The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido Part 29

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Here lies a remarkable work; beautiful in its style, and wondrous in its matter. The work is strictly philosophical in its tendency, yet more amusing than a novel.--_True American_.

This is a book for the lovers of marvels and of mysteries. It contains an immense collection of anecdotes of spectral apparitions, of illusions of vision or of hearing, of striking phenomena exhibited in dreams, in insanity, in trance, or in magnetism, and furnishes many very valuable hints to aid in the solution of these mysteries, by which so many have been bewildered or affrighted. It is written in a style of great ease and elegance, and can not fail to find a very wide circle of welcoming readers.--_Albion_.

This unique and remarkable book has just been placed on our table; we know its reputation of old; it is an admirable discourse on the subject of supernaturalisms, such as mental illusions, dreams, ghosts, mesmeric phenomena, &c. If any one will but read the first half dozen pages, we will vouch for it he will not neglect the rest of the volume: it is one of the best written books on one of the most curious range of topics that could engage the pen of a writer, or the attention of a reader. It is, in fact, one of the most curious volumes ever perused, upon a series of the most singular subjects, and, in this new and neat form, it will command a vast number of readers.--_Sunday Times._

"The Philosophy of Mystery" is an exceedingly able work; far better, we think, than the "Natural Magic" of Brewster, a book of identical purpose, carried out in a totally different way. The "Natural Magic"

is the more ratiocinative, Mr. Dendy's essay the more poetical, the more imaginative, and to us the more interesting.--_National Press._


_The Life of Mozart:_




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It is written in a beautiful, narrative style, and can not but be every where acceptable. To all who appreciate the extraordinary genius of Mozart, the delicate structure of his mind, the incidents of his life, and his romantic death, this volume will indeed be a treasure.--_Boston Gazette._

It contains, in addition to much of his interesting correspondence, and other papers, a detailed account of his life, adventures, and rise as an artist, and a discriminating sketch of his character, the peculiarities of which are happily ill.u.s.trated by anecdotes. Many things of him, unknown even to his admirers, are here given to the world, and his biographer, fully appreciating the artist, has yet, not like a flatterer, but with true independence, spoken candidly of the faults of the man.--_Merchant's Magazine._

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The only authentic biography of the great composer that is extant in the English language, and the events of his career are replete with useful admonitions and warning to the sons of genius, and they whisper to those whose present claims are not allowed that there is a future full of promise. In his life Mozart was neglected and impoverished, and he went to his grave with more than the bitterness of death crowding on his thoughts, but fame has taken possession of his memory, and among those who move as G.o.ds in musical art, few are equal to him, none are superior. This biography possesses an interest for all who feel interested in the great men of the earth. It is not only remarkably well written, but has a completeness about it we have never found before in any life of Mozart.--_Louisville Journal._

There is such a charm in this narrative, that the lovers of good biography can not hear of it too soon. We can not conceive a more fascinating story of genius. To a style which would alone have sufficed to the production of an interesting and striking narrative, Mr. Holmes unites a depth of knowledge and musical appreciation very rare and remarkable. We thank him cordially for a most pleasing addition to our standard biographical literature.--_Examiner._

The book is one of extraordinary interest, not merely to the lovers of music and appreciation of the great composer, but to the general reader, as a vivid picture of the life of a man of genius, who encountered all the difficulties, trials, and sufferings usually the lot of genius when it comes before a world incapable of appreciating it, and indifferent to its welfare. The domestic portions of the book are invaluable; his relations to his father and his wife are very beautiful. The work is admirably executed, as well in the scientific as anecdotical pa.s.sages, and is worthy of the widest sale.--_News_


_The Practical Astronomer:_


BY THOMAS d.i.c.k, LL.D.,


100 Engravings. 12mo, Muslin, extra gilt, 50 cents.

The _name_ of the distinguished author of this work is a sufficient to public favor and a sure guarantee to its sterling value, and those who have read Dr. d.i.c.k's former works will need no recommendation of this book by us. He is not only an original and profound observer of nature, but truly a most excellent _Christian_ philosopher, whose powers of intellect and expanded views of the character of the great Architect of the universe are so eminently calculated to direct the mind not alone to the grandeur, the magnificence, and sublimity of the laws and principles of the material world, but to look through nature up to "Nature's G.o.d." It is truly a valuable work.--_Farmer and Mechanic._

The merits of this work are of the highest order; d.i.c.k is one of the profoundest and purest of modern philosophers.--_Western Continent._

Here is the ninth volume presented by this gifted author to the public; the aim of all of which has been to simplify sciences which before have been too often considered as every way _above_, and therefore unworthy of the attention of ordinary readers. It is specially addressed to private students and the higher schools, and comprises a large amount of new and valuable matter connected with astronomy, and pointing out ways in which the more humble student can in the best way improve the advantages placed in his way.--_Auburn Journal._

Let not the inquisitive fear that the intricacies of science or the technicalities of language will obstruct the pleasure they will derive from the study of this book; for the clearness of the author's style, and the elucidation of the one hundred engravings, render it within the scope and comprehension of every intelligent student.--_Industrial Record._

The copious use of engravings and of pictorial ill.u.s.trations, together with the plain, popular explanations, render this book a truly _practical_ work. Dr. d.i.c.k is not only thoroughly scientific, but he knows well how to render his acquisitions available to the great body of common readers, by his accurate method and clear descriptions.--_Watchman._

We have always been an admirer of the writings of this gentleman, and popularity keeps on his side wherever he is known. He is a profound thinker and a devout Christian. His works all tend to ill.u.s.trate the simple as well as the sublimest principles of philosophy, and while they instruct, can not fail to enlighten. The present volume comprises ill.u.s.trations of light and colors, practical descriptions of all kinds of telescopes, the use of the equatorial-transit, circular, and other astronomical instruments, and other topics connected with astronomy. It is ill.u.s.trated by 100 engravings, and will be found a most valuable book for all, but particularly as a work of instruction for youth.--_Ill.u.s.trated Magazine._


_The Life of Paul Jones._


2 vols. 12mo, Portrait, Muslin, extra gilt, $1 00.

The history of the naval adventures and victories of Paul Jones forms one of the most romantic chapters in the record of great deeds, and can not fail to attract general and ardent attention, since it relates to the very beginning of the American navy.--_Commercial Advertiser._

The various biographies of Paul Jones now extant have been carefully searched by Mr. Mackenzie; as also the log books of Jones's various cruizes and papers in possession of his heirs, with a view to procure a full and authentic collection of facts and incidents for the present work. Thus industriously compiled and stored, and that by an able hand, this edition must necessarily, as it does, possess considerable merit.--_Philadelphia Chronicle._

The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido Part 29

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