Manual of the Enumeration Part 17

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=--b--=11, being two 1's, is a seeming paradox. 1 is a positive number, but adding the 1 and 1 gives us 2, which is a negative or receptive number.

=--c--=11 has long been considered by numerologists a master number. It is amusing, sometimes, to see the unlearned numerologist raise his eyebrows in apparent astonishment, because one may have an 11 in his name. What he does not see is that a great majority of people who have the number 11 in their name or birthdate, are not using it as 11 at all, but as its value, 2, which is vastly different.

=--d--=This leads to the question as to when the 11 should be reduced to its sum of 2 and when it should not be. When you are dealing with a very spiritual subject or person, in whom the 11 is evident by the full addition of name or birthdate or of a word, THEN you may leave the 11 and call it a master indication.

=--e--=For example, the word Jesus has a value of 11 and should be left that way, that is, as 11. So with the words Lord Jesus Christ, together, make 11, as well as the words Creative Christ Consciousness, making 11.

=--f--=In all these cases to get their value they may be left as 11. But to prove the position of the Christ as the Son of G.o.d, in the SECOND personality in the G.o.d Head, any of the above t.i.tles may then be reduced to their sum, which is 2.

=--g--=Unless you know a person to be a master or very highly developed in a spiritual way, you are usually safe in reducing the 11 to 2, for that type of person has either attained the heights that make him or her very obviously a master, or else has reduced the splendid 11 to its digit 2, in his life and actions and is consequently a common or mediocre type, quite frequently.

All indications point at least to a secondary position in life for a number 2 person, though they may possibly get to the position of chief attorney, chief adjuster, amba.s.sador, or become a great minister for some special thing or some great country or people. This they would do by working upward through their obstacles and restrictions to the top of the SECOND place, the idealized number 2. The 11 disciples watched Jesus (11) ascend.

His life had been SECOND in the minds of His generation, but after He ascended to become SECOND on the throne with the Father-Mother G.o.d (1) He became FIRST on earth.

=--h--=Still you should keep in mind that all these things are INFLUENCES only, not fates, and that other numbers may be strong enough to offset the 2 in your case.


=(See also the Number 2, Lesson 2)=

=--j--=In cases where you feel reasonably sure, from observation of the life and of your other numbers and indications of astral and other characteristics, that the person really IS living the life of the 11, a master life, then you may use the following definitions of positions to apply. Remember, that "by their fruits shall ye know them." (Matt. 7:16.)

=--k--11 as a Soul Path Number--=This would indicate that you chose a path of deep idealism in the lines of religion and philosophy. You desire to conquer the body and its pa.s.sions and may make the mistake of being too aesthetic. It will be well for you to avoid the total suppression of your nature as you may get a wrong impression that total suppression means a conquering, when it may mean a killing out of fine qualities in you. Let your MODERATION be known to all men, not too much nor too little.

(Phil. 4:5.)

=--l--11 as a Personality Number--=Here we see that you will need to do whatever your Soul has mapped out, in a masterly way.

Nothing short of the finished way of going about your life work will ever please you. See to it that you do each task thoroughly, even when it is a small one. If you would have the bigger work your mastery deserves, do the little work so well it will fade out of the picture. Remember that when the 11 is reduced it makes a 2, who easily becomes the idle dreamer, the sychophant. While 11 has a high vibration and indicates the master mind, the 2 can be either high or low in its vibrations, can be either a master or a slave.

=--m--11 as a Predominant Name Number--=Here the 11 means that you are likely to attract to yourself those who are masters in their line. It shows that it will be easy for you to attract very spiritual people around you; that you will readily understand the depth of their wisdom and be able in a fine way to imitate it.

You also make an excellent head for a campaign of lectures, being very useful in a.s.sembling the public for the finer type of spiritual teacher and lecturer.


=--n--11 as a Destiny Number--=This shows that the great objective of your soul in coming to this earth plane was to establish some new or deeper form of ethics or religion. You are marking a soul path through the universe that will be noted on earth for a great reform movement in which you will not appear very much yourself. Your great work will probably be carried out by some great speakers who will put it before the people. In this line be very careful also that you do not lose all the monetary reward that should be yours. You will need to make some very careful arrangements and find the types of people to help you who will work with you in the ideal side of the idea, rather than for the monetary rewards alone.

=--nn--11 as a Public Appearance Number--=This shows that you will best appeal to your public from the standpoint of the mysterious and the psychic. You should draw them to you from a religious standpoint from what they do NOT know about you, but from what they think concerning you.

=--p--=Your writings are likely to have a more far reaching effect than your speech. This place of the 11 also shows that you will attract great ideas and minds from the other planes out beyond this and that you will therefore need to be cautious that your work shall not be destroyed through ridicule before it is strong enough to stand alone.

=--q--Warning--=The mere fact that you have an 11 in your name or birthdate does not make you a master, nor give you anything to get superior over. You must pick UP that 11, keep it from descending into a 2 and go ON to your success. Having the qualities of a master does you no good till you USE them. It is what you DO with what you know that makes you what you ARE.

=Application of the Seven Principles to the= =Psychic Plane=

=--b--=FORCE, the First Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, inclines you to project the Soul out beyond the body in what are sometimes called Astral journeys. It also enables you to cause other people to do things when the desire of your Soul is in harmony with the commanding ability of your sub-conscious mind.

This requires the application of FORCE to your Psychic nature and leads to POWER with others. It was this application of FORCE that the Christ used in driving the money-changers from the Temple.

(John 2, 14; 16.) It led them to fear His POWER. If you will let your angry thoughts work themselves out in imaginary conversation when you are alone, you can direct those thoughts to the person at whom you are angry, and the FORCE will nearly always have the effect of making them come around to your way of thinking, if you KNOW just what you DO want them to DO.

=--c--=CHOICE, the Second Principle applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, will bring the companions.h.i.+p of other Souls to you in the silent hours. It will help you to have the right kind of people around you. You will attract those you can love by making a CHOICE of the kind you want, while you are in the quiet times of your meditations. You can make a CHOICE of the things you want, you can acquire RICHES if you only will devote your sub-conscious or soul mind to what you WANT, instead of worrying as to why you do not attain.

=--d--=ORDER, the Third Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, will help you have the right time and the right place for your meditations and for your other Psychic labors and efforts. You will avoid "casting your pearls before swine," (Matt. 7; 6) because you will tell your deeper experiences and emotions only in the proper ORDER, that is, to those who will understand. You will thus use WISDOM in the gaining of your psychic experiences and in their telling.

=--e--=COHESION, the Fourth, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, helps you to hold on and be firm in your convictions and not to be "turned about by every wind of doctrine," (Eph. 4:14.) It helps you to know what you know and be firm about it. If you have followed the instructions in the preceding paragraph on Order, you will know by now the sweet peacefulness that comes after a firm decision to stay by one thing. Here also you gain STRENGTH in the application of COHESION for you attract around you others who will have experienced things of the higher nature like yourself.

=--f--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, gives you the ability to "try the spirits, whether they are of G.o.d," (1 John 4:1.) It gives you the gift of "discerning spirits," oftentimes to a great degree. (1 Cor. 12:10.) You may know that you are exercising DISCARD on the Psychic Plane when your sleep is untroubled, yet pervaded by a sense of closeness of the Lord in your Soul; when you seem able to send gloomy thoughts away at will. Then you have DISCARDED the undesirable on the Psychic Plane. You have come over into the suns.h.i.+ne and away from the shadows.


=--g--=TRANs.m.u.tATION, the Sixth Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, leads you to see the beautiful beyond. Sometimes this develops so far that you cannot express it. Then you learn to apply the other principles previous to this one, from the force of being misunderstood. When you make this application you voluntarily shut yourself out from much of the world, you cease to care for many of the common things you once loved. This is the true and deliberate conversion, the real conversion, for it does not depend on the emotions of some great preacher or evangelist, but takes place silently, quietly, but quickly within yourself, when you apply TRANs.m.u.tATION to your Psychic nature and partake of the GLORY that is yours.

=--h--=Now you come to the first of the REAL BLESSINGS, the BLESSING that comes from the application of SPIRITUALITY to THE PSYCHIC PLANE.

=--j--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE, leads you into a dream state of blissful contemplation. It is a state to be attained only after you have applied all seven of the Principles to all four of the Planes up to this point. Now you begin to see the plan of all things, now your life has advanced till you are almost beyond the earthly.

You may even be called "super-human" by some from your powers of discernment. Your observation will be amazing, your memory prodigious.

=--k--=The chief way to attain this is not only thru meditations and many ventures into the Silences; it is also by the way of service to others who are ready to advance a step to where YOU are. You must be a faithful teacher to THAT one, to go on yourself, IT IS THE TEST. You must be aloof only to those who would oppose or spoil you. You must be HUMBLE to the seeker. You must be humble WITHIN, yet bold without.

=AQUARIUS= [Symbol: Aquarius] =SUB-LUMA=

=Sign No. 11=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Symbol: Aquarius]

=--l--=The Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius] Sub-Luma influences those born from Jan. 20 to Feb. 19 inclusive, in any year. The best forms of expression will be along the lines of Electricians; Inventors; Cooks; Caterers; Literary Arts; Vocal Musicians; Art; Aviation; Automobiles; Nurses for nervous and insane people; general Healing and sometimes Surgery.


=--m--=The most satisfactory mating would be in one of the Sub-Lumas of Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], Libra [Symbol: Libra], Aries [Symbol: Aries], Leo [Symbol: Leo], or Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius].

=ASTRAL CLa.s.sIFICATION= Planets Saturn= [Symbol: Saturn] =and Ura.n.u.s= [Symbol: Ura.n.u.s]

=--n--=Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] tends to give you a disposition that is sober, serious, and thoughtful. It is the planet that naturally rules old age, and its best influence is not usually seen until youth is pa.s.sed. It gives you self-control, reserve and restraint, as well as some natural inclination to frugality, prudence and cautiousness. You should also gain from it strength of will and a patient, persevering disposition, with calmness, fort.i.tude and serenity. You may at times be a little lacking in buoyancy and cheerfulness, and you do not unbend socially so easily as some persons can, or produce so much mirth, fun and jollity, although you can appreciate these when they come your way. You have a good deal of practical ability and can manage things and persons ably and economically. You are ambitious and can form far-reaching plans and schemes and spend a long time in carrying them out. The best lesson that Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]

teaches is self-control, prudence, patience, chast.i.ty, thrift and the meditative mind, as well as to distinguish between real worth and superficial pretentiousness.

Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is considered an unfortunate planet owing to its power to limit and restrict, it therefore has a binding and restraining influence. It is the bridge between the emotions and the mind and governs them until self-control is secured.

Ura.n.u.s [Symbol: Ura.n.u.s] has been called the eccentric planet. Its influence is chiefly seen in new inventions and electrical contrivances. You have more ability along these lines, no doubt, than you know about. This planet causes you to love the mystic and the occult. It leads you to great depths of thought and sometimes to sophistries and arguments that depend entirely on cleverness for their establishment.

[Sidenote: AQUARIUS [Symbol: Aquarius] SUB-LUMA]

=--nn--=Ura.n.u.s [Symbol: Ura.n.u.s] is rather an unsociable influence. It is likely to make you somewhat of a hermit or recluse, unless you offset its influences with something more practical and human. It is the planet of aloofness and seclusion oftentimes.

=Personal Cla.s.sification=

Manual of the Enumeration Part 17

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