The Journal of the Debates in the Convention which framed the Constitution of USA Volume I Part 30
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Hamilton, who had gone to New York, wrote to Was.h.i.+ngton under date of July 3d:
"In my pa.s.sage through the Jerseys, and since my arrival here, I have taken particular pains to discover the public sentiment, and I am more and more convinced that this is the critical opportunity for establis.h.i.+ng the prosperity of this country on a solid foundation. I have conversed with men of information, not only in this city, but from different parts of the State, and they agree that there has been an astonis.h.i.+ng revolution for the better in the minds of the people.
"The prevailing apprehension among thinking men is, that the Convention, from the fear of shocking the popular opinion, will not go far enough. They seem to be convinced that a strong, well-mounted government will better suit the popular palate than one of a different complexion. Men in office are indeed taking all possible pains to give an unfavorable impression of the Convention, but the current seems to be moving strongly the other way.
"A plain but sensible man, in a conversation I had with him yesterday, expressed himself nearly in this manner: The people begin to be convinced that 'their excellent form of government,' as they have been used to call it, will not answer their purpose, and that they must subst.i.tute something not very remote from that which they have lately quitted.
"These appearances, though they will not warrant a conclusion that the people are yet ripe for such a plan as I advocate, yet serve to prove that there is no reason to despair of their adopting one equally energetic, if the Convention should think proper to propose it. They serve to prove that we ought not to allow too much weight to objections drawn from the supposed repugnance of the people to an efficient const.i.tution. I confess I am more and more inclined to believe that former habits of thinking are regaining their influence with more rapidity than is generally imagined.
"Not having compared ideas with you, sir, I cannot judge how far our sentiments agree; but, as I persuade myself the genuineness of my representations will receive credit with you, my anxiety for the event of the deliberations of the Convention induces me to make this communication of what appears to be the tendency of the public mind.
"I own to you, sir, that I am seriously and deeply distressed at the aspect of the counsels which prevailed when I left Philadelphia. I fear we shall let slip the golden opportunity of rescuing the American empire from disunion, anarchy, and misery.
"No motley or feeble measure can answer the end, or will finally receive the public support. Decision is true wisdom, and will not be less reputable to the Convention than salutary to the community.
"I shall of necessity remain here ten or twelve days. If I have reason to believe that my attendance at Philadelphia will not be mere waste of time, I shall, after that period, rejoin the Convention."--_Hamilton's Works_ (Lodge).
M^r Gerry delivered in from the Committee appointed on Monday last the following Report.
"The Committee to whom was referred the 8^{th} Resol. of the Report from the Committee of the Whole House, and so much of the 7^{th} as has not been decided on, submit the following Report: That the subsequent propositions be recommended to the Convention on condition that both shall be generally adopted. I.
that in the 1^{st} branch of the Legislature each of the States now in the Union shall be allowed 1 member for every 40,000 inhabitants of the description reported in the 7^{th} Resolution of the Com^e of the whole House: that each State not containing that number shall be allowed 1 member: that all bills for raising or appropriating money, and for fixing the salaries of the officers of the Govern^t of the U. States shall originate in the 1^{st} branch of the Legislature, and shall not be altered or amended by the 2^d branch; and that no money shall be drawn from the public Treasury but in pursuance of appropriations to be originated in the 1^{st} branch. "II. That in the 2^d branch each State shall have an equal vote."[125]
[125] This report was founded on a motion in the Co[~m]itte made by D^r Franklin. It was barely acquiesced in by the members from the States opposed to an equity of votes in the 2^d branch and was evidently considered by the members on the other side, as a gaining of their point. A motion was made by M^r Sherman. He acted in the place of M^r Elseworth who was kept away by indisposition, in the Committee to the following effect "that each State should have an equal vote in the 2^d branch; provided that no decision therein should prevail unless the majority of States concurring should also comprise a majority of the inhabitants of the U.
States." This motion was not much deliberated on nor approved in the Committee. A similar proviso had been proposed in the debates on the articles of Confederation in 1777, to the articles giving certain powers to "nine States." See Journals of Cong^s for 1777, p. 462.--Madison Note.
M^r Ghoram observed that as the report consisted of propositions mutually conditional he wished to hear some explanations touching the grounds on which the conditions were estimated.
M^r Gerry. The Committee were of different opinions as well as the Deputations from which the Com^e were taken, and agreed to the Report merely in order that some ground of accommodation might be proposed.
Those opposed to the equality of votes have only a.s.sented conditionally; and if the other side do not generally agree will not be under any obligation to support the Report.
Mr. Wilson thought the Committee had exceeded their powers.
M^r Martin was for taking the question on the whole report.
M^r Wilson was for a division of the question; otherwise it w^d be a leap in the dark.
M^r Madison could not regard the privilege of originating money bills as any concession on the side of the small States. Experience proved that it had no effect. If seven States in the upper branch wished a bill to be originated, they might surely find some member from some of the same States in the lower branch who would originate it. The restriction as to amendments was of as little consequence. Amendments could be handed privately by the Senate to members in the other house. Bills could be negatived that they might be sent up in the desired shape. If the Senate should yield to the obstinacy of the 1^{st} branch the use of that body as a check would be lost. If the 1^{st} branch should yield to that of the Senate, the privilege would be nugatory. Experience had also shewn both in G. B. and the States having a similar regulation that it was a source of frequent & obstinate altercations. These considerations had produced a rejection of a like motion on a former occasion when judged by its own merits. It could not therefore be deemed any concession on the present, and left in force all the objections which had prevailed ag^{st} allowing each State an equal voice. He conceived that the Convention was reduced to the alternative of either departing from justice in order to conciliate the smaller States, and the minority of the people of the U. S. or of displeasing these by justly gratifying the larger States and the majority of the people. He could not himself hesitate as to the option he ought to make. The Convention with justice & the majority of the people on their side, had nothing to fear. With injustice and the minority on their side they had every thing to fear.
It was in vain to purchase concord in the Convention on terms which would perpetuate discord among their Const.i.tuents. The Convention ought to pursue a plan which would bear the test of examination, which would be espoused & supported by the enlightened and impartial part of America, & which they could themselves vindicate and urge. It should be considered that altho' at first many may judge of the system reco[~m]ended, by their opinion of the Convention, yet finally all will judge of the Convention by the System. The merits of the System alone can finally & effectually obtain the public suffrage. He was not apprehensive that the people of the small States would obstinately refuse to accede to a Gov^t founded on just principles, and promising them substantial protection. He could not suspect that Delaware would brave the consequences of seeking her fortunes apart from the other States, rather than submit to such a Gov^t; much less could he suspect that she would pursue the rash policy of courting foreign support, which the warmth of one of her representatives (M^r Bedford) had suggested, or if she sh^d, that any foreign nation w^d be so rash as to hearken to the overture. As little could he suspect that the people of N. Jersey notwithstanding the decided tone of the gentlemen from that State, would choose rather to stand on their own legs, and bid defiance to events, than to acquiesce under an establishment founded on principles the justice of which they could not dispute, and absolutely necessary to redeem them from the exactions levied on them by the co[~m]erce of the neighbouring States. A review of other States would prove that there was as little reason to apprehend an inflexible opposition elsewhere.
Harmony in the Convention was no doubt much to be desired. Satisfaction to all the States, in the first instance still more so. But if the States comprehending a majority of the people of the U. S.
should concur in a just & judicious plan, he had the firmest hopes, that all the other States would by degrees accede to it.[126]
[126] Yates, and his colleague, Lansing, left the Convention July 5, despairing of the result of its labors being satisfactory to them. Madison's speech is the last one reported by Yates.--Yates, _Secret Proceedings_, etc.
M^r Butler said he could not let down his idea of the people, of America so far as to believe they would from mere respect to the Convention adopt a plan evidently unjust. He did not consider the privilege concerning money bills as of any consequence. He urged that the 2^d branch ought to represent the States according to their property.
M^r Gov^r Morris, thought the form as well as the matter of the Report objectionable. It seemed in the first place to render amendments impracticable. In the next place, it seemed to involve a pledge to agree to the 2^d part if the 1^{st} sh^d be agreed to. He conceived the whole aspect of it to be wrong. He came here as a Representative of America; he flattered himself he came here in some degree as a Representative of the whole human race; for the whole human race will be affected by the proceedings of this Convention. He wished gentlemen to extend their views beyond the present moment of time; beyond the narrow limits of place from which they derive their political origin. If he were to believe some things which he had heard, he should suppose that we were a.s.sembled to truck and bargain for our particular States. He can not descend to think that any gentlemen are really actuated by these views.
We must look forward to the effects of what we do. These alone ought to guide us. Much has been said of the sentiments of the people. They were unknown. They could not be known. All that we can infer is that if the plan we recommend be reasonable & right; all Who have reasonable minds and sound intentions will embrace it, notwithstanding what had been said by some gentlemen. Let us suppose that the larger States shall agree; and that the smaller refuse; and let us trace the consequences. The opponents of the system in the smaller States will no doubt make a party, and a noise for a time, but the ties of interest, of kindred & of common habits which connect them with other States will be too strong to be easily broken. In N. Jersey particularly he was sure a great many would follow the sentiments of Pen^a & N. York. This Country must be united. If persuasion does not unite it, the sword will. He begged that this consideration might have its due weight. The scenes of horror attending Civil commotion cannot be described, and the conclusion of them will be worse than the term of their continuance. The stronger party will then make traytors of the weaker; and the Gallows & Halter will finish the work of the sword. How far foreign powers would be ready to take part in the confusions he would not say. Threats that they will be invited have it seems been thrown out. He drew the melancholy picture of foreign intrusions as exhibited in the History of Germany, & urged it as a standing lesson to other nations. He trusted that the Gentlemen who may have hazarded such expressions, did not entertain them till they reached their own lips. But returning to the Report he could not think it in any respect calculated for the Public good. As the 2^d branch is now const.i.tuted, there will be constant disputes & appeals to the States which will undermine the Gen^l Government & controul & annihilate the 1^{st} branch. Suppose that the delegates from Ma.s.s^{ts} & Rho I. in the Upper House disagree, and that the former are outvoted. What Results?
they will immediately declare that their State will not abide by the decision, and make such representations as will produce that effect. The same may happen as to Virg^a & other States. Of what avail then will be what is on paper. State attachments, and State importance have been the bane of this Country. We cannot annihilate; but we may perhaps take out the teeth of the serpents. He wished our ideas to be enlarged to the true interest of man, instead of being circ.u.mscribed within the narrow compa.s.s of a particular Spot. And after all how little can be the motive yielded by selfishness for such a policy. Who can say whether he himself, much less whether his children, will the next year be an inhabitant of this or that State.
M^r Bedford. He found that what he had said as to the small States being taken by the hand, had been misunderstood; and he rose to explain. He did not mean that the small States would court the aid & interposition of foreign powers. He meant that they would not consider the federal compact as dissolved untill it should be so by the Acts of the large States. In this case The consequences of the breach of faith on their part, and the readiness of the small States to fulfill their engagements, would be that foreign Nations having demands on this Country would find it their interest to take the small States by the hand, in order to do themselves justice. This was what he meant. But no man can foresee to what extremities the small States may be driven by oppression. He observed also in apology that some allowance ought to be made for the habits of his profession in which warmth was natural & sometimes necessary. But is there not an apology in what was said by (M^r Gov^r Morris) that the sword is to unite: by M^r Ghorum that Delaware must be annexed to Penn^a and N. Jersey divided between Pen^a and N. York. To hear such language without emotion, would be to renounce the feelings of a man and the duty of a Citizen--As to the propositions of the Committee, the lesser States have thought it necessary to have a security somewhere. This has been thought necessary for the Executive Magistrate of the proposed Gov^t who has a sort of negative on the laws; and is it not of more importance that the States should be protected, than that the Executive branch of the Gov^t sh^d be protected. In order to obtain this, the smaller States have conceded as to the const.i.tution of the first branch, and as to money bills. If they be not gratified by correspondent concessions as to the 2^d branch is it to be supposed they will ever accede to the plan; and what will be the consequence if nothing should be done? The condition of the U. States requires that something should be immediately done. It will be better that a defective plan should be adopted, than that none should be recommended. He saw no reason why defects might not be supplied with meetings 10, 15, or 20 years hence.
M^r Elseworth said he had not attended the proceedings of the Committee, but was ready to accede to the compromise they had reported. Some compromise was necessary; and he saw none more convenient or reasonable.
M^r Williamson hoped that the expressions of individuals would not be taken for the sense of their colleagues, much less of their States which was not & could not be known. He hoped also that the meaning of those expressions would not be misconstrued or exaggerated. He did not conceive that (M^r Gov^r Morris) meant that the sword ought to be drawn ag^{st} the smaller States. He only pointed out the probable consequences of anarchy in the U. S. A similar exposition ought to be given of the expressions of (M^r Ghorum). He was ready to hear the Report discussed; but thought the propositions contained in it, the most objectionable of any he had yet heard.
M^r Patterson said that he had when the Report was agreed to in the Com^e reserved to himself the right of freely discussing it. He acknowledged that the warmth complained of was improper; but he thought the Sword & the Gallows little calculated to produce conviction. He complained of the manner in which M^r M and M^r Gov^r Morris had treated the small States.
M^r Gerry. Tho' he had a.s.sented to the Report in the Committee, he had very material objections to it. We were however in a peculiar situation.
We were neither the same Nation nor different Nations. We ought not therefore to pursue the one or the other of these ideas too closely. If no compromise should take place what will be the consequence. A secession he foresaw would take place; for some gentlemen seem decided on it: two different plans will be proposed; and the result no man could foresee. If we do not come to some agreement among ourselves some foreign sword will probably do the work for us.
M^r Mason. The Report was meant not as specific propositions to be adopted; but merely as a general ground of accommodation. There must be some accommodation on this point, or we shall make little further progress in the work. Accommodation was the object of the House in the appointment of the Committee; and of the Committee in the Report they had made. And however liable the Report might be to objections, he thought it preferable to an appeal to the world by the different sides, as had been talked of by some Gentlemen. It could not be more inconvenient to any gentleman to remain absent from his private affairs, than it was for him; but he would bury his bones in this City rather than expose his Country to the Consequences of a dissolution of the Convention without any thing being done.
The 1^{st} proposition in the report for fixing the representation in the 1^{st} branch, "one member for every 40,000 inhabitants," being taken up.
M^r Gov^r Morris objected to that scale of apportionment. He thought property ought to be taken into the estimate as well as the number of inhabitants. Life & liberty were generally said to be of more value than property. An accurate view of the matter would nevertheless prove that property was the main object of Society. The Savage State was more favorable to liberty than the Civilized; and sufficiently so to life. It was preferred by all men who had not acquired a taste for property; it was only renounced for the sake of property which could only be secured by the restraints of regular Government. These ideas might appear to some new, but they were nevertheless just. If property then was the main object of Gov^t certainly it ought to be one measure of the influence due to those who were to be affected by the Govern^t. He looked forward also to that range of New States which w^d soon be formed in the West.
He thought the rule of representation ought to be so fixed as to secure to the Atlantic States a prevalence in the National Councils. The new States will know less of the public interest than these, will have an interest in many respects different, in particular will be little scrupulous of involving the Community in wars the burdens & operations of which would fall chiefly on the maritime States. Provision ought therefore to be made to prevent the maritime States from being hereafter outvoted by them. He thought this might be easily done by irrevocably fixing the number of representatives which the Atlantic States should respectively have, and the number which each new State will have. This w^d not be unjust, as the Western settlers w^d previously know the conditions on which they were to possess their lands. It would be politic as it would reco[~m]end the plan to the present as well as future interest of the States which must decide the fate of it.
M^r Rutlidge. The gentleman last up had spoken some of his sentiments precisely. Property was certainly the object of Society. If numbers should be made the rule of representation, the Atlantic States will be subjected to the Western. He moved that the first proposition in the report be postponed in order to take up the following viz "that the suffrages of the several States be regulated and proportioned according to the sums to be paid towards the general revenue by the inhabitants of each State respectively: that an apportionment of suffrages, according to the ratio aforesaid shall be made and regulated at the end of ---- years from the 1^{st} meeting of the Legislature of the U. S., and at the end of every ---- years but that for the present, and until the period above mentioned, the suffrages shall be for N. Hamps.h.i.+re ---- for Ma.s.sach^{ts} ---- &c.
Col. Mason said the case of new States was not unnoticed in the Committee; but it was thought and he was himself decidedly of opinion that if they made a part of the Union, they ought to be subject to no unfavorable discriminations. Obvious considerations required it.
M^r Randolph concurred with Col. Mason.
On Question on M^r Rutlidges motion,
Mas^{ts} no. Con^t no. N. Y. no. N. J. no. P^a no. Del. no.
Mary^d no. V^a no. N. C. no. S. C. ay. Geo. not on floor.
M^r Gov^r Morris moved to commit so much of the Report as relates to "1 member for every 40,000 inhabitants." His view was that they might absolutely fix the number for each State in the first instance; leaving the Legislature at liberty to provide for changes in the relative importance of the States, and for the case of new States.
M^r Wilson 2^{ded} the motion; but with a view of leaving the Committee under no implied shackles.
M^r Ghorum apprehended great inconveniency from fixing directly the number of Representatives to be allowed to each State. He thought the number of Inhabitants the true guide; tho' perhaps some departure might be expedient from the full proportion. The States also would vary in their relative extent by separations of parts of the largest States. A part of Virg^a is now on the point of a separation. In the province of Mayne a Convention is at this time deliberating on a separation from Mas^{ts}. In such events the number of representatives ought certainly to be reduced. He hoped to see all the States made small by proper divisions, instead of their becoming formidable as was apprehended, to the Small States. He conceived that let the Gen^l Government be modified as it might, there would be a constant tendency in the State Governm^{ts} to encroach upon it: it was of importance therefore that the extent of the States sh^d be reduced as much & as fast as possible.
The stronger the Gov^t shall be made in the first instance the more easily will these divisions be effected; as it will be of less consequence in the opinion of the States whether they be of great or small extent.
M^r Gerry did not think with his Colleague that the large States ought to be cut up. This policy has been inculcated by the middling and smaller States, ungenerously & contrary to the spirit of the Confederation. Ambitious men will be apt to solicit needless divisions, till the States be reduced to the size of Counties. If this policy should still actuate the small States, the large ones cou'd not confederate safely with them; but would be obliged to consult their safety by confederating only with one another. He favored the commitment and thought that Representation ought to be in the Combined ratio of numbers of Inhabitants and of wealth, and not of either singly.
M^r King wished the clause to be committed, chiefly in order to detach it from the Report with which it had no connection. He thought also that the Ratio of Representation proposed could not be safely fixed, since in a century & a half our computed increase of population would carry the number of representatives to an enormous excess; that y^e number of inhabitants was not the proper index of ability & wealth; that property was the primary object of Society; and that in fixing a ratio this ought not to be excluded from the estimate.--With regard to new States, he observed that there was something peculiar in the business which had not been noticed. The U. S. were now admitted to be proprietors of the Country N. West of the Ohio. Cong^s by one of their ordinances have impoliticly laid it out into ten States, and have made it a fundamental article of compact with those who may become settlers, that as soon as the number in any one state shall equal that of the smallest of the 13 original States, it may claim admission into the Union. Delaware does not contain it is computed more than 35,000 souls, and for obvious reasons will not increase much for a considerable time. It is possible then that if this plan be persisted in by Cong^s 10 new votes may be added, without a greater addition of inhabitants than are represented by the single vote of Pen^a. The plan as it respects one of the new States is already irrevocable, the sale of the lands having commenced, and the purchasers & settlers will immediately become ent.i.tled to all the privileges of the compact.
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