Mother's Remedies Part 84

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Medicine.--Glonoin, 1/100 to 1/200 grain is of help in severe cases.


COLLAPSE.--1. Place the patient flat on his back.

2. Raise the feet and lower his head, unless blueness of the face occurs.

3. Make the patient warm by applying warm coverings and hot water bottles, bricks or wood.

4. Enema of strong coffee.

5. If necessary the legs and arms can be bandaged beginning at the feet and hands and then bandage up. Use above in order given.

FAINTING.--Place the patient on her back, with the head low and feet raised unless the face is flushed. The face is generally pale.

Loosen the clothing about the waist, throat, etc.

Plenty of air and no crowding around the patient.


Cold water on the face with cloths. It is not necessary to wet her all over. Ammonia or camphor near the nostrils to inhale. Lie still for some time and do not attempt to rise while still feeling dizzy or faint.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Sea Sickness, Red Pepper and Relieves.-- "A teaspoonful of red pepper mixed with and taken in one dose is considered one of the best remedies for this trouble."

2. Sea Sickness, Peppermint an Excellent Relief for.--"A teaspoonful of essence of peppermint put in a tumbler of hot water, sipped occasionally, is both a preventive and cure for sea-sickness."

Sea Sickness.--Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia, says: "The bromides should be used in the dose of five to ten grains three times a day for several days before the patient sails to quiet the vomiting center." After sea sickness begins the following combination is good:

(a) Citric Acid 2 drams Distilled Water 4 ounces Make a solution.

(b) Bromide of Potash 1 dram Bicarbonate of Potash 1 dram Distilled Water 4 ounces Make a solution.

Then a tablespoonful of each of these solutions should be added to one another and taken during effervescence. Lemon juice can be used in place of citric acid in the first combination.

DOG BITES (Not Rabid).--Treat the same as for any torn wound, wash out thoroughly with hot water and an ounce of salt in a pint of water. There is no danger of hydrophobia from the bite of a dog, cat or any animal unless that animal has hydrophobia. No one can take hydrophobia from an animal that does not have it. (See Hydrophobia).

POISONED WOUNDS. Mosquito Bite.--Remove the sting in the wound. Diluted vinegar applied to the bites is sometimes of help. Camphor is also good.

Snake Bite.--Naturalists have discovered twenty-seven species of poisonous serpents and one poisonous lizard; eighteen species of these are true rattlesnakes; the remaining nine are divided between varieties of the moccasin, copperhead or the viper. The poisonous lizard is the Texan reptile known as the "Gila Monster." In all these serpents the poison fluid is secreted in a gland which lies against the side of the skull below and behind the eye, from which a duct leads to the base of a hollow tooth or fang, one on each side of the upper jaw; which fang, except in the case of vipers, is movable and susceptible of erection and depression.

When not in use the fang hugs the upper jaw and is ensheathed in a fold of mucous membrane. In the vipers the fang is permanently erect. In the case of biting the contents of the poison sac are forcibly ejected through the hollow fang.


Symptoms of a Snake Bite.--The symptoms are similar in bites of poisonous snakes. Pain in the wound, slight at first, but becoming more severe, with rapid swelling and spotted discoloration in the vicinity of the wound.

Symptoms of heart and lung depression soon show themselves by feeble and fluttering pulse, faintness, cold sweating, mental distress, nausea and vomiting and labored breathing. Death may occur very soon in intense poisoned cases, but more frequently the struggle extends over a number of hours.

Treatment.--First thing to do.--When the bite is on a limb, tie the limb above the bite toward the body and twist the ligature so tight that the circulation is cut off, or checked. Then cut the wound open very freely.

When the bite is on the body, make a free cut, and when this cannot be done suck the wound vigorously, which can done without danger, if there are no cracks or abrasions of the lips or mouth, as the poison is harmless when taken into a well mouth. If a hot iron is at hand apply it freely within the wound and this may take the place of the knife or suction. Salt put in the cut wound will be of help, or fill the wound with permanganate of potash and inject a solution of the same, diluted three-quarters with water, around the wound. Strychnine one-fifteenth of a grain every two hours until the symptoms are better. This is not given until the symptoms of snake poisoning have shown themselves.

If such agents are not at hand, brandy or whisky should be given freely.

The pulse will show when the patient has had enough.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. INSECT AND OTHER BITES.--1. Simply Use Pepper for Dog Bite.--"My son had his hand bitten by a dog and it was over a week before it was brought to my notice. The sore was then filled with green pus and the pain went up to his jaw, so we were afraid of lockjaw. I had him cleanse it thoroughly in a basin of warm saleratus water, then filled and thickly covered it with black pepper. The pain stopped almost instantly.

It seems as though pepper would smart a cut terribly, but it does not."

This is a good remedy and worth trying. The black pepper did not smart the wound because the flesh was dead.

2. Bites, Tobacco Good for Dog.--"Immediately wash the parts with clear water; then take leaf or cut tobacco and bind over the part bitten, changing it two or three times a day for a week. This effectually absorbs the poison. It is a good prevention of any future trouble."

3. Bites, Ammonia Good for Insect.--"Rub the affected parts with ammonia, which will draw out the poison. For mosquito bites have often used baking soda. This always gives relief and is very cooling."

4. Bites, Baking Soda for Insect.--"Cover the affected parts with baking soda and keep moist." A mud poultice is an old tried remedy.


5. Bites, Hartshorn Old Time Remedy for.--"Apply hartshorn or spirits of ammonia to part which neutralizes the formic acid, the active principle of the poison." This is an old-time remedy and will always give relief if applied immediately.

6. Bites, Carbolic Acid Draws Poison from.--"Bathe frequently in a weak solution of carbolic acid." The carbolic acid is a very good remedy and seldom fails to cure, but if you do not happen to have the acid, use vinegar, and it will have practically the same effect.

7. Bites, Alum and Vinegar Good Remedy for.--"Alum and vinegar. Purchase five cents' worth of powdered alum and dissolve in a pint of vinegar and apply freely. This is a very good remedy."

8. Bites, Salt Water for Mosquito.--"Take salt and water in a little dish and keep wetting the bite for a few moments. This will soon destroy the poison," This will be found a very simple but effective remedy, especially in children or small babies, as we mothers all know how very annoying a mosquito bite is to children. The salt water will remove all the poison and at the same time relieve the itching and swelling. Care should be taken not to make it too strong for a small baby.

9. Bites, Spirits of Ammonia for Snake.--"Strong spirits of ammonia applied to the wounds of snake bites or rabid animals is better than caustic. It neutralizes the poison." Enough of the ammonia should be used to irritate the parts. It is harmless treatment and should be used freely.

STINGS, MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Leaves of Geranium Good for Bee or Wasp.--"Bruise the leaves of geranium and bind on the affected part. This has proved an excellent, though simple remedy."

2. Stings, Simple Remedy for.--"Take a dresser key or any with a good sized hole and press over the sting. If used very soon this will remove the stinger, then cover with wet salt."

DISLOCATIONS.--A dislocation is the putting out of joint some bone, such as the elbow or shoulder bone or bones. The bone has slipped out of its socket. They are called after the joints involved.

General Causes.--Blows, sudden contraction of the muscles; also due to some diseases of the joints.

General Symptoms.--There is a deformity at the joint, pain and sometimes it is not possible to make all the joint movements.

General Treatment.--Of course it is to replace the bone, as soon as possible, before there is much swelling, inflammation and consequent adhesions.

Mother's Remedies Part 84

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