Aunt Kitty's Stories Part 27

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When good King Arthur ruled his land He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley meal To make a bag-pudding.

A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuff'd it well with plums; And in it put great lumps of fat, As big as my two thumbs.

The king and queen did eat thereof, And n.o.blemen beside; And what they could not eat that night, The queen next morning fried.


As I went to Bonner, I met a pig, Without a wig, Upon my word and honor.

Pitty Patty Polt, Shoe the wild colt; Here a nail, And there a nail, Pitty Patty Polt.

Brow, brow, brinkie, Eye, eye, winkie, Mouth, mouth, merry, Cheek, Cheek, Cherry, Chin chopper, chin chopper.

Shoe the wild horse, and shoe the grey mare, If the horse wont be shod, let him go bare.

Lady-bird, Lady-bird, Fly away home, Your house is on fire, Your children will burn.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I caught a hare alive.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I let her go again.


Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near; Mamma is a lady, And that's very clear.

Cross patch, Draw the latch, Sit by the fire and spin; Take a cup, And drink it up, And call your neighbors in.


Bow-wow-wow, Whose dog art thou?

Little Tom Tucker's dog, Bow-wow-wow.


Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall; All the king's horses, and all the king's men Cannot put Humpty-Dumpty together again.

The Queen of Hearts She made some tarts, All on a summer's day; The Knave of Hearts, He stole the tarts, And took them clean away.

The King of Hearts Called for the tarts, And beat the Knave full sore; The Knave of Hearts Brought back the tarts, And vow'd he'd Steal no more.


Naughty Willey Bell Fell into the well, Though Mamma told him not to move its cover; For this stubborn little elf Only chose to please himself, Looking in, he turned giddy, and fell over.


But the gardener heard him shout, And with a.s.sistance got him out; You never saw a boy in such a mess; In future he will find Mamma he'd better mind, Nor again ever cause her such distress.


The queen of hearts She made some tarts, All on a summer's day; The knave of hearts He stole those tarts, And with them ran away: The king of hearts Call'd for those tarts, And beat the knave full sore; The knave of hearts Brought back those tarts, And said he'd ne'er steal more.


The king of spades He kiss'd the maids, Which vex'd the queen full sore; The queen of spades She beat those maids, And turned them out of door: The knave of spades Grieved for those jades, And did for them implore; The queen so gent, She did relent, And vow'd she'd ne'er strike more.


The king of clubs He often drubs His loving queen and wife; The queen of clubs Returns him snubs, And all is noise and strife: The knave of clubs Gives winks and rubs, And swears he'll take her part; For when our kings Will do such things, They should be made to smart.


Aunt Kitty's Stories Part 27

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