of the white-s.h.i.+rts fell covered with blood; but this did not continue long. The bravest, with the valiant Frey at their head, having bitten the dust, the rout became general, and 800 men were left on the field of battle.
[1240] Mit einem grossen grusamen geschrey. (Bull. iii. p. 201.)
In the midst of these afflictions the Bernese remained stubborn and motionless. Francis Kolb, who, notwithstanding his advanced age, had accompanied the Bernese contingent as chaplain, reproached in a sermon the negligence and cowardice of his party. "Your ancestors," said he, "would have swam across the Rhine, and you--this little stream stops you! They went to battle for a word, and you even the Gospel cannot move. For us it only remains to commit our cause to G.o.d." Many voices were raised against the imprudent old man, but others took up his defence; and the captain, Jacques May, being as indignant as the aged chaplain at the delays of his fellow-citizens, drew his sword, and thrusting it into the folds of the Bernese banner, p.r.i.c.ked the bear that was represented on it, and cried out in the presence of the whole army, "You knave, will you not show your claws?"[1241] But the bear remained motionless.
[1241] Betz, Betz, willt dan nicht kretzen! (Bull. iii. p. 215.)
The whole of the Reformation was compromised. Scarcely had Ferdinand received intelligence of the death of the arch-heretic Zwingle, and of the defeat at Cappel, than with an exclamation of joy, he forwarded these good news to his brother the Emperor Charles the Fifth. "This is the first of the victories destined to restore the faith," he had written. After the defeat at the Goubel, he wrote again, saying that if the Emperor were not so near at hand, he would not hesitate, however weak he might be, to rush forward in person, sword in hand, to terminate so righteous an enterprise. "Remember," said he, "that you are the first prince in Christendom, and that you will never have a better opportunity of covering yourself with glory. a.s.sist the cantons with your troops; the German sects will perish, when they are no longer supported by heretical Switzerland."[1242]--"The more I reflect," replied Charles, "the more I am pleased with your advice.
The imperial dignity with which I am invested, the protection that I owe to Christendom and to public order, in a word, the safety of the house of Austria,--everything appeals to me!"
[1242] Quo se perdo deslar i camino para remediar las quiebras de nuestra fe y ser Va. Md. Senor de Allemana. (Ferdinand to Charles V.
11th November 1531.)
Already about two thousand Italian soldiers, sent by the Pope and commanded by the Genoese De l'Isola, had unfolded their seven standards, and united near Zug with the army of the Five Cantons.
Auxiliary troops, diplomatic negotiations, and even missionaries to convert the heretics, were not spared. The Bishop of Veroli arrived in Switzerland in order to bring back the Lutherans to the Roman faith by means of his friends and of his money.[1243] The Roman politicians hailed the victory at Cappel as the signal of the restoration of the Papal authority, not only in Switzerland, but throughout the whole of Christendom.[1244] At last this presumptuous Reformation was about to be repressed. Instead of the great deliverance of which Zwingle had dreamt, the imperial eagle let loose by the Papacy was about to pounce on all Europe, and strangle it in its talons. The cause of liberty had perished on the Albis.
[1243] Con proposita di rimover Lutheriani dalla loro mala opinione, con mezzo di alcuni suoi amici e con denari. (Report of Basadonna, Archbishop of Venice.)
[1244] Ranke, Deutshe Geschichte, iii. p. 867.
[Sidenote: END OF THE WAR.]
But the hopes of the Papists were vain: the cause of the Gospel, although humbled at this moment, was destined finally to gain a glorious victory. A cloud may hide the sun for a time: but the cloud pa.s.ses and the sun reappears. Jesus Christ is always the same, and the gates of h.e.l.l, which triumphed on the field of Cappel, cannot prevail against his Church.
Nevertheless everything seemed advancing towards a grand catastrophe.
The Tockenburgers made peace and retired. The Thurgovians followed them; and next the people of Gaster. The evangelical army was thus gradually disbanded. The severity of the season was joined to these dissensions. Continual storms of wind and rain drove the soldiers to their homes.
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