The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume Ii Part 64

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No, that can't be. That would cut a body too sorely to the heart. That wouldn't be nothin' but double sufferin' an' misery! There's got to be an end to it all. I'll bury myself in the house! There's work an' moil enough for two! 'Tis a new life that's beginnin' an' we mustn't look back on the old life. There's nothin' but sorrow an' heart's need on this earth; we has to wait for a better place.


And so this is to be our last farewell, Rose?


Father an' August will be wonderin' now.


And if the little fishes in the river were to stand on their tails in wonderment and the bitterns on the trees did the same--I wouldn't lose one second--now! So it's to be all, all over and done with? And you won't even come to see mother?


[_Shaking her head._] I can't look her in the face no more! Maybe some day! Maybe in ten years or so! Maybe all this'll be conquered then.

Good-bye, Mr. Christie! Good-bye, Mr. Flamm!


So be it. But, la.s.s, I tell you, if it weren't for mother ... now ...

even now ... I wouldn't fool around much ... I wouldn't give you much time....


Yes, if it wasn't for that little word "if"! If August wasn't livin', an'

father wasn't--who knows what I'd do. I'd like to go out into the wide world.


And I with you, Rose! Well, then we know what's in our hearts.--And now you might give me your hand once more.... [_He presses her hand and their glances melt hotly into each other in this last farewell._] So it is.

What was to be, must be! I suppose we must leave each other now.

[_He turns resolutely and walks away with firm steps and without looking back._

ROSE [_Looking after him, mastering herself, with tense volition:_] What must be, must be!--'tis well now!--

[_She put back the can into her basket and is about to walk in the opposite direction._

_STRECKMANN appears._


[_With pale, contorted face, creeping and basely hesitant in demeanour._]

Rose! Rose Bernd! D'you hear? That was that rascally Flamm again! If ever I gets my hand on him ... I'll smash every bone in his carcase!--What's up? What did he want again! But I'm tellin' you this: things don't go that way! I won't bear it! One man is as good as another! I won't let n.o.body turn me off this way!


What d'you say? Who are you anyhow?


Who am I? d.a.m.n it, you know that well enough!


Who are you? Where did I ever see you?


Me? Where you saw me? _You?_ You can look for somebody else to play your monkey tricks on!


What do you want? What are you? What business has you with me?


What business? What I wants? Nothin' much, y'understand? G.o.d ... don't scream so!


I'll call for all the world to come if you don't get out o' my way this minute!


Think o' the cherry tree! Think o' the crucifix....


Who are you! Lies! Lies! What do you want with me? Either you get away from here straightway ... or I'll cry out for some one to come an' help me!


Girl, you've lost your senses!


Then I won't have to drag 'em around with me no longer! Who are you!

Lies! You've seen nothin'! I'll cry out! I'll shriek as long as I has breath in my body, if you don't go this very second.


[_Frightened._] I'm goin', Rosie. It's all right.


The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume Ii Part 64

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The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume Ii Part 64 summary

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