The Dales of Arcady Part 5

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To-night we're severed, many miles apart: I wonder, canst thou rest, my Dearest Heart?

In Court of Dreams perhaps we'll briefly meet And kiss upon the Borderland of Sleep.

O Husband Sweetheart! say for me a prayer-- G.o.d give you peace, and have you in His care!



You and King Yesterday both have fled To the Land-of-the-beautiful-days-that-are-dead.

How full of bird music the dewy-fair Morn When Yesterday, King of the Past, was born;

How rosy with roses the pa.s.sionate noon When you and King Yesterday ruled sweet June;

How royal with splendour the crimsoning west As Yesterday bravely grew old with zest;

And eve was a glamour of emerald light When Yesterday greeted the world "Good-night."

Oh! You and King Yesterday gently wean My thoughts to the Country-it-might-have-been.


Thou canst not kiss without consent, For know, dear Thief, a kiss is lent; And if thou takest one to-day, With interest must thou repay: One now, next week I'll count in fives,-- Thou'lt owe some scores in Paradise!



Some tell me "_Life is a weariful thing, That Sorrow remains, while joy takes wing._"

But Sorrow and I already have met: His face is wan and his lips are set; He cometh and goeth on silent feet, Yet between his visits are moments sweet, Moments that come like a blackbird's dart, When Happiness holds me close to his heart; When I sense the rapture of swinging skies And know the thrill of the spring's surprise, As I lie on the mothering Earth's deep breast And clasp my tremulous bosom, lest Some unknown loveliness I might miss, Or forgetful be of the West Wind's kiss.

Like the blackbird's notes in the early hours Which fall like a peal of silver flowers, Joy rings his bells in my waiting ears, And Sorrow departs to his silent meres.

"_And if he returns?_"--my soul will sing Remembering Joy who has taken wing!



(To My First Love, Daddy)

A thrush's call Has chanced to fall Into my heart Where dwell apart Dear memories Of summer skies, Of heartsome days, Of flower-fair ways, Of kisses shy With people high.

What did I ken Of lovers then, Of lover-laws, Of lover-saws?

The sweet, sweet earth Was giving birth To lovely things With songs and wings; And yonder thrush On yonder bush Brings home to me The little years of memory.


(_There is a country saying that spring has not come until you can set your foot on seven daisies at once_)

"_O! How do you know When spring has come?

Still falls the snow And the birds are dumb._"

The gra.s.s will wear A greener tone, The thrush will dare To carol alone.

The silver rain Will warmly fall, The woods will gain The blackbird's call.

But the way to tell, And the only way, Is to find a dell Where the breezes play,

And seek and seek Where the daisy-bloom Shows white and meek Like a baby moon.

And when your foot treads With tender fear On seven white heads,-- Then spring is here.



(For My Little G.o.d-son)

G.o.d Darling! Listen to my song, The one I sing the whole day long, Of thanks to Thee for every good, Whether at home, in field, or wood.

I thank Thee for the lovely spring, And for Thy little birds that sing; I thank Thee for the summer's sun, When 'mong the roses I can run.

I thank Thee for the sickle time, When corn is ripe, and apples prime.

I thank Thee for the deep white snow, When I tobogganing can go.

I thank Thee for the bright sweet day, For hours of love and work and play; I thank Thee for the deep blue night When I and flower-buds fold up tight.


The Dales of Arcady Part 5

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