Pascal's Pensees Part 79

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[337] P. 249, l. 2. _Opera quae_, etc.--John v, 36; x, 26-27.

[338] P. 249, l. 7. _Nemo potest_, etc.--John iii, 2.

[339] P. 249, l. 11. _Generatio prava_, etc.--Matthew xii, 39.

[340] P. 249, l. 14. _Et non poterat facere._--Mark vi, 5.

[341] P. 249, l. 16. _Nisi videritis, non creditis._--John iv, 8, 48.

[342] P. 249, l. 23. _Tentat enim_, etc.--Deut. xiii, 3.

[343] P. 249, l. 25. _Ecce praedixi vobis: vos ergo videte._--Matthew xxiv, 25, 26.

[344] P. 250, l. 7. _We have Moses_, etc.--John ix, 29.

[345] P. 250, l. 30. _Quid debui._--Is. v, 3, 4. The Vulgate is _Quis est quod debui ultra facere vineae meae, et non feci ei_.

[346] P. 251, l. 12. _Bar-jesus blinded._--Acts xiii, 6-11.

[347] P. 251, l. 14. _The Jewish exorcists._--Ibid., xix, 13-16.

[348] P. 251, l. 18. _Si angelus._--Galatians i, 8.

[349] P. 252, l. 10. _An angel from heaven._--See previous note.

[350] P. 252, l. 14. _Father Lingende._--Claude de Lingendes, an eloquent Jesuit preacher, who died in 1660.

[351] P. 252, l. 33. _Ubi est Deus tuus?_--Ps. xiii, 3.

[352] P. 252, l. 34. _Exortum est_, etc.--Ps. cxii, 4.

[353] P. 253, l. 6. _Saint Xavier._--Saint Francois Xavier, the friend of Ignatius Loyola, became a Jesuit.

[354] P. 253, l. 9. _Vae qui_, etc.--Is. x, I.

[355] P. 253, l. 24. _The five propositions._--See Preface.

[356] P. 253, l. 36. _To seduce_, etc.--Mark xiii, 22.

[357] P. 254, l. 6. _Si non fecissem._--John xv, 24.

[358] P. 255, l. 11. _Believe in the Church._--Matthew xviii, 17-20.

[359] P. 257, l. 14. _They._--The Jansenists, who believed in the system of evangelical doctrine deduced from Augustine by Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638), the Bishop of Ypres. They held that interior grace is irresistible, and that Christ died for all, in reaction against the ordinary Catholic dogma of the freedom of the will, and merely sufficient grace.

[360] P. 258, l. 4. _A time to laugh_, etc.--Eccles. iii, 4.

[361] P. 258, l. 4. _Responde. Ne respondeas._--Prov. xxvi, 4, 5.

[362] P. 260, l. 3. _Saint Athanasius._--Patriarch of Alexandria, accused of rape, of murder, and of sacrilege. He was condemned by the Councils of Tyre, Aries, and Milan. Pope Liberius is said to have finally ratified the condemnation in A.D. 357. Athanasius here stands for Jansenius, Saint Thersea for Mother Angelique, and Liberius for Clement IX.

[363] P. 261, l. 17. _Vos autem non sic._--Luke xxii, 26.

[364] P. 261, l. 23. _Duo aut tres in unum._--John x, 30; First Epistle of St. John, V, 8.

[365] P. 262, l. 18. _The Fronde._--The party which rose against Mazarin and the Court during the minority of Louis XIV. They led to civil war.

[366] P. 262, l. 25. _Pasce oves meas._--John xxi, 17.

[367] P. 263, l. 14. _Jeroboam._--I Kings xii, 31.

[368] P. 265, l. 21. _The servant_, etc.--John xv, 15.

[369] P. 266, l. 4. _He that is not_, etc.--Matthew xii, 30.

[370] P. 266, l. 5. _He that is not_, etc.--Mark ix, 40.

[371] P. 266, l. 11. _Humilibus dot gratiam._--James iv, 6.

[372] P. 266, l. 12. _Sui eum non_, etc.--John i, 11, 12.

[373] P. 266, l. 33. _We will be as the other nations._--I Sam. viii, 20.

[374] P. 268, l. 19. _Vince in bono malum._--Romans xii, 21.

[375] P. 268, l. 26. _Montalte._--See note on page 6, line 30, above.

[376] P. 269, l. 11. _Probability._--The doctrine in casuistry that of two probable views, both reasonable, one may follow his own inclinations, as a doubtful law cannot impose a certain obligation. It was held by the Jesuits, the famous religious order founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola. This section of the _Pensees_ is directed chiefly against them.

[377] P. 269, l. 22. _Coacervabunt sibi magistros._--2 Tim. iv, 3.

[378] P. 270, l. 3. _These._--The writers of Port-Royal.

[379] P. 270, l. 15. _The Society._--The Society of Jesus.

[380] P. 271, l. 15. _Digna necessitas._--Book of Wisdom xix, 4.

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