The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge Part 14

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DUDGEON, ROBERT ELLIS. The Prolongation of Life. By R. E. Dudgeon, M.D.

Second edition. London, 1900.

Given by Dr. Dudgeon either to Butler or to me after Butler's death, I forget which.

DUNCAN, W. STEWART. Conscious Matter. By W. Stewart Duncan. London, 1881.

ELEMENTS, THE, of Social Science; or, Physical, s.e.xual, and Natural Religion. By a Graduate of Medicine. Third edition. London, 1860.

I have no doubt that Butler was directed to this book by Dr. Dudgeon.

EMSLIE, JOHN PHILIPPS. New Canterbury Tales. By John Philipps Emslie.

London [1887].

ENGELMAN and ANDERSON. Pictorial Atlas to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

London, 1892. Thirty-six Plates by R. Engelman and W. C. F. Anderson.

EPICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA. (Teubner Cla.s.sics.) Leipzig.

GARNETT, RICHARD. Poems. By Richard Garnett. London, 1895.

Inscribed "Samuel Butler, with R. Garnett's very kind regards. December, 1893."

GARNETT, RICHARD. Edward Gibbon Wakefield. By R. Garnett, C.B., LL.D.

London, 1898.

Inscribed "From the Author."

GARNETT, RICHARD. The Life of Thomas Carlyle. By Richard Garnett.

London, 1887.

Inscribed "Samuel Butler from Richard Garnett."

GARNETT, RICHARD. Dante, Petrarch, Camoens. CXXIV. Sonnets translated by Richard Garnett, LL.D. London, 1896.

Inscribed "Samuel Butler, from R. Garnett."

GOETHE. Wilhelm Meister's Apprentices.h.i.+p. Translated. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1873.

HESIOD. (Teubner Cla.s.sics.) Leipzig.

HOMER. Iliad and Odyssey. 2 vols. London, Pickering, 1831.

With numerous MS. notes by Butler. Given to St. John's College some years ago.

HOMER. Iliad and Odyssey. 4 vols. [18--]

Interleaved and profusely adnotated by Butler.

HOMER. Iliad, Odyssey, and Hymns. (Teubner Cla.s.sics.) Leipzig.

HOMER. See Buckley, Theodore Alois.

JEBB, SIR R. C. Introduction to Homer. Third edition. London, 1888.

_Also_ a copy with a few MS. notes by Butler.

JESUS OF HISTORY, THE. London, 1869.

Used by Butler in preparing _The Fair Haven_.

KRAUSE, ERNST. See Darwin, Charles.

LAMARCK. Philosophie Zoologique. Nouvelle edition par Ch. Martins. 2 vols. Paris, 1873.

Used by Butler in preparing _Evolution Old and New_.

LAURENTIUS. The Miocene Men of the Bible. By Laurentius. London, 1889.

LOCKE, JOHN. An Essay concerning Human Understanding. By John Locke. 2 vols. London, 1824.

MALONE, E. See Shakespeare.

MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, FELIX. Letters from Italy and Switzerland. By Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Translated by Lady Wallace. London, 1862.

See p. 37 about Mendelssohn's staying such a long while before things in _Alps and Sanctuaries_, ch. ii.

MILTON, JOHN. The Prose Works of John Milton. Only Vol. III., containing "The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce." (Bohn.) London, 1872.

Referred to in _The Way of All Flesh_, when Theobald and Christina drive away together after their marriage. And cf. _Life and Habit_, ch. ii., where, after quoting from a journal an extract about Lycurgus, Butler proceeds: "Yet this truly comic paper does not probably know that it is comic, any more than the kleptomaniac knows that he steals, or than John Milton knew that he was a humorist when he wrote a hymn upon the Circ.u.mcision and spent his honeymoon in composing a treatise on Divorce."

MIVART, ST. GEORGE. On the Genesis of Species. By St. George Mivart.

Second edition. London, 1871.

Used by Butler in preparing his books on evolution.

PALEY, WILLIAM. Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. By William Paley, D.D. New edition. London, 1837.

PALEY, WILLIAM. A View of the Evidences of Christianity. By William Paley, D.D. New edition by T. R. Birks. London [18--].

PIERS PLOUGHMAN. The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman. Edited by Thomas Wright. 2 vols. London, 1887.

Butler bought this to help him to make up his mind as to the limits of permissible archaism in translating the Odyssey and the Iliad.

PILKINGTON, MATTHEW. A General Dictionary of Painters. By Matthew Pilkington. 2 vols. London, 1829.

PLATO. The Republic of Plato. Translated by John Llewelyn Davies and David James Vaughan. Cambridge, 1852.

H. F. Jones to Butler from the Hotel dell'Angelo, Faido, in 1883: "The signora has given me No. 4, the room into which you came one morning, more than five years ago, and said, 'Oh, you've been reading that d.a.m.ned Republic again!'" _Memoir_, I. 395.

The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge Part 14

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