Predators MC: Stand Off Part 22

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As Ice rose, preparing to rain h.e.l.lfire at the Bandits, Max handed him his gun back. He wasn't stupid enough to go outside with a gun in his hand, even with a cop hanging on his shoulder.

"Go!" Ice yelled. "And break that f.u.c.king bullhorn."

Chapter 22.

Casey felt herself lifted off the floor and placed on a gurney. Her head turned to the side to see Jackal and Fade talking to a police officer. The EMT pushed the gurney through the vault door and out into the bank where the lobby and the surrounding offices had been destroyed. Casey tried to rise to her elbows to see the devastation.

"Miss, you need to lie back. We'll have you in the ambulance in a few minutes."

"I don't want to go to the hospital. I'm fine. Where's Max? Is he okay?" Her hoa.r.s.e voice came out as a strangled whisper.

"I'm here," Max spoke from the head of the gurney.

"What happened?" Casey couldn't miss the coroner's van as they loaded a body inside.

"You don't want us to take you to the hospital?" one EMT asked.

"No, I told you I'm fine. I wasn't hurt." Casey managed to make her voice sound firmer.

"At least let us check you out."

She suffered through being checked out, and they placed a small bandage on her cheek where the leader had struck her. There was an ugly bruise on the side of her neck, but they confirmed that she was fine.

After she signed a release, Max helped her out of the ambulance. Casey opened the bottled water the EMT had given her, drinking it thirstily. It soothed the raw ache in her throat.

"Don't drink that so fast, or you'll make yourself sick," Max cautioned.

"That's better than Jackal trying to strangle me to death." Casey saw the object of her anger strolling casually out of the bank.

"He said you tried to open the door and let the Bandits in. How in the h.e.l.l did you think you could save me when you would have had to get past four armed gunmen?"

Max's acerbic question didn't deserve an answer; instead, she asked him to explain how they had gained their freedom.

"Ice, Stump, and Buzzard came in through your window, and we managed to take out the robbers. Then Jack opened the vault so we could get you, Jackal, and Fade out."

"How did Jack... he doesn't have the-"

"He used Lonnie's handprint. Of course, Lonnie wasn't breathing, so he couldn't object."

"Lonnie's dead?"

"As a doornail," Max quipped in a good humor, despite being nearly killed.

She wanted to hit him upside his head for nearly getting them killed by coming inside the bank and belligerently setting the leader off.

"What happened to the rest of them?"

"They're just as dead. Come on, let's get out of here." Max led her to his bike.

"I don't need to give a statement?"

"They have the tapes. They're going to review them and call the witnesses in for questioning one at a time."

Casey climbed onto the back of Max's bike, circling his waist. She laid her aching head on his back, grateful he was safe.

He didn't ride toward her apartment or his house; instead, she saw they were headed for the clubhouse.

"Why did we come here?" she asked when he parked outside the door of the clubhouse and climbed off.

"I need Gert to patch me up." Max pointed to a bloodstain on his blue jean vest.

"Oh, my G.o.d, why didn't you let the EMTs do that? We need to go to the hospital." She tried to tug him back toward his bike.

"Forget it. Gert will take care of it, and it won't cost me the deductible."

Left with no choice, Casey went into the clubhouse after him. She didn't expect to find the members inside, having a party.

"They're partying after they were in a shootout?" Casey asked in dismay.

"f.u.c.k yeah. We don't have to put up with the Bandits anymore, and we don't have to worry about getting in trouble with the cops for killing them all."

Casey ground her teeth together. "We nearly all got killed."

"We didn't, and that's all that counts."

"I need a drink," Casey muttered. "No, make that a valium, because I'm seriously thinking of killing you myself."

"The beer's in the refrigerator behind the bar. The weed and other s.h.i.+t are in the wooden box under the counter. Knock yourself out. I'll be back in a few," Max said, striding off toward the older woman sitting on one of the chairs.

Casey's hands clenched into fists. Max would make anyone want to commit murder.

Going behind the bar, she opened the refrigerator to get herself a beer. She opened it, taking a long drink as she weaved through the crowded club, following after Max and Gert who were going into his bathroom.

She stood in the doorway, watching as Gert pulled out a first-aid kit from under his sink. Max pulled his vest and T-s.h.i.+rt off. Sitting down on the side of the tub, Gert cleaned the nasty looking wound as if she had done it many times. When she pulled out a vicious-looking needle, Casey swallowed in fear for Max.

"Gimme that beer." Max held out his hand for the beer in her hand, and Casey handed it to him. He needed it more than she did.

The woman matter-of-factly strung a thread through the needle.

"Is that sterile?" Casey asked before the woman could poke him.

"Ain't killed no one yet, have I, Max?"

"Remember BoMar?" Max looked up at Gert.

Casey's face paled at Max's reminder, making him laugh.

"I'm just s.h.i.+ttin' you! Gert does a good job. She's done more st.i.tching up in her lifetime than any of the ER doctors."

"You want to do it?" Gert asked, poking the needle through Max's skin.

"G.o.d, no." Casey shuddered.

"Then quit worrying. This scratch isn't even going to leave him a scar big enough to brag about."

Casey licked her dry lips, unable to keep herself from asking the burning question in her mind. "Are you the one who st.i.tched up Jackal's face?"

"Yeah, but that was years ago. I've had more practice since then."

"You were drunk as s.h.i.+t that night." Max laughed, finis.h.i.+ng the beer.

"That, too," Gert admitted.

She sprayed an antiseptic spray then placed a large square bandage to cover it.

"Thanks, Gert."

"Try not to bust my st.i.tches. It's a pain in the a.s.s when I have to re-st.i.tch."

"I'll be careful," Max promised as they left the bathroom.

Gert left the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Casey asked as Max lay down on his bed.

"Come here."

Casey gingerly lay down next to him, careful not to jar his shoulder.

He rolled to his uninjured side, facing her, his hand going to the side of her neck. "Better?" His thumb brushed softly against the dark bruise.

"Yes," Casey whispered.

Max pressed his mouth down on hers, and they lay together, softly exploring each other's mouths.

"I like kissing you." Casey nibbled on his bottom lip.

"I like f.u.c.king you better."

She shook her head. "We'll hurt your shoulder."

"Sweet thing, the only thing hurting right now is my d.i.c.k."

Casey's hands unbuckled his belt, sliding the zipper downward. "I don't want anything to hurt you." She rose up, getting to her knees until she could bend over his large c.o.c.k. Opening her mouth, she sucked him inside.

"f.u.c.k!" Max hissed between his teeth. "Give a guy some warning."

Casey took him as deep as she could before raising her head. She swung one of her legs over his so she was straddling him.

"What would be the fun in that?" Casey licked down the length of his c.o.c.k before flicking her tongue against his b.a.l.l.s. Max grabbed the rails of his metal headboard, his knuckles white from the pressure of holding on so tightly.

Casey licked back upward, taking the head of his c.o.c.k back into her mouth. This time, she played with the metal b.a.l.l.s, teasing them with her teeth. Max shuddered.

"Sweet thing, never had a woman that sucked my d.i.c.k like she was dying for it."

Casey straightened, taking off her blouse and throwing it toward the end of the bed.

"A man can only take so much," he said, reaching out to grasp her breast and pinching her nipple. "You've got a couple of seconds to get those slacks off, or I'll rip them off for you."

Casey moved to the side, wiggling out of her dress pants. Then her thigh went back over his hip, pressing her p.u.s.s.y down onto his c.o.c.k.

"I love the way you feel inside me." Casey's b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggled as she pressed herself down on him. She leaned forward, taking his nipple into her mouth.

Max's hand went to her hair as he lifted his hips. "You look like you could come just from putting my d.i.c.k in you."

"Those b.a.l.l.s are amazing..."

"Which ones?" Max teased, using his hands to lift her from his chest. His mouth went to the bruise on her throat, placing soft kisses on the sensitive skin.

"G.o.d... Do I have to pick?" Casey moaned, moving faster on him.

Max brought his hands to her hips, jerking her down on him harder. Casey gave a startled scream as ecstasy flew through her, and Max's stomach tightened as he shook out his climax.

Casey carefully moved off him when she quit shaking.

Max placed his hand on her stomach in possession. "Sweet thing..."

The sound of his cell phone interrupted him.

"What?" he grumbled into the phone then quieted as he listened to the person on the other side of the conversation. "Be there in fifteen." Max disconnected the call, swinging his legs off the side of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Casey asked, shoving a pillow under her head.

"Ice and Jackal want me to pick them up from the police station. They're finished giving their statements. The other brothers are too s.h.i.+t-faced to drive to pick them up. I'll give my statement while I'm there. It'll save me the trouble of going in tomorrow. Stay in bed, and I'll wake you up and take you home when I get back."

"Okay." Casey covered the yawn escaping her. Drowsily, she tried to stay awake while he dressed yet couldn't keep her eyes open. She heard the door close behind him as she dozed off.

Casey woke feeling as if her throat was on fire. Stumbling out of bed, she went into the bathroom to clean up before getting redressed in her wrinkled clothes. She had to get something to drink. She would ask someone if they knew where she could find some Tylenol, having already searched Max's bathroom for the pain reliever.

The room was quiet. Several of the bikers had pa.s.sed out on the available chairs, and one had even made a bed for himself on the couch.

Predators MC: Stand Off Part 22

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