To The Gold Coast for Gold Volume II Part 18

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Smeathmannia p.u.b.escens, R. Br.

Sabicea Vogelii, Benth. var.

Ixora sp. f Rutidea membranacea? Hiern.

Randia ac.u.minata? Bth.

Dictyandra ? sp. nov.

Urophyllum sp. Gardenia? sp.

Gardenia ? sp Pavetta ? sp.

Canthium, cf. C. Heudelotii, cf. Virecta proc.u.mbens, Hiern.; Sm.

Seven imperfect Rubiaceae (Mussaendae, & c.).

Diospyros sp.? (corolla wanting).

Ranwolfia Senegambiae, A. DC.

Tabernaemontana sp. in fruit.

Apocynacea, fragment, in fruit.

Two species of Strychnos in fruit: one with 1-seeded fruit singular and probably new; the other a plant collected by Barter.

Ipomaea paniculata, Br.

Physalis minima, L.

Datura Stramonium ? sc.r.a.p.

Clerodendronscandens, Beauv.

Brillantaisia owariensis, Beauv.

Lankesteria Barteri, Hk.

Lepidagathis laguroidea, T. And.

Ocyinum viride, W.

Platystomum africanum, Beauv.

Brunnichia africana, Welw.

Teleianthera maritima, Moq.

Phyllanthus capillaris, Muell. Arg., var.

Alchornea cordata, Bth. (fruit).

Cyclostemon? sp. (in fruit only).

Ficus, 3 species.

Musanga Smithii ? (young leafy specimens).

Culcasia sp, (no inflorescence), Anchomanes, cf. A. dubius (no attached inflorescence).

Anubias ? sp. (no inflorescence).

Palisota thyrsiflora? Bth. (imperfect).

Palisota prionostachys, C.B.C.

" bracteosa, C.B.C.

Pollia condensata, C.B.C. (fruit).

Aneilema ovato-oblongum, P. de B.

Aneilema beninense, Kth.

Crinum purpurascens, Herb.

Haemanthus cinnabarinus? Denc.

Dracaena? sp. (fruit).

" (in fruit) aff. D. Cameroonianae, Bkr.

Flagellaria indica, L.

Cyrtopodium (? Cyrtopera longifolia, B.f.), no leaf.

Bulbophyllum ? sp. (no inflorescence).

Costus afer? Ker.

Trachycarpus (fruit) (= Vogel, no. 13).

Phrynium brachystachyum, Korn. (fruit).

Cyperus distans, L.

" sp.

" cf. C. ligularis, L.

Mariscus umbellatus, V.

Panic.u.m ovalifolium, P, de B.

Centotheca lappacea, Desv.

In fruit: a fragment, perhaps Anacardiacea.

Pteris (Campteria) biaurita, L.

" (Litobrochia) Burtoni, n. sp. 62.

Pteris (Litobrochia) atrovirens, Willd.

Lonchitis p.u.b.escens, Willd.

Nephrolepis ramosa, Moore.

" acuta, Presl.

Nephrodium subquinquefidum, Hook.

Nephrodium, type and var, N. variabile, Hook.

Nephrodium pennigerum, Hook.

Nephrodium? sp.

Acrostichum sorbifolium, L.

" fluviatile, Hook.

LyG.o.dium pinnatifidum, Sw.

Selaginella Vogelii, Spring.

" near anceps, A. Br.?

" near cathedrifolia Spring.


Lentinus sp.

Polyporus (Mesopus) heteromorphus, Lev.

Polyporus (Mesopus) acanthopus, Fr.

Polyporus (Pleuropus)lucidas, Fr.

Polyporus (Pleuropus) sanguineus, Fr.

Polyporus (Placodermei) australis, Fr.

Polyporus (Placodermei) hemitephrus, Berh.

Trametes Carteri, Berk.

" occidentalis, Fr.

Daedalea sangninea, Kl.

Hydnum nigrum? Fr.

Cladoderris dendritica, Pers.

Stereum sp.

_The remainder not determinable._


To The Gold Coast for Gold Volume II Part 18

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