Mother's Remedies Part 101

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Prepared (how).--Powder, infusion, tincture, fluid extract. Use half ounce of root to a pint of boiling water for infusion.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Of the powder, five to ten grains; of infusion, one ounce; of tincture, half to one teaspoonful and of fluid extract, five to twenty drops. When it is called for, the tongue is generally coated whitish; it will soon clear that. Diarrhea, etc., due to stomach and bowel troubles are benefited by it. Two parts of the decoction of golden seal and one of cranesbill used as an injection is good for gonorrhea, gleet, and leucorrhea. Same is good for chronic cyst.i.tis. If too strong, weaken it. Good in this form, mixed with cranesbill, for diarrhea and dysentery; taken in two teaspoonful doses every three hours.

GRAVEL PLANT. Gravel-Weed. Mountain Pink. Ground Laurel. May Flower.

Trailing Arbutus. Epigea Repens.

Internally, used for.--Gravel and irritable bladder, causes more urine to flow, just as buchu does.

Part used.--The leaves.

Gather.--In summer.

Flowers (when).--Appear in April and May.

Grows (where).--Canada and United States, on sides of hills with northern exposure.

Prepared (how).--Infusion, and fluid extract which can be bought. Use one ounce of the leaves to one pint of boiling water and let it steep to make an infusion.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose: One to two teaspoonfuls. For gravel, take one teaspoonful every three hours. For irritable bladder take half teaspoonful every three hours.


HOPS. Humulus Lupulus.

Internally, used for.--Nervousness, sleeplessness, hysteria, in afterpains, to prevent chordee.

Externally, used for.--Used as a fomentation in many inflammatory diseases.

Part used.--Cones.

Gather.--In the fall or when fully ripe.

Grows (where).--Native of North America and Europe.

Prepared (how).--Infusion, tincture and fluid extract lupulin.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of infusion, two to four ounces; tincture one to four drams. Fluid extract, five to twenty drops. For nervous troubles, take one ounce of the infusion, or one dram tincture, every hour or two until quiet; same for sleeplessness. In delirium tremens, infusion drank with some red pepper in it settles the stomach and quiets the craving for drink. Following is good for chordee, etc.:

Lupulin 1 dram.

Camphor mon.o.bromate 1 dram.

Cocoa b.u.t.ter, sufficient.

Make twelve suppositories and insert one in r.e.c.t.u.m every three or four hours. Take at the same time, the infusion or tincture every two or three hours. Fomentations are good in pleurisy and many other inflammations.

Inhale steam in throat and chest troubles.

HORSE CHESTNUT. Aesculus Hippocastanum.

Internally, used for.--Rheumatism. Used especially for piles.

Part used.--Bark and fruit which contains tannin.

Gather.--Late autumn.

Flowers (when).--In May and June, and fruit ripens late in autumn.

Grows (where).--Native of Asia. Naturalized here.

Prepared (how).--Powder of the rind of the root or powdered fruit.

Decoction made of the bark by using one and one-half ounces to a pint of water and boiling.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose: For rheumatism two ounces, three times a day.

For piles, make an ointment of the powdered nut and apply. This is very good.

h.o.a.rHOUND. White h.o.a.rhound. Marrubium Vulgare.

Internally, used for.--Coughs, colds, bronchitis, chronic asthma, sweating, hoa.r.s.eness.

Part used.--Whole herb.

Gather.--When fresh.

Grows (where).--Naturalized in United. States. Grows in dry sandy fields, waste grounds, roadsides; etc.


Prepared (how).--Infusion hot and cold by adding one ounce to pint of water; fluid extract.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of infusion, two to four ounces; fluid extract, one to two teaspoonfuls. A syrup is also made; dose, two ounces. Infusion used hot for sweating, freely and often; cold and chest troubles about every two to four hours; or use fluid extract. The hot infusion should be used in asthma, amenorrhea, and hoa.r.s.eness.

JUNIPER. Juniper Communis.

Internally, used for.--Dropsy, and to increase flow of urine in kidney troubles.

Part used.--Berries.


Flowers (when).--In May and June and ripe in August.

Grows (where).--Grows in United States and Canada, in dry woods and hills.

Mother's Remedies Part 101

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