History of the Division of Medical Sciences Part 4

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LAWALL, CHARLES H. Ancient pharmacy on display. _Pacific Drug Review_ (1933), vol. 45, p. 18.

---- _The curious lore of drugs and medicines._ Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publis.h.i.+ng Co., Inc., 1927. [See p. 453 on Division of Medical Sciences' collection.]

LEWTON, FREDERICK L. A national pharmaceutical collection. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1919), vol. 8, pp. 45-46.

---- The opportunity for developing historical pharmacy collections at the National Museum. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1917), vol. 6, pp. 259-262.

LONG, ESMOND R. The Army Medical Museum. _Military Medicine_ (May 1963), vol. 128, pp. 367-369.

MONELL, S. H. "Dental Skiagraphy" (pp. 313-336 in _A system in x-ray methods and medical uses of light hot-air, vibration and high-frequency currents_ by Monell; New York: Pelton, 1902).

MURRAY, DAVID. _Museums, their history and their use._ Glasgow: MacLehose, 1904. [See vol. 1, pp. 13-77.]

NELSON, ROBERT J.; PELANDER, CARL E.; and k.u.mPULA, JOHN W. Hydraulic turbine, contra-angle handpiece. _Journal of the American Dental a.s.sociation_ (September 1953), vol. 47, pp. 324-329.

_Official Catalogue of the Cotton States and International Exposition_: Atlanta, Georgia, September 18 to December 31, 1895. Atlanta: Claflin and Mellichamp, 1895. [See p. 204.]

PACKARD, FRANCES R. _History of medicine in the United States._ New York, 1931. [See vol. 1, pp. 5-6, 37-51, 168-176, 602-607 on Dr. Toner.]

PICKARD, MADGE E. Government and science in the United States: Historical background. _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ (1946), vol. 1, nos. 2 and 3, pp. 265-266, 289, 446-447, 478.

PURTLE, HELEN R. Notes on the Medical Museum of the Armed Forces Inst.i.tute of Pathology. _Bulletin of the Medical Library a.s.sociation_ (1956), vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 300-305.

RATHBUN, RICHARD. _A descriptive account of the building recently erected for the Departments of Natural History of the United States National Museum._ (U.S. National Museum Bulletin 80.) Was.h.i.+ngton, 1913.

[See pp. 7-15.]

RHEES, WILLIAM J. _The Smithsonian Inst.i.tution; doc.u.ments relative to its origin and history, 1835-1899._ 2 vols. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections: vol. 42, _1835-1881_; vol. 43, _1881-1899_.) Was.h.i.+ngton, 1901.

SHUFELDT, R. W. Suggestions for a national museum of medicine. _Medical Record_ (March 22, 1919), pp. 4-5. [Also reprinted, 1919, by William Wood and Co., New York.]

SIGERIST, HENRY E. _Primitive and archaic medicine._ (Vol. 1 of _A history of medicine_, by Sigerist.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. [See pp. 525-531.]

SILVER, EDWIN H. Description of the exhibit on conservation of vision placed in the United States Museum at Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. _The Optical Journal and Review of Optometry_ (February 3, 1927), vol. 59, no. 5, pp.


[SONNEDECKER, GLENN.] Apothecary shop nears completion. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1946), vol. 7, pp. 157.

---- Dr. Charles Whitebread, pharmacist and museum curator. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1946), vol. 7, p. 203.

---- Old apothecary shop. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1945), vol. 6, pp. 184-187.

---- Old apothecary shop opened. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1946), vol. 7, p. 427.

TAYLOR, FRANK A. A national museum of science, engineering and industry.

_The Scientific Monthly_ (1946), vol. 63, pp. 359.

---- The background of the Smithsonian's Museum of Engineering and Industries. _Science_ (1946), vol. 104, no. 2693, pp. 130-132.

Toner Lectures:

1. J. J. WOODWARD. On the structure of cancerous tumors and the mode in which adjacent parts are invaded. No. 266 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on March 28, 1873.]

2. C. E. BROWN-SeQUARD. Dual character of the brain. No. 291 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on April 22, 1874.]

3. J. M. DA COSTA. On strain and over-action of the heart. No.

279 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on May 14, 1874.]

4. H. C. WOOD. A study of the nature and mechanism of fever. No.

282 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on January 20, 1875.]

5. WILLIAM W. KEEN. On the surgical complications and sequels of the continued fevers. No. 300 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on February 17, 1876.]

6. WILLIAM ADAMS. Subcutaneous surgery: Its principles, and its recent extension in practice. No. 302 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 15; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1878. [Lecture given on September 13, 1876.]

7. EDWARD O. SHAKESPEARE. The nature of reparatory inflammation in arteries after ligatures, acupressure, and torsion. No. 321 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 16; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1880. [Lecture given on June 27, 1878.]

8. GEORGE E. WARING. Suggestions for the sanitary drainage of Was.h.i.+ngton City. No. 349 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 26; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1883. [Lecture given on May 26, 1880.]

9. CHARLES K. MILLS. Mental over-work and premature disease among public and professional men. No. 594 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 34; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1893. [Lecture given on March 19, 1884.]

10. HARRISON ALLEN. A clinical study of the skull. No. 708 in _Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections_, vol. 34; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1893. [Lecture given on May 29, 1889.]

TRUE, WEBSTER P. _The Smithsonian Inst.i.tution._ (Vol. 1 of the Smithsonian Scientific Series.) Was.h.i.+ngton, 1929.

URDANG, GEORGE, and NITARDY, F. W. _The Squibb ancient pharmacy._ New York, 1940. [Out of print, but remaining catalogs were given to the Division of Medicine to "be reserved for pharmaceutical educators, foreign dignitaries, pharmacists of national and international reputation, and pharmaceutical historians," according to a letter from Mr. Nitardy in 1945.]

WHITEBREAD, CHARLES. Animal pharmaceuticals of the past and present.

_Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1933), vol. 22, pp. 431-437.

---- An old apothecary shop of 1750. _National Capital Pharmacist_ (September 1946), vol. 8, pp. 11-13, 35.

---- Early American pharmaceutical inventions. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1937), vol. 26, pp. 918-928.

---- _Handbook of the health exhibits of the United States National Museum._ Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press [1924].

---- Health superst.i.tions. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1942), vol. 3, pp. 268-274.

---- Medicine making as depicted by museum dioramas. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (January 1936), vol. 25, pp. 40-46.

---- Superst.i.tion, credulity and skepticism. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1933), vol. 22, pp. 1140-1145.

---- The Indian medical exhibit of the Division of Medicine in the United States National Museum. Article 10 in vol. 67 of _Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum_; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1926.

---- The magic, psychic, ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman medical collections of the Division of Medicine in the United States National Museum. Article 15 in vol. 65 of _Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum_; Was.h.i.+ngton, 1925.

---- The odd origin of medical discoveries. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, Practical Pharmacy Edition_ (1943), vol. 4, p. 321.

---- The United States National Museum pharmaceutical collection, its aims, problems, and accomplishments. _Journal of the American Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation_ (1930), vol. 19, pp. 1125-1126.

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