Sudden Death Part 13

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"I was."

"And you examined Mr. Preston's body at the scene?"

Kotsay confirms that and goes on to say that he found the body in the closet where I had seen it.

"Were there any other wounds on the body, other than the fatal bullet wound?" Dylan asks.

"Yes, there were some cuts and abrasions on the wrists. I believe they were the result of a restraint of some sorts, probably metal."


"It's possible, but likely something with a rougher edge. It's impossible to be sure."

Dylan goes over the autopsy, which reports the less-than-shocking news that the corpse with a bullet hole in its chest died of a bullet hole in the chest. "Did you run toxicological tests on Mr. Preston?"

Dr. Kotsay confirms that he did and that Preston's blood tested positive for Rohypnol. Under questioning he goes on to explain the properties of the drug.

There is little I can do with Dr. Kotsay, since everything he has said is one hundred percent accurate. "Dr. Kotsay, would the amount of Rohypnol in Mr. Preston's system have rendered him unconscious?"

"No, I certainly would not think so."

"Is it an amount one might take recreationally?"


"What effect would the drug have?"

"Depending on the person's tolerance of course, it most likely would make him mellow, serene, perhaps tired."

"So it is what is commonly known as a downer?" I ask.


This is an important point for me to have gotten in, since Dylan will be bringing out the fact that the same drug was in Kenny's system. A mellow, serene, tired person is not the type one would expect to commit a murder.

"Did you have occasion to examine Mr. Preston's prior medical records, including those from the NFL drug testing program?"

He confirms that he did and also that those records left no doubt that Preston had been using drugs for quite some time.

"Was he also selling these drugs?" I ask.

Before Dylan has a chance to object, Dr. Kotsay says, "I have no idea."

"Dr. Kotsay, if you know, what percentage of adults over twenty-one in America are frequent users of hard drugs? And I would exclude marijuana from this category."

"I could get you the accurate information, but I believe it is between four and eight percent."

"And what percentage of adult murder victims that you do autopsies on are frequent users of hard drugs?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "Again, I don't have the figures in front of me, but I would say in excess of twenty-five percent."

"How would you explain that?"

Dylan objects, but Harrison lets him answer. "Well, I would say that their use and especially their purchase of the drugs brings them into contact with dangerous people. Criminals. Their need for money also can cause them to commit crimes."

"So you would say the drug business is a dangerous one?" I ask, fairly secure that the jury will remember I said in opening statements that Preston was selling drugs.

"Yes, I would certainly say that."

I smile, hoping the jurors will think I've accomplished more than I have. "Thank you, Doctor, I couldn't agree more."

LAURIE LAUGHS after we make love. Not every time, but tonight she does. I have to admit that the first couple of times it bothered me a little. I mean, I'm not the most confident guy in the world; I wouldn't take one of those "How s.e.xually secure are you?" tests in after we make love. Not every time, but tonight she does. I have to admit that the first couple of times it bothered me a little. I mean, I'm not the most confident guy in the world; I wouldn't take one of those "How s.e.xually secure are you?" tests in Cosmo Cosmo unless I could cheat. unless I could cheat.

But I soon came to understand that her laughter is from the sheer enjoyment of it. Most people I know, myself included, laugh when something is funny, and Laurie does as well. But she also laughs when she is experiencing something that she thinks is wonderful, and at those times it's an uninhibited, unrestrained laugh that sounds as good as it must feel.

I have other, different physical reactions after s.e.x, but they are competing. I get simultaneously sleepy and hungry, and the only way to satisfy both would be to set up an intravenous system in the bedroom. One of the problems with this is I don't think M&M's and Oreos come in liquid form, so I'll just have to wait for medical science to figure it out.

For tonight, hunger wins out, and I trudge down to the kitchen for a snack. Since I am psychologically incapable of being alone in a room without the television on, I turn on the little one on the kitchen counter.

CNN comes on, with a "Breaking News" banner across the screen. This no longer has the significance that it used to; in a desire to attract viewers surfing through channels, news stations have latched on to these kinds of banners as a way of getting the surfers to stop. So breaking news can be anything from the start of a war to an unusually large rainfall near Topeka.

This one gets my attention immediately, since I recognize a street in Paterson. The street is filled with police, and the helicopter shot clearly shows a body lying in the center of it all, covered by a sheet. I turn up the sound and hear the announcer say that the victim is a reputed mobster, allegedly a member of the Petrone family in North Jersey.

This is no doubt part of a developing war between Quintana and Petrone, and the first shot fired in revenge for the killing of Paul Moreno.

I turn off the television and go upstairs without eating anything. I also find that once I get into bed, I can no longer sleep. Since I can't do the two things I usually do after s.e.x, I try to copy Laurie and laugh. I can't do that either.

If Quintana has his way, I could be the next one lying on the street with a sheet over me.

Murders take the fun out of everything.

I fall asleep at about two o'clock, and the alarm wakes me at six. I groan and tell a sleeping Tara to get the newspaper. She groans slightly and stretches, dog talk for "Get it yourself, a.s.shole."

The two stories on the front page of Vince's paper are the Quintana break-in at my house and the murder of one of Petrone's lieutenants. My story is the more prominent, and when I turn on the television news, the same is true there. Such is the media power of the Schilling trial that a failed break-in is considered more newsworthy than a successful murder.

The phone starts ringing, and Laurie helps out by dealing with the onslaught of media requests for interviews. I take a few of the calls, easily enough to keep the story going full blast.

Before I get to court, I call Adam and ask for an update. He's learned the cause of death in each of the cases: There are five heart attacks, an ocean drowning, a hit-and-run, and Matt Lane's hunting accident. None was considered murder by the police who investigated each death, and the only one that attracted criminal attention was the hit-and-run. The driver is still at large.

I can hear the disappointment in Adam's voice; he doesn't think he's accomplished much, but he's not understanding the significance of it. Five heart attacks in men this age seems an impossibility and therefore ominous. Adam wants his discoveries to solve the case. I don't share his goal; if these deaths turn out to be related, it will likely be a disaster for Kenny.

I suggest to Adam that he give Sam Willis another a.s.signment. By accessing Kenny's records, especially his credit cards, I want to know where Kenny was when each of these people died. It's a sign that I don't trust my client, but I don't want to just take his word for things. I want the absolute facts. Besides, a.s.suming he wasn't involved in these deaths, he would have no way of remembering where he was at specific times over the years.

Before Dylan calls his first witness, Harrison calls us into his chambers. He has seen the news reports and wants to know if I am concerned for my safety. If so, he will order the marshals to provide special protection for me in and around the courthouse.

I think Marcus has things fairly well under control, and I certainly don't think the courthouse area is where Quintana will come after me, but I don't tell this to Harrison. "Thank you, Your Honor, I would appreciate whatever protection you can arrange."

I want the media, and maybe even the jury, to see that the court thinks I am in danger. This will tell them very clearly that there are killers involved in this case other than my client.

Dylan is smart enough to pick up on this. "Your Honor, I certainly want to ensure Mr. Carpenter's safety..."

I turn to Judge Harrison and interrupt, pointing to Dylan. "Is he a heck of a guy or what?"

Dylan stares a dagger at me and finishes his sentence. "... but I am concerned that this can be played to the defense's advantage." He goes on to explain how, accurately summarizing my reasons for wanting the protection in the first place.

Harrison takes this under consideration, then decides to order the extra protection, with a directive that it be as un.o.btrusive as possible. He also orders me not to mention it outside of these chambers. Unless the media are extra aware, my advantage has effectively been negated. Point to Dylan.

I'm sure it's the first of many points that Dylan will make today. He calls State Police Detective Hector Alvarez, who led the group of four detectives who first arrived at Kenny Schilling's house that day. He was in command until Captain Dessens was called to take charge of the explosive confrontation.

Alvarez describes a very nervous Kenny refusing to let the officers in. When they became more insistent and threatened to enter forcibly, Kenny brandished a handgun and fired a shot to fend them off. They then took out their own weapons, retreated, and called for backup support. As told, the jury could not help but think that Kenny's actions demonstrated a clear consciousness of guilt.

Kenny has been steadfast in claiming that the officers took out their weapons first, but in cross-examination I am unable to get Alvarez to agree with that. The closest I can come is to get him to admit that his men were surrounding the house and he could not see a number of them. He claims that they would not draw their weapons without being so ordered, but they were not in his line of sight at the time.

"Detective, were any of your men shot or wounded?"


"But a shot was fired by Mr. Schilling?"

"Yes," he says emphatically.

"So he missed?"


"Did you retrieve the bullet?"

He shakes his head. "No. We couldn't find it."

"Might he have fired into the air?" I ask.

"It's possible."

"As if he was trying to scare you away but not hurt you?"

Dylan objects that Alvarez couldn't know Kenny's motivation for firing, and Harrison sustains. I move on.

"Detective, is it possible that Mr. Schilling didn't believe that you were police officers?"

"I verbally identified us as such and held up my badge to the peephole in the door."

"Are you sure he was looking through it? Can you tell from the outside?" I know from examining it that it's impossible, so I'm hoping to trap him.

"I believe he was. I can't be sure," he says, avoiding the trap.

"Were any of your men in uniform?"


"So it's possible he thought you were lying? That you were not police, but rather intruders that might cause him physical harm?"

"That doesn't make sense," he says.

"What if he had just received a major emotional jolt, one that made him fearful, panicked, before you arrived? A jolt in which he, just for argument's sake, found his friend murdered in a closet with a bullet in his chest? Might that have caused him to worry about your men coming at him with guns?"

"I believe he knew we were the police, and that's why he didn't want to let us in." He shakes his head firmly. "Mr. Schilling's actions were not those of an innocent person."

"Lieutenant, does the name Luther Kent mean anything to you?"

Alvarez reacts, stiffening slightly. "Yes."

"Please tell the jury how you came to be aware of Mr. Kent."

In a softer voice he describes a night four years ago when he and his partner came upon Mr. Kent on a street. They approached him, since he resembled the sketch of a man wanted as a serial rapist in that neighborhood. Kent panicked and ran, and in the resulting chase he was shot and killed by Alvarez's partner.

"Was Mr. Kent later shown to be the rapist?" I ask.

Alvarez takes a deep breath; this is not easy for him. "No. DNA tests cleared him. The actual rapist was arrested two days later."

Dylan sees where I'm going and objects as to relevance, but he should have objected earlier in the questioning. Now that it's gone this far, Harrison is not about to stop it, and he doesn't.

I continue. "Did Mr. Kent have a criminal record? Any indication he had ever done anything which should have made him afraid of the police?"


"But different people react differently to stressful situations, isn't that right?"

"Of course, but that has nothing to do with this case."

"Because since then you've become a master at predicting and judging reactions? You've taken a mind-reading course at the Police Academy?"

Dylan objects, and this time Harrison sustains, but I've made my point, and I let Alvarez off the stand.

It's been another day of making small points that do not affect the big picture. I have absolutely no ability to prove that Kenny did not commit this murder; my only hope still rests with trying to convince the jury that it could well have been a drug killing by Quintana's people. I can only introduce this during the defense case, so I have to be patient and bide my time.

I head back to the office to pick up some papers to read over after tonight's meeting, and before I leave, I stop in at Sam Willis's office. He's been working hard with Adam, and I haven't had a chance to thank him.

"Happy to do it," Sam says. "He's a natural on a computer. He can dig things up that I can't."

That's obviously an overstatement, but Sam doesn't throw praise around indiscriminately. Adam must be picking up Sam's tricks really well.

"You've both been a really big help."

"He's doing most of it," Sam says. "I'm telling you, he should give up this California movie bulls.h.i.+t and come work here. Him and me and two computers, we could rule the world."

I smile at the image. "You told him that?" I ask.

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