The Assemble of Goddes Part 13

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That is to say the Deuyll & the Flesshe And also the worlde with hith his glosyng chere Whyche on you loketh euer newe & fresshe But he is not as he dooth apere Loke ye kepe you ay out of his daungere And soo the vyctory shall ye obteyne Vyce fro you exyled & Vertue in you reyne

And then shall ye haue the tru{m}phall guerdon That G.o.d reserued to euery creature Aboue in his celestyall mansyon Ioye & blysse infynyte eternally to endure Wherof we say we wolde fayne be sure But the way thyderwarde to holde be we lothe That oft sythe causeth {the} good lord to be wrothe

And by our deserte our habytacyon chau{n}geth Fro Ioye to payne & woo perpetuelly From his gloryous syght thus he vs estrau{n}geth For our vycyous lyuyng thorugh our owne foly Wherfore let vs praye to that lorde of glory Whyle we in erthe be {that} he wyll yeue vs grace So vs here to guyde that we may haue a place

Accordyng to oure Regeneracyon Which heuenly spyrytes his name to magnyfy.

Whiche downe descendeth for oure redempcyon Offryng hymselfe on the crosse to his fad{er} on hy Now benygne Ihesu that boren was of Mary All that to this vysyon haue gyue{n} her audyence Graunte eternal Ioye after thy last se{n}tence


Here endeth a lytyll Treatyse named The a.s.semble of G.o.ddes

The Assemble of Goddes Part 13

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The Assemble of Goddes Part 13 summary

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