Manual of the Enumeration Part 11
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SPIRITUALITY, properly exerted, leads to BLESSING.
=--w--=SPIRITUALITY applies to all phases of your health, your mind, your money matters and your perception of Soul, whether you know it or not and whether you are knowingly religious or not.
The kindly thought, the gentle word, the benevolent action, all are the result of the Principle of SPIRITUALITY active in YOU, whether you seem to be giving the kindness or receiving it. Thru this Principle of SPIRITUALITY comes all the BLESSING that can be known to man or beast. Without this Principle of SPIRITUALITY life on earth would be unlivable.
=--x--=On the Seventh Day G.o.d rested from ALL His labor which He had made. This statement is in chapter 2 of Genesis. 2 makes a good 7 when turned upside down. After this Seventh Principle of SPIRITUALITY was brought into being, G.o.d never labored any more.
It is the culmination of all the Seven Principles and no further labor is needed. It signifies the working of all the LAW which G.o.d did make and nothing further can be added. Therefore G.o.d does not need to attend to any further detail of Creation; for by this Seventh Principle Creation operates itself. (Gen. 2: 2. Heb. 4: 1 to 5. See also Romans 14:5, 6.)
=--y--=The Enumerator learns now that it is not his effort or his strength of mind or body that brings things to pa.s.s, but that it is the ability to meditate, to come to the Principle of SPIRITUALITY, that brings the BLESSING of success and attainment.
We learn here too, "that which G.o.d doeth is perfect, no man can add thereto and no man can take therefrom." When we come to this Principle of SPIRITUALITY we have the BLESSING of that perfect peace which pa.s.seth all understanding.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Table of the Seven Principles, No. 8]
=--a--=Beginning in the center circle of this Table, we find the words "I AM THAT I AM," which were the words spoken to Moses from within the burning bush, AFTER he had put OFF his shoes and stood on holy ground. His shoes represented human and sense understanding. (Exodus 3:14.)
=--b--=This I AM is the center of all things, it is the I AM in YOU. You find that center when you have retreated from the sordid, material world, into fasting and meditation.
=--c--=In the next or second circle, proceeding upward or North, we find the signs Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] and Venus [Symbol: Venus].
=--d--=Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], the First Earth Sign, represents the Bull, a symbol of fertility and reproduction. Generation is earth's greatest Force and indicates the Power of nations. Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] is influenced by Venus [Symbol: Venus], the planet of Love, Art, Woman and the Home. Love is the final and greatest Force and produces the most Power of any influence known to man.
=--e--=In the 1 s.p.a.ce on this Table we see that the Father-Mother G.o.d (1) is the Cause and Effect of all Force and all Power, in Heaven and in earth. Force is the First Principle of Creation and the first manifestation of G.o.d. All of the words in the s.p.a.ce 1 represent positive or projective facts.
=--f--=In the 2 s.p.a.ce, in the second circle from the center, we find the signs for Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], and for Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]. Both the sign Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] and the planet Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] represent changes and movement and the constant use of the second principle of Creation, called Choice. While it may be true that a rolling stone gathers no moss, still the Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] and the Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] types quite often gather the best of riches, an erudite Mind.
=--g--=In religion the Creative Christ Consciousness (2) is represented as making the great Choice between the heavenly glory and the earthly servant-hood. In the garden of Gethsemane He is represented as making another great Choice between the Body mind fears and the fulfillment of His great mission, the conquering of Death (2). This is an example of the Law that like conquers like, the Lord Jesus Christ (2) conquering the last enemy, Death (2).
=--h--=At the base of the 3 s.p.a.ce in the second circle we find the symbols for Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], the sign of the home, representing the breast of man; and the Moon [Symbol: Moon], the planet of fruitfulness, fertility, mentality and Spirituality. We are told that the Spirit manifests in the breast of man and through his mentality and here we have the combining of what has been a veiled symbolism to many people.
=--j--=The Spirit of G.o.d (3) was to set all things in Order, for he was to "guide you into all Truth." (John 14:26 and 16:13.) Through this Spirit of G.o.d (3) comes the ability to give forth the great Truth of the Enumeration and through that Spirit also your ability to receive that Truth. Hereby know ye the children of G.o.d.
=--k--=The 4 s.p.a.ce has at its base, in the second circle, the symbols for Leo [Symbol: Leo], and the Sun [Symbol: Sun]. Leo [Symbol: Leo] represents the heart and the heart is the central and moving organ of the Physical Body (4). Leo [Symbol: Leo] is the sign of religion and is represented as the tribe of the Christ (5). The place of Leo [Symbol: Leo], being the fifth sign of the Zodiac, adds its value to the many significances pertaining to the Christ (5) also.
=--l--=The Physical Body (4) being a miniature universe, is made up of the elements of the universe. These elements blend and hold to their kind and to each other. This holding together is called Cohesion and is what gives the body its Strength. When we get fearful we are moving contrary to the law as touching upon Cohesion and we reduce our own Strength. The number 4 person is only strong when he is USING the law relating to Cohesion, by getting others to work WITH him.
=--m--=At the base of the 5 s.p.a.ce we find the symbols for Virgo [Symbol: Virgo] and Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]. Virgo [Symbol: Virgo], one of the most motherly of signs, represents motherhood when called upon to make one of its greatest sacrifices in manifesting the law of Rejection or Discard. Mother must give up her boy or her girl, that they may go out into the world. It is a law, from the great whales in the sea to the eagle in her nest; from the oyster under the ocean to the king upon his throne. When that law of Discard or Rejection is not obeyed, both the discarder and the should-be-discarded are injured or hurt by the very presence of each other.
=--n--=This applies also to friends who are not helping you to advance. You should continue to find ways to help them, when possible, but must cut off all ways in which they are keeping you back. If this cutting off cannot be done without stopping your help to them, then you must stop your help. If you cannot help them in a way that they can be caused to compensate, then you are not the ONE who should help them. You will have to decide in your own mind as to whether YOU are being helped or improved in your character by your helping of them.
=--p--=There are thousands of cases of a mother still carrying and supporting and defending a big hulk of a man, because he is her son. Both of them would have been far happier if that mother had studied this law of Discard from his babyhood, making him do everything possible for himself, even if it did take more time and effort than to do it for him. You can also see little, hardworking sisters supporting big, overgrown, lazy brothers, who work on that sisters sympathies; or because that sister has promised some dying mother to always "look after poor, dear Percy."
=--q--=Stop and think. Are you CRIPPLING the one you think you are helping? Are you encouraging them to still use the crutches of your support, when they would be ever so much stronger if compelled to walk alone? It is just as wrong for you to over-gratify your faculty of benevolence, your desire to feel the superiority-complex of having others depend on you, as it is to over-gratify any other appet.i.te or desire.
=--r--=The planet Mercury [Symbol: Mercury], signified in this 5 s.p.a.ce, means changes. See to it that these changes are made in the right time and for the right purpose.
[Sidenote: TRANs.m.u.tATION]
=--s--=The right operation of the law of Rejection or Discard will also bring about a new and better state of Morality, the Morality from within. Great men and women have not become so because they were total abstainers from things immoral, but because they controlled their emotions and subverted their personal feelings to the great object in hand, their life's mission. They being superior to the call of self, were neither moral nor immoral, but Unmoral, that is, they had perfect freedom, coupled with superb control, without supression. So they proved that ALL Honor must come from the Honor within, the Honor of the Spirit.
=--t--=Proceeding from the I AM center downward, in s.p.a.ce 6, we find in the second circle the symbols for Libra [Symbol: Libra]
and Venus [Symbol: Venus]. Libra [Symbol: Libra], the Scales in astrological understanding, is a fit symbol for Trans.m.u.tation, the sixth Principle of Creation, in that through Trans.m.u.tation things come to a balance. Strife ceases. The struggles are Trans.m.u.ted to success; the house becomes a tranquil home; the idea through travail and long struggle to express, becomes the great ideal. Venus [Symbol: Venus], the planet of love and art, is the balance of life and the great trans.m.u.ting force in the world.
=--u--=This struggle leading to tranquility; the long nights of doubt and planning leading to success, is typical of the Divinity of Parenthood (6) whether of brain children or of physical offspring. Trans.m.u.tation always leads to Glory, when its agonies are over.
=--v--=In the second circle from the I AM center, in the 7 s.p.a.ce, we find the symbols for Aries [Symbol: Aries], sign of the Head and the First Fire Sign; and of Mars [Symbol: Mars], planet of Force, Energy, Combat and s.e.x.
=--w--=Spirituality is perceived and expressed to the largest extent through the use of the head, in both the brain and the tongue. The force and energy of a highly Spiritual person are indicated by the planet Mars [Symbol: Mars] here also.
=--x--=It is noticeable that the highest spiritual thoughts are directly or indirectly connected with s.e.x. All religions have had a basis of it, from the most ancient to the most modern. This has furnished the theme for many opposers of religion and unbelievers who would make a great evil of religion on the ground that it includes s.e.x.
=--y--=To neutralize this it is useless to fight it. Resist not the so-called evil, but take the ground that Nothing is evil in the temple of the living G.o.d, "which Temple ye ARE." "Your BODY IS the Temple of the living G.o.d," and no part or function or appet.i.te of that Temple is evil. s.e.x is a divine inst.i.tution. So are water and fire. And either one of the three will destroy you if wrongly applied. Yet each of them promotes and causes life. It is the MISUSE of the functions of the body that destroys us, not the function as such. (See Paul's wonderful expositions of this truth in 1 Cor. 3:16 and 17; 6:19 and 20; 7:34 and 36. 2 Cor.
=--z--=After all it is the Subconscious (7) or Soul Mind in us that determines the direction of our progress to a large extent.
When we are in right attunement to that Subconscious (7) we come to the Blessing of that perfect liberty, we find souls of like nature, we are no longer restrained or fearful of man made laws and conventions. We LIVE the life of perfect freedom, in perfect control without restraint or fear.
=--a--=Taking this Table of the Seven Principles as a whole, we find that the first three s.p.a.ces, 1, 2 and 3, are ABOVE their basic planetary influences. This symbolizes the fact that the Father-Mother G.o.d (1) the Creative Christ Consciousness (2) and the Spirit of G.o.d (3) all manifest in us SUPERIOR to the law, that they are the makers of law, that law is beneath them as only a form of expression. For this reason the Christ, knowing ALL law, could do things that were beyond any perception of law that men had, hence they called His works miracles.
=--b--=We see that Cohesion and Rejection, or Discard, are horizontal to the planetary influences symbolized by the signs in the second circle from the I AM center. This shows that when we have not deliberately known and become superior to the planetary influences in the planes of the Physical Body (4) and the plane of Morality (5) we will be moved by those planetary influences just as the animals are. The less we know of them, the more they move us, just as is true with any other natural force.
=--c--=Trans.m.u.tation and Spirituality, the Divinity of Parenthood (6) and the Subconscious (7) have been put under the set of laws that come from the great Law.
=--d--=These laws manifest through the great Law, as planetary influences, as environment signified by the planetary influences and by many other things not so easily understood.
=--e--=This Table also shows that the positive or right side, the giving side, of life is indicated by Force, Order, Rejection (Discard) and Spirituality. These are masculine traits, four in number, affecting the Physical Body (4) and the Soul (4) signified on the other side of the Table.
=--f--=On the negative or feminine side, the receiving side, we have Choice, Cohesion and Trans.m.u.tation. In these two sides we see the eternal struggle between the male, positive, masculine and the female, negative, feminine. The Male (4) with his four positive qualities, desires the female (6) with her three negative qualities, thus clas.h.i.+ng the feminine number four (the number of his qualities) with her masculine number three (the number of her qualities). To offset this, she doubles her qualities, through her intuitions and inner perceptions, especially during pregnancy or gestation. Doubling the 3 by having the power of her own triune being outside, she often contains another triune being, her child, inside, thus doubling the 3, making her the mystic value of the 6, the female (6).
=--g--=When the male (4) and the female (6) are united "they twain shall become ONE flesh," 4 and 6 make 10. 1 and 0 make 1.
=--h--=Another mystic application of the trinity is seen in this Table, in combining the two bases of any one s.p.a.ce with its apex or master s.p.a.ce. For example:
=--j--=Our perception of the Father-Mother G.o.d (1) depends upon our perception of, and upon our having had experiences with, the Divinity of Parenthood (6) and the Subconscious (7). Force (the 1st principle) must base its usefulness, its foundation, upon Trans.m.u.tation (6th principle) and upon Spirituality (7th principle). If these are not included the Force becomes destructive and destroys itself and its own usefulness.
=--k--=Creative Christ Consciousness (2) can only manifest to us on earth, through Morality (5) and that Morality (5) must manifest first in the Subconscious (7). A Morality (5) based upon fear, or man made laws, will never stand. (Romans 8). We also see that Choice (2nd principle) always includes some demonstration of Rejection or Discard (5th principle), and Spirituality (7th principle). A little study will show this even in the most material transactions.
=--l--=Spirit of G.o.d (3) demonstrates as life through the Physical Body (4) which life includes physical demonstration of love, leading to the Divinity of Parenthood (6). The 3 of the Spirit of G.o.d manifestation is duplicated in the 3 of the family, the father, mother and child. It is the Spirit of G.o.d (3) that causes the family to be, and Paul says that those who will "forbid to marry", will be those who have DEPARTED from the faith. (1 Tim. 4:3.)
Manual of the Enumeration Part 11
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