Arthur O'Leary Part 1

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Arthur O'Leary.

by Charles James Lever.



When some years ago we took the liberty, in a volume of our so-called "Confessions," to introduce to our reader's acquaintance the gentleman whose name figures in the t.i.tle page, we subjoined a brief notice, by himself, intimating the intention he entertained of one day giving to the world a farther insight into his life and opinions, under the t.i.tle of "Loiterings of Arthur O'Leary."

It is more than probable that the garbled statement and incorrect expression of which we ourselves were guilty respecting our friend had piqued him into this declaration, which, on mature consideration, he thought fit to abandon. For, from that hour to the present one, nothing of the kind ever transpired, nor could we ascertain, by the strictest inquiry, that such a proposition of publication had ever been entertained in the West-End, or heard of in the "Row."

The worthy traveller had wandered away to "pastures new," heaven knows where! and, notwithstanding repeated little paragraphs in the second advertizing column of the "Times" newspaper, a.s.suring, "A. O'L. that if he would inform his friends where a letter would reach, all would be forgiven," &c. the mystery of his whereabouts remained unsolved, save by the chance mention of a north-west pa.s.sage traveller, who speaks of a Mr. O'Leary as having presided at a grand bottle-nosed whale dinner in Behring's Straits, some time in the autumn of 1840; and an allusion, in the second volume of the Chevalier de Bertonville's Discoveries in Central Africa, to an "Irlandais bien original," who acted as sponsor to the son and heir of King Bullanullaboo, in the Chieckhow territory.

That either, or indeed, both, these individuals resolved themselves into our respected friend, we entertained no doubt whatever; nor did the information cause us any surprise, far less unquestionably, than had we heard of his ordering his boots from Hoby, or his coat from Stultz.

Meanwhile time rolled on--and whether Mr. O'Leary had died of the whale feast, or been eaten himself by his G.o.dson, no one could conjecture, and his name had probably been lost amid the rust of ages, if certain booksellers, in remote districts, had not chanced upon the announcement of his volume, and their "country orders" kept dropping in for these same "Loiterings," of which the publishers were obliged to confess they knew nothing whatever.

Now, the season was a dull one; nothing stirring in the literary world; people had turned from books, to newspapers; a gloomy depression reigned over the land. The India news was depressing; the China worse; the French were more insolent than ever; the prices were falling under the new tariff; pigs looked down, and "Repealers" looked up. The only interesting news, was the frauds in pork, which turned out to be pickled negroes and potted squaws. What was to be done? A literary speculation at such a moment was preposterous; for although in an age of temperance, nothing prospered but "Punch."

It occurred to us, "then pondering," as Lord Brougham would say, that as these same "Loiterings" had been asked for more than once, and an actual order for two copies had been seen in the handwriting of a solvent individual, there was no reason why we should not write them ourselves.

There would be little difficulty in imagining what a man like O'Leary would say, think, or do, in any-given situation. The peculiarities of his character might, perhaps, give point to what dramatic people call "situations," but yet were not of such a nature as to make their portraiture a matter of any difficulty.

We confess the thing savoured a good deal of book-making. What of that?

We remember once in a row in Dublin, when the military were called out, that a sentinel happened to have an altercation with, an old woman of that cla.s.s, for which the Irish metropolis used to have a patent, in all that regards street eloquence and repartee. The soldier, provoked beyond endurance, declared at last with an oath, "that if she didn't go away, he'd drive his bayonet through her." "Oh, then, the devil thank you for that same," responded the hag, "sure, isn't it your trade?" Make the application, dear reader, and forgive us for our authors.h.i.+p to order.

Besides, had we not before us the example of Alexandre Dumas, in France, whose practice it is to amuse the world by certain Souvenirs de "Voyage," which he has never made, not even in imagination but which are only the dressed-up skeletons of other men's rambles, and which he buys, exactly as the Jews do old uniforms and court suits, for exportation to the colonies. And thus while thousands of his readers are sympathizing with the suffering of the aforesaid Alexandre, in his perilous pa.s.sage of the great desert, or his fearful encounter with Norwegian wolves, little know they that their hero is snugly established in his "entresol"

of the "Rue d'Alger," lying full length on a spring-cus.h.i.+oned sofa, with a Manilla weed on his lip, and George Sand's last bulletin of wickedness, half cut before him. These "Souvenirs de Voyage" being nothing more than the adventures and incidents of Messrs. John Doe and Richard Doe, paragraphed, witticized, and spiced for public taste, by Alexandre Dumas, pretty much as cheap taverns give "gravy" and "ox-tail"--the smallest modic.u.m of meat, to the most high-seasoned and hot-flavoured condiments.

If, then, we had scruples, here was a precedent to relieve our minds--here a case perfectly in point, at least so far as the legitimacy of the practice demanded. But, unhappily, it ended there: for although it may be, and indeed is, very practicable for Monsieur Dumas, by the perfection of _his "cuisine,"_ to make the meat itself a secondary part of the matter; yet do we grievously fear that a tureen full of "O'Leary," might not be an acceptable dish, because there was a bone of "Harry Lorrequer" in the bottom.

With all these _pros_ and _cons_ our vain-glorious boast to write the work in question stared us suddenly in the face; and, really, we felt as much shame as can reasonably be supposed to visit a man, whose countenance has been hawked about the streets, and sold in s.h.i.+lling numbers. What was to be done? There was the public, too; but, like Tony Lumpkin, we felt we might disappoint the company at the Three Jolly Pigeons--but could we disappoint ourselves?

Alas! there were some excellent reasons against such a consummation. So, respected reader, whatever liberties we might take with you, we had to look nearer home, and bethink us of ourselves. _After all_--and what a glorious charge to the jury of one's conscience is your after all!---what a plenary indulgence against all your sins of commission and omission!--what a makepeace to self-accusation, and what a salve to heartfelt repinings!--after all, we did know a great deal about O'Leary: his life and opinions, his habits and haunts, his prejudices, pleasures, and predilections: and although we never performed Boz to his Johnson, still had we ample knowledge of him for all purposes of book-writing; and there was no reason why we should not a.s.sume his mantle, or rather his Macintosh, if the weather required it.

Having in some sort allayed our scruples in this fas.h.i.+on, and having satisfied our conscience by the resolve, that if we were not about to record the actual _res gesto_ of Mr. O'Leary, neither would we set down anything which _might not_ have been one of his adventures, nor put into his mouth any imaginary conversations which _he might not_ have sustained; so that, in short, should the volume ever come under the eyes of the respected gentleman himself, considerable mystification would exist, as to whether he did not say, do, and think, exactly as we made him, and much doubt lie on his mind that he was not the author himself.

We wish particularly to lay stress on the honesty of these our intentions--the more, as subsequent events have interfered with their accomplishment; and we can only a.s.sure the world of what we would have done, had we been permitted. And here let us observe, _en pa.s.sant_, that if other literary characters had been actuated by similarly honourable views, we should have been spared those very absurd speeches which Sall.u.s.t attributes to his characters in the Catiline conspiracy; and another historian, with still greater daring, a.s.sumes the Prince of Orange _ought_ to have spoken, at various epochs in the late Belgian revolution.

With such prospective hopes, then, did we engage in the mystery of these same "Loiterings," and with a pleasure such as only men of the pen can appreciate, did we watch the bulky pile of MS. that was growing up before us, while the interest of the work had already taken hold of us; and whether we moved our puppets to the slow figure of a minuet, or rattled them along at the slap-dash, hurry-scurry, devil-may-care pace, for which our critics habitually give us credit, we felt that our foot beat time responsively to the measure, and that we actually began to enjoy the performance.

In this position stood matters, when early one morning in December the post brought us an ominous-looking epistle, which, even as we glanced our eye on the outside, conveyed an impression of fear and misgiving to our minds. If there are men in whose countenances, as Pitt remarked, "villany is so impressed, it were impiety not to believe it," so are there certain letters whose very-shape and colour, fold, seal, and superscription have something gloomy and threatening--something of menace and mischief about them. This was one of these: the paper was a greenish sickly-white, a kind of dyspeptic foolscap; the very mill that fabricated it might have had the shaking ague. The seal was of bottle-wax, the impression, a heavy thumb. The address ran, "To H.

L." The writing, a species of rustic paling, curiously interwoven and gnarled, to which the thickness of the ink lent a needless obscurity, giving to the whole the appearance of something like a child's effort to draw a series of beetles and c.o.c.kroaches with a blunt stick; but what most of all struck terror to our souls, was an abortive effort at the words "Arthur O'Leary" scrawled in the corner.

What! had he really then escaped the perils of blubber and black men?

Was he alive, and had he come back to catch us, _in delicto_--in the very fact of editing him, of raising our exhausted exchequer at his cost, and replenis.h.i.+ng our empty coffers under his credit? Our suspicions were but too true. We broke the seal and spelled as follows--

"Sir--A lately-arrived traveller in these parts brings me intelligence, that a work is announced for publication by you, under the t.i.tle of 'The Loiterings of Arthur O'Leary,' containing his opinions, notions, dreamings, and doings during several years of his life, and in various countries. Now this must mean me, and I should like to know what are a man's own, if his adventures are not? His ongoings, his 'begebenheiten,'

as the Germans call them, are they not as much his, as his--what shall I say; his flannel waistcoat or his tobacco-pipe?

"If I have spent many years, and many pounds (of tobacco) in my explorings of other lands, is it for you to reap the benefit? If I have walked, smoked, laughed, and fattened from Trolhatten to Tehran, was it that you should have the profit? Was I to exhibit in ludicrous situations and extravagant incidents, with 'ill.u.s.trations by Phiz,'

because I happened to be fat, and fond of rambling? Or was it my name only that you pirated, so that Arthur O'Leary should be a type of something ludicrous, wherever he appeared in company? Or worse still, was it an attempt to extort money from me, as I understand you once before tried, by a.s.suming for one of your heroes the name of a most respectable gentleman in private life? To which of these counts do you plead guilty?

"Whatever is your plan, here is mine: I have given instructions to my man of law to obtain an injunction from the Chancellor, restraining you or any other from publis.h.i.+ng these 'Loiterings.' Yes; an order of the court will soon put an end to this most unwarrantable invasion of private rights. Let us see then if you'll dare to persist in this nefarious scheme.

"The Swan-river for you, and the stocks for your publisher, may, perhaps, moderate your literary and publis.h.i.+ng ardour--eh! Master Harry?

Or do you contemplate adding your own adventures beyond seas to the volume, and then make something of your 'Confessions of a Convict,' I must conclude at once: in my indignation this half hour, I have been swallowing all the smoke of my meerschaum, and I feel myself turning round and round like a smoke-jack. Once for all--stop! recall your announcement, burn your MS., and prostrate yourself in abject humility at my feet, and with many sighs, and two pounds of s.h.a.g (to be had at No. 8, Francis-street, two doors from the lane), you may haply be forgiven by yours, in wrath,

"Arthur O'Leary.

"Address a line, if in penitence, to me here, where the lovely scenery, and the society remind me much of Siberia--

"Edenderry, 'The Pig and Pot-hooks.'"

Having carefully read and re-read this letter, and having laid it before those whose interests, like our own, were deeply involved, we really for a time became thoroughly nonplussed. To disclaim any or all of the intentions attributed to us in Mr. O'Leary's letter, would have been perfectly useless, so long as we held to our project of publis.h.i.+ng anything under his name. Of no avail to a.s.sure him that our "Loiterings of Arthur O'Leary" were not his--that our hero was not himself. To little purpose should we adduce that our Alter Ego was the hero of a book by the Prebend of Lichfield, and "Charles Lever" given to the world as a socialist. He cared for nothing of all this; _tenax propositi_, he would listen to no explanation--unconditional, absolute, Chinese submission were his only terms, and with these we were obliged to comply. And yet how very ridiculous was the power he a.s.sumed. Was any thing more common in practice than to write the lives of distinguished men, even before their death, and who ever heard of the individual seeking legal redress against his biographer except for libel? "Come, come, Arthur," said we to ourselves, "this threat affrights us not. Here we begin Chap. XIV.--"

Just then we turned our eyes mechanically towards the pile of ma.n.u.script at our elbow, and could not help admiring the philosophy with which _he_ spoke of condemning to the flames the fruit of _our_ labour. Still it was evident, that Mr. O'Leary's was no _brutem fulmen_, but very respectable and downright thunder; and that in fact we should soon be, where, however interesting it may make a young lady, it by no means suits an elderly gentleman to be, viz.--in Chancery.

"What's to be done?" was the question, which like a tennis-ball we pitched at each other. "We have it," said we. "We'll start at once for Edenderry, and bring this with us," pointing to our ma.n.u.script. "We'll show O'Leary how near immortality he was, and may still be, if not loaded with obstinacy: We'll read him a bit of our droll, and some s.n.a.t.c.hes of our pathetic pa.s.sages. Well show him how the 'Immortal George' intends to represent him. In a word, we'll enchant him with the fascinating position to which we mean to exalt him and before the evening ends, obtain his special permission to deal with him, as before now we have done with his betters, and--print him."

Our mind made up, no time was to be lost. We took our place in the Grand Ca.n.a.l pa.s.sage-boat for Edenderry; and wrapping ourselves up in our virtue, and another thin garment they call a Zephyr, began our journey.

We should have liked well, had our object permitted it, to have made some brief notes of our own "Loiterings." But the goal of our wanderings, as well as of our thoughts, was ever before us, and we spent the day imagining to ourselves the various modes by which we should make our advances to the enemy, with most hope of success. Whether the company themselves did not afford any thing very remarkable, or our own preoccupation prevented our noticing it, certes, we jogged on, without any consciousness that we were not perfectly alone, and this for some twenty miles of the way. At last, however, the cabin became intolerably hot. Something like twenty-four souls were imprisoned in a s.p.a.ce ten feet by three, which the humanity of the company of directors kindly limits to forty-eight, a number which no human ingenuity could pack into it, if living. The majority of the pa.s.sengers were what by courtesy are called 'small farmers,' namely, individuals weighing from eighteen to six-and-twenty stone; priests, with backs like the gable of a chapel; and a sprinkling of elderly ladies from the bog towns along the bank, who actually resembled turf clamps in their proportions. We made an effort to reach the door, and having at length succeeded, found to our sorrow that the rain was falling heavily. Notwithstanding this, we remained without, as long as we could venture, the oppressive heat within being far more intolerable than even the rain. At length, however, wet through and cold, we squeezed ourselves into a small corner near the door, and sat down. But what a change had our unpropitious presence evoked. We left our fellow-travellers, a noisy, jolly, semi-riotous party, disputing over the markets, censuring Sir Robert, abusing the poor-rates, and discussing various matters of foreign and domestic policy, from Shah Shoojah to subsoil ploughs. A dirty pack of cards, and even punch, were adding their fascinations to while away the tedious hours; but now the company sat in solemn silence. The ladies looked straight before them, without a muscle of their faces moving; the farmers had lifted the collars of their frieze coats, and concealed their hands within their sleeves, so as to be perfectly invisible; and the reverend fathers, putting on dark and dangerous looks, spoke only in monosyllables, no longer sipped their liquor in comfort, but rang the bell from time to time, and ordered "another beverage," a curious smoking compound, that to our un-Matthewed senses, savoured suspiciously of whiskey.

It was a dark night when we reached the "Pig and Pot-hooks," the hostelry whence Mr. O'Leary had addressed us; and although not yet eight o'clock, no appearance of light, nor any stir, announced that the family were about. After some little delay, our summons was answered by a bare-legged handmaiden, who, to our question if Mr. O'Leary stopped there, without further hesitation opened a small door to the left, and introduced us bodily into his august presence.

Our travelled friend was seated, "_more suo_," with his legs supported on two chairs, while he himself in chief occupied a third, his wig being on the arm of that one on which he reposed; a very imposing tankard, with a floating toast, smoked on the table, and a large collection of pipes of every grade, from the haughty hubble bubble, to the humble dudeen, hung around on the walls.

"Ha!" said he, as we closed the door behind us, and advanced into the room, "and so you are penitent. Well, Hal, I forgive you. It was a scurvy trick, though; but I remember it no longer. Here, take a pull at the pewter, and tell us all the Dublin news."

It is not our intention, dear reader, to indulge in the same mystification with you, that we practised on our friend Mr. O'Leary--or, in other words, to invent for your edification, as we confess to have done for his, all the events and circ.u.mstances which might have, but did not, take place in Dublin for the preceding month. It is enough to say that about eleven o'clock Mr. O'Leary was in the seventh heaven of conversational contentment, and in the ninth flagon of purl.

"Open it--let me see it. Come, Hal, divulge at once," said he, kicking the carpet-bag that contained our ma.n.u.script. We undid the lock, and emptied our papers before him. His eyes sparkled as the heavy folds fell over each other on the table, his mouth twitched with a movement of convulsive pleasure. "Ring the bell, my lad," said he; "the string is beside you. Send the master, Mary," continued he, as the maiden entered.

Peter Mahoon soon made his appearance, rather startled at being summoned from his bed, and evidencing in his toilette somewhat more of zeal than dandyism.

"Is the house insured, Peter?" said Mr. O'Leary.

"No, sir," rejoined he, with a searching look around the room, and a sniff of his nose, to discover if he could detect the smell of fire.

"What's the premises worth, Peter?"

"Sorrow one of me knows right, sir. Maybe a hundred and fifty, or it might bring two hundred pounds."

"All right," said O'Leary briskly, as seizing my ma.n.u.script with both hands he hurled it on the blazing turf fire; and then grasping the poker, stood guard over it, exclaiming as he did so,--"Touch it, and by the beard of the Prophet I'll brain you. Now, there it goes, blazing up the chimney. Look how it floats up there! I never expected to travel like that anyhow. Eh, Hal? Your work is a brilliant affair, isn't it?--and as well puffed as if you entertained every newspaper editor in the kingdom? And see," cried he, as he stamped his foot upon the blaze, "the whole edition is exhausted already--not a copy to be had for any money."

We threw ourselves back in our chair, and covered our face with our hands. The toil of many a long night, of many a bright hour of sun and wind, was lost to us for ever, and we may be pardoned if our grief was heavy.

"Cheer up, old fellow," said he, as the last flicker of the burning paper expired. "You know the thing was bad: it couldn't be other. That d----d fly-away harum-scarum style of yours is no more adapted to a work of real merit, than a Will-o'-the-wisp would be for a light-house.

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