The War Tiger Part 6
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As when Chow reached the police tribunal he found it closed for the day, he clattered upon a large gong or kettle drum, affixed to the door, a piece of great daring on his part; for if his business did not strike the mandarin as being of the greatest importance, he might make sure of some fifty blows for his impudence, for the public officers in China are quite as averse to doing too much for the public money as many that I could name of our own.
The door was opened and the boy was shown into the hall of audience, where he had not long to wait before the mandarin and four bamboo sticks in waiting made their appearance. "How, dog! Why this clatter at our gates when the tribunal is closed?" asked the surly grandee.
"Will the magnificent fountain of justice give his unworthy servant a private hearing?" said the bold boy, glancing significantly at the bamboo sticks in waiting.
"Let the fellow's mouth be opened with ten blows for his impudence,"
said the polite magistrate; but as the men were about to obey, Chow thrust his hand into his robe, and pulling out a letter threw it into the great man's lap, a piece of effrontery so beyond all precedent that the bamboo sticks waiting stood aghast and ready at a glance from the mandarin to immolate the profane boy. The magistrate, however, no sooner opened the paper than in tremulous tones he exclaimed, "Leave us alone, this fellow has matters of private importance to communicate."
This order having been obeyed, Chow broke through the rules of decency and etiquette by speaking before he was spoken to. "A crime has been committed within thy district, O mandarin, yet justice sleeps. Surely this is not according to the sacred books," said he.
"What dog's words are these? of what crime speaks the youth?" said the magistrate wildly.
"According to the sacred books, O mandarin, it is the magistrate's duty to discover and punish crime within his district. Yet, not withstanding the house of the retired innkeeper Hoang is in a well-guarded quarter of the city, it has been broken into and its furniture and valuables stolen; moreover what is more surprising in so populous a district, the thieves have escaped."
"What words are these?" said the mandarin again, being in fact so troubled that he knew not what to say.
"Truly, it is a shrewd maxim; 'that large fowls will not eat small grain,' yet, the largest may be choked if too greedy, for there are still larger birds to swallow them; in turn even thou mayst be stripped of thy rank and offices, if not strangled," said Chow, adding, "Would the lord of justice wish straighter words?"
The words proved straight enough to go direct to the mark, for the mandarin fell upon his knees and begged Chow to accept half his fortune, and although it would be letting his rogue off cheaply enough, the rescue of Nicholas was his object, and he promised to forego using his knowledge of the great man's delinquency, providing that he would give him an order under the official seal that would admit him to his master's prison. Rejoiced to purchase his safety so easily, the mandarin not only gave the order, but also promised to see that Hoang's property was restored to him within a few days. After this Chow gave a paper to the magistrate, and left the tribunal well satisfied with the result of his visit.
Now, as I dare say you are anxious to know how it came about that so poor a boy could have such power over so great a personage, I will tell you, and you will obtain some little knowledge how public affairs are managed in China, and moreover, learn that dishonesty may sometimes place the greatest official beneath the thumb of the smallest of persons, as indeed it happened in this case.
When Chow was chattering over his plans with the innkeeper he examined the box of pastiles, and on taking them out, discovered a paper at the bottom, evidently placed there for security, as the thieves could not have dreamt of leaving their most valuable implements behind. That paper was an order for four men, whose names were mentioned, to pa.s.s to the boats on the ca.n.a.l, with any quant.i.ty of goods, without questioning, and was signed with the character of the mandarin, which accounted for the thieves getting off with so many things, but it also proved that the mandarin was in connivance with them, and was in the habit of granting these to robbers in return for a large bribe. Now, as Chow could write very well, he immediately composed a letter to the mandarin, telling him the whole transaction, and, moreover, that the thieves were well known to a friend of his, who, if he did not return by a certain time that evening, would disclose the whole matter to the viceroy; therefore it was not to be wondered that the great man trembled and implored of Chow to accept half his fortune, for had it been brought before the viceroy he would, as Chow more than, hinted, in all probability have been strangled.
Having, at the same time, secured an order for admittance to Nicholas and the rest.i.tution of old Hoang's property, Chow went in search of a shop, where he purchased a rope of silk, and returned to the prison, which was next to the tribunal.
At that time far in advance, and even now not much worse than our own, the prisons of China are large and s.p.a.cious, and although some of the most criminal of the inmates are loaded with chains, the greater number are permitted to take exercise and converse with each other in an open court during the day. Their health is cared for,--if any are ill a physician attends them, and when a death takes place a report is sent to the Emperor, who issues orders for an examination, something like our inquests, into the cause, when should it appear that any of the officers are at fault, they are immediately degraded and punished. When a prisoner dies the body is not permitted to pa.s.s through the ordinary doorway, but through an opening reserved for the purpose. It is seldom, however, that deaths occur in these places, for should a person, especially above the lowest rank in life, be in danger, he or his friends pray that he may be taken without the walls to expire; indeed, so infamous is it considered for a corpse to be taken through this dead opening, that "May he be dragged through the prison hole" is the greatest expression of evil a person can wish his enemy.
The prison in which Nicholas was confined was a large building, with its front to the street and its back to the ca.n.a.l. There were three courts, each having treble gates, well guarded by armed sentries. Chow found no difficulty in pa.s.sing the first two gates, but the third was under the charge of the chief gaoler, who not only made him show the mandarin's order, but ordered two soldiers to accompany the boy to his master's cell, which was situated at the top of one of the four corners or towers, and overlooking the ca.n.a.l.
The armed men he met at every turn, and the dismal-looking strength of the halls, courts, doors, and staircases through which he pa.s.sed, made Chow feel very wretched, for not an atom of a chance could he see for a prisoner to escape. However no sooner did he again get sight of Nicholas than all difficulties vanished, his countenance brightened, and the affectionate fellow fell at his feet and wept with joy.
"How is this? surely thou art not a Christian, my poor friend, that they should bring thee here?" said Nicholas sorrowfully.
"Truly both servant and master are fortunate, for the mandarin has permitted them to keep each other company."
For some minutes Chow squatted upon the floor with his head bent to the ground, apparently in grief at his master's position. Really, he had not calculated upon the presence of the two gaolers; it was an awkward dilemma, still he was not one to stick at a difficulty, and so he began to think. His were not pleasant thoughts, for it was just possible that the mandarin on recovering from his fright might tremble at the probable consequences of permitting the escape of Nicholas, and to make his own peace confess the whole affair to the Christian-hating viceroy.
Having finished cogitating, Chow commenced a lively conversation with Nicholas about any thing and every thing but what was most on his mind; then he endeavored to chat with the surly gaolers; the attempt, however, proved a failure, till he brought forth a porcelain bottle filled with rice spirit. When the men grew better tempered, Chow said, "Is there any law that will prevent the honorable guard from bestowing upon his servants some hot tea, for surely it will refresh them?" Without making any reply, one of the gaolers opened the door and called aloud for the beverage.
Some minutes after swallowing the tea, Chow rolled over upon the floor, and howled like a dog; which extraordinary proceeding so alarmed Nicholas and the men, that one of the latter, throwing down his weapon, fell upon his knees and began to rub the sufferer's stomach. "Will the ungrateful villains let me die the dog's death for the want of a cup of water?" Surprised as they were at such a remedy, the frightened men provided the water, but at the same time pointed to the porcelain flask.
For the hint the patient thanked them, but he knew it would be of no use without hot water. Would the honorable gaolers get some?
That was another affair, for to ask for hot water would be to proclaim that rice spirit was being drunk in the prison, when gaolers as well as prisoners would be bambooed.
Then, having coaxed and importuned for some time fruitlessly, Chow held his hand upon his stomach, and alarmed Nicholas with performing a long series of tragic-comic grimaces and contortions, when seeing the men begin to tremble at the heavy punishment that awaited them if a prisoner died beneath their charge, he said, "Surely the n.o.ble guardians would not have it proclaimed to the next visiting mandarin that they have been drinking the prohibited spirit."
Perceiving now that they were upon the horns of a dilemma, the gaolers hesitated. Then a bright thought came to one, and he said, "Truly, the tea is cold; a fire-pan will warm it; and so it will not be suspected that rice spirit has been brought into the prison." Thus settling the matter to his satisfaction, the man procured a small dish of fire and a cup of cold water, when Chow had another attack, and in his paroxysms kicked over his tea-cup, and then very inconsistently clamored for cold water. This request being complied with, the patient sipped and appeared a degree better, for he then stood upon his feet and thanked his deliverers, and, moreover, offered them some more spirit, an offence which was repeated and accepted till both gaolers became very good-humored and talkative, first to Chow, then to Nicholas. Finding that they were busy with the latter, Chow sauntered up to the fire and sat before it, as if to prevent another attack by its heat. Then a sweet perfume pervaded the atmosphere, and so gradually increased in strength, that, imperceptibly to themselves, the tongues of the men slackened by degrees, their loud tones softened into silence, their heads waved gently to and fro, till, overcome by the density of the air, they fell sideways upon the ground. It was not far to fall, for they had been squatting upon the floor during their jovial conversation. Then taking a large sponge that he had been holding to his own nostrils, Chow held it to the nose of Nicholas, who, not being intoxicated with spirit, soon exhibited signs of returning animation, when creeping up to the drooping gaolers, he pa.s.sed something, not a sponge, near to their nostrils, which seemed to have the effect of double locking their senses. Then leading the half-insensible Nicholas to the window, he took a knife from his girdle and cut away the painted paper panes, when the cold air soon made the master as sensible as the servant.
Arresting by a sign, Nicholas's exclamations of surprise at these proceedings, Chow pulled forth the silken cord, fastened one end to the table, then tying his knife to the other end he let it gently down, and hung out of the window with it in his hand, as if he had been fis.h.i.+ng.
In a few minutes he obtained a bite, for the rope gave a jerk. This being satisfactory, he whispered to his master to descend by the loops.
Nicholas complied, and in one minute found himself in the arms of some person, and in another, carried into a small room, about large enough to hold four men. A minute more, Chow entered the cabin, the boat began to glide along the ca.n.a.l, and Nicholas comprehended the whole of Chow's scheme. Now you have the reason of his delight in seizing upon the box of pastiles, two of which he had managed to light while his back was turned to the gaolers. The cold water Chow knew to be an antidote to the stupifying effects of the perfume, if applied immediately, as in the case of Nicholas. As for the boy's illness, that was a ruse, and a very good one too, under the circ.u.mstances.
When the boat had run a sufficient distance from the prison, Sing, for he it was who had so ably aided in the escape, putting a pole in the hands of Nicholas, and taking one himself, they forced the little craft along the waters with the greatest possible speed. As for Chow, not finding another pole, and resolved not to be left out of the good work, he took off his boots, threw his legs over the stern, and helped to propel the boat by paddling against the water with his feet. By these means, in a very short time, they arrived at the back of Sing's house, which fortunately faced the ca.n.a.l. It was thus, indeed, that the innkeeper had been enabled to pa.s.s to the prison in the little san-pan which he had borrowed from a friendly boatman.
Going into the house to caution his wife against feeling alarmed at his probably prolonged absence, he left them for a few minutes, and when he returned they had no small cause to rejoice at his thoughtfulness, for his wife had just heard from one of the prison attendants, who lived at the inn, that about half an hour after their escape the relief guard of gaolers had discovered their absence, and sent a body of yah-yu, both by land and water, to recapture them.
"By the toe of the Emperor, the villain G.o.d has deceived me, for he promised a fortunate day," said Chow.
"It is thy head and heart, and not the foolish images, that have hitherto helped thee, Chow. We will now trust to the same aids, and by the a.s.sistance of the One true G.o.d, these rogues shall not overtake us,"
said Nicholas.
"The n.o.ble youth is brave, but he may not perform impossibilities,"
replied Sing.
"Truly it is not far to the river," said Nicholas.
"The river!" exclaimed Sing, with affright. "Truly Fo himself could not make a boat live upon the river such a night as this, at the full of the moon."
"It is our only safety, for these rascal yah-yu dare not follow," said Nicholas, who regarded the great and dangerous waters of the river as his native element, adding, "If thou, Chow, but show a brave heart."
"Truly, my master, Chow fears not men, but surely it would be a vile thing to anger the G.o.d of the waters, who may this night swallow all who dare to pa.s.s from the estuary."
"Art thou an idiot, that after the exhibition at the monastery, the folly of these toy G.o.ds of the bonzes is not imprinted upon thine eyeb.a.l.l.s?" said Nicholas, adding angrily, "But if thou fearest, hide thee with the good Sing, and thy master will brave the torrents alone."
"This thing may not be, O n.o.ble Nicholas, for rather than leave thee, thy servant would be a hundred times swallowed by Yen-Vang himself,"
said Chow.
"Thou art brave, youth, and may it please Fo to conduct thee safely to thy journey's end," said Sing, adding with alarm, "But see, yonder is the boat of the yah-yu, for surely no other would be in motion at this hour of the night."
"Then," said Nicholas, looking at a red light which appeared to be fixed at the prow of a moving boat, "we must labor for our lives, Chow."
The War Tiger Part 6
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