The Guide to Reading Part 8

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14th. The Bastille Destroyed, 14 Jl. 1789 I. Carlyle's The Flight to Varennes from "The French Revolution," 2-Pt. I:87-110

15th. Battle of Chateau Thierry, 15 Jl. 1918 I. Grenfell's Into Battle, 15:217 II. Keats's La Belle Dame Sans Merci, 10:85-87 III. Ode to a Nightingale, 13:132-135 IV. Ode, 13:135-137 V. Ode to Psyche, 13:139-141 VI. Fancy, 13:143-146

Books are the food of youth, the delight of old age; the ornament of prosperity; the refuge and comfort of adversity; a delight at home, and no hindrance abroad; companions at night, in travelling, in the country.



16th. ROALD AMUNDSEN, b. 16 Jl. 1872 I. Amundsen, 16-Pt. II:147-15l II. Masefield's Sea Fever, 12:334

17th. I. Keats's Robin Hood, 14: 146-148 II. Sonnets, 13:223-227 III. Sh.e.l.ley's Hymn of Pan, 12:44-45 IV. Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills, 14: 61-73 V. Stanzas Written in Dejection, 14:73-75

18th. WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY, b. 18 Jl. 1811 I. De Finibus, 1-Pt. I:143-157 II. Ballads, 1-Pt. I:161-164

19th. I. Derby's Ill.u.s.trated Newspaper, 7-Pt. II: 11-19 II. Tushmaker's Toothpuller, 7-Pt. II:53-56 III. Burdette's Romance of the Carpet, 9-Pt. I: 38-40

20th. JEAN INGELOW, d.20 Jl.1897 I. High Tide on the Coast of Lincolns.h.i.+re, 10:263-269 II. Sh.e.l.ley's The Cloud, 14:90-93 III. Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, 13:121-124 IV. To a Skylark, 13:124-129 V. Arethusa, 11:140-143

21st. Robert Burns, d. 21 Jl. 1796 I. Thoughts, 15:65-67 II. Sh.e.l.ley's Love's Philosophy, 12:160 III. I Fear Thy Kisses, 12:161 IV. To----, 12:161-162 V. To---, 12:162

22nd. I. Sh.e.l.ley's Ozymandias of Egypt, 13:222-223 II. Song, 12:225-226 III. When the Lamp Is Shattered, 12:274-275 IV. Tennyson's The Gardener's Daughter, II:17-28 V. The Deserted House, 15:23-24

Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtile; natural philosophy, deep; morals, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.


July 23rd to 29th

23rd. U. S. Grant, d. 23 Jl. 1885 I. Lincoln to Grant, 5-Pt. I:121 II. Tennyson's Ulysses, 14:175-177 III. Ask Me No More, 12:180 IV. The Splendor Falls, 12:181 V. Come into the Garden, Maud, 12:182-184 VI. Sir Galahad, 14: 184-186

24th. John Newton, b. 24 Jl. 1725.

I. The Quiet Heart, 15:170 II. Tennyson's The Miller's Daughter, II:31-40 III. The Oak, 14:41 IV. Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere, 10:51-53 V. Song, 12:54-55

25th. I. Tennyson's The Throstle, 12:55-56 II. A Small, Sweet Idyl, 14:79-80 III. Merlin and the Gleam, II:122-127 IV. The Lotos-Eaters, 14:135-143 V. Mariana, 14:162-164

26th. I. Stevenson's Markheim, 20-Pt. I:103-129

27th. Thomas Campbell, b. 27 Jl. 1777 I. The Soldier's Dream, 10:186-187 II. Lord Ullin's Daughter, 10:259-261 III. How Delicious Is the Winning, 12:165-166 IV. To the Evening Star, 12:47

28th. ABRAHAM COWLEY, d. 28 Jl. 1667 I. A Supplication, 13:59-60 II. On the Death of Mr. William Hervey, 15:80-86 JOHN GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE VISCOUNT DUNDEE, d. 28 Jl. 1689 III. Scott's Bonny Dundee, 10:183-186

29th. DON MARQUIS, b. 29 Jl. 1878 I. Chant Royal of the Dejected Dipsomaniac, 9-Pt. I:143 BOOTH TARKINGTON, b. 29 Jl. 1869 II. Overwhelming, 22-Pt. I:101

Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. Books are not seldom talismans and spells.


July 30th to August 5th

30th. JOYCE KILMER, killed in action, 30 Jl. 1918 I. A Ballad of Three, 10:311 II. Trees, 12:329 III. Noyes's The May Tree, 12:327

31st. I. Tennyson's Song of the Brook, 14:99-101 II. O That 't Were Possible, 12:185-188 III. Morte d'Arthur, 11:204-215 IV. Sweet and Low, 12:249-250 V. Will, 14:259-260

Ag. 1st I. Tennyson's Rizpah, 10:279-285 II. The Children's Hospital, 11:310-315 III. Break, Break, Break, 12:320 IV. In the Valley of Cauteretz, 12:321 V. Wages, 12:321-322 VI. Crossing the Bar, 12:324 VII. Flower in the Crannied Wall, 13:280

2nd. I. Browning's Love Among the Ruins, 11:28-31 II. My Star, 12:58-59 III. From Pippa, 12:59 IV. The Boy and the Angel, 11:133-137 V. Epilogue, 15: 143-144

3rd. H. C. BUNNER, b. 3 Ag. 1855 I. Behold the Deeds! 7-Pt. II:123-125 II. The Love Letters of Smith, 8-Pt. I:89-104

4th. PERCY BYSSHE Sh.e.l.lEY, b. 4 Ag. 1792 I. The Sensitive Plant, 11:54-68 II. To Night, 12:43-44 III. The Indian Serenade, 12:159-160

5th. GUY DE MAUPa.s.sANT, b. 5 Ag. 1850 I. The Piece of String, 21-Pt. II:96-106 II. The Necklace, 21-Pt. I:94-106

Plato is never sullen. Cervantes is never petulant. Demosthenes never comes unseasonably. Dante never stays too long.


AUGUST 6th to 12th

6th. ALFRED TENNYSON, b. 6 Ag. 1809 I. Alfred Tennyson, 17-Pt. I:38-42 II. Dora, 11:11-17 III. The Lady of Shalott, 10:73-79

7th. JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE, b. 7 Ag. 1795 I. Halleck's Joseph Rodman Drake, 15:104-105 II. Browning's Prospice, 15:145-146 III. Pied Piper, 11:163-173 IV. Meeting at Night, 12:189-190 V. Parting at Morning, 12:190

8th. SARA TEASDALE, b. 8 Ag. 1884 I. Teasdale's Blue Squills, 12:327 II. The Return, 12:338 III. Browning's Misconceptions, 12:190-191 IV. Rabbi Ben Ezra, 14:191-199

9th. JOHN DRYDEN, b. 9 Ag. 1631 I. Alexander's Feast, 13:63-70 II. Ah, How Sweet It Is to Love! 12:140-141 III. The Elixir, 15:150-151 IV. Discipline, 15:151-152 V. The Pulley, 15:153-154

10th. WITTER BYNNER, b. 10 Ag. 1881 I. Sentence, 13:295 II. Browning's Soul, 14:199-221 III. Herrick's To Blossoms, 12:33-34 IV. To Daffodils, 12:34 V. To Violets, 12:35

11th. I. Herrick's To Meadows, 12:35-36 II. Lacrimae, 15:41-42 III. The Primrose, 12:124 IV. Litany, 15:158-160 V. Lowell's Madonna of the Evening Flowers, 11:319

12th. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, d. 12 Ag. 1891 I. Rhoecus, 11:127-13 3 II. The Courtin', 11:230-233 III. The Yankee Recruit, 7-Pt. I:52-60

Give us a house furnished with books rather than with furniture.

Both if you can, but books at any rate!



13th. Battle of Blenheim, 13 Ag. 1704 I. Southey's After Blenheim, 10:192-194 II. De Quincey's Going Down with Victory, 4-Pt. II: 107-119

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