N-Space Part 73
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What do you mean, n.o.body asked?
n.o.body asked us to form a committee to design a national s.p.a.ce policy either. What a selling author learns, what Jerry Pournelle seems to have known from birth, is this: You don't have to wait to be asked. You don't have to wait to be asked.
Anything worth doing in s.p.a.ce can be turned into a weapon.
I add in haste that that statement also holds true in your own neighborhood. n.o.body will ever count how many victims of the elderly and wealthy persuasion have fallen to the lowly pillow. Anything with heft works in a bar fight: a gla.s.s ashtray, a bottle and a hard surface to break it, even the bottle alone. An automobile makes a fine weapon; so does gasoline. All of these things are universally available.
But in s.p.a.ce the situation is entirely different. The energies necessary even to reach orbit, let alone to accomplish anything once we're there, are matched only in the field of weapons, and generally not by them.
The most efficient reaction motors are those with the highest exhaust velocity. A Saturn booster hovering over a building would reduce it to flaming slag; a fusion rocket would certainly do the job faster; a light-pressure drive would melt and boil it.
A ma.s.s in low orbit carries tremendous kinetic energy. What gives a s.p.a.cecraft destructive power also gives it vulnerability: any undefended orbiting s.p.a.cecraft can be killed by a bucket of sand in retrograde orbit. In higher orbits the velocities may be less, but the potential energies are even greater-which is why lifting the ma.s.s is so expensive-and the higher the orbit, the less retrothrust it takes to drop the ma.s.s back to Earth.
The distance between L5 and the Moon is the radius of the Moon's...o...b..t. Between L4 and L5 the distance is nearly twice that. A signal laser powerful enough to cross such gaps would be lethal at close range.
Rocks thrown from the Moon by any kind of ma.s.s driver would impact the Earth as guided meteors, at seven miles per second.
Any nation that can return a piece of asteroid to Earth orbit, to mine its millions of tons of recoverable metals, could also drop it on an enemy with similar incoming velocities.
The United States should encourage any any s.p.a.ce enterprise involving its citizens. The more thoroughly we can establish ourselves in s.p.a.ce, the safer we are. We must establish a presence in s.p.a.ce, before someone can tell us not to. s.p.a.ce enterprise involving its citizens. The more thoroughly we can establish ourselves in s.p.a.ce, the safer we are. We must establish a presence in s.p.a.ce, before someone can tell us not to.
If the Soviet Union is Number One in s.p.a.ce, will there be a Number Two?
OPUS #t.i.tLE and publis.h.i.+ng history t.i.tLE and publis.h.i.+ng history 1)THE COLDEST PLACE. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, December 1964 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) December 1964 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 2)WORLD OF PTAVVS. Worlds of Tomorrow, Worlds of Tomorrow, March 1965 Expanded to novel length, 1966 (#10) March 1965 Expanded to novel length, 1966 (#10) 3)WRONG-WAY STREET. Galaxy, Galaxy, April 1965 April 1965 anthology, THE NINTH GALAXY READER, edited by Frederik Pohl, 1966 anthology, VOYAGERS IN TIME, edited by Robert Silverberg, cloth and paper anthology, FIRST FLIGHTS TO THE MOON, edited by Hal Clement, cloth collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) Portugese anthology, VIAJANTES NO TEMPO, as RUA DE SENTIDO UNICO, from Galleria Panorama anthology, DIE MORDER MOHAMMEDS, as FALSCHE RICHTUNG, Marion von Schroder Verlag, 1970 as TWEERICHTINGSVERKEER, in ALFA EEN copyright 1973 Meulenhoff Nederland by 4)ONE FACE. Galaxy, Galaxy, June 1965 June 1965 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) French, Galaxie, Galaxie, Juin 1967 as LA FACE CACHEE DE LA Juin 1967 as LA FACE CACHEE DE LA TERRE.
paper, anthology, SCIENCE FICTION-VERHALEN, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, as DE SCHADUZIJDE 5)BECALMED IN h.e.l.l. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1965 anthology, WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1966, edited July 1965 anthology, WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1966, edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr, 1966 anthology, NEBULA AWARD STORIES 1965, edited by Damon Knight (cloth and paper) anthology, TWENTY YEARS OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, edited by Edward L. Ferman and Robert P. Mills (cloth and paper) collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) (#54) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) Dutch anthology, DE SPEEKSELBOOM (NEBULA AWARD STORIES I) as DOBBEREN IN DE HEL ed. Damon Knight, Uitgeverij Luitingh-Laren N.H.
anthology, DER GIGANT, as PANNE IN DER HOLLE from Science-Fiction-Erzahlungen 6)THE WARRIORS. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, February 1966 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) February 1966 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 7) EYE OF AN OCTOPUS. Galaxy, Galaxy, February 1966 February 1966 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 8)BORDERED IN BLACK. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, April April 1966.
collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) anthology, SF:3, AUTHOR'S CHOICE, edited by Harry Harrison collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 9)BY MIND ALONE. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, June 1966 June 1966 10) WORLD OF PTAVVS. novel, paper, Ballantine, 1966 hardcover, MacDonald paper, Sphere French hardback, LE MONDE DE PTAVVS, 1974 from Editions Opta. Glorious interior illos.
as KZANOL DE RUIMTEPIRAAT, from Prisma, Het Nederlandse Pocketboek. Copyright 1970 by Het Spectrum.
as EL MUNDO DE LOS PTAVVS, paper, Edaf, Madrid, 1976 German, as DAS DOPPELHIRN, paper, Bastei Lubbe, 1977 Italian, as STASI INTERROTTA, 1976, Fanucci Editore, Eddie Jones cover paper, as DE WERELD VAN DE PTAVVS, 1979, Elsevier SF Elsevier Nederland B.V., AmsterdamlBrussel 11) HOW THE HEROES DIE. Galaxy, Galaxy, October 1966 October 1966 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 12) NEUTRON STAR. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, October 1966 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) anthology, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? edited by Isaac October 1966 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) anthology, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? edited by Isaac Asimov anthology, THE HUGO WINNERS, edited by Isaac Asimov anthology, THE ARBOR HOUSE TREASURY OF MODERN SCIENCE FICTION, compiled by Robert Silverberg and Martin H. Greenberg French, Galaxie, Galaxie, Mars 1968, as L'ETOILE IN VISIBLE Mars 1968, as L'ETOILE IN VISIBLE in GALACTICA, Hungarian, with (15) 13) AT THE CORE. Worlds of if, Worlds of if, November 1966 November 1966 anthology, THE SECOND IF READER OF SCIENCE FICTION edited by Frederik Pohl (cloth and paperback) collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) French, Galaxie, Galaxie, Avril 1968, as JUSQU'AU COEUR Avril 1968, as JUSQU'AU COEUR 14) AT THE BOTTOM OF A HOLE. Galaxy, Galaxy, December 1966 December 1966 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 15) A RELIC OF EMPIRE. A RELIC OF EMPIRE. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, December 1966 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) December 1966 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) anthology-textbook, THE GREAT SCIENCE FICTION SERIES, with commentary in GALACTICA, Hungarian, with (12) 16) THE SOFT WEAPON. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, February 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) February 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) as L'ARME MOLLE, in Galaxie, Galaxie, Septembre 1971 Septembre 1971 17) THE LONG NIGHT. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, March March 1967.
collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) (as CONVERGENT SERIES) collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) (as CONVERGENT SERIES) anthology, MATHENAUTS, edited by Rudy Rucker (1987) (as CONVERGENT SERIES) l8)~ FLATLANDER. Worlds of if, Worlds of if, March 1967 March 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) anthology, SEVEN TRIPS THROUGH s.p.a.cE AND TIME, edited by Groff Conklin 19) THE ETHICS OF MADNESS. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, April 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) April 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, Ballantine (#26) 20) SAFE AT ANY SPEED. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1967 May 1967 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, 100 GREAT SCIENCE FICTION SHORT SHORT STORIES, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander 21) THE ADULTS. Galaxy, Galaxy, June 1967 June 1967 22) THE JIGSAW MAN. anthology, DANGEROUS VISIONS, edited by Harlan Ellison (Doubleday).
paper, DANGEROUS VISIONS (volume #2, Berkley) paper, DANGEROUS VISIONS, Sphere one volume DANGEROUS VISIONS, Signet collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, THE ROAD TO SCIENCE FICTION #3, edited by James Gunn French anthology, DANGEREUSES VISIONS, J'ai Lu, 1976, paper 23) THE HANDICAPPED. Galaxy, Galaxy, December 1967 December 1967 collection, NEUTRON STAR, from Ballantine, as HANDICAP (#26) anthology, WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION 1968, edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr, as HANDICAP 24) s...o...b..AT CARGO. serial, Galaxy, Galaxy, February, March, and April 1968 February, March, and April 1968 25) THE DECEIVERS. Galaxy, Galaxy, April 1968 April 1968 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) as INTENT TO DECEIVE German anthology, GALAXY 13, 1969 as BEDIENUNG INBEGRIFFEN from Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen 26) NEUTRON STAR. collected stories, paper, from Ballantine cloth, from MacDonald (British) paper, from Sphere (British) Italian, abridged and filled out with cartoons. as RELIQUIA DELL'IMPERIO, from Urania.
German paperback, from Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag As NEUTRONSTER, paper, 1970 & 1979, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam 27) GRENDEL. first published in collection, NEUTRON STAR, #26 28) DRY RUN. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1968 May 1968 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) Portuguese, as TENTATIVA SIMULADA, in Magazine deficcao cient~fica, Magazine deficcao cient~fica, Julho 1971 Julho 1971 29) THE DEADLIER WEAPON. Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, June 1968 June 1968 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) Swedish anthology, ARETS RYSARE 7, Forlags Ab Semic 30) THERE IS A TIDE. Galaxy, Galaxy, June 1968 June 1968 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) Nederland anthology, as ER IS EEN GETIJ in HET HEELAL VAN DER DROMERS German anthology, GALAXY 12, as DAS GLUCKSSPIEL, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen, 1969 31) WAIT IT OUT. Future Unbounded, Future Unbounded, Program Book, for Westercon 1968 Program Book, for Westercon 1968 (revised) anthology, TOMORROW'S WORLDS, edited by Robert Silverberg (cloth and paper) collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, THE SCIENCE FICTIONAL SOLAR SYSTEM, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Charles G. Waugh German anthology, ABENTEUER WELTRAUM, paper as GESTRANDET AUF PLUTO, 1981, Bastei Lubbe 32) FOR A FOGGY NIGHT. Decal, Decal, fanzine edited by Donald A. Cochran, July 1968 issue fanzine edited by Donald A. Cochran, July 1968 issue collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) (#54) 33) LIKE BANQUO'S GHOST. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, September 1968 September 1968 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) semiprozine, ALTERNITIES, Autumn/Winter 1980 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 34) A GIFT FROM EARTH. novel, paper, Ballantine, 1968 cloth, MacDonald (British) cloth, SFBC (British book club) cloth, Walker (American) paper, Sphere paper, from Bastei Lubbe, as PLANET DER VERLORNEN, 1972 & 1982 Italian, as UN DONO DALLA TERRA, from Futuro, 1973 as EEN GESCHENK VAN DE AARDE, paper, Meulenhoff Amsterdam, 1976 paper, 1979, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng, Inc.
35) THE MEDDLER. THE MEDDLER. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1968 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) October 1968 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 36) ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS. Galaxy, Galaxy, October 1968 anthology, WORLDS OF MAYBE, edited by Robert Silverberg collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS October 1968 anthology, WORLDS OF MAYBE, edited by Robert Silverberg collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) (#54) graphic, PSYCHO, November 1972 (as ALL THE WAYS AND MEANS TO DIE) anthology, GALAXY: THIRTY YEARS OF INNOVATIVE SCIENCE FICTION, with memoir cloth and paper, Wideview Books 37) THE ORGANLEGGERS. Galaxy, Galaxy, January 1969 January 1969 collection, THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE (#40) as DEATH BY ECSTASY anthology, WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION 1970, edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr, as DEATH BY ECSTASY collection, INCONSTANT MOON (#60) as DEATH BY ECSTASY collection, THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON (#88) as DEATH BY ECSTASY 38) THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TELEPORTATION.
Galaxy, March 1969 March 1969 collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54), as EXERCISE IN SPECULATION: THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TELEPORTATION 39) NOT LONG BEFORE THE END. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1969 April 1969 anthology, NEBULA AWARD STORIES FIVE, edited by James Blish (cloth and paper) collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) anthology, THE GOLDEN ROAD, edited by Damon Knight graphic, UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION, May 1975 anthology, THE MAGIC MAY RETURN (#127) 40) THE SHAPE OF s.p.a.cE. collected stories, Ballantine 1969 as LETZTES SIGNAL VON ALPHA CENTAURI, paper, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, MUnchen 41) MAN OF STEEL, WOMAN OF KLEENEX. Knight, WOMAN OF KLEENEX. Knight, December December 1969.
newszine, Ad Astra, Ad Astra, issue three (British) issue three (British) graphic underground, dramatized: MORE EXISTENTIALIST FUN COMICS anthology, SUPERHEROES, edited by Michel Parry Heyne Science Fiction Magazin 12 12 42) Pa.s.sERBY. Galaxy, Galaxy, September 1969 September 1969 collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) 43) GET A HORSE! Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1969 October 1969 anthology, THE BEST FROM FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION, 19th series, edited by Edward L. Ferman collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE, #64 (as THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE) The Sat.u.r.day Evening Post, June-July 1974 June-July 1974 graphic, QUESTAR, Golden Press graphic, STARSTREAM, edited by Roger Elwood 44) THE MISSPELLED MAGICIAN (with David Gerrold). serial, Worlds of If, Worlds of If, May-June and July-August 1970 May-June and July-August 1970 expanded, THE FLYING SORCERERS (#56) French, DROLE DE MAGICIEN, in Galaxie, Galaxie, Mai and Juin 1972 Mai and Juin 1972 45) BIRD IN THE HAND. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, October October 1969.
anthology, WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION 1971, edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) anthology, PHOENIX FEATHERS, edited by Barbara Silverberg 46) UNFINISHED STORY. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, December December 1969.
collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54), (#54), as UNFINISHED STORY #1 as UNFINISHED STORY #1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, February 1975 47) LEVIATHAN! Playboy, Playboy, August 1970 August 1970 anthology, LAST TRAIN TO LIMBO, no listed editor, Playboy Press collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) 48) NO EXIT (with Hank Stine). Fantastic, Fantastic, June 1971 June 1971 49) THERE'S A WOLF IN MY TIME MACHINE. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1971 June 1971 collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) anthology, ZOO 2000, edited by Jane Yolen (as THERE IS A WOLF IN MY TIME MACHINE) 50) THE FOURTH PROFESSION. QUARK 4, quarterly anthology, edited by Samuel R. Delany and Marilyn Hacker anthology, THE BEST SCIENCE FICTION OF THE YEAR, edited by Terry Carr anthology, THE 1972 ANNUAL WORLD'S BEST SF, edited by Donald A. Wollheim collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) Yugoslav magazine, Sirius, Sirius, broj 61, as CETVRTA VJESTINA broj 61, as CETVRTA VJESTINA 51) RAMMER. Galaxy, Galaxy, November 1971 November 1971 anthology, BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES OF THE YEAR, edited by Lester del Rey anthology, THE BEST FROM GALAXY, VOLUME ONE, no specific editor collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) (included in A WORLD OUT OF TIME, novel, #91) anthology, THE BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES, no listed editor and no date restriction.
German anthology, SCIENCE FICTION STORY-READER, from Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, MUnchen 52) WHAT GOOD IS A GLa.s.s DAGGER? WHAT GOOD IS A GLa.s.s DAGGER? Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1971 September 1971 collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) 53) THE FLYING SORCERERS (with David Gerrold). novel, Ba!lantine THE FLYING SORCERERS (with David Gerrold). novel, Ba!lantine as DIE FLIEGENDEN ZAUBERER, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, MUnchen, 1976 & 1982 Paper.
54) ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS. collected stories, Ballantine German, as MYRIADEN, from Bastei Lubbe, 1973 j.a.pan, paper, 1979, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng Inc.
anthology, BEST SCIENCE FICTION FOR 1972, edited by Frederik Pohl collection, INCONSTANT MOON, Gollancz (#60) anthology, THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS, edited by Spider Robinson paper, anthology, HEYNE SCIENCE FICTION, JAHRESBAND 1982, as WECHSELHAFTER MOND 1982 by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen 56) UNFINISHED STORY #2. collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) 57) WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT CHOCOLATE COVERED MANHOLE COVERS? collection, ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS (#54) (#54) 58) RINGWORLD. novel, paper, Ballantine paper, Sphere cloth, Gollancz cloth, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Spanish, as MUNDO ANILLO from Ediciones Martinez Roca, S.A.
as BURATFINAI NEL COSMO, from Andromeda (Dell'Oglio) paper, 1972 & 1976, as RINGWELT from Bastei Lubbe (West Germany) hardback, as L'ANNEAU-MONDE, from Editions Opta, Paris, 1973. Nice interior covers.
paper, as RINGWERELD. 1972 Elsevier Nederland B .V., AmsterdamlBrussels, reprinted 1980 cloth, 1978, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng, Inc.
59) FLASH CROWD. anthology, THREE TRIPS IN TIME AND s.p.a.cE, edited by Robert Silverberg (cloth and paper, Dell) collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) 60) INCONSTANT MOON. collected stories, Gollancz, hardcover paperback from Sphere anthology, THE HUGO WINNERS, VOLUME THREE, edited by Isaac Asimov 61) CLOAK OF ANARCHY. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, March 1972 March 1972 anthology, BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES OF THE YEAR #2, edited by Lester del Rey (hardcover) anthology, 2020 VISION, edited by Jerry Poumelle collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, ISAAC ASIMOV'S WONDERFUL WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION 5: TIN STARS, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, & Charles 0. Waugh 62) RECIPES. collection, COOKING OUT OF THIS WORLD, edited by Anne McCaffrey 63) PROTECTOR. novel, paper, Ballantine paper, Futura (British) as IL DEFENSORE, hardback, dall'Oglio editore 1975 as DER BAUM DES LEBENS, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, MUnchen. Paper.
as PROTECTEUR, Editions Albin Michel, 1976. Paper paper, as BESCHERMHEER. Elsevier Nederland B.V., Amsterdam/Brussels, 1977.
paper, 1979, j.a.pan, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng Inc.
64) THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE. collected stories, paper, Ballantine paper, Orbit (British) Italian, as IL TEMPO DI SVETZ, Futuro paper, j.a.pan, Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.
German, paper, as DER FLUG DES PFERDES 198!, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen 65) DEATH IN A CAGE. collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) DEATH IN A CAGE. collection, THE FLIGHT OF THE HORSE (#64) 66) THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TIME TRAVEL. Vertex, Vertex, April 1973 April 1973 anthology textbook, LOOKING AHEAD: THE VISION OF SCIENCE FICTION, edited by d.i.c.k Allen and Lori Allen 67) THE ALIBI MACHINE. Vertex, Vertex, June 1973 anthology, ANTIGRAV, edited by Philip Strick collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) June 1973 anthology, ANTIGRAV, edited by Philip Strick collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) 68) ALL THE BRIDGES RUSTING. Vertex, Vertex, August 1973 August 1973 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE 69) THE DEFENSELESS DEAD. anthology, TEN TOMORROWS, edited by Roger Elwood, paper collection, THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON (#88) 70) THE HOLE MAN. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, January 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) January 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) anthology, THE BEST SCIENCE FICTION OF THE YEAR #4, edited by Terry Carr anthology, THE HUGO WINNERS, VOLUME THREE, edited by Isaac Asimov anthology, BLACK HOLES, edited by Jerry Poumelle textbook, with commentary: SCIENCE FICTION: CONTEMPORARY MYTHOLOGY, the SFWA-SFRA anthology 71) $16,940.00. Alfred Hitchc.o.c.k's Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchc.o.c.k's Mystery Magazine, February 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) February 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) 72) BIGGER THAN WORLDS. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, March 1974 fanzine, SPECULATION, as ALTERNATIVES TO WORLDS collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) March 1974 fanzine, SPECULATION, as ALTERNATIVES TO WORLDS collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) anthology, THE ENDLESS FRONTIER, edited by Jerry Poumelle 73) A KIND OF MURDER. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, April 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) April 1974 collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) anthology, FEAR, 1982, Davis Publications, edited by Alfred Hitchc.o.c.k 74) A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE. collected stories, paper, Ballantine paper, Orbit as DIE LUCKE IM SYSTEM, paper, abridged, Wilhelm Gold-mann Verlag, Munchen 75) THE LAST DAYS OF THE PERMANENT FLOATING RIOT THE LAST DAYS OF THE PERMANENT FLOATING RIOT.
CLUB. collection, A HOLE IN s.p.a.cE (#74) 76) PLAYTHING. Worlds of If, Worlds of If, August 1974 anthology, THE BEST FROM IF, edited by James Baen anthology, 100 GREAT SCIENCE FICTION SHORT SHORT August 1974 anthology, THE BEST FROM IF, edited by James Baen anthology, 100 GREAT SCIENCE FICTION SHORT SHORT STORIES, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 77) NIGHT ON MISPEC MOOR. Vertex, Vertex, August 1974 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) August 1974 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 78) THE MOTE IN G.o.d'S EYE (with Jerry Pournelle). novel, cloth, Simon & Schuster cloth, Weidenfeld & Nicolson (British) paper, Orbit j.a.panese, paper, 1974, Tokyo Sogensha Co. Ltd.
Italian, cloth, as LA STRADA DELLE STELLE Cosmo as DE SPLITTER IM AUGE GOTTES, paper and hardback from Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, MUnchen, 1977 as DE SPLINTER IN G.o.dS OOG, paper, 1978, Elsevier, Amsterdam as LA POUSSIERE DANS L'OEIL DE DIEU, paper, Albin Michel, 1981 79) THE NONESUCH. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1974 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) December 1974 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 80) THE BORDERLAND OF SOL. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, January 1975 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, BLACK HOLES, edited by Jerry Pournelle German anthology, IM GRENZLAND DER SONNE Wilhelm January 1975 collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) anthology, BLACK HOLES, edited by Jerry Pournelle German anthology, IM GRENZLAND DER SONNE Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen in SIRIUS broj 55 (Yugoslav) as TU NEGDJE BLIZU SOLA anthology, THE HUGO WINNERS vol. 4, 1985 8!) SINGULARITIES MAKE ME NERVOUS. Stellar, Stellar, original anthology edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey original anthology edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) Italian anthology, STELLAR, as ME COSE STRANE MI INNERVOSISCONO, from Longanesi & C., Milano 82) INFERNO (with Jerry Pournelle). serial, Galaxy, Galaxy, August, September, October 1975 August, September, October 1975 novel, Pocket Books, paper cloth, Allan Wingate (British) cloth, Gregg Press paper, Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.
cloth, as QUESTO E L'INFERNO 1978, Armenia Editore, Milano 83) GALAXY STARS (BIO OF JERRY POURNELLE). Galaxy, Galaxy, July 1975 July 1975 84) TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE. collected stories, paper, Ballantine j.a.panese, paper, from Hayakawa as HISTORIAS DEL Es.p.a.cIO RECONOCIDO, paper, 1978, Edaf, Madrid 85) TIMELINE FOR KNOWN s.p.a.cE, AFTERTHOUGHTS,.
and various remarks preceding and following the stories, collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84) 86) MY UNIVERSE AND WELCOME TO IT. collection, TALES OF KNOWN s.p.a.cE (#84).
fanzine, SPECULATION, October 1971 87) ARM. EPOCH, edited by Roger Elwood and Robert Silverberg collection, THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON (#88) anthology, THE 13 CRIMES OF SCIENCE FICTION, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Charles G. Waugh 88) THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON. collected stories, paper, Ballantine as DE LANGE ARM VAN GIL HAMILTON, Dutch, from Prisma Science Fiction 89) AFTERWORD. collection, THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON (#88) 90) DOWN IN FLAMES. fanzine, Trumpet, Trumpet, 1969 1969 91) BUILDING THE MOTE IN G.o.d'S EYE (with Jerry Pournelle). Galaxy, Galaxy, January 1976 January 1976 collection, A STEP FURTHER OUT, by Jerry Pournelle 92) DOWN AND OUT. Galaxy, Galaxy, February 1976 February 1976 (included in A WORLD OUT OF TIME, novel, #95) anthology, THE BEST FROM GALAXY, VOL. IV, edited by James Baen anthology, THE BEST OF MY YEARS, edited by James Baen 93) MISTAKE. original anthology, Stellar Stellar #2, edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey #2, edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey anthology, 100 GREAT SCIENCE FICTION SHORT SHORT STORIES, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 94) THE MAGIC GOES AWAY. Odyssey, Odyssey, summer 1976 expanded (#107) summer 1976 expanded (#107) 95) WORLD OUT OF TIME. novel, cloth, Holt, Rinehart and Winston cloth, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1) paper, Ballantine as BUITEN DE TIJD, Deltos Elsevier, Amsterdam Italian, as MONDO SENZA TEMPO, 1977 from Editrice Nord, Milano Argentine, paper, as UN MUNDO FUERA DEL TIEMPO Buenos Aires, 1978 j.a.panese, cloth, 1979, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng, Inc.
as UN MONDE HORS DU TEMPS, Editions A!bin Miche!, 1978, Paris Israel, paper (data not in English letters) 96) CHILDREN OF THE STATE. serial form of A WORLD OUT OF TIME, Galaxy, Galaxy, September, October, November September, October, November 97) THE WORDS IN SCIENCE FICTION, anthology, THE CRAFT OF SCIENCE FICTION, edited by Reginald Bretnor anthology, ANTIGRAV, edited by Philip Strick 98) LUCIFER'S HAMMER (with Jerry Pournelle). novel, cloth, Playboy Press paper, Fawcett Books paper, Futura j.a.panese, paper, 1980, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng Inc.
as LUZIFERS HAMMER, paper, 1980, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen as DE HAMER VAN LUCIFER, paper, 1980, A. W. Bruna & Zoon Utrecht/Antwerpen Israel, paper (data not in English letters) 99) CRUEL AND UNUSUAL. Cosmos, Cosmos, May 1977, as THREE VIGNETTES May 1977, as THREE VIGNETTES collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) anthology, ALIENS! edited by Gardner Dozois and Jack M. Dann (as FOUR VIGNETTES) 100) THE SUBJECT IS CLOSED. Cosmos, Cosmos, May 1977, as THREE May 1977, as THREE VIGNETTES.
collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) anthology, ALIENS! edited by Gardner Dozois and Jack M. Dann (as FOUR VIGNETTES) 101) GRAMMAR LESSON. Cosmos, Cosmos, May 1977, as THREE VIGNETTES May 1977, as THREE VIGNETTES collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) anthology, ALIENS! edited by Gardner Dozois and Jack M. Dann (as FOUR VIGNETTES) 102) ROTATING CYLINDERS AND THE POSSIBILITY OF GLOBAL CAUSALITY VIOLATION. a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, August 1977 August 1977 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) j.a.panese, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, 1981, along with an extensive interview with photos. 1981, along with an extensive interview with photos.
103) THE LAST NECRONOMICON. fanzine, APA-L 315 #4 104) CAUTIONARY TALES. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July-August 1978 July-August 1978 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) ISAAC ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGY j.a.panese, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 105) TRANSFER OF POWER. coffeetable book, ARIEL BOOKS, VOLUME THREE, Thomas Durwood, editor; 1978 collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) paper, anthology, NIRWANA, as MACHTSOVERDRACHT 1981, Meulenhoff Nederland by, Amsterdam 106) FLARE TIME. anthology, ANDROMEDA, edited by Peter Weston; first printing Amazing Science Fiction Stories, November 1982 November 1982 collection, LIMITS, Ballantine (#151) anthology, MEDEA: HARLAN'S WORLD. Trade paperback & cloth, Bantam, 1985.
107) THE MAGIC GOES AWAY. ill.u.s.trated novella, trade paperback, Ace Books, 1978 cloth, Ace paper, Ace cloth, 1980, Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd. with ill.u.s.trations (maybe augmented?) German, paper, as WENN DER ZAUBER VERGEHT. . . 1981, Bastei Lubbe, with ill.u.s.trations In j.a.panese, Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.
108) a.s.sIMILATING OUR CULTURE, THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING! Destinies, Destinies, November-December 1978, edited by November-December 1978, edited by James Baen collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) anthology, ALIENS! edited by Gardner Dozois and Jack M. Dann (as FOUR VIGNETTES) anthology, THE BEST OF DESTINIES, edited by James Baen (see also #111) 109) THE SCHUMANN COMPUTER. Destinies, Destinies, Jan.-Feb. 1979, edited by James Baen Jan.-Feb. 1979, edited by James Baen collection, CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) French anthology, paper, UNIVERS 1980, as LE CHIRPSITHRA, J'ai Lu 110) SHALL WE INDULGE IN RISHATHRA? (with cartoons by William Rotsler). Science Fiction Review, Science Fiction Review, March-April 1979 March-April 1979 Ill)SPIRALS (with Jerry Pournelle). Destinies, Destinies, April-June 1979 April-June 1979 anthology, THE ENDLESS FRONTIER, edited by Jerry Pournelle anthology, THE BEST OF DESTINIES, edited by James Baen (see also #108) Collection, LIMITS (#151) 112) THE LOCUSTS (with Steven Barnes). a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, June 1979 June 1979 anthology, THE 1980 ANNUAL WORLD'S BEST SF, edited by Donald A. Wollheim Collection, LIMITS (#151) 113) CONVERGENT SERIES. collected stories, Ballantine, paper, 1979.
paperback, Orbit 114) INTRODUCTION for CONVERGENT SERIES (#113) 115) IN THE CELLAR. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1979 February 1979 j.a.panese, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 116) THE RINGWORLD ENGINEERS. serial, Galileo, Galileo, July, September, November 1979, and January 1980 July, September, November 1979, and January 1980 novel, inbound signatures, limited edition, from Phantasia Press novel, cloth, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston goatskin, issue of 26, Phantasia; I have "Q"
paper, Ballantine cloth, Holt, Rinehart and Winston paper, Orbit (British) j.a.panese, cloth, 1981, Hayakawa Publis.h.i.+ng, Inc.
cloth, as LES INGENJEURS DE L'ANNEAU-MONDE 1982, Nouvelles Editions Opta paper, as DIE RINGWELT-INGENIEURE 1982, Bastei Lubbe 117) FUTURE HISTORIES. article for the SFWA Bulletin, SFWA Bulletin, special special issue on Future Histories 118) THE PATCHWORK GIRL. trade paperback, ill.u.s.trated, Ace, 1978.
j.a.pan, cloth, ill.u.s.trated (no data in English).
j.a.pan, paper, from Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.
Hebrew, with THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON. Data not available 119) FROM MACROSTRUCTURES ENGINEERING: PROGRESS REPORT. Lunacon '80 Program Book 120) THE GREEN MARAUDER. Destinies, Destinies, February-March, 1980 anthology, DREAM'S EDGE, edited by Terry Carr (cloth and February-March, 1980 anthology, DREAM'S EDGE, edited by Terry Carr (cloth and paper, Sierra Club Books) anthology, BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES OF THE YEAR, TENTH ANNUAL COLLECTION, edited by Gardner Dozois Collection, LIMITS (#151) anthology, TOP SCIENCE FICTION, ed. by Josh Pachter, from Dent, cloth.
121) RETROSPECTIVE (with Steven Barnes). Section from DREAM PARK (#126). Destinies, Destinies, summer 1980 summer 1980 122) ON THE MARCHING MORONS (with Isaac Asimov). isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1981 January 1981 ~423) THE REAL THING. German first publication, TOR ZU DEN STERNEN 1981 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, November 1982 November 1982 Collection, LIMITS (#151) 124) OATH OF FEALTY (with Jerry Poumelle). section in Omni, Omni, Oct. 1981 Oct. 1981 125) THE ROENTGEN STANDARD. Omni, Omni, "Lastword," October "Lastword," October 1981.
Collection, LIMITS (#151) 126) DREAM PARK (with Steven Barnes). novel, cloth, limited edition with inbound signatures, from Phantasia Press trade paperback, Ace Books cloth, Book Club edition, Ace paper, Ace 127) TIlE MAGIC MAY RETURN, edited by Larry Niven. Ace Books, trade paperback 128) WAR MOVIE. Stellar Stellar #7, paper, edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey collection, LIMITS (#151) #7, paper, edited by Judy-Lynn del Rey collection, LIMITS (#151) 129) LIMITS. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Septem Septem ber 28, 1981 anthology, paper, ALIENS & OUTWORLDERS, 1983, Davis, edited by Shawna McCarthy collection, LIMITS (#151) 130) THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF INSTANT LEARNING Herald-Examiner, Herald-Examiner, Sunday, October 18, 1981 Sunday, October 18, 1981 131) OATH OF FEALTY (with Jerry Poumelle). novel, limited edition with inbound signatures from Phantasia Press cloth, Timescape Books (Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books) paper, Orbit (British) paper, Pocket Fiction (Simon & Schuster/Pocket) 132) TALISMAN (with Dian Girard). Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1981 November 1981 collection, LIMITS (#151) collection, MORE MAGIC (#153) 133) THE LION IN HIS ATTIC. Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, July, July, 1982.
collection, LIMITS (#151) collection, MORE MAGIC (#153) 134) THE WRISt.w.a.tCH PLANTATION (with Sharman Di Vono and Ron Harris). Houston Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, March 1 thru July 17, 1982. A newspaper comic strip set in the March 1 thru July 17, 1982. A newspaper comic strip set in the Star Trek Star Trek universe, it seems doomed to die unsung. universe, it seems doomed to die unsung.
135) THE NOTEBOOKS OF MACK SIKES. SFWA Forum SFWA Forum fanzine, fanzine, Science Fiction Review Science Fiction Review 136) THE DESCENT OF ANANSI (with Steven Barnes). segment in a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, October 1982 October 1982 Tor, 1982 (paper) British: Orbit (Futura, Macdonald & Co.), 1984 137) REFLEX (with Jerry Pournelle). novelet.
anthology, THERE WILL BE WAR, edited by Jerry Pournelle.
138) DE STRANDEN VAN SERIUS VIER. Dutch. Collected stories taken from various sources. Meulenhoff Science Fiction, 1975.
139) A TEARDROP FALLS. Short story set in the Berserker universe of Fred Saberhagen. Part of a multi-collaboration novel by Fred Saberhagen. Omni, Omni, June 1983 June 1983 Collection, LIMITS (#151) Novel by Saberhagen, BERSERKER BASE, 1985.
140) TIlE INTEGRAL TREES. novel, serial, a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, October 1983 through January 1984. October 1983 through January 1984.
cloth, March 1984, Del Rey (Ballantine).
paper, February 1985 paper, Futura Publications, 1985 as DE INTEGRAALB OMEN, paper, from Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1985 141) NIVEN'S LAWS. Collected stories and articles. Small hardback.
Princ.i.p.al Speaker's book published by Owlswick Press for Phil-con, 1984.
142) TABLE MANNERS. collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 143) NIVEN'S LAWS. article, collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 144) CONVENTION STORIES. article, collection, N1VEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141).
article, collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 147) IFIDI AMIN HAD HAD THE BOMB. article, collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 148) INMEMORIAM: HOWARD GROTE LITTLEMEAD. poem. collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 149) WHY MEN FIGHT WARS AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. article, collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141) 150) COLLABORATIONS. article, collection, NIVEN'S LAWS, 1984 (#141).
151) LIMITS. Collected stories. Del Rey Books, February 1985, paper.
152) EQUIPMENT, METHOD AND THE REST. Short article for The Science Fiction Source Book, by David Wingrove. by David Wingrove.
153) MORE MAGIC. collection, Niven as editor. Trade paperback, June 1984. Berkley Fantasy (Ace). (#132, #133) 154) THE TIME OF THE WARLOCK. Collected Warlock stories. illus. Dennis Wolf. SteelDragon Press. cloth, limited.
155) FOOTFALL. Del Rey (Ballantine), May 1985. Novel, cloth. Michael Whelan cover.
cloth, Victor Gollancz Co., 1985 156) LIMITS. collection, Ballantine Books, 1985, cloth & paper.
"The Lion in His Attic"
"Spirals" (with Jerry Pournelle) "A Teardrop Falls" "Talisman"
"Flare Time"
"The Locusts" with Steven Barnes "Yet Another Modest Proposal: The Roentgen Standard"
"Table Manners"
"The Green Marauder"
"War Movie"
"The Real Thing"
157) TELL ME A STORY. Advice for writers, in WRITERS OF THE FUTURE, Volume II, 1986.
158) THE SMOKE RING. Serial in a.n.a.log, a.n.a.log, January-April 1987. cloth, Del Rey Books. June 1987. January-April 1987. cloth, Del Rey Books. June 1987.
159) THE LEGACY OF HEOROT (with Jerry Pournelle and Steven Barnes).
cloth, Simon & Schuster, July 1987.
Paper, Pocket Books. Maps by Alexis Wolser.
160) THE TALE OF THE JINNI AND THE SISTERS. Short story, Argos SF & F, Argos SF & F, Penrhyn Publis.h.i.+ng Penrhyn Publis.h.i.+ng ARABESQUES 1, ed. Susan Shwartz, July 1988, Avon & Pan Books 161) THE DREADFUL WHITE PAGE. "Postcard Story" for Surplus Wyvern Press. Surplus Wyvern Press.
162) BRENDA. Novella, WARWORLD, anthology edited by Jerry Pournelle.
New Destinies, Spring 1988 Spring 1988 163) THE GRIPPING HAND (with Jerry Pournelle). Novelet, first section of THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE 164) CURSE. Short story, unsold 165) NEXT TIME. 100 words (a "drabble") for The Drabble Project. The Drabble Project.
First American rights unsold. Sent to ARGOS. ARGOS collapsed. Antho rights promised to Susan Shwartz for ARABESQUES 3. Sold to t.i.tan Books (England).
167) THE WIs.h.i.+NG GAME. Short story, the final tale of the Warlock's companions. ARABESQUES 2, forthcoming.
168) AUTOGRAPH ETIQUETTE. 600 words of tips for writers and seekers.
169) REVIEW OF THE PRISONER for Reason Reason Magazine, 1987. Magazine, 1987.
170) REVIEW of AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT and GREAT SKY RIVER for Reason Reason Magazine, 1987. Magazine, 1987.
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