Mother's Remedies Part 126

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Dissolve the calcium and pota.s.sium hypophosphites in two fluid ounces of warm water. Add to one ounce of water, three fluid ounces of the syrup and dissolve in the mixture, by the aid of heat, the remainder of the salts.

Mix the solutions and set by a few hours, covered, to deposit the sulphate of calcium which is formed. Filter into bottle containing the remainder of the syrup, wash the residue with an ounce of boiling water, mix filtrate and was.h.i.+ngs with the syrup; dissolve the glucose in the mixture, and add through the filter enough water to make two pints. The formula would be improved by subst.i.tuting for the glucose, a refined extract of malt like that prepared by Gebe, in Germany. The proportion of the medicinal ingredients in the syrup it is true is small; I shall not warrant it to perform miracles of cure. It is simply offered as a subst.i.tute for Fellow's Hypophosphites; whatever therapeutic efficiency that nostrum has, we may count upon obtaining equally from this syrup.

The above, about four pints, would cost about $1.00.


Citrate of Iron and Quinine 2 drams Simple Syrup 2 ounces Pure Water 2 ounces

Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day.

This tonic is good to build up the system and to make rich, new blood.

People who feel tired and do not rest well at night cannot use a better remedy.

The above amount would cost about 25 cents.



Carbonate of Ammonium 19 drams Camphor 20 drams Oil of Turpentine 21 drams Oil of Origanum 20 drams Castile Soap 19 drams Water to make 1-1/2 pints

Mix. The above amount would cost about 60 cent.


Acetanilid 160 grains Citrate Caffein 1 dram Sodae Bicarbonatis 15 grains Tartaric Acid 5 grains Simple Elixir to make 4 ounces

Mix. Dose: One-half to one teaspoonful half hour apart for two doses.

Two doses of this remedy will generally relieve any headache. Be careful of this. It is good but all these are sometimes dangerous. The above amount would cost about 35 cents.


Oil of Sa.s.safras 2 drams Oil of Hemlock 2 drams Spirits of Turpentine 2 drams Tincture of Capsic.u.m 2 drams Tincture of Myrrh 1 ounce Laundanum 2 drams Oil of Origanum 2 drams Oil of Wintergreen 1 dram Gum Camphor 1/2 troy ounce Chloroform 3 drams Alcohol, to make 1 pint

Mix. The above amount, about twenty ounces, would cost about 90 cents.


Tincture Nucis Vomicae 1 ounce

Dose: Take five drops three times a day before meals. This is good.

The above amount would cost about 15 cents.



One green paneled bottle contains seven and one-half fluid ounces of a brownish-yellow, semi-clear, very sweet, thickish liquid, of a tarry odor, and p.r.o.nounced taste and smell of chloroform. From a close examination we have ascertained that an exactly similar preparation is easily made In the following way:

Rub well together:--

Liquid Tar 5 grains Fluid Extract Hemlock 1 fluid dram Powdered White Sugar 2 ounces av.

and add

Alcohol 1/2 fluid ounce Aquae 1-1/2 fluid ounces 3 ounces av.

Fluid Extract Ipecac 8 minims

Mix well and add finally

Chloroform 1 fluid dram

Mix. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.


Tincture Digitalis 2 drams Elixir Valerian 1 ounce Simple Syrup to make 4 ounces

Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful at once. In ten minutes another, and afterward every four hours for twenty-four hours or less.

When there is fluttering or palpitation of the heart, do not get excited but use the above, it is the best thing you can use in this trouble.

The above amount would cost about 30 cents.


Resin 1 pound Burgundy Pitch 1 ounce Beeswax 1 ounce Mutton Tallow 1 ounce Oil of Hemlock 2 drams Balsam Fir 2 drams Oil Origanum 2 drams Oil of Red Cedar 2 drams Venice Turpentine, 2 drams Oil Wormwood 1/2 dram Copper Acetate 2 drams

Melt the first articles together, and add the oils; having rubbed up the copper acetate with a little oil, put it in with the other articles, stirring well; then put into cold water and work until cold enough to roll.

The above amount, over thirty-six ounces, would cost about 50 cents.

Mother's Remedies Part 126

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Mother's Remedies Part 126 summary

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