Mother's Remedies Part 176

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Croup, Salt Water for.--"A handful of salt in a basin of cold water. Wring towel out of this solution and apply over the throat. Cover with warm flannel, keep patient warm." This simple but effective remedy has been known to give relief many times and has been thoroughly tried by a great many mothers.

Chapped Hands, an Inexpensive Remedy for.--"One-fourth ounce gum tragacanth, one-fourth ounce boracic acid, one ounce glycerin, one and one-half ounce alcohol, five cents' worth best white rose perfume. Soak gum in pint of rain water for thirty-six hours; let warm slowly until heated. Remove from the stove, strain through a cheese cloth, add the other ingredients, stir well and bottle."

Cholera Infantum, Chickweed For.--"Chickweed boiled and sweetened in milk.

This cured my daughter when an infant. This recipe has been used by me and my mother and proved effectual." The above remedy is an inexpensive one and easily prepared. It will be found excellent for this trouble.

Dog Bite, Home Treatment for.--"Apply common salt." Salt eats and draws poison out. Use it freely.

Drunkenness, Chocolate for.--"Give patient all the chocolate he can or will eat. This cured one man I know."

Diphtheria, a Marine City Mother Gives the Following Cure For.--"One-fourth pound loaf sugar, one-fourth pound gum kino, one-fourth ounce alum; put in a covered porcelain dish on stove in a quart of soft water. Simmer down to one pint, gargle the throat every fifteen minutes, or for small children use a swab. Bandage the throat with onion poultices; this recipe has relieved when used as directed; was used by my mother and proved effectual."


Dropsy, Chestnut Leaves for.--"A tea made of chestnut leaves taken freely instead of water." These leaves can be purchased at any drug store in five-cent packages. Prepare the same as ordinary tea, only stronger.

Eczema, Lard and Sulphur for.--"Melt lard and sulphur. When cool add a little alcohol to keep sweet." This combination is very soothing to the parts affected.

Eczema, Gasoline for.--"Bathe the affected parts in gasoline; be careful not to use the liquid where there is fire or lamps."

Erysipelas, Antiseptic Wash for.--

"Hyposulphite of Soda 8 ounces Carbolic Acid (200 drops) 3-1/3 drams Soft Water 1 pint"

The above wash has very strong recommendations as a local application. It was secured from a family that had used it at different times for twenty years. The family seemed to be susceptible to erysipelas and this medicine had been used for three generations, grandfather, son and grandson. In fact, it was the only remedy that helped their case, although many others had been tried. The entire prescription would cost about fifteen cents.

Fishbone, Choking from.--"Raw egg, taken soon as possible." It helps to carry bone out of throat and is a remedy ready at hand.

Goitre, a Good Remedy for.--

"Iodine 1 dram Iodide of Pota.s.sium 4 drams Soft Water 4 ounces

Apply night and morning. Rub on with feather or soft brush all around, as well as immediately on the lump." This is a counterirritant and often used for goitre.

Goitre, Iodine for.--"Blister with iodine. Heal with sweet cream, paint and blister again. This wore my sister's goitre away. It took time but was worth it." It should produce redness instead of a blister.

Headache, Lemon Juice and Coffee for.--"A teaspoonful of lemon juice in a small cup of black coffee will relieve." This is an old tried remedy and one that will be found beneficial.

Inflammatory Rheumatism, Salt Petre and Sweet Oil for.--"One ounce salt petre pulverized, one pint sweet oil. Rub parts affected."

Ingrowing Toenail, Home Treatment for.--"Cut a notch in the top of the nail with a penknife, the nail from base to top."

Ingrowing Toenail, a Good Canadian Remedy for.--"Paint part under flesh with four parts caustic potash, six parts warm water. Paint part and with piece of gla.s.s or sharp knife. Repeat till thin enough to break off." The caustic potash makes parts soft.


Ingrowing Toenail, Camphor for.--"Cut part growing in with sharp knife and put camphor on intruding part. This eases the pain and prevents second growth."

Indigestion, Egg for.--"Brown egg in oven and crush till very fine with a rolling pin, then take a teaspoonful at meal times three times a day."

Inflammation of the Bowels, a Grandmother's Remedy for.--"Raw linseed oil and bean poultice. Use as hot as can be borne; keep repeating until relieved. This recipe has been used by my mother."

Kidney Trouble, an Easily Prepared Remedy for.--"Steep plantain leaves into strong tea. Take half cup every night. This has been found good for kidney trouble." Also good for ivy poisoning, burns, scalds, bruises, and to check bleeding; pound leaves to a paste and apply to parts.

La Grippe, Red Pepper Treatment from a Canadian Mother for.--"Take a bottle of alcohol, put enough red pepper in it so that when four drops are put in a half cup of water it is strong. This is what I always break up my grippe with." Peppers thus prepared stimulate and warm up the stomach and bowels and increase the circulation.

Rheumatism, Liniment Sent Us from Gentleman in Canada (says he paid $7.00 for it).--

"Capsic.u.m Powdered 1 ounce Camphor 1/2 ounce Oil Hemlock 1/2 ounce Spirits Ammonia 1/2 ounce Chloroform 1/2 ounce Oil Turpentine 1/2 ounce Oil Wormwood 1 dram Pota.s.sium Nitrate 1 dram Add Alcohol to make 12 ounces

Good Liniment.--"Sweet oil, turpentine, hartshorn, equal parts. Keep corked."

Liniment, Sprains, Etc.--English Black Oil.

"Tanner's Oil 1 pint Oil Vitriol 1 ounce Spirits of Turpentine 1 ounce Beef 's Gall, contents of 1 gall

Put oil vitriol in tanner's oil, let stand twelve hours and not cork tightly, then add balance."

Lumbago, Ointment for.--

Vaselin 1 ounce Belladonna 15 grains Salicylic Acid 1 dram Sodium Salicylate 1 dram

Apply. Also good to rub on bunions."


Mother's Remedies Part 176

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