Mother's Remedies Part 91

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CARBOLIC ACID. Symptoms.--Immediately burning pain from mouth to stomach; giddiness, loss of consciousness, collapse, partial suppression of the urine; characteristic odor and white color of lips, etc.

Antidotes. Epsom salts or glaubers salts, and water very freely to drink; drink a pint of flaxseed tea. Later strong coffee or whisky and water as stimulants.

External.--If burned externally by carbolic acid, apply immediately some oil-sweet oil, olive oil or any good oil at hand-or wash freely with baking soda water. Should the acid get into the eye continue application of oil or soda water and send for a physician. Hold lower lid down to prevent acid getting into pupil until you are sure all the acid is off of the lids.

CHLORAL. Symptoms.--Deep sleep, livid look, pulse weak, breathing slow, pupils contracted during sleep, but dilated when awake, temperature low.

Antidotes.--Permanganate of potash, four to five grains every half hour.

Treatment.--Emetics at first, if seen early, such as mustard water, and warm salt water, vaselin, goose grease, etc. Keep person awake by walking, slapping and cold applications; give strong coffee enemas.

COPPER. Symptoms.--Intense corrosion of the mouth and stomach, bleeding and cramps in the bowels.

Treatment. Emetics.--Mustard water, warm salt water, lard, vaselin, etc.

Then milk and eggs, black coffee enema.

CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. Symptoms.--Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with b.l.o.o.d.y stools, tongue white, shriveled: suppressed urine, gums sore, salivation.

Antidote.--Milk or white of eggs; one egg for four grains of drug; milk, flour paste.

Treatment.--Cause vomiting after the antidote has been given, and follow with soothing drinks, castor oil.

CHEESE, Spoiled. Symptoms.--Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet.

Treatment.--Emetics, such as warm water and salt until patient vomits freely; or mustard water, lard, vaselin, tickle throat with feather, etc.

Enema to empty lower bowel; stimulants, such as strong coffee or whisky.

DEADLY NIGHT-SHADE. Symptoms.--Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Patient may be delirious and wildly so.


Antidotes.--Tannic acid, twenty drops in gla.s.s of water. Emetics to produce vomiting, such as mustard water, salt and warm water, goose grease, vaselin, etc.

Stimulants.--Coffee to drink or by enema, artificial respiration.

FOWLER'S SOLUTION. Symptoms.--Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, intense thirst, collapse.

Antidote.--Jeaunel's antidote.

Treatment.--Emetics freely, mustard water, salt and warm water, goose grease, etc., then white of egg and milk and follow with sweet oil or castor oil.

HYDROCHLORIC ACID, Symptoms.--The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult; "coffee grounds" vomiting.; pulse feeble, clammy skin.

Treatment.--Usually the first thing to do is to give an emetic. Send for a doctor and give an emetic. Then give chalk or, if necessary, take plaster from the wall, mix it with a gla.s.s of water. Also three or four eggs (raw) in a gla.s.s of milk can be taken.

h.e.l.lEBORE, WHITE AND GREEN. Symptoms.--Pain and burning in the bowels, vomiting and diarrhea, slow weak pulse, pupils dilated usually.

Treatment.--Emetics, such as mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, etc.; stimulants, strong coffee, brandy, whisky. Keep patient quiet and warm.

IODINE. Symptoms.--Pain in throat and stomach, vomiting is yellow from the iodine, or blue if starch is in the stomach; color and odor of iodine on lips and in mouth.

Antidote.--Starch or flour mixed into a paste with water, should be given and followed by emetics.

Treatment.--Emetics, something to cause vomiting, warm salt water, mustard water, etc. Then sweating drinks, such as hot flaxseed or hop tea, etc.

LYE. Symptoms.--Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with b.l.o.o.d.y vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor.

Antidotes.--Lemon juice and water; vinegar and water, half and half.

Treatment.--Milk, soothing drinks; sweet oil or castor oil, bland drinks like flaxseed tea, slippery elm, (white of egg) water. The oil should be used last.

LAUDANUM. Symptoms.--Excitement at first, soon weariness weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused with difficulty and later it is impossible, snoring breathing.


Treatment.--This is a dangerous poison. A stomach pump should be used.

Emetics, such as mustard and warm water or warm salt water or vaselin, etc. Keep patient awake, stimulants, coffee enemas, artificial respiration, etc.

MERCURIC CHLORIDE. Symptoms.--Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with b.l.o.o.d.y stools, tongue white, shriveled, suppressed urine, gums sore, salivation.

Antidote.--Milk or white of eggs; one egg for four grains of drug, flour paste.

Mother's Remedies Part 91

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