The Future: six drivers of global change Part 116

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494 Blue Cross for hospital charges

"Health Insurance," Encarta.

495 preexisting conditions

Noah, "A Short History of Health Care."

496 twice took preliminary steps-in 1935

Kyle Noonan, New America Foundation, "Health Reform through History: Part I: The New Deal," May 26, 2009,

497 feared the political opposition of the American Medical a.s.sociation


498 regarded as more pressing priorities

Paul Starr, "In Sickness and in Health," On the Media, August 21, 2009,

499 offered a quixotic third opportunity to proceed but Roosevelt

Noonan, "Health Reform through History: Part I: The New Deal."

500 During World War II, with wages (and prices) controlled

Noah, "A Short History of Health Care."

501 extensive health insurance as part of their negotiated contracts

"Health Insurance," Encarta.

502 revive the idea for national health insurance, but the opposition in Congress

Starr, "In Sickness and in Health"; Noonan, "Health Reform through History: Part I: The New Deal."

503 employer-based health insurance became the primary model

Noah, "A Short History of Health Care."

504 new government programs were implemented to help both groups

"Health Insurance," Encarta.

505 needed health insurance the most had a difficult time obtaining it

Noah, "A Short History of Health Care"; "Health Insurance," Encarta.

506 believe that genetically engineered food should be labeled

Gary Langer, "Poll: Skepticism of Genetically Modified Foods," ABC News, June 19, 2011,

507 adopted the point of view advocated by large agribusiness

Tom Philpott, "Congress' Big Gift to Monsanto," Mother Jones, July 2, 2012.

508 However, most European countries

Amy Harmon and Andrew Pollack, "Battle Brewing Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food," New York Times, May 25, 2012.

509 genetically engineered alfalfa


510 which plants twice as many acres in GM crops as any other country

The Future: six drivers of global change Part 116

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