Mother's Remedies Part 142

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MILK LEG.--This is due to infection. It usually arises from an extension of a blood clot (thrombosis) of the womb or pelvic veins, to the thigh (femoral) vein, resulting in a partial or complete obstruction of the vein. It may come in less frequent cases, from a lymphatic infection.

Symptoms.--They may develop at any time between the tenth and thirtieth days or even later. These are general feelings of weariness, stiffness and soreness of the leg, especially when it is moved. There may first be pain in the region of the groin; or pain from the ankle to the groin and followed by swelling. The skin of the leg becomes markedly swollen, white and s.h.i.+ny. Later there is pitting on pressure, but not at first, because the skin is extremely stretched. Fever may accompany the attack, but it will subside long before the swelling of the leg has disappeared.

The vein may be felt as a hard lash-like cord, a red line of inflammation marking its course along the inner and under side of the thigh. The disease may last weeks, depending upon the severity of the trouble. The affected leg is disabled for a number of months after recovery. Recovery takes place as a rule. Absorption of the clot takes place, or the vessel remains closed, and another (compensatory) circulation is established.


Treatment.--The patient should lie in bed with the leg elevated and swathed in flannel or cotton wet with some quieting lotion. The following is a good lotion:--

Compound Soap Liniment 6 ounces Laudanum 1-1/2 ounces Tincture Aconite Root 1/2 ounce Tincture Belladonna 1/2 ounce

Wet the flannel or cotton with this. After the acute symptoms have pa.s.sed the following ointment may be put on the leg:--

Ichthyol 45 grains Iodide of Lead 45 grains Chloride of Ammonium 10 grains Alboline 1 ounce

The parts should not be rubbed lest a clot be loosened and travel in the general circulation and thus endanger life.

Diet.--Should be supporting. Salts for the bowels.




Preparation, Outfit, Nursing, Formulas for Preparation of Milk for Bottle-Fed Infants; Weaning, Teething, Diet Through Childhood, All the Baby Diseases, etc., from the Best Medical Authority, Infant Hospitals and Nurses.

How long does pregnancy usually last? Two hundred and eighty days.

How can the time be reckoned? Count back three months from the first day of the last menstruation and add seven days to the date thus obtained. To be more accurate, you should add only six days in the months of April and September, five days in December and January, and in February four days.

What time of pregnancy does the form begin to change? It changes a little the first two months. It is flatter and lower down. After the third month there is a progressive enlargement.

What is quickening, and when first felt? It is a motion, of the foetus (child) in the womb, imparted to the abdominal walls, and is felt from the sixteenth to the twentieth week. It has been said to have occurred earlier in some cases.

Can you foretell twin pregnancy? Not to a certainty.

Can a mother influence her child as to character and temperament before birth? Authorities differ very much upon this point. The child inherits the physical characteristics of its parents. The frame of the mother's mind, some think, can be given in some degree to her offspring.

Will nervousness be inherited by the child? Not invariably; if the mother is fretful, irritable, cross, repining, etc., her child may be puny, cross and irritable, etc.


Do you believe in influences transmitted before birth (parental influences?) All must admit that there is a great deal in heredity, and the characteristics of parents are shown in their children.

Can a mother mark her baby? This is another disputed question.

When should the family physician be informed of the woman's condition? The first month.

Why? So that the woman will know how to live properly, and also that he will be given the urine twice each month to examine. This is for her protection and is necessary, because anything that may be wrong with the kidneys can be corrected much easier, and diet, etc. can be arranged to prevent future trouble.

What kind of diet should a pregnant woman have? She should eat only healthy articles of food. Stimulating, highly seasoned, rich, greasy foods should be avoided. Constipation is frequently present and the diet must be chosen with reference to that also. She should not restrict herself to one line of diet unless it is necessary.

Should she take a daily bath, if so, what kind and when? Yes, if it does her good. The pores of the skin should be kept open so that the kidneys will have less work to do. Spray and baths should be taken cold or lukewarm. Hot baths or Turkish baths are to be avoided. The time should be at the woman's convenience. Morning is preferable, if she does not feel the need of sleep.

Should she take a daily nap and when? Yes, one or two hours in the forenoon, and also in the afternoon.

Should she take exercise? Yes, exercise is necessary. This promotes the proper circulation of the blood, favors rest and sleep, relieves the "blues," tones the whole system, gives her good wholesome air and makes everything look better. It should not be violent. Slow walking and riding in an easy carriage. She should not ride a horse, run, jump, dance, or do any jerky or violent exercise; no heavy lifting or reaching up.

What about clothing? The clothing should be perfectly loose and comfortable. Garters and corsets are injurious, especially when the pregnancy has reached four or five months. The weight of the clothing should be borne by the shoulders instead of the hips. Special waists can be made for pregnant women. There should be no pressure on any part, especially on the womb and b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

What is the meaning of the word enciente? The Roman women were accustomed to wear a tight girdle about their waists which was called a cincture.

This they removed when they were pregnant. They were then said to be incincta, or unbound. The term enciente is derived from this, and is frequently used to indicate pregnancy.

What are the main symptoms of miscarriage? Pain and bleeding.


Does it usually come on suddenly? Not as a rule. There are premonitory symptoms such as bearing down feeling in the pelvis, backache, frequent desire to pa.s.s water, a discharge from the v.a.g.i.n.a, and sometimes a little b.l.o.o.d.y flow.

At what period is it most common? Between the ninth and sixteenth weeks when the after-birth is forming.

What are the causes of miscarriage? Diseases of the womb, disease in the father, constipation, falls, over-exertion, violent emotions, such as shock, fright, anger, blows on the abdomen, over-lifting, reaching up, sewing on machine.

What is the first thing to do? Lie down, rest and send for a doctor.

Is it ever possible to stop it? Yes, and often.

Do the b.r.e.a.s.t.s need any special care? The nipple, if much drawn in and small, should be "pulled out" once or twice daily. It will do to rub sweet oil on the b.r.e.a.s.t.s every evening in order to relieve the tightness and discomfort, especially after the pregnancy has advanced some months.

Are there any diseases to which a pregnant woman is more subject? None. The kidneys need more watching.

Can any dentistry be done during pregnancy? Not if it makes her very nervous; but toothache can cause more harm from a diseased tooth than if it were treated carefully.

Why do pregnant women suffer from "varicose" veins? The enlarged womb presses upon the veins and thus obstructs the return flow of the blood. It is not so common during the first pregnancy.

Can anything be done for this trouble? The woman should lie down a good part of the time if possible, and also wear a perfectly fitting elastic stocking. They can be had of any size and length. The limb should be measured for them.

Does oiling and ma.s.saging the body do good? Some women claim it does; it certainly puts the muscles in better condition and strengthens the muscles of the abdomen which have so much part in the labor.

What is the morning sickness and are all women subject to it? Nausea and vomiting without any cause. No; many escape it entirely.

At what period of pregnancy does it usually occur? During the early months it is more frequent and troublesome.

Mother's Remedies Part 142

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Mother's Remedies Part 142 summary

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