Manual of the Enumeration Part 4

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=NUMEROLOGICAL TABLE OF THE ENUMERATION NO. 2= =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Sidenote: THE SON LUMA]

=(The 2 s.p.a.ce)=

[Ill.u.s.tration: 2]

=--a--=t.i.tle, CREATIVE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. These words have a value of 119. 1 and 1 and 9 make 11. The 1 and 1 of the 11 make 2, symbolizing the Second Person of the G.o.dhead.

=--b--=The Creative Christ Consciousness (s.p.a.ce 2 of the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s) represents the Soul in the high vibration. Soul and Lord mean the same in the Bible; and the Bible is much more easily understood if soul is known to mean the Lord. Each individual being on earth, man or beast, bird or serpent, vegetable or mineral, is expressing a part of that Soul or Lord.

Man is the Christ Consciousness expressing intelligence. All the rest beneath man are vibrational imitations or images of that expression. Having the Creative Christ Consciousness, whether consciously or unconsciously expressed, man is thus a G.o.d, in accordance with the scriptures, and the confirmation of the Christ Consciousness. (Psalms 82:6. John 10:33, 34.) The words Creative Christ Consciousness total to the number 2.

=--c--=The color for the Son Luma or 2 s.p.a.ce, is Gold. The Son Luma represents the Soul before its entrance into this incarnation in an earthly temple or body.

=--d--=The letters under the 2 are, B, K and T, meaning BEARER of the KING'S t.i.tHES. It symbolizes the Soul which inspires you to t.i.the or give the Tenth to spiritual things. It brings the secret blessing.

[Ill.u.s.tration: CHART OF THE LUMa.n.u.s]


=--e--=A conspicuous 2 in your name or birthdate (see page 13, paragraph e) tends to make you tactful, diplomatic, shrewd, and a power back of someone more dominant at times. Makes you somewhat feminine, kindly and gentle. Faults to be careful of: deceit, shallowness, a "me-too" servility and timidity.

=--f--=The planet of the 2 is the Moon [Symbol: Lune], decreasing. The sign of the 2 is Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] and Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius] the 11th sign. 1 and 1 make 2. If your name has in it a B, it increases your Soul qualities in the 2; if a K, it increases your Mind qualities; if a T, it increases your Body qualities, particularly as applied to your Spiritual understanding in all three cases.


=--g--2 as a Soul Path Number= (see page 3) shows that you chose a pathway where the qualities of diplomacy, tactfulness, and arbitration could be used. Your soul is seeking especially the use of the affections and emotions and their effects in life. You will naturally choose peaceful and quiet paths and about the only time you would fight is in defense of a friend, a loved one or a helpless person. In your own differences with others you will seek a path of peaceful, even though wordy, settlement.

=--h--2 as a Personality Number= (see page 4) tends to make you a sort of "power behind the throne," seeking the position of consultation, trust and counsellor to some more dynamic personality. Your personality readily makes friends and thus makes you a fine "mixer" for some types of genius who need friends but find it hard to make or hold them. You can therefore best manifest in this life as a secretary, diplomat, accountant, lawyer, adjuster of claims, etc. You will also find a natural channel along the lines of social service work.

=--j--2 as a Predominant Name Number= (see page 4) tends to attract to you those who are diplomatic, suave and even the cunning types, for which you must be careful and not be deceived by flattery. You will also naturally attract to yourself those who would use your diplomatic ability and then not admit that you had anything to do with the victory obtained. Be careful to see your own interests as well as the other person's in what you do and make them admit to start with that they DO need your help and will pay you for it in whatever manner you may now deem best.

Otherwise you will get soured on the "ungrateful world" and spoil your life as well as others.

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 2]

=--k--2 as a Destiny Number= (see page 5) shows possibilities in the lines of diplomacy, law and soliciting. It shows that your destiny is best worked out when working with others, although you may, through diplomatic and shrewd understanding, be up close to the head of a large business or very successful enterprises.

Still, you would always have a definite head to look to for final orders. Part of your destiny can well be worked out in social reform work of some type.

=--kk--2 as a Public Appearance Number.= As a Public Appearance Number, the 2 symbolizes the lawyer, the diplomat, the planner and giver of ideas. It shows that you can best appear before your public in a concealed manner, as the power BEHIND the apparent head of things. With this 2 you should strive to make your greatest mark as the director of the mind that will appear before the public. Keep your ambitions within those bounds.

=--l--Warning to Number 2.= FAULTS: Very easy for the 2 person to get disgruntled or peeved, to allow ambition to carry on beyond the right depths and to strive for that which will be practically so unattainable as to embitter, even if attained. Use diplomacy on self and show yourself what a good life this is after all, everything considered.


The SECOND Principle of Creation is CHOICE.

CHOICE, properly exerted, always leads to RICHES. CHOICE always affects your Riches, in health, mind, money or soul-perception, according to the way and manner in which you exert the CHOICE.

=--m--=In the first Chapter of Genesis we are told that on the Second Day G.o.d DIVIDED, or made a choice between, the waters (Truth) which were UNDER the firmament, the Physical Truth; and the waters (Truth) which were above the firmament, the Spiritual Truth.

=--n--=In this life the Enumerator learns to choose which is the Spiritual Truth, which is the Psychic Truth, which is the Monetary Truth, which is the Mind Truth and which the Animal Truth. Then the Enumerator APPLIES each Truth in the plane where it belongs.

Thus we know and USE the Truth on each plane, without belittling any. By this means we do not need to convert the Body or Animal nature. We merely keep it in its place and make it serve there, WHEN and HOW we will.

=TAURUS= [Symbol: Taurus] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 2=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Symbol: Taurus]

=--nn--=The Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] Sub-Luma influences those born from April 20th to May 19th inclusive, in all years. The best forms of its expression would be along the lines of Drama; management of Music and Public Entertainment in a comprehensive way; Engineers, especially engaged in constructing extensive earth works, hydraulics, civil engineering, etc.; precision work of all kinds, like Chemistry, Medicine, Designing, Patterns and Models. Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] people frequently succeed quite well as managers of large estates and large farms.


=--p--=The person expressing in the Taurus [Symbol: Taurus]

Sub-Luma, should mate for harmony and mutual benefit, with one expressing in one of the Sub-Lumas of Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], Virgo [Symbol: Virgo], Libra [Symbol: Libra], Pisces [Symbol: Pisces], Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] or Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio].

=ASTRAL CLa.s.sIFICATION= Planet Venus= [Symbol: Venus]

=--q--=Venus [Symbol: Venus] is the planet of love and beauty.

It strengthens the affections and it will make the social side of your nature active and strong. You are warmhearted and companionable, fond of the society of friends and relatives, of a loving and peaceable disposition, and favoring all that is harmonious and refined. You are fond of ease and comfort, of pleasure and luxury, and you may need to exercise some restraint over this side of your nature. Venus generally gives those who are born under it good taste and a love of beauty, of fine surroundings, clothes, ornaments, decorations, and an appreciation of neatness and orderliness. You probably have the ability to develop the aesthetic side of your nature in the direction of singing, music, art, poetry, etc., if you care to do so. The influence of this planet can also be adapted to a business life, as it gives some financial ability and good luck.

The disposition is usually cheerful, hopeful and good natured, and brings popularity and many friends.

[Sidenote: TAURUS [Symbol: Taurus]]

=--r--=Venus [Symbol: Venus] is the chief significator of love and marriage. It also has some influence over money matters and general prosperity, as well as giving a sense of beauty. You deal best with caterers, entertainers, sweethearts, ministers, hotel managers and theater owners. Venus is the planet for Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], April 20 to May 19, and for Libra [Symbol: Libra], September 23 to October 22.

=Personal Cla.s.sification=

Preferable Jewel Emerald Colors best to use and wear Rose Pink & Green Most Advantageous Day Friday Biblical Belongs in the Tribe of Reuben in Israel Bible References Gen. 49:3, 4; Deut. 33:6

=--s--=Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] is the head sign of the earthly triplicity, a negative and fixed sign, and second of the Zodiac.

You have a strong character, dogmatic and set in your ways, but usually sacrifice much to attain. You are very much interested in all psychic things, yet strongly inclined to materialism. Learn to trust your own intuitions and judgments, and do not allow the opinions of others to sway you. Love affairs take up a great part of your thoughts at present, but as you grow older they will be subordinated to their proper place in your life, and your marriage is destined to be very happy. Mentally you have a great deal of power, but desire is very often stronger than the will, and will express your mentality in a very matter-of-fact manner, as you seem to delight in being what you term "practical." In other words, you are more objective.

=--t--=You have distinct talent for the stage, and at times feel you would enjoy a Bohemian existence, but at other times know you prefer a solid comfort at home to all the hotel life and travel the stage would entail. You lift heavy burdens from the shoulders of others, out of mere kindness--with no thought of return from them, and yet out of mere kindness you are surprised at the ingrat.i.tude with which your efforts are received. You are fond of the opposite s.e.x, but as a whole, rather than of individuals. You will form one or two strong attachments, which will have the effect of changing your life. In money matters, you will be moderately successful.

Manual of the Enumeration Part 4

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